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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Sep 1948, p. 1

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vol. 12. Nol 35OfI(NO, ONT., FFIURSOAY, SEPT. 3Oüth, 1948Sucipon$10 erYa .,-Large Number 0ft Hoisteins Shown At: Durham Central Fair And Tink Show ons At Hoistein Showi [t Teedt Ciîy At Plowîing Match With 'aýppI tt in s for exhibît Spacé exceeding any' previ-us year,. the tanted city whic iil be set up at the site of theIneatoa Plow- ing Match ceeu Lindsay from Oc-1 tober 12 to 15 is axpected ta( exceed ir, size aniything ever sýeeni at this in~otn anuaildavent. Over 100 appliations lave already been re- ceived. fou ip ac , more th a n wthe namer of 'exhibits 'actually etu et lest yearý's record match i t Kin'g- ston, and they are- stiIi p'ouing inl, reports J1 As Carroll, Secretary- Manager for tLhe Mafc1h. TI-e exhib- ibs -,vil! icclude ail- types of f acr machinery, large'- andi small, Includ- ing many ,nvwtypes whlicliare ,be- ing itoua for thie frsýt time. T'ha demonstratiions cf mLitnery ccd eq ýp'nt-il I ao be on a laqrge saaand j 11 neldes'orna niew features, Onea iterestingdem-1 onstration 'mill be tfhat of flue fighl't-' îng equtpment suitable for use on Farms. There WHll as ie damn strations of tihe use of chemils in waed cont-roi, fat, d rainage,' land clenarîng cnd inpuovemnent with ,theý us.-e (,f heavy macýhines, and ,in en - tirely new facture, the use of infra- red frýoSt protection upmnw1ill1 be sbuwn. Tha ever-populau featLura c f plow- mg with exen W 1aise be shwu art the 1948 Itratoawith R .1 Carrubhers (of Elau Claire, Ontario, on hand wit'h his teai cof oxen mmtn wPhhde stiii does conciderable plnwin!gced cultivation on bkis own Sports 0f The Vilage S Schoo coleusadi Spirit wll e 1 at its ýpeck thiS'Pmiday aftarne,ioi Oto'ber It.t when the ýseholaus will putrsietheir Jbook ,muter -thýeir energies a'nd coimpete dci the annual SScirool Field Day. i! types cf ~'spusare te 'be ýýoi-peted, - hligih and brocdj in, ng iag iscus f' thro'w, S'hot put, runnjid'g races ccd Sbiycle races. B The students have been diéided in- 3te bwo grouqpe 'lcd these two groups wvilli uuster th-3ir k ld a and stacuiina to bring the houeur te theicir respective groups. S Sptatorwsare wloet a the jclsehol'ars comlpate "jen the -verieus formi 'cRsort. r Junior Wes, a local hockey en- tihusiat, lait fou Guelp'h on Mond'ay Swheme harie ,l<ryjut for caposition oni the Guelprh Junior"A tem UGirIs' So Lslih setclteam are outflt tecie a recant meecting Is dcide te aise te buy blazc'rs LeailgueI Cha l - )orn-o girls are noru making tienïs fer ca'danceeancd draru) îel'd ini Oronio duing tIhe1 of Noyvamirber. u- ticketls soldi for a chance on, a tri- Fere, witeglaioL and ;nulms formed a n efflectfi ve ,ettiing-,irile A- bt Street Uited Church, Osharwa, for a w'digon 8cturday atr nooa, Se@tember 1S h wnM ama lrenec hls daughter of Mrs. Cilif- ford FoIIbes 'of Oshawva,wa'ntd in 1-1mriage 'whfrh 'Mr. Manlley Wil- fred Ltte o f Bowmc-nnviij.eý son of Dhe Rer. Samuel Littew'oodand Mrs. Littlewood of Bohcaygeou" Or- tario, foreery of Oronnn The four woe'ock ceremony was performed by7 the beidegrOoUms falher, assisted by ýthe Rev. Doevan Joujes. rM s., Rcobert HIolden played the weddîing anhccd miss Leah Gai-row sanlg 'The Lord's Prayer"« just before lhe' ceremrýojiy ai-d "Becauise" wieth" register wvas being signed. GIVen Idu mariauge b y heu 'sztep- IatrMr. Cjlifford Porhes, the biewcs rched j." whitéý valvet fcshioned 'with a tiht qttng Vic- tori-an odice ac-cd fui y, edSkt Whicl flowed into a gaafltrain. Tha b4odica was' designed with a low portrait necklile w i h e a dra-ped baerth'c gving fan(ioff -the- hsder effect. A drcipad, pepluin omd a bustji-,at the 'back c f tha gowc. Shae wore long mIittans of, bite lvet 'cnd c flnger-tip oerte-a e il cauight withf a 'Greaien heaOcfress' of wbite valvect. Abou emthroit ShEt wora hemr grandnother's pecrîs. S h e carriedi c white Bile crested w ith white gardaniIs cend 'fleursdT amour acnd s'314Wereil with vita ibbn with tIlleÏs of tihe vailey ca.ught in Miss Juli eInaly ttendiedithe brii'dad as -maid oCf honor, ced mwo raC n govri cd royal 'b]uae velvat fc sh- ioned on The sanie lines as t> e worn b>* tlhe bride 'wvith mthn veiret nmittenis and cGeca h4- dreswitn a net 'bo'w at the baûk. She rwore ai strand of pearîs and carried a bilu-e ltafPfe t a b rjidal'rng cf Lestra Hi'bbard roses. IWr' 1ulh -ýAiles of wnHul Was, lrest man. The uhe v era Mm. John Beikoandi Mm, John'- 'amerlomi of Oshawa, The reception was held in the ehuiirch i ariors'. Tg receive the g-uestis MurS. 'Fombes, the bride's melther, wr a tevo-piece dressa"cf Quen's blua crepe satin styled wvitb b3rcelet langt-h aleeves ced a pep- lu,' et the waist lice forIm i ng-V a S'ide duapery. lieu hart cS -a smicîl feathar rmodal eof Quee's bIne and ivi ne, She Fmorene suede shees land glvs and iniik roses com-posed ber corage, The buiîdagTooi-'s nmother wh'e as- std =uoreiagunaetalcepa, acceeted 'with duapery, vvith which she eomca a wide buimimedbic b-at, lacocasseries ced acrsg of ued roses. Pick anid w-ite dhiry- santhamuas andi taprs dceorcted t'he 'bide"s table w'hiclh "'vas cen'- tued 'witn a t'hree-tieurwedigcake. Tihe tot the bride vias proposed by the Rev. Sa'mson Littiaer.vod ccd ,esponded te by the brideguoom. During the raception a cbega of goud wishes was raceived fromI Mu. cnd Mus. W. Littlewmciedcof Ports.- moWt, Enrglad. Later Mu. and 'Mus. Littlewod left fou Muskeýka. Fou travelling thea bride chose a cavy 'blue andi desty rose woel ensemblse.lA ary blua faI 'bat Wth rMl p brim, ary Mlue aCcesson-ies and a gardenia cor- sageo miead heu cstume.On their rature the couple wiî'1 reside- ie Osihasa. U'oII Given Away Advertising At Fail Fair ad Mr, Stan i1 wheal c f ffor- bti cif de-Ils to cI1 mila Ulaey eue-. ono Fe iuilIt, it Stan aethat Danlegava beu ,doli. Did mavnyce aveu her'.c h buck pjassin g by partes When sanme of his 1 fuiend, e re lig Dan e t ha cediStani.cho-uWd carecful' w,*th strange chicýkes, ne, s cidi hickn she 'was tfy e nm oild an-id enogi te be a endmohe. hlowever, Charlay cxeiug e good fiadof Dace dc Stal ncd The lady claiing c-1 'ex f. cmTiy f'ieïndslrip, chaui-ey iy reimibiise stanl and Dace fou! ir leeýs witi h oeey o'r foxskies, andfin-g teme ijeïn depreesi-n ccdl fou cnthing te j-w Garden Achievemeet Day! ber the !18th twven'ty imesnber"s of the U-arden Clube ,imet i'n 'Blcckstoc)kTHaull for the annmai AheeetDay. 'Me1s. A. W. Con,HmeEcoeit 'was in charge, Ler ders' bde were presented to Aitrs. J. 111ilton, iro, Mrs. J. 1Reynoldl('s, Hanpton, aytd Mes. H. IHooey,'R. R. Noý. 2,. Nestltion- SEah ir l arranged an attractive hbtof vgtbe and filow er s 1on lier garden, anid also included e record ýook. Garden quizzes were w--ered anfd a cias's of beets j'ud-1 ted. GwedlcWilson, R. -R, No. *Ne4 ýton, tihe only thnirdi year gar ceP. gav e a briief commeent on ber garden, cexihibit.- Gerticates c eieveusent vwere presented tfo Flizaa'effh Olan, iBever.. iey Tfrick of MlbokCluJb for h1av- in fisedanother projert, Re- ors*fAchievtenent will be lkept 1 o a'l girls who cQea1ipeted the worki A nuenlber O-fthe girls eitereYd a club Garden exliibit at Osha'wa Fa,*!- Thisoets the 1948 garden a(- E.W. 'BOnB' GAMSBY There pa'ss'ed away suddenly at bis late resideace, Vaýn Wagcer'sý Reacýh, urgto, on 'Suiadey, Seýp- tenaJber 1lZt, E V. W. <'Bob.) Gamisby, in hiic 5'2nd year. The late Mu. Ganby -wa.sbouc ic Oeoqio, a son orf Mu. an'd Mus. L. A. Gmy.Boil 'as ha was i k,newu"c his rman-ly friende hbera, reeive-di hisa schol in g in Oroue. At t>e s'ge ofl 22 years ýhe laft 'Orono for, Toron-tol atcd was emlyei-n a sales staff, ofC a m-eat co'mpecy, for whom ha, tra- velled for aight yeams IHa theïk -i. ovpe Jn aniilonwheue ha pur- te Van Wagner's Bea h elae ha opaned ;a restaura-nt fou 1m self, wh e aopeuatad for' ~e yeers until spessing. W-bl,ýe hi the restaurant busine.,ss e bu i -t up alarg7e business, s'erving 'cxn'y par- ties froni Haiton nnd the suu. rounding dcistrict. The lata m. mby 'wasa ara outdiooe man, alweays ecjoyiug ,,coiri-1 ing- te Oro-no for fllsicg trips, accd was an ardent h.untar. Two yeaau previeus te bis d'aath ha 'a cci- da-ntally shet , ohi1e ,on a hunting trip, aCdba moe of hic legs amp'utatadý. This dc believed te havei ibeen the cause of 'bis 'euddec pass- ing. Ha wcs 'a memfber cf aMsni Lodge ii in lmiltoni. NeIe 'aves te meoure bis lois, bis, wife, ona s'on Jac'kcf Toronto; 'w caughteus, Rubcf Tenante, and Hlelen 4he is i'mruied acd iigin] Califomcnia; caisc bis fethar, Mu. L. A. Gcmý-stby, vhoe made bis home vwith 'bis son, tnvo buotihars, Gauniet of Kingisto)n ced Kennath of 'Orone, 5ced tbree sisteus QHildia) 'Mus. -Lame 'Siclar,(Reelie) Mes. W. A. Dlcwing, boýt'h af Toronto, (Olda> Mus. Gog ecOrono. Thle funeral service wa held ai, hic ictemsdecwhere fthe lmcny beautiful floral tuýibutes tetfidte the high eeeem rin whVlich ha was bei i:n the comunitty. Inteument %ras h-ield je GreaCaeuey, Dundas Odds And Ends In The News Nature -eseo"n te mak-IZe heu lest bidl for b)eeulty prier te the wieteu seeson. -Die mapIe ,vill predomiciate le a massive array cf co louirieg .. Everugreens will stand fhem ie thair1 perpetual cevwering of green vhicli wil' e sapanua wîth the rîch lines cf radi, oran-ige ccdA W'bile driving deung uoads fil the north cf 'ClareaTewnlsthip we eau- CaUn',tpead Many!oiocl mooiste whe were eedearouuing te catch 'natuua's 1Faîl splendeur. Ie the next couple cf weeks yen 'wEIl tw-cet ke the faýmiy fou a drive threugh parts cof Carka t die tffe saoa beau'ty. On Waednesda-y lest a collec do'g found thIat it pays te be cautious. jihe calla parhaps bas *floundered inte anin cident eque te cnty ff Riplaye, The dog net neticing, -or ignoring -trie blue fiame cf a blew to-ch , presed injto the line of fire Continued List 0f Prize I Winners At Orono Fair VEGETABLESi 2nd, Fred 'lcbr;carmots, red, list, Mrs. R. Allun, 2nd, Ms.Donl Stapletoný; celery, lst, 0. K. Oý-'boTce, 2nid, M\us. W. ýB. 'Hoar; mangels, sug-ar, lst, 'R. Oshorne, 2-cd, Mus. Geo-rge Baird4. mangels, any other variety, lst, R. Qabormne, 2nd,* Carlos Tailblynl; onions, red, lst, Ms Don Stapleton; onions, yellow', let, MIrs. 1W. B. Hoar, 2nd, '4r.Dont Staple- ton; pusn.ip:, Ist, Mrs. ira Lowe,1 Znd, Muýs. Don Stapleton; pumpkins,i feld, Ist, Mrs. R. Allie, 2nid, Ftýredi Blacleburn; piumpkins, pie, ist, Fred Blacleburïi, 2nd, mus. Geo. Baird; sqjuash, sumier, lst, Fred Biack-,l bura, 2nd, Mes. R. AlUîn; qia iinter, l1st, TFred 'Blarelbujrn;tma tee-s, red, lJst, MVrs. Lra Lowe, 211d. Mr.Don Sapeo;Turnips, Swvede, lst, Fred Bowea, 2nP. Oshoune; tunptable, 1,4t, 'R. Osbornie, 2rid, Mirs._ Do n Stapleton;, potatoes, 1/2 bushal, early, lst,Ms Geo. Baird; POtItOes, '2 hucI'S , laite, lst, Mrs. George(- Bairdl, 2nid, 'C. Curtis; peta.- toûes, collection, lat, H. Haneocýk; ex-I hibitio)n cf re and faw, puod-' ucjIý, Ist, Annva Staples, 2nd, Mus '3dýb tHancopck; exhibîts from i'fleld croq) conipetition In potatoas, lst, Donald Lowes, 2nid, C. Curtis. FRUI-TîT Appleg Beat Collection, lst, 0. K. Obre 2nd, Câ'rlos '>byn rd, R. Os- bon;Ducbess, 6 quwart býasket, lst, . K. sbrn; elba, 9 quart as- ket, 1sd, J. 1H, Jo;se; Duchiess, lat. R. K. Sqaîir, 2nid, O. K. Osborne, 3rd, J. K'oopotwa; 'HIeba, ls t, R. K. Squaiir, 2n1d' O K. Osborne, 3rd, J. H. JG5se; AlxndrIst, J. Koropo- hwa. 2ndCaï:fl i arobIvhn. SÉ,T.o w blyni, mrs, Bih Henry; rose, ige Mrs. YM. J. TaubpClyn, 'Xrs, iR.K, Squair; pix .F. Annias, Mis.MW, B& H-oar; csoAltx. Drumo'ndf, Anna Staples; daihlas, c{lcin Mmrs R. Van-iRorne, K. C, Hoipkinis- dahilias, cactus, 1MeIs. R VaibElarne, K. C. Hopkins, dahlias, decorative, Mrs. R. VýýantiHorne, K. C, qkis da.lia.s, niýýniature, GIF, Aninis; dahLias, best !b1oom, I frs, R. Vani- Homne, K. C. Hopkinc';, diing table bouquet, G. P. Annis, Alex, Dnra- nicnd; livinlg'roomý bouiquet, W. Wý Patter'soni, IMus. M. J. Tanilyn. J. H. Josýe; gladlioli, white, MVrs,. M. J. Tamblyni, W.'J. RÀddel; ý gIadioli ' red, Mrs. M. J.Tabyn J. H.1,Joseý. gladioti, pinik or rose, MeIs. R. Van- 11oüme, W.J, Ridfdell; g-ladiolï, yelN lo', J. H.Jos; liadioli, any ot'her kind', JW.oeMs. AM. J. Tee-- blyn; giadioli, lù var-ieties, Wý. J, Ri hei est basket of glads, Mrs. J. H. Joe, W.W. Patterson; ,Zuud~- joli, ïn low bwMrus. M. J. Ta bln rs.R. VauHorne; sweet peas, K. C oka' Trftomia, G. F. Anlnis; Penitteýnion; G. F. Analis; utooe bouquets, 'W. J, Riidd:e'll, Mrs. Bill Henry:; bri'de's bouquet, -W. Wýi. Pat- tenisonrs R. VaniHorne; painsies, Mrs. 'Bill Henry, Anna Stapleýs; beçst arranged low 'baslket, AMrs. R.,~n Homie, J. H. Jose; g-enaniu'm, G- F, Annis, Mrs. H nL ok;tuherou.s begoni'a, Mrs. M. J., Tamnblyn; A\fri- can vioecletoMs .Gmy Mýrs, 'M. ~J. Tamxublyn. NEEDLECRAFT DEPT. Luncheon set, Mrs. If. Hooey, -Mrs, H-. Barlo'wlnehen loLlh, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Ms.Gea. Baird; buff ýat 1 1 -- - - -- - - -ýl - j ia 'J re, cas. ü. jý 2nd, (Caries Tambný1lyn, 2rd, J. KRcpa- cases, emibroiderad, O) tmuc; Scaule't Pippin, la 1tR.-s oeEdne Bue; pillow ceý 2-1d, O. K. Oishoru; Baxter, lst 1Ms. Geo. B.aî'rd, Murs Gauls Tmbln, nd, . C bone;pillov cases, tattadi tri Wvoif Rver, lst, O. K.OsborneAnd., Leu.e, Mes. Don Staqp J. Xoropct-,wn; Blenbeim !Pipjpi,lst, e, crochetad tri, R Osborne; Crelb apples, lst, J. W. Mes. 'Ira Blue; guest Boyd &t Son, 2nd, J. JCropetwa; Geo. Bairdl, Mus. Ira Spy, let, O. K,'Osborne, 2nd, 'Car-los t 'aCrochet ftim, Tamnblyn, 23rd, R. Oshbouna; Delicioias, Stinson, ýMus. ireaow let, R. K. 'Squsi, 2d, Caries Tami-tctdtmrnoW bliyn, 3rd, 0.-O.K, s'ene LSllLowe; 1bath ttuaemlvb jet, R. Oshorue, 2nd, J. W. Bo)yd & Don 'stapieton1, Mrp il Soni, Ird, Ca1ries Tamt--blyn; Golden dîiulpaemt n Russet, lstR.LOMorne, cd, O. K. raLonw taie dotl Oshomne, M. Caries Temtnblynt; Ms.A.M. 1Hos'kic, I Stcuk9, lst. Caries TarnNbyn, 2nd, O. p1ieto)n; mayits for bot di K. Osborne: Gueenings, lst, O. K. Heooey, Mrs. Ira Lowe; Osboue, cd. R. K. Squnir, 3rd, 'T. for table, cuoched, 0 W. 'Beyd & Son.; Toîlnian 1~e,2;st, Mus. Ira Lowe; , centrý O. R. Osborne, 2ndi, Car4V, Tamiblyn. tbe tattad, >Mrs FBl 3rd, R. K. Squaiu.Mum, ha Loem; quil1 Peaus Mrs. Ira 'Lowe; quilt, e Bauiett, Iat, R. R. Squair, 2nd, Jý, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mre. C Kouopatwc; Flamish Beauty, lst, J. quilt. fcncýy quiiting, Koropctwa, 2nd, 'CarIes Tnby;Lowue Mrs. Gee. Bnir Beurre, Bose, lst, O. K. Oshoune. yaears eld, Anna Stapic 2nd. R. K. Squai; CWlcpps Fa"oUItk LOwe; afghnf, cuQ"e jet, O). K. OSboune, 2nd, 'aisTamn- 10-e Mils. 'Don 'staa> blyn, 1ceat4 Mms. Ole Wecýt'l Plums ýLorua; sliip, M'us. Ira Le Besrt co-llection, Ile, Carbos Ta etlk;'ouse dress. blyn; Bradshaw, lst, Caries TGiIeo. Bair-d, Mus. Ola V~ blyn; Burbenk, jet, CarIos 'Tamiblyn; , Onic Westleke;. iasti Irnippelal Gage, CarIa- Tamblyn, 2nd, G Veore B air e J. H. Jose; Lomnbard, iet, Ca leore p r.F Tomn, ZndA, R. K. ýSqocir; Rém ac iuoMe u clauda, let, j. -H-. Jose, 2nd, R. K.EIreLowa, Ms. OS Sur;Prune, st, CarIes Tanl'a ,,e 01a ýV FLOWERS AD LAT Asters, ýoll'ectio-n, G. 14. Anuis, W.11 J. Ridd-ell; asters-,-white' G. F. An-, nis, K.,-C. Hihc;atr, sa pink, G. F. Auniis, Mus. R. Van - Horne; asters, rose, G. F. Aneis, Mua. R. Vcnîiornep; asters, ýed , K. C. HopkinE.s, G. F. An1Pnis; asters, mýrauve, (. P. Ainule, W. J. Riddell; a-tare, purfpie, G .Ans ,J i'el 'DicnJthus, oi, Pinks, G. F, nns car- natinsG.F. Annîs, K. C. Hopkins; Calendula, W. W. Patteeson, G., F Ani;marigeld, ia, Mus. R. Allln ,Anin v, M staffles, mai cnir Ira Loweu; cardi Baird, Mes. Ilu Mu.OIc West, diemond coch. ug5s Coil John! Grand Junior -Gen-', viducl. Grand Bruc"e cillu- . 1

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