OP( Vo. 12 ïer Medal w.Ij Subscription $1,50 per Year Fridy, ove 2 n Jones Places Thiïrd In )istrict Speaking Contest iig Auxiliary Mleeting XTyrrell i enteiltaineti about ve cf the E'vening Auxiiary day'veî, ofl.stweek, lenditiprgnm ewas pre- ider the leadership cf Mrs. uat , vhý nieW limesý i ng, the asric1i for 197,ant itil Ma h vo, weuid li-tn riigbhi1t the Hlydre plle gave the'natur'e waraied a aias ing mied!icalatIvic !ond tion in tie lx a s omt f C2 cures, andi saiti a uentrol for thleC knrio w it. Mrs. <iW so aOhly f nets 'afi ým. It i' beforei Therei C equ ý-pMent "ai a tIdthe faim ig cost of1 o Il e rit ,, C, y.; ùihe r li mlieceu'l antinter- the nknon vernî Jesot-utit>Ltaw e,,, e passC udong eue favou tg- the com-pul- 1 grêdAïg cf green peas for»-can- i a-tidfî-ee-siug; one requestng alii sca elS ~ be i-Viible te the ,er w-n hlieiandi anether, Mi-e boat-r _ tke steps to prerventl Ol' 'ver-co'tracing cf any ti-heir pl'antcpey %%Uar eTeece to peas Ret was recowiiended that a inaum cff 6G a's'per 'ner be lOiges t. wasrecognizatiever'y -te o gp an acreage redue- It _wasoaserecom11- at ve-ny memiber cf t'he 'ation refrain remsini any -ract wi5h an -yprcso until aI- Januaoey 294th, 19-19. This dclate et to allow the negýotiàtiag_- con- ýee te so l prices and con- - e.lig wtb h e (proce.ssors or. mie wlie basis. nseietng was generall1y in fav- ftfe tVemato gradilngy s-,tejyl as adcd la 1947. ew offlýers mere elected as fol- Wailter Rundfle, .- Lloyd (Griag, [ce As'on, Bur'ke- sellas, NewcastIe;1 ýo; Steve Moore, Kinner, of Port arhed on adjourLiin- nairn meetin g ladci edi Srict. isavey re Pliultunîg auea 11 Alunh c sanwicescake and necoffee mas ser,,Ve:C. The -reminder c che 'Ieeving M s spea ludacing '~Attenid Girl Guides' Supper for OlnaloCuty hle programme was the- ictures yUM.Sape cojfe ias erii cf the lIl atr, h ada &cr~ inOl cru ~ net -~- lie~ "o 0f Lions pas k~-~- nac -Suif nlges't pcîn'tý-ed-out tiraa iilute thfink a tiese fort cars Mr. 'lido p'rovlî This year, -as -la prevý,,ýicus ,y ear t e rono Gil Gides ý'il otia TI-u' w nd be he pauc e pik u frieni, md1V wll aIe eil eut-te gin aut5 pu. Do'tmiss hshm-coeima le's, 'Jellies,hoemtebcisbt !rinte evËn, pie and tee. SurzandEgs- Ne ovember mes, o18Aud 'y loal at Il a reatl :s agleson a,, istrict Govern orý 1 ian Asia, but it pradto sucha x teni that itl ef init wkesm 20,000,O grves To-ay'witlb t m nng niSuLper soic rae * th aspct o ineailwl ikin war fo)r the Allies. Mv11. fDa ýr1iat, , stateti Hat the cohorencould eraýe dte f!ar ofWatnMicervy andalsn At tlts ti îimè the 1g7ess eakel at~ ~ ~ ~~~~l' ie-,nnse i ifeec ' mae omîna- us.Miss Aoadone hunAtre Bye ttendeti tihle C. Thon i the Ontar'b stisal<r ma lareati l sM opeagres MisK. Stewart, Mr. and _Mrsý. Ccc-ii Joues and Carolyn anti Mrs. Fred Bowen jourrîeyed te 'Brighton on Fridadyvnig-Iht, Novernber Ïlàb, t, attend Ithe l>zisltr4t Public Speakinig Contest lain hici Garolyn Joues wa CeImýeting. Tue onitestants wuhowo firsb anti s'econd: place in Port ilope tino 'meeka previoasiy representied Durham Courty. Mr. R. J. Roazs acted as' chiairmian in Ih i uual efficient miîanner. After a fLew openfingl rem'i-arkýs lie openiet Élhe programmiiieby thiee sni f "0 Canada,andtiLihin called 'upn tlie contesants foUheýiratrees whvlen tenrcontetantt coupeted for top ho0nors. Pelowilng ý is te iis't4ef Calitesant-1S: PaunI Haynes, Coîborne public Sehol, Nrthuberlndtopic, "Loni GerghEpic f 'Courage". Cathlerine aru, S. S, No. 9, 'Cavaný, Durhnim Couuty, "The Cayeu1 Blazers?'. Lornia Drew, IHarrowsmlutIh School, Frontenac Counity, "tm Col7elect- 'Mary Jane Wilson, S. S. No. 4 n struIther, P 1 'oo~g, "iGnan Coulee Danf'. arI JacIk Sargent, :S. S. No. 29, North I Monaugh-an, Peterb)orougli, "Fro nt Politieýs 'n Palomiinones". Pa'uline Drape, S. S. No. 18, m- ilton, Nrhbrad, "A Dollar Bill". lIan McCllum, S. S. No. 14, Gien- burnie Puil4c Sho, Fronteaac IRbraAlle-n, S. ýS. No. 2q, Tyen- dinaa, atiin-e' County7, "Our For- CaroDl.n Jones, S,. ýS No12 Ciarke Towivnslhip, Durhai m dunity, tral of VIle Mes'iah"'. Jamnes- Staff ord', S. S. No. .20, Tyeu.n- There wereý fourteen j'nd'ges' ro"in he 'Cuuies of Peterberomugh,, Dur- han, LUrontenac a n ( Nl tuiie~ l'ant. After thiescre were comrpil- eti thýe prizes ment to the- followingII- pipils :Isit Placue, James', Stalff-ord;, 2wl, PacIine ýDrope, an rid 'iiplace l<te Caroly Joue fN.1,Ooo Pu'b ieceive P natu r) p o "ee or dren mde a ery fne ehwicg n the Pr1nilrse'aniRte Income Tax Exe-mptiocn For Farmers On Sale 0f Herd 28rd, Ciaua farareï-s wiIh be al-1 lowd lu eempion frominre tix on sale ofcf asc heads"o fcat- le.,-Iiei) or swine, . ci t tese herds hav;e been apoeiby ibe de- parfamenlt for incorie a 'purpesesý. 'The tiecisien ýiicolr7poratetlinl diecivs uted Nov. 17. endis a-l onig battle betwee'athe Canadian F~edera- tien cf Agiriuture aýnti oherbeis Up to thIe preseut proceetis frein sl oft animais froim these bertis lhave been coasideroti as iluccie uie hs t'armer had aacepted t1he practice cf acrul dVrnwhieil eatkep .ni ther ases f hefaun su.bjert cf repe-ate i protetintatbe bsreceive-d'tiregsîreap of the fa ) eign izaticaý nS. k farmers ,,Iloe bave bee ens- ni opyerations in 194,17 or 14 aire appicatioon n mor eee W, 1949, fo r'appro;val of a îerd. Any fameri comî-men- Wel, Hre It Is Anld Pa là One lliilarous Evi Thec big dan-ce you al i have bieeni %va it ing fr.Bill uhrfr a satiieti hiumiself 'that the Kir-by iil Blles are 1righîit on tthe bit fer, the big tne ai RoP, Forr2ester is wckig is illsu, ticà frazIzl]e te Lri< e ail tiret yulth l have its Junior WesttheCbatan'of 'tie Orono Hckey Clumoeis Aincarge cf the prizs, ilsPulIng bis hair wenierngmirraheisgeingtVoput aieila, bt al lnti. Vrecn" fee trc. dos' t seýem to1 çýýars ne111 ic i oninuedopae, foU r) isIt iuili a b-a sice ject te in-eome t ti 15 In l a' shortUiness' period' con- te ddtoholItlt hýe Dcm rmeet- ing one week 'carler. Scicipture' reaýdlintgs were taken by Mrs. VceziMrs. G. Carson and Mrsç W,. Sherwin. Somethlinýg different in muicwas provided by Mrs. *VcKenzï( pay1 i records for, aceonipanirnent of h 1ymnns and a beuilu election cof v"Ara -Maria" by a'll girl orchestra, The eefor ùthee&eIng a s Uomie Missions whichi was ably tke'byv Be rtha Caia and, Mrs'. Por- ter'. Serveral hunorous ontests were enijofyed anit a vecty 7dainty lunc was served by t<he group. Orono Oüddfellows Pay. Visit To Toronto Lodgel 01n1Mou1da-y evenin<g tast a bus load 0.O,F., visited BroadIview Lodge, 'rsnto and confuet the third de- gree on six canuidaes. The Orono mernbers w-,ere given a royal rüceqptton, and ,in retura, ex eitmqlified tlie thlirui deigree ia excel1- tihe large gatherinig of some one bAn- Smith was present, a former Orono- ite, -who ,enqUiredi bou ls many friends in O-rono. An event of sipecia1 mention was a reatby Past Grand Mse Dean, of at Bre. Oc(lfeliow whose wife was in a hospital for an operation, and %cie therelis home mvas des>royed by Cie, loing Ailtheir elfct. A colcinwas takea up for hlmi, net- ting,2 $05I-.5I:, jnst .depicting the iumi-ýan skeof Odfllo'li.An.excellent cAiknbanquet mas s'erved to ail. Tefilst prize wne ilrupre- sent the 'itict taToýronto at th-,e Provncil Pulic£peaiagConte'st Oron caroad aîd alil ai a grand evmendn lesine te isserng oct bcras ling Uthe Onar Cen-l A n,c