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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Oct 1948, p. 1

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'wi ~Vo1. 12No. 36 ORONO. ONT., lFF1UiW1ý OCT. 7th, 1948 s .SusCipton$ 150per Year --DedicatiDon 0f New Ora and Chimes At Park Street Churc Special Service ArrangedPoaesBcmg F or 'Ibis Occasion s,'oSptmr -?ire fiast -step itire oxtens fiv, pro- grin0fce decorating and 'relttingý ofPark Street Uniited Cliuroh la to b nthins Suiiday, October !Ottr 'Tu iapter of thle chiurc's clitr wi'1 e tire ledlicationi of tire n(sw eltr i C Eanmond 'ra n Tirle ergala to be ddc t te 1i i-rreur'emy oet Mrs, SusannuairCobbi'be- J dici, wri tire Clir-,imes are dledicat- ?à -ote-irmemory cet thosýe wlro cer-ý ind utVie two world wars. ;Mr. Cari Biiugcairjuan cof tireBoard of -Trastees, wvill maketire-p resenrt a- seons'. Winnlers 0f Junlior Depart- mient At Oronio FairI The followilng are the przewin- ners of the Junior -Departnenit of 1,h" Durham Gentra1 Ag-ricuitural Fair, hedat Oyroo: Script printing iii Penc-il Graude 1, Joan ALbdred, Ruth Bul- lock 'No. 22, RyodTwist, al GrOve. Grade 2, Jean W i' 1i a -.1S, Marilyn Flintof, -M,ple Grove, Laurie Buickley, (Lsar' r-ade 3, Margaret Sn'owden, MIa Ple Grove, Gl"o17 Pigott, AdeyIVtNb,>anri,- toi". Grade 4, Carol Chant, Hanaip- ton,-, Walter de ]k 'Mare, No. '22, Leonard Ilo , N.21, Cursive Writing hje Inkr Grade 3, Christinie Thonîpscn, No. i Dalingon, ary Liptag, 1Ham.p- Joam'-Iie MwccÙ1reP, No. 2ý. Grde, Uovel(-ieeKorapatwa, Bian Damant.1 Grade 7, Graý,ce Gm>bF eRoy- uold, iamponArlenieRinNo ý22. Grade 8'. Denuy Lynuh, Crs tinoe Thompson, No.,i1 Drigtn Liez Gordoni, No. 2L.Jvnlcpn Jon ruon race Gansby-,1oanne efet fth rg'mn-i rsMsCollections Ire he[11a0 tand a 'ide -selection bckJaclkie Bailey, N&,.-92, 'Merle ~o -J ~ragng -on igit chasSics ,Staploon, -No. 22, CGw.enidolyn Bailey, tohevy kaac, iste e lyd.Ne. 22. Gr:ades 7 ad8, Ilusýtrated - oal IersbRv mHndr ote4)ook' AInna M a rie Sherwin,- cenar to benreulrd "!rin -te EenrRobinso, Alex. Dr-umariond. ~evniu's ectal Anofevig wî CoIletion of tree leaves, Alex Drumning 'À',Harry LycNom ire akenandithisla t e h tucdVoAllin, Pup4 lsscapok Lsad urhrth e redecration0of the o - - 2nd, NormaAln Ir, Ami làMrs. V.Robinson 'r 11. Haîf dzn Cookery CeeraeAnierayfaýàt, lex. DrI-roaond.HifJoe tta biscuits, Patsy >of'-tNorma Aluni, AeDun od afdozen Tweaty.Jfiverelatives ndrenscup cakes, Patsýy ioffat. Supper ir-oord rorToronto for a sur-priseltray for cnaecn hlAlex. aryat fthe hom-ie of 71r. and Mrs.DrumnIIi1d. -ico rRcn - Rohiïis on auli i~h aiidcrafts aton tiheocecasîin of thi-r irwed- Graýdes 1 and 2, 'moda1l of object, diganndversary. Rossi Tennlant, Peter Loc'Uks, Maple After aspeeckss by Mr. Willim !r- Gr'ove- Pupil. G'adïes 3 D and 4,moe wi, brthrun-aw (ad1 r.Artour 0f o:!bect, Lorraine DMarti, Jun Johstu, oher 1 o r.Rhno TenInnt. Gra1desý 5 aid C6, mdlo ricouple were -presetel witk L dbaet, ary AnnArsrog Jc doenbeulifxîBeýumglss ils,- Jo)anT enn 1a-n t, Leskn rd' e s ad two i, ovely hable lamps. (onine on pagefor Double Presentations T o C.I arke-Un ion Familiesý ecsu te, a large tirenê-1,a sle'clto occp irhe two p vrm- and neighilirrs "ment eireirs. M. lery avoy thon me of AMu and -read Vie adduess, wiuie Miss Amene n, tire cacin Raineýy made tire pues entation )of a -y iad presnta- woincoudrote r. M.amidMus. . staploton a a il tiren Viauked tirose presnt fer n 'rOvIIg Vo tire theè,rir iness. m o ~te ixt Sveral of tire neigirors wemel ~~nW 'M' Ku e&î!,edfci o osay a few words, with. 'wlfo~~~ ae e-ngail. expreýssig tiroi reg'rets et Ibs- 90y5 trn at g io good neigirbors frour ir - - - . oommu ity,c n wisired tir eurvu i crt b dli endi ami mev a we pintd anurtcleteffling what large potato-es Mrf. Russel ao could gro iniis garden-,p. After giv- iugz Immi alil this p<slct-htdo you thmnk happeed-well, we just. eceived four oepaoetro frm M.Ch-arlýs Gay, near Ken- d'ai, and one ýî? f romniMr. B roo0ks Cowani, just east of Otaüno. Weto'ek, these potatoes in Comn- ish's grocery store and weigfied theîn on ýtheir relliable scaies, wt tire reuttiat the wý,eigiirts sum,ýprisedl uis. WXe wei'ohd tthrâee potatoes be lon'ginig te Charhie Gy the firstou weighied 1 pound 9 ounces, the sec- ond one 2 pounds 2 ounces, and the third potato pun 1ouce,'ak ngatot'al 0 f 75 p,-'ýunîs i3ounces for, thei,re potatoes. We d'o not k1now as yet whiet"her these potatoes are hollow or not, lut we feel sure we wHil be-abe to tel you in nei week' issýue as we aregig te have them1 ou tire table before then., They are a nice white potao and v1'ýery smooth. Whbeu we vighed the tuber brought in )y M.Brooks ;Co%-wan, it nearl ytok the _breýath aw.ay fu u.Tis t ubler. irc is niýe qand su1pp"ose you a ý1re witil'g toe-hem just what the weigrt was-jus ta mere 2 peunda 9 ounces. Thiat is ,-,t e cail a large potato), and weî wiIl e walitiig to s(ce if anlyonec an fida tuner that will beat tWis one. We doubt it very miucir. Ail right fokwatch your otatoes when you-ý1 are digggtireurands bring uy tel large ores for w,,eimhrts, no,-thirig else. A. Mir Takes Top Hlstein ilonours At Lindsay Fair AcrMuir and sons, 'Comt"i, siro'weCd the GadChamInpion CoIl and won aul fve of the group claas ln the Hostein Show- at theLnsy E xhibition. Thleir Grand Chirpion cw asthe ,wiiiing dry tIrree-yeai-- old iliîershie ilo Saly while Viey took the Senior Get of Sire on a gr'op %y Baton Hall Chieaini Faynei, tihe Junio-r Cet ofr Sire on pr,,ogeny of Prcg.-ressýor Kenevelyni Barry aithte Pro geny of Damn - on1 produce f EIiders lie Favre Sally. Týiey aise lieud the top graded and jun ior lherdcis, Altogeth1er A .'Mu-ai r and ous won- a tota of nine fiants. Leade r 0f'P.-C, Party George A. D-rew, premn-ier cf the Ontario PoinilGovernment, vwas electLed hy lballet to hecomne thie lead- er of the Doinion Progressive Cou- sýerl-vat1ive Par)ty cf! Canadla, taingl, tire place recenrtly Nueated by Hou. J'o'hu Bracken. Tirere wore thmee candidates iCtire fied for thi sorJOhn G. DiefeP- baker, Don1aldî M. F,1elInig, and Ge'o. Drew, Thre vote walakern on Se- urdaky, October 2nd,î, at tire national 1Coservative Convention helc at Ot- tawa. When tire votes were CouÀnte(!, tire resuits were as follos m Ce orge-i rav827, John G. Diefenliaker 3]11, andDad M. Fl 1ng (4. Tire total nme'of votes cast v'as 1,242,Tire sweeping proportons Dt tire victery tooli even tiremost av- dent Dmew supporter by surprise. hThey irad expected Vo wîn, irad giveni odstirt thiri ain would be)(-tire 'neat national leader,' but few e- pected surir an oveuwirelmiing eondor- Local News Mus. W. E Ammsrorrceived La painful injuy te one of hem fingers, when tire kichen d'eor closed and neuy sovered tire end ef ber finger. Mus. Leoy Hnrltnwio sif or ed a hreut attack wirie et oeslesd ou hun 'Wesamisne-w weIon heu we te ,ecoveiy. Ber aunit, Mrs . J. Mlc- BE RRY-.- DENAULT1 Al qijet'ut pr'ety w dngoo WeusuSepteniher 22nd, when1-- C MayAnueil, daugiter of, Mr. a-nd Mu.David Dûut eae tr bride 0fdJRoyPLatterson Berry, o cf M. au -Mu. Joh-n Brrof1 Orono Bey H.A. utoffiiated Tbre bride -w as deissed in a streetc- leingth dreýs sof heavenlIy bille w crep)e with Ihlack accessoires and wore a corsage of redi roses. She was Ronald BreWrs dress was the spme as the brid'e's, onl'y ùlu mellowl rose -xith bllack acsois and! wveaiing a ora geof whitle caa-e- t i,-)n s. Mr. Jim PatiterSon, of Bow- manIvile, cosicf Ithe groom. ýwas After the cermony he bride ania tirugi states,. Upon tirir retumu V, lhoy w*lI et0fOrone, WO..MEETING do-wn reside Tbý, Autuimu iar)f'ru ot ing of tire WurausMissioar'y -Se- cioty et Park Street Chi-u rcr, Orono, w,,s lie-Id ou TuesCday, O(,cber t, wii ipei deut,', Ms.DeIve, pro-: '1d--gthewcastîie ad hiyAx iliaries attulenod y initaton, s tir ettendanrm(e was verQ1y ecuaig and a1 mYos, Ligr lmeetingws ,After ie epole iiry'muand pray-ý Cm, j"iss -M. Davy rend ianumber ef- 0 pai-agr-aphs wirilclrwas rutevsper-sed1 witir bibl~e verses rýead by Mus. Lo(-i "in, îaWî-îvring çonrs en îi ng Vie Word 'of Ced Vo ail tire wrd Mus. Drive thon-ecoe'thie visiî- toms, s"ayiug sire -'nVas- d'îitdtoi 50 se) ur'auy frour ibotlirNewc!astle, ndf Kiuby. Tire programmne fjllw-! ed. A voc-al solo by Mmre. Geor 1-ge Carson and -e piano duet b11y Mme. M.ý 1-1 ta, e ard MisE --s Oshornleof-f Bownran'ville, býotir num>heus being very mucirî enjoyed. Muýs. Delve to inltroducol tirle guesý-t speaker, Mus. [seyaiour ofEnikleponca Tresurerof tire W.C.TfU. Sire gav e m'esýt inszpiriug and practical V'air on tire Sc-Irool for Ledr"beld et' Wiit)y iluuustelling o f tIrle dif- ferontdlepautureutta f mssoa wouk ýýtakeilnup tVir. Slie sadtr Scirool irad been h eîd tirerp fer fif-i teen yeers, nd those ,,ttendliilçwer lieone heppy fanrllyv. M vs. Se'-Y Mour told of tire tallk cf oeeof tire sýpeaker-sMi's. T.aylor,wh told of China,, Jepan ndKorea auidi tleir probilems, and sidthey ueeded îte 4ce givon hope and feitir and Chris- tienVechng One of tirh erate mebr thanked tire Orono ladies' for ivt i ig t-he'm tte rn eeting and s'aidl how nmuch tllroy had enjoifyed it. At tire close of theiremeeting Ilunch weLS 'served eand a social time ca-1 ýWhites Defeat Reds At Orono S chool Field Day Kirby Associations Give Prestation To M10.Carson! A os ojoyablo eveniug -was spet t Krly United Church ou Fridy evening, Octobr le, where a progriammre 0f loccal talent, cn sistîng of a duet by Eyla Cirapmian and Barbara 'Reid, and a sole bjy Mrs. Gore aas nad a vielin -SOlo) by ýLloydRl jansberry and a 'humorous selection by Mr. H. ILowery. Before lunch i was serve, Ars. Ca's' as cldte tire platform-1 and presentýed with a beautifuî-l mir- ror aud tir'he followinig adidreas was read by Mrs. I.Lo',wery : Kirliy, 'Sept. 24, 1948.ý Mrs.Ge.Cro. Dea Stlle - We, your fiends 0f tis 'hrcrand comm iunity ex- tend to you ur very !)est wishes upnyour muýarieeand sincemely hop yor ftur wil Ie irappy an( pr'o'perous'. 'Many times you have geuerously helped us in worshp of song iu our Womeuls Associatonour Mission- any Soiety and Our Choir amd again, -we say "Thank Yon". Tire voice nasdi n o'-gs one of God's great- est media tou'gh whichlie enies tire hearte of men and yen have given unstbinugly of your talent, Asa tangibleexrson fou eprcatiýon, please accept tinýs gift. Amoýng tire mrany duties ef homne 1' e we oPeý you will still findtimle fori- n soangs, avsir rr-yiUomicli est blessîn'gs rest uoarynu 4and yours. 'ounbhl ofKiy W. A., WoMsi and ChorMs. Robeirt Allini, Mus. Sýte1lla-,'as tkncon-îletely b surprisbut n a fe'w welî irse rears ianked tireur for tirt oirupn ersiy ulexýpresýsed lhem pheasuirel in astighem Kirlhy frienlds et an'y time. Tirescilevoning losed 'witi tire sigrr f tire Binýg. --Rally DaY service Tire Sairbatir Scirool and Congre- gation of Païrk s>treet Cirurcir, Oromo, duly ohýserved RalI'y Day euie wee'k ago ,Sunday. Aconpnddby tire peited eut anrd teacireus tire ciildren of tire1 Sloloccu'pied tire centbre of tire1 Chrc uditorim m' weeex- tended e ireartypwecoie lby Rev. A. E.~wlc Euscwodevoted tire sermion perio Vo'tIrle cildren-2. Mu'. Eustace~ cf SirbtirScirool growth iro adt Cruir life is te be aiuteiuod. Mr.C. 'Joues wýas lu tire antem edihýion bfy tire choir. Local Op)toists- Leave For iterland In Search 0f Geesel 1BI Armstrong and Dr. MeKenzie1 doulbt l usu minds about hean are, going uop to James Bay or teCi: fÏ getting llfty Wid geese,bu holiay ouot lld geese.Teteeisa cacetattey an>ay get bag, sbetyfv geese perl lost in shiipping or in a train ,wreck. person, and the adsvnce notices are jHoswe-.ver4 fif*tey geese are away to that the gece ~are sýo plen't4fù¶ thaï uayfor. a býanqu-Let for hme er a hunter can't miss getting the lmiof ftlle Oroo l,;ish and Hunt Cluob, and if the hunter g et s e.xhausted and we r surethat any intimate sotngthe guide w1 shoot tInia friend of theis rs i would lIle a for 'hlm. qe r e' s hjg t1hat tzhe goose eould o01y have to leave theirl iguide cari really shoot. The geese names at the doctor's office or a, t ave-rage around( ten pound oac Armýst'rong's store. and are deiicious eating, -whule te They bave decided not to de-1 featheýrs mI-aIet the most wonder-fuliah the ,geese- until they arrive do n comforteris 0inearth. lhomel, cse anyoneý rwanting feathers foàawidgoose (down coinforter n'av Dr. lVUKenzie has poisd thie gtte1t ,eeu.I almd Orono Fish and HWu Club tihat hl ha. eeping Under a wvild goose MAl furnih t he ageese for a haniqet c P,,lfrr is'a ýrefre:sIiug Altiough rein c-aused momentary in-terruti car'ls, the Oronio Con]tinlua- tion Scirool Field Day -%as heldi . ou tire alfterorn of F'ridaST, October ist 1Tire students were dlvidled ito two teais, ire Blues captalrned byShr ley F:intoff and Jim Pellard,, and the WhtsC,"qtala-ed by 'Kay Gains. by and Bill Feund. The vvinners in tire various classes -were: Seior girl, Shirley 'Flîntoif; Tu- termied iate girl, Lois' Dean; J unidor girl, Olive Brorwir. Senior 'boy, Bilh Found; Ineuedae üy, George Joues; Junior boy, Chrnles Arn strong. Tire Wirite's had thre greater nm ber 0ýf pelints et the end of tire meet, Tire wiuners in tihe vairioeus ventsI were as fcllo'ws' Tugof-wer-~Wn by a team se-. lected from thLle Whiies. Girls'Events 11iîgrJui-Sr Ka y G u i b y, Shirley FIintoif, Arlenie2Boydt. Zu- termdiae-JyceSuitton, Marvleeï5 BoYd, Elcanlor Green., uir-lv Bro wn«,7Be-tty Cooper, 'Bileen Joues, StandIiing Broad : Sr.-KeyCam- hy, Siriley Flintoif, Arlene Boyd. Intermiedia te - lois Deani' Mamvleeni ByWanda MàlalIe-y, Junior--Juane Glan'iville, Betty, Cooper, Eileen Jou aes. Rulnuing Breadl: Sr -, Shirley Fintoif, Bey GmbArlone Boyd. Ineredae-Los Dean, E le anr, l Grecen, Wanta MnLaleyu. J un ir- -Olive Bow, etty Cooper, Jn Glenville.* Disceus Thirow: Sr. - Shirley Flap- tofi', Pats'y Moffat, Marguerite Ruth- erfordî, Lintermediate - MauvlPer) Bcy'd, AwanaiHal, Lois Dean; Jun-ior Olive Bro'wn, Verne BBerry, Eilecn son, nerald cnl, A linterurediaite -- oiI ,Green, W,?,rvleen Boys Jupe GlanIville, Bétty 'C Copping. Beseaî Thrrow: S Flinoifi, M rg utirerf Boyd. Intrmeiet Junior. - olive Brownl, June Neilson. 100 yard (!dulsh- S5h Keýy G nslby, ArleBe clashr.- lois Dean, El Meuvlcen Bond. '50 y Betty C ooper, Olive - Bicycle Raýes: Sr% - towt, BarbarneuRohirK Inteumediate - ' I J'oyce 'Sutton, Carole G lir - Olive Buo'wn, Ju June Neilson Beys' Event Pol 'ie .iult: Su. - Bi M3oat, Jim Bollard. lI 'eouge Joues, Davidi Hunt Juici - Charle HigirJup:Su. - BiIll Wo0ff at, .Jimý oladBillFund Iterne- diet,,e - George Jouies, Ronald Hu-lntb Donal d Mcae.Junlior, Chauleis Aats>tong Iluriton Bcyd, KLitki W est. Standýling'Brod:Ru-, Aec Mof- fat, Bill-iioud, 'Bill Mc-ffat. Intt-rme- diate George J ouiies,, Marvint le, Alm strogKeitir West, Ha milI- ton Boy'd. uuig BroaiL: Su, -~ Francîis C'owau, BilloudBill Moffat, Iu- termiediaite udHun'f, og _Jouesý, Mervin Luirai.JuirCh - les Armstmc'n'g, KeitirW e st, Bob1 DI's'cs Thrw: Sr. - Bih lFeundi Bill Mýoffat, Jian olard Iterm-e- ~tiet - eogeJousDavid Fee, Mar vin Lunu. - Jnioýr - Chules Armtun', ob Coode, Hamiltor Boydi. Sirot Put: Sr. - Bill F'ound, Bill Mo)ffat, Aleck Moffat. I trmediatc -4Ceoige JnesMav Lunn, Rosis- Tayvlor-. JnIr- Hailten Boyd, Bob CGoode, Cherles Armcitmong. 1,25 yard Dsir- Aleci Mi-at Bill Found, Freucis CoIIwan1. 100 y'd. asr-Georg-e Jouies, Marvîn Lurnu, Ropnail fL-,ink ' yardi l'ah-f>ai 1 i

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