LOCAL NEWVS VI.Jim Linton andfien-, o [ontaiso Miss PBetty ,-Linton iis;itedl at thieii home over the houi- lay week-eod. The batter in a CaH game strike 1ý thei b)aIl when it begins Vto cross! ,'i( pIaýte, but when the town dick )n. the toweor oS the hiall strilkes, fif- teen miuts f the hour hasps. Msr.Dr, McKenzie and W. E. Arm.troug left over the wene-end un thei Canadfan goose expedition ini Northern Otri.They wllre,- turn this vweek-end. Notice to Farmners If yen want us te remove your dead farmi stock within ,an. hour iwitheut. charge - CALL US COLLECT Bowmanville 267q, For Crippled Horses we pay as high as------$M10O And for Old Heorses as hig-h as....------------- -------- $30.,o~ WVe are able to pay these prices because Ive feed the mlieat te our Own aiiimals. MARGWILL FUR FARM x a- I a- cafn P4y op tC 0IOOOof the new SAV1ING 3NCRiEs a personal mnatter, but buy-ing Canada S a V;n gs Bond(.s is a good habit for the whv'Ole family. Everyonie in the famil1y may buy Canada Savings Boads-f4om '$50 uip to- as mnuch as $1,O0 each. Canada Savings Bonds mnay be boughit for cash - or on easy in- stahnents - through your ban.k or investn-ent J-der. 18 Mlr and Mrs. George C!Clri spfit th oldyweek-enid at their sumù- Wr.ami Mrs. Som Geh and,, rn ily spent Suînday w'thMr.i. and Mr l' S' Congýre tulatiolis V M.and *'s Geore Meceron thre bîthf a b aby son in Bowtmýa nville hospitlal o October lst. 31r.,m Mrsý. Ayward (1Lîttie an 1 M~y Son, and Au. Alsc le, oaf Toroïnt . spent tire hoidy eek-endl witFh theirmoh, Mrs. N. Little. Mr. i Doyle lhad bs ýfa(ebal cut recently, when the Par in which, hewsring sO d on the wet rond-on ih-e Seveiith Liine near Mic- Elv-ey's WESLEY VILLE MisDora Andrn sppnt the week-end visiting fr-iends i Kin- ston. Miss If elen Barro-wcloun-h, o-f Lakeport, spet the week-end aiL home, MssBetty Bean,1 of Braýmpto, spent the we-n with M1r. and! Mrs, C. Payne. Missý Nol-a Holdaway, of Toronto, spent thec week-end( with her moather, Mr.md rs C. Beighton spenit ua few cays visïtinig thieir daugh-t-er El- Mis Laurel Hill, of Port -THope, sp)ent thie we-n with heIr aunt, Mrs. Edgýar Barrowcvfýlouzb. The sitorm oni,,Saturday e- cvening layed havoc Wth the telephoire and e-leotiricitiy in 1 siyiH, iolating soe ars f the Counitry sid!e. Thle rrsh W-omýe's In!stituite- held thfeir ineetiniget the hoelo Mrs. Richard Best with a very good atendance, Mrs.D a, of Toronto, an-d 1Miss Leona Beghton, ou ïmHamilton,1pet the week-end with their parents, Mr. Mn nrs-C.Beighon. Mr.adMvs. Arnold Thryk and famîly spenit Sunday a urnn .wthMr.HarryMekngoCir Mr Mr rsi1!i\!. A1ert R', ndle andi Sania, ,ard Mr.and Mrs. TomI Seivn and Gary,. sfBocleu sn-enit~Mn with .andïMrs. C. isunday Athos! was hemi at the Usuial time ith an, atendance of thiityeigt.Chiirch follcwxed fwith Rev. Fra.nk Gilfbert, of Bal,,i more, apak n d, 'Miss Pauline Petes Of Mo-rish,ý providing thie Imusic. iss Ruth Barker visited friands in Tloronto over the week-end. Mr. Jao-mes Simips-on las 'ucae a new Ddecar. Mr. and Mlrs. Glaude Hienry, of Toronto, et Siddalol's Silo lilling has lheen completed in this sectLion. Mv. andiciMrs. flonard Gook, of Hamilton, at A. G. P-errir. n ua-n day. Donit forget the annivýersary er vices at Cla-rke on Sunday, Ocitobher 17Uh, aISo the Pot luck stipier o0n Wvedinesday iig-t, Ocýtýber 20th. See the coia -vents for ter de- ýMr. and 'Mrs. Hermon Du.nlop., Mr. and -Mrs. George Dunlop, Toronlto, mnai ferm dities a't R. RIo- lings-worth's over th~e week-enid wihle A onivisitec1their daughTter, Mrs. Walter CeÂias,Shobeg The W. VýA. met at thie home of Mrs. R. IoIngwth on 'Wednesday, Octclber 6th, wilh six ladýies pres-ent. Thie pot boc supiper ýwais discussed -mnd plians -were madle for th Hallo- we'en party. ,te tic held Saturday nii-It, O!ýctoher 29th,. Themetn closed! wdth the Benie-iction, alter whlichb a lovely lunich was erved,. The Noebrmeeting- to be hieldj at Mfrs. Rev, Pabterscon's Newcastle, POWVER CUT-OFF TWO 11OURS ENFORCED ON ORONO DISTRICT (ConItin-Ued fromn, page one) is a1l')lod m this wa1s over used las't-eek, runin u;-lp to 1400 wý;atts per d1ay. Thiis is a greait iniconvenience to 1 meOf thehydiroues. secal in, the prnti'g ff'ce. With atw hour close cd-own the noc1ta'l pot , of our lnoype f reezes ilardi, t hen wxhen the1 powe cones n,-it tak"es the metal one hour to mielit before mecn s the mnachinfe, mliakdng us lose three] iheurs each afterponý. 11 the ae is late, it 'will be the hyvdre that ,îi, to -me ,and nof~the staff. The coni- 1-aission- at Oronb do net know hl-owj fust Àiiv-èa - ±--ý also Citron, Lemonomad Orange Pee-ls,MxeFuis Sealers, Small and Medium sizes. Sultana Seedless Raisis, 2 Ibs f or......33c 1-2 1b29c Pr-unes, im-edl;uiumsize, 2 lýbs_. . . ..Mi Robinhood Easyix for tea bhis- cuits, just add -water or milk, 2 1-2 lb pkg,ý 1. .....ý ý.......139C S-weetened Shreddfed Cocoanut, 4 oz rkg.........15e L ibby's Cooked Spaghetti with tomuato sauce and cheese, 1I5 oztI-ins, 2f or.ý....... ..... 27C O10d Sait Sm-oked Sardines in oiu, 2 tins for 25c, Jvory S';oap, mnedium size, 2.for 25c Chocolate Chipits, a semi sweet 'cho-ola.te for baking or de- corating, pkg...... ..9e Chase &Sanborn COFFEE 'lb fer-33C. M l for-------...65c. ORONO 5c. TO $100 STORE YOURi POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE MUoterEuimn Private Amulane Northcutt and Smni'th Fune-r&i Dirýcter. An4rol treDearr KINDNESS Equipped te te. COIJRTESY SERSV rt of th* modeat funer-alet the. w irge a ne OIas tie largea end um.st eati â6 dec 8 sud ,T TICEQ t