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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Sep 1948, p. 4

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ORPONO- WEBKLY TJMES THURSgDAY, SYPT. 23rd, 194&. IIHARTLIEY. H. BARLOW FUNERAL DIRECTOR &ý- HOME FUR-NISHINGS Orono, Ontario MODERN EQUIPMENT At Your Service in Time ofNeed FOUTRTEEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE Phone 18 r 7 (Day or Night) Port Hope Agricultural October lst and 2ad Amateur Coîupetitions, Fiddlers, Quadrili Calling, Clowns, Potato Race, TQp Dancing, Log Sawing SPECIAL PONY CLASSES BEAUTY CONTEST Orien to Durham and Northumberland $125.0O in -Prizes STEELE'S CAVALCADE 0F STA9S, (Rodeo)' Fridayt, and Saturday nights,*File Arena Ad. 75C. Dance and Floor Show TOWN HALL, SATLJRDAY NIGU-T Ruûss Creighton's Orchestra - Admission 75c. JUST1 WUTH ACIVITY for -mon w0soleailatsporeo... "Its a Cmcreof at yu oVanmofy, Ausrhum- iningwith actrvi t for nîwith a ev ig osae Ia thre wide lbsr of acfivities o dby ire u aian ýlAnmy Resenve Force, you'll fin ýthings to trun -hS l frec cTcings into inwnsting and evc exciting ones. Yo-) ." cnjoy the fxll pormeof social an ,isports events. You' e o of the gang" -with other Resgme Fonce mcn who arefkding tha tfireaouyis thein eroal "cuis Ail thc last e-quipme-int anid weapons une now being uised forReee Fonýce rinn.Tire summeiiir camp sessins give you thre oppontunity nogez away ani ourto wthe open. To topnit ail, you wMlA rceiv fLI jActive Fonce puy for- ail time sýpcnt in training andl camp. 'SEE FOR YOURSELF" by visiting your localRee Force 1unrit's opn ouse, paradeJCs o eosrdn NEW'%vTriN VI LLIE <Cniuafi>rm pag-e one) campsponoret by t'le _Bapts for t'he e.e y on it barýd te break aaorn fini fyee- Yeuar. On Sunday BIV ud JonI-es nd (Elgin S.aver'y' of Obaulf toteenter Queens Uuvenst Ut Kngsnû1. Mn tou, thýe ,boys tiwni-ndwere dinner guets it Mn ad Mrs. 'Wiilis The ý-Newtco-vile C'..ommunity HA' wï>srreopeni on, !Fniday evening o 1e1 o i one b 1nretictizens, young ani d gat4e. t tenjoy the fl.sýt cud prtyJftbie season. Pnizes %vere won 1 _1 ercy Farrow, Miss Norma Huallowell, M ts. Stanley Thompson, Mi1ss Anniie Wralanti Mms. Porter. Fo,!l'loing cri lunch was servedatidaýncing enjoyed, the music suI t' y the Fro or- chestra, with Mrs. iiew laioel t the piono. Muny -favorub'e en- ments we re receiveti by 1Vie H211I Committee regarding thé lendid decorting job on >the hal hy A. Red-- knap antiD, Abernetby7,. W. M. S. Meeting The September meeting o? the W. M. S. weq'ý held in the hýýome of thef v1-.e-presid-enit, IMr sGeoý.Sapeo on Tuesday 2fter.noon-l, ltwt about t-wenty present. Ms ors Baby Baud seeefiy, witbl Me-, dames J0nand )Sidneyv Lancas-ter. anti Mrs-H. A. Bunt were apoinýý)Itti a ý oo Itte ,incharge of Bbe anti Mth-s'D in Oýcthr. Ques- tienes-, n chiurchelndr s lerf+ ve-until tthe W. A. w S Con- sueti selans cf selling a e haar. mfter the business session the presi- dent rend a poem: 'Mrs. C. Robinson 'hri char-e cf the last chanbter o? the 1JuvPIck. The Vie-Presotient thonnrodceiberlos .Mos. Ai- lin .-1f T Lo-s AngeleýS, lo aea 'nlotitiatires on the wr scr retion i ~e'hbore Cbu1-C1h She os Lnave afn icture cf C-liforni-a a Sate on~e tesent, now il'es at social balbour ejy id ly -. wormen's Institute Meeting The September metn of thei Niwtonville -.W. 1. was fbeldti uthtel hoýme cf Miss Jennie Tho'mpson, witb the president.Mr& eorýge Kimbli. residing, The fomer committee for oversoas cohn was again ap- pointeti aniwilljreetVHis w-eek te make plans. The hryco ite will also meet anti Mrs. Kimballs. The Geoup who lokei ater tihe ex- hilit ut Fon air 'were icompli- mentoti on thei ucess .n'wnnn fi-st place. Tb!ey v.,eriýe isked to s how th!e saine ut Pont Hojpe. Cn vener Miss Thontpson teck Tthe chair- for the porm Roîl Cal, "Some- vtbing I lhave learneti hy experience." Vocal olo ly Mrs. Redknap. District Prosident, Mrs, RoI-lb cf 0Ono, "as gus peaker, and ber' tapie 5fat and Ctznbp was really worthý he-arrng. Seli teiti us w"e well mliît taie he loan"To kn-ýow is net enu"We Im-uSet put tLhissSimple knowedge inito prictdce. Women as bosdkepesare 'b üildersc f t' - mîorroýw, The meeting closeti it the national antbe-m. Mrs. Edgaý,ri H'arcourt presenteti a contest ie lunch was prepared. Twenty mnem- bers anti two visitons were prosent., CAFITOL PRT'leH OPr-E WVed. - Fri., Sept. 22-21 ',RO MANCE ON THE ilIGH SEAS" hoipial o 'htirsdey, $opt. 16,1 194, illiam Clarke, lbeloed h 1 Offld of Mary;M. Marnston os 23ý 'flyraAv., ndfather o'f William and Eoet nhis 9thyarRet igat feUn leDouga',lahdBr ow i Clipel, 1491 Da"anfoiflh Ave, nea r C'oxweli, Service 30oclock,atudy Interiment Pine H311ls emi-eter-y. 4Lippett, Kate - A\t St, ýMîchaýel's hospitail on Tuesdlay, Sept. 14, 19418, Kate Neale, heloved wife of James Lýppett, Fisherville, dear mothor of Beatrice (Qiary Hlarry Aniders on), and Douglas.,Ret in-- ut Bro-an Brothers Funerýal Home, El-ling-toni Ave. at Dufferin St. Funierul ser- vice on Fidry at 2 p.m. IJnternoent Memcrial Park comnetery. CARD OF THA- NKS Mrs. -E. W. (Rih.) sby ani-, f.amily, of R. R. 5, VnWagnier. Beach, wis:h Vo o. ýpes/to tleir m friends, relative n'Èýid nei gors their heartfelt tha sndpec- tion for acts of ns, ae of sympathy andhautfuy floral trilyutes extende k'to jAm nthleir recent sud bere ýývemeni t,'tlihe loss of a dear isan nd terM e~ pecially thunking the Rev.R.WM- Laughilin for is omorig ors SALE R-EGISTERS I have Ibeeni authorized to seli b)y publ1c auctioi, ut Lot 9, con< 10, Clavan Township, ille tnorth and moile wes' of Cavan, the picperty of Leonad brd d,0n1 ondySept. 27th, his hiorses, milk rcows, fat eut- t7e, swine, puirfeed, andim- plementeý. Tormns Cashi. No Reserve. Jaýck Reid anld SalyMiller, uc 1 have -beon authorized by Gordon Kirkc Lot 14, Coni .1, Wanvers, 1 maile east of MCe' Church, to seli by public auetîinon îFrid'ay,, OcGtob'er lst, his horýses, cajttle, -feed and implments. Termsý Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 ( p.mî. Jack Payne, Aucýtionieer.- I hav.,Ie eenLathiorýi7el to seil 'by public actoI on WedIesdaIy, Sept). 2ý9tJh, for Mr. Johni Nebitt, Lot 2 csfatcttesiineud a large liof m~iey Sale at, 12-.3'0 olcksharp. Ter;msCah No IL- s ýerve. Jack Reid, Autioreer. I have beenauhrie by Wiiamf J. !Malley Vo se-,liby publiuction- at 1.00 p.m. shonp at Lt21, Con. 9Clanke Towniship, / mile niorth of- Fuepieamd 12 mile east, on1 Mon- 1 dayý, O)ctobIIer 4th, 2 )ror.;es; 13 cattie and 8 cLves; .2 sows and 19 shoats; 75 bons; fee( d n achinery. Terýnis Cah.No RLeeve. Jack Reid, Auc- tionieor, Ihav,,e heen autbol'ized hy thie exe-1 enctcr of the Estate of tihe late Rob- inson seljI y public auc- tioný at 12.30 p.m. sharp ut 'Lot 10, iCon. 3, Cflarke To-wnshîIp, '/> mile west of ýCrooýked Creek and Iý mile south, on.iFrîday, ctobei-1st, loorses; 5 ioows; 34 fat cnýttle;feed hansfulil inie of implemnentsan sý'oe e miscellaiieous articles. Termns Cash. No Reesrve. Jack Reid, A- tioner, KIRBY SudyScho "Rally Day", servi- !,es will lie heId 'hoere next Sunduy af- *Mr. and MNr.s. Stnley Cium Enla a Clane -fpent Spunday even- Irmgo at the homé of Mn. anid Mrs. F. JBriacombe. Dr. Roýss Lang., of Chicugo, has been calling on idrins nthe neigiblorhoodthe past ferw days,. 1Mn. David EffIiott, of St Peter"s- 1.burg, visited wM hî b isssteran lirotber-in-lawj, Mr. and Mrs F. J. Brmruconi ast rweek. WESLEY VILLE Mr.Simon Burrfowc'lough a penti 1Sýundaýy -wth irs. Edgan Burr-ii-v, clough. ,Mr, unid Mstanlley Nicholls,'Of Toront' o, spetiiSundlay vtMrad 1Mrs. CarrolNoos j Mrs. F. W. Haydtn, of Toronlto, is R~VLP. oegnistP kSt. U 1 ýe;d huhwýiil ho atl eSuidy o S at; ixla, ,sept. ý, om o 4 o'clck, n~eean who be in telrestedc in pia tuit n. Mrs Wor~cun(e, a ig'a te fth-e Methiod for hilil d ! f ro 4 o. 'i ter-ested 1 in t i lat delih l p p Iroach to th,'ce piano. Wïl ,l e hed lu $t. Savio1i"«s An- glican h0 c1OL o,,osun d ay, Otob)er Srýmd. 'e-,ic'e in, he mo - 1gý ,)t 930 ancdIn he evnini et ~<0 Rev J.,,3NXiig1imlý f o lan ,'le will takyth0 ev nèingil service, NOTICE The Vllgeof Oro o 'ill rvr bak o stanldard t imie 'n atur dVay, Septeimber 25th adigt) Be sure ta turn -]youlr oiocek hack o-ne FOR RENT ar,100 acre, ýS / Lot 24, Con., 6, Tonhpof Cak.Apt FOR SAýLE WStutti, Orno. c-341ý0me-. FOR SALE in god cn4ijioo, -$5. ,a is 32volt D.,1ýin C. g neraor0$2 . Aply A.éH 3-pic hese~feldite, in g1od codin . $70.0 Li redi-rlas -.vtAppiilu t boashoutin ese pn o Cneu aike 123, o yO o Sr 19. 6-34-e Owwned he45rred nle inthaed taril, Strce fr-m lth,~oc skion 3.ftan were- habouts fôis aýfnia tkin.d pl noti Mr.n wihcrnovn Oairono, phono 20~~~ r',, io o1a34c LADES: READ THIS63 UnWaed youhir enoed int se~'ly, frmfcrte Hsîa flair Remoern skntqe soft and Ynd ean' lose. en ey umd.n'Ooded i Pin ihne 7q ed C-ern-N peeteatenat id (CO Pro feu jonai Directory' A. F. rM.cKE.NZI-E, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON office fours 2.00 teý 4.0 P.m.; 6.30 te 8.00 p.'.. Sunda.ys and Wediiesdays by appointment onlly pHOJE 47r] - ORONO awrence C. Mason, B.A. Barri-ster and Solicitor Office 68?, Home 553 W. F. WARD BRARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones: office 825 Residence 449 BOWM-ANVÎLLe, ONT. DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VETERINAR'Y SURGEON INSURANCE J. C. G AMNEy INSURANCE Fire, Casuaily, Au-tomobile, and Li.ability- ORONO - ONTARIO 0OUNO'S INSURANCE MAN Dominlion ?f Canada Geiieral Hartford Pire linsurance Water-,oo Mutal aFire Insuraneso Wa-waaecsa Mutuýal Insuranes ïsrpesne n this district by INSURANCE IN ALL iTS BRANCHES Fire, Automobile, Liability, Lîf e, Hospitalization, Plate Glass, Burglary, Casualty Representing the. Leadlyùg CA-NADIAN, BRITISH a&" Olfice, Main St. - ORONU, Phones: ,Offiec 32 Y1 r lz «e. i1 PhO~Ie e 2and I WiIl aP te ait yOu, INFORMATION Woeuld y.»i lie te know more about the f&llowiig ? <a) How te will te yourfaiyue thousand dollars that yen harea't 744 saved 17 <b) How te guaranlte. a malai cheque te your f anmily every montb for 10-15 or 20 years sheuld you be, taheneî ut M the pciture?7 <c) Hew te have a salary cheque every month fer yourtielf as long am youi lire, coimnencing at age 55-60. or 65. (d) Hoïjw te guarantee that your son or daughter will have the moneY for an education beyond high school? iLet us have a cha about it sofm-t time. Phone FRED LYCETT AUCTFIONEIERS TED JACK !c-I' l Auctio-neer and Valuator, ConductsA uction Sales of al i î anid at reasonable rates Commaunicate with hlm at Perry, Onktario, or see his Clerk..ý 1F, Morton, nt Orono, fer date. ,Auctioniee-r and Valuiator Specialize in Farm and Furnýituýre Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates Phone 5 r 19$ Op-*ý m 1 alwi

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