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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Sep 1948, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3~ '48 Port pe Agricultural i!Clowns, Potato Race, Tcmp Dancing, LoigSwn SPEC--IAL POINY CLASSES BEAÙÇWY CONTE T STEELE'S CAVALCADE 0F STARS (R-Iodeo) Friday and Saturday night's, File Arena Ad. 75C.- Dance and Floor Show TOWN HALL, -SATURDAY iNIGIIýT Russ Creighton's Orchestra Admtrission 75e. WEBER' S FBRIC CENTRE 10 KING ST. FAST-, BOW1AN VILLE C OTTONSI RAO AsDraPerYRolikSCrfe Ec FLANNELETTE SIEETS 42 pair 42 REVERSIBLE BLANKET595 , KIDDIES'6c PRINTED FLANNELETTE, yard STRIPE FLANNELETTE ....y a rd 39gc BUTTERICK and SIMPLICITY PATTERNS. Shop and Save at WEBER'S WOODS, Electrical Farmi Equipmnent, Gira-in Grinders, Oat Rollers-, Milk Coolers and DOMITE STOVE & FURNACE CEMENT 2/2, lb. tins 29e HAMCO BLACK CAULKLNG CEWENT qt.45e MceFA RIANE'S STEP LADDERS 5 f t..... WORK GLOVES 291ic and Up EXTEINSION LADDERS 20 ft 24ft 28ft 30 ft 32 ft 36 ft~ .$16,95 $19,95 $23,95 $25,95 $27,95 $30,95 $33,95 C, G. E. FEATHERWEIGHT AUTOMATIC IRON Now $12,ý95 IPLAST-I-GLIOSS Tlhe CytlClearPlti riesin une hu $1,95 qt NE WTON VILLE Se'ver-ald ttenlded tenie sclatý Sh ihon Friday eveing.- Mis. Perey Neal, of 1G1,anlanuqu'!e, is visiting lier aunt, Mrs. Smith.r Mrs. Hexamere,, Seilkirk, l3 s1pend-, ing two weeks with ,lier cousi1 n*,siss Be rtha Thoimpson. Mr, Allen Lain'g of EdimontnAI ta., i viii s uncle and Aunt. Mir. Williamn and Miýss salbel aig Bert Bunt r.eturned eto Quee-n's University on Monidaýy to begiîn lis thir-d -year. 'Mýrs. chas'. Morris acconipanlied Mr. Mcrrs aelçte Teronto for a wee-k's hoi da Y. Our deep s.iah is extendied te Mrs. Sali]Sm ith wliese sister, Mrs. Weley Mak, f P'enieloronallafor-î M'e r1ycf Newýteniville, lias pssed away Ms S Clrol erw'lMisGwen 'jOnc.ýs, Ms ayBurleyv, Messis Don Vinkle, aise Mr. an- d Mrs. Earl Miwnanld Gary, cf Ptreogi spent .Snnday ilthe hutin ldgeat Mr. Frantik Gilmýer p1-ted th pîano t ,-if y veingsevice,. arc- cormpaniyinig Mrs. _Ros Hallowý,eill on the 'orgain. Thiis mrusfcw tor lughly enjoyed îI)v f1 ail anti made wup i volume for the sierasnt bOrth fi'om t'he c;ïi.c4r lof' t and the M. Mrs.La'wrene Milisoni honoured in the Oonmnniy Hall on, Satudayevenng.After a sn song thýe youn'g couple were peet ~dwit'h en ade edb y Mras. Marloiwe Hanccck and a tri-light ""ilet dok. and isc n velope,% These were nrsntd yM-v. amd Mrs,. Bert ,tpeo~ Mrs. Willis Parrow and Mr.George Kiiball. T,awetrice thne hi red o followed by an hiour's danci'ng ai d social timre, brcugli't tlieeeigt a cose. K ENDAL MsMcKay is visitig witli7Mr. andc Mrs. Roy Mercer, Mr.T. *lilditAh left on -oda o spemfd-a f ew, days ýin Toronrto.. Mrsý. Lang ýanldDr. Rosa Lang, ofi Chiicagro, visiLted withl Mrs, N. Littie recently, M.amid Mrçs. Herb. Reynoldls and Peter setSindpy witP r.a n (î Mrs. iH. R. encdCaeurea. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souci and amyand Mr. A1lbrt Scuch, of Shliloh, called on Sunday.' Mirs;. Pritchard, 'cf Toronto, spent thc ee-n with "lier parents, Mr. and Mrsn. Fredl Warren, The KndlUnited Church la look- Notice to Farmers dead farm tok %ithin an bhour wihueharge CALL UCS COI-LEC1 For Crippled Hlorses we pa-y as igh as ..........$8O And foOId-Cl Horses as high as ..................----- yare a.ble tIo pay these price been1usec we feed thle *pet to ou, wnanimais. M&RGWILL FUR FARM R. R. 1, TYRONE Telephonec: Boiwmanville279 i, very,, inviting in itîsis new, coat cf white paint.Mr. Wa.rerýnlias md steady prgeson thiis jlob. The K e ndoal h D mie s hVe1 been brightenied up recently.i hpaint- in.- jobs. The lat 'oue being the Soper residenrce. Mrs.. Patton, cf Port Hope, ia spending a- week 'or two witli -Mr. an'd CMs. .1.IH. Gordion. Mos. 4feek E'ottf port Hope, calleci one day, iast wee'ýk. M, 'Mo. Meiride an'd Misa -ýIcBride cf Moose- Ja-'w,, are sitg with Ma. Chas. Thonipsci and Artliur. Mviis s Annie 'Tliirpsoni spent tne week-end at hume. Mr. and Ms T. Gabrutt, Jac an little -Mary Reijd were visitors wîli Mr. and Mrs. J. Swanb-lrick on Sun- day. WES LEY VILLE Miss Helene Barrowclouelgh attend- ed tile Teaeherh InP1stitute meeeting in Ottawa on Saturday. 'Miss Dora Anderson spet1t tlie week-end visiting relativesila T or- onto. Mrs. George Tufford spenit a fewý days visiting wifth lier parents, Mir. -nd MYr. Saguieof Suderlanci. -Severaýl ladies miet at tlie home cof Mos Egar aro'cou ite held a quligTueadndy afternýoc'n. Mr. aM os, Herbl. Glover, of Peteirhorýoughl, 5spen1t Sunday afte"r- noon witili Mrs. L. o'dwy Anniversaoy visiteýra wre :Mo. Ed. Sym1ons ,and -Mr. Kený. Synqions _fWElIcnme, 'itli% r. nd rs. Car- roll Nioliolîs; MlVr. Sidney Lockfiart cf Port Hlope, viitlh 'Mo. anid Ms. Roy Nihdi;Mr. a' o.Jian iMo;att of Torcmoiad ýMr. an~d Mos. Ern Hai;i cf Oronio, at M-r. sud rMrs. Ecig_,ar Boocou'";Rev, Lark-,! cDif Gore's Lnig and Mr. anmi'Mo-s.1 Allen Peters and( Pauline, 'VrIahb and Mis ' Eileen Allun cf Newcastle, at Mr. and Mo)s,'C. Paynie'ls. Pl,1ie 88tÉh annivPrsary servi-,7ces of Weslyvhl urci were held oni Sunday at 11.00 arnd 7.80 wit-7li Rev. L ok f Gores lanin'ig offi- li'ig n the 'morilng Vie Junlior choir,. led hy Mrs. Reeve, supplied tie muaic. Rev. Larke pece w very *11ntereztis)g sermns on"T Secret 'cf Powr." bthe evening the Senior Chioir sple the ïanusic, and iMrs. Carroll Nichodîs sang -a solo. STARK VILLE Many frocai ere took iLindsay Fair 1iast week. Mr. . Falls 'lias sold his farmn to ipeo-ple fcmToronte. Mo. anid DMrs. Lloyd Clysdale anid filLakesiore, witi MUr, a.1'd Mo-s. Per-cy Farrow. The pie social and ýoniceit ir StarkviIle, Scliol last w,,eeký was fair- ]y well atten'ded. 'Mýr. Will leinoy, Newcaatl'e,spn tlie wýeek-end! witli Miss Normra Hal-1 o1well. Mr., .nd Mo. Wes. Benson, of Peteriboro,' were we-ed visitors at ROI a HavllweW. Mo., arid Mrs. Ern-ie WhV1ite anid HwrMus, OlrElizabetiville, viisite:d on, Suniday withi Mr. ai-d Mos,. TIos,. Falis. iMo. Wm. Savery 'md a plea7isant m1otor tnp .ite) igaa on. Sunday, vvith Mo, and Ms Alec Bar¶oiay, Oshaw'a, Mo. arid Mrs, Pcey Allen an tiree c1iuidren, 'of Toronto, spent Sund(lay witli 3Mr. and Ms Llew1 Mo. asnd frs. Goefin Curtis arid faminly, of Fenelon, Falils, visitedl witi Mr. aiid MsOrmie F9als. Mrs. Win. Mrtnwenit home whti for a visit., A TTENTION FA WE ARE FA YING THE H-IGHEST PRKV FOR DEAD OR CRLPPLED FARM ORSES - - -ATTLE OROÏNO ELEGTRIO, FIXTURES and Ap'plianà]ces. m s To ( rn - aVo -Toser -Irn REAiR aga-otPte- Ail ktia Ordiers fo)r Fail Wiring shouldf be nons)ere now SeN R'EJERRY o EE ground in a ýUlld. -..59e SCh.ocolate lix, just add ï0 butter, 12 ... .. .29e Fly S-wat- I ORONO 5c. TO YOUR POPUJLAR SIf CENTRE Pzi-fat, Amebulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Direciera -and Dealora SERVICE funeai t te mot o Iargest and KOTATER BOTTIES- Are ideal for m- hrt i cldFailiand Wiuter MnhHandy for uein Oie sick rouai, We list sev7erallo riedsecal elow. SeiberlÏing and MnHrn ot WaEr Botie, ruggdcntutin urneed 2 yrs, each '99e Symbol Hot Wýýater Bo)tties, each .........,.. $1.î75 KANTLEEK HOT WATJER BOTTLES T!hey caninot Ieai-, ecauise tjiey are mtoulded in one piece and are, not vilcaized. They are guaranteed for'five years. Assorted Types, each . .. .. $3.25 to $3.75 Combination Attachments for Hot Water Bot- tics, set for .........,.....,,,,55c ELECTRIC IIEATING PADS Hydro approved, assure constant heat for- any rqre ime, 3-l*eit adjustient for Lüw, Meiu r High Temperature at, each.................$4.95 and $6.95 TO 0Ni The Homie Peýrmnatenti Wa-ve that reaill works to be>autify the aîr. Easy to Use, fie kit is 'complete wîth clentrucin o ou plete use. Here is everytihing to giîve yourselfacopeeernet Kit complete with Prof essional Type Plastic 'Curlers.............,$2.50 Toni Refill Kit.............$1.25 Ch arl es]B. Tyrrel w U S - AGENT FORJAK N FLOWERS Phone 6,S :- Orono, Ont. Boys' Wool G,,olf Ijosel, sizes 7 to 10, pair ....49e. Ladies' Balbrýiggan Bloomers, whbite, sizes smail, maedhim or large, pair.......... ....... White Cotton Batts, sizes 72"~ x 90", each.. Ladlies' Slippers, cosy, fur'-trimmed, flat heei, colors blue or wine, sizes 4 to 8, -pair..L0 Chidren's Felt Slippers, colors red or b,)lue, sizes 6 to 10, pair ...............60e Powrder Puiffs, 2 3-4 inch,ý each.......... , Betty Lou Make-up Sponge Powder Puifs...10e Bobby Pins, Rubber Tipped, card.......1C White Cor-ex Cups, 2 for . ..,........ 15c P>aper Napkins, white emnbossedl, pkg of'70 18e Peppermint Patties, 1-4 lb.........16e GROCERY FEATTIRES Grahami Flour, 13 lb bag..........0e( Shiriff 's Seville Orange IVamldlarge 3 lbý tin for .... >ý.... .............829c Pure Cherry Jami with <added peetin, Winona Maidi, large 24 oz bottle......... .7e Apple and Raspberry Jam, Tip-Top, 24 oz jar.. 29,c ~ \~Golden Corn., choice quality, cream style, c ý1Y ~20 oz tins , .ý.. , .20e d Wood Rage E-ký

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