11o,n' Mon1wroe, prett Yyoung eia, T~codab akngth, Sylveter Da 1fl ni ýýla wonI&n 1 a Les Angeles Sapan- 1Wot tre aind cncaln pS lber aat Liit. otJoe Paiune rfS ii ate 21,1, osssilusad ntar eýt ber ite. takes die stone wtI ber t to c at 7,fn etDan Besedsrc tony 'etiit Om ite is10lv. Bteas a 0ie eexplaîn t aln w'y ste toits ttene, ue la a mkno '1attise dr. Dam pises ier Plitheri, bedroore and isoneos t.0 se wsol there CHAPTER V. Ho-ney didl not close and ock the doasDani ad iustruçted lier to d.Tliere waa too mucli curiosi ty Ï, ier genieral make-up for, that, Sh ewa tatoseceand te hear wliat pasýsed between the nien. Slie had benriýght about the cabier. t was Jor anhune.She wiped tlie tears roilier eyes so she couid et eleanbly aud ipeeped thirougl, Lthe orck f thec open door, Da"Illsaid ta ic ablerforcicg "Soetg r dofotyu3 deal. "I have bunss wîliMis yi oice iia oneLY recogn'izedI 4ntnb anId a coAd ichii sep ov r erbody as saaw liowcruel ppnd rutItaes liPt oke s lie stoad TIli d iri titt r loe u -'Hy co ,lkorn we,? Wh t o tai thai slie's asleep." Dan reminded eivily. "Lt is custamary ta sleep ai tý4- is hur oi the rnornîng." "N.She ban't ihere." Botli men were very angry iliongli ryý ing luiard to remain cool a,,nd col- etd, ' "Wht akes you IukIk where slie is? A nd wa uiesis bofyouirs,anay"Dastag- *neid bis slioubdera ani-d Hneisw Isb glthdcos into a-tght "It's my busineoss, ail Irigll(t," Joe sadflatly, anid I-Ioney saw ha rfyts sove htroorn qikyAndïclsetîle ci tht lednam dor. Aflarne lae Ino is eys nd tliey btied tl,-irogl icht narrow opening of the dorayad aie withdrew deepeî bita eht arnes hpîng that lic had nat seen leHis iaouysas jWll yu 'Ilget thtbiazes oui eahdta ccsetht, doar O is i, CROSS WORD PUZZLE ilu e'iN"-" suunaw P. Nmei' ut CnWe meFi à E cohas.s Poeus o w ,Sm"yn ag& 4Gea r to ,i Heait' au syllab]e Se Savory .C'ip1ea 9. aldres Buýt Jor vwas too çquic,Hte- ped inside the room. Oiivwlien Miss Monroe, leave wti e" i said aI dpualiti the dcoorsut. e hbnd'ihucm with lis, foot. h siam! ed lard, Acîid it that moment, Dan md sw in-g for Joe's chut and tliey-en dontogether lieavily, knoýcking au er a small table and sending tht things 0o top 'of it ta tht floor ta scatter iu ail directions. Hi-ey closed and locked the door thýien. She *as seîzed with a i baient paie as aIehe ard bow aftev bo,,f al ins the other room, io-_ knowing bois tht fight was goîing, She wabked thie floor, nînig i er banda. Then quickly, shE made a decision. SIte dropped tliu vclvet box: in lier purse and vseut loto tht bailirooiv, bu-t tiere -waa no -,way, of hcpeiler. bile îurîîed hack. Thebedoonwitsdow opened onto a imaiacocsywhich looked down iutioc a- patio. Site peered aven tht ri nd discovered another bal- cony oh ithe gnou id floor .iust lie- low itr. niattîr of saine eght or tel] fc t i nxlata rape," aue i- pere ta Ir self, 'or sane-" It-' h~ ~ . u un- usîute for te deîrednope raU tuti]s;t ciiibed over- tht bal- cony and thaîîked lier iucky stars that alie lîad been brauglît up a "tomboy" and that she liad bast noue of lier agilityr SIte slid slow- by and carefîibu dogvn the sheets, Escape ivas tIiîly ihouglit in lier mm1d asjs- touched tht grouni and looked araund. Joe's car was parked by thte curli, tht kce s ini the bock for lie seldoin botliered te take themni ot, es-jeciaIly if lie were in a liurri,. SIý t ot miatht car -without heabiatiocn ai:d drove liersrîf ta taosi,,'. Sie arhdhtcoupe oný aide sretwbee tcouid eaii le found. A short distaîîce froi.it,sh piched up a taxi ta take lir aie .own aparimeut biotel,. F{oney dare flot get iinto tht eevator ai ihat titiîe of tue rnorn- iîîg and advetise the tact tisai she lîad gone oui utisetu after Dan lad brouglit lier home, and that she wans just 00w, gettiug nu. Afier ail, aIe did think iuvebbaiflier reputation, even ini ibis hour of mental sus pense. Sa she iîp-toed qietlv ilirougl i tht obby ta the stinrway-. Up thr ee fliglits af stairsaI rai. (Continued nexi week.) 10, SpantatcesM50IX-Mné 11. Gnawing tanzaa animai 32,(ondial 12. Confectîoa SL Bid 8i4, Mia ious 17. Attention 3i6. Itubbt 20. Itise suddeaiy &T. 0i4 pisy1kle 21. Dinuinlahes carde 2S. Throbs 40. Arm jouit 24. Atnican weigiît 13. Patin (van.> '14. Otisar 26, TheshinÉç 46. Spocli îlliment 4At Asters 28. Jaweleris 49. Four weight Sl1 Musical noie you, ý A. itsgustedi wiîe" LT COULD BE that ihwslusa i5so accuisiomed a ul aoiin Ibm that lie lias --wneveimr self centréd ihan Fli usedtale Uninientiounaly, ai cus. H sliould lie made ta ebieua wife Is anidvdaa esno feelingike hnshwi uid pend argely upon irn ,for i-r cn tenimeni bu libIe. VWidn le iare garda lier wishes, Lor Cdenies her fain play, or ihuis lier oi of-bis ernotional ife orlifurebas lie is desîroyiug tht eri ihngà, ier whicli once imade inbv ir And bc- is cbeting inel f h loyal affectioua omn ik,3o is capa4ble 0'f gvg Your liusba, I(L ike O tin ailiers,liasben aking ufr granted. LHe slio-u]ýLd how tlhatu particuharlyv150Wc3[ou need is ted- eetiaffection and bhi kinduese;, ý - you ueed ta lie cîeered u t li amusti, to lie)o ssedaven,'i o need the assuirnce aI ýis belIefi yotir wisdoiii and yýour judgemeniïî. LInailier words, yau neetd eat by wliat le is N\OT ging yau. You say lieted hsclm.I lie woubd lihe ta vit ehasd hear fronin , Just Thiough1tless, Perhapiýs Meautime,, o1 le eb di that a wif esrva a ieieaird ai leasi aýs fiyas one's bsns pantner. 1L Iopt lu ,ýie iltkebt cane of oulemoeiogif, show you bu tht ways leusdt knaw liow d(eanlýy l]cdors bae ou, fI ýtakes sa it toplese wosa thai it is sad(I hat some ushanda")(i forget to make t ht ffrt For yurpart, îvi ot elx u off any decsion uti after ur Doî't worh o adli iir hii ta yor self. ctLet tîings go,, inbît ý taai m nior,awi e oui ofrdoors rgularly, no. yu ultile gil anîd is wndrfuilli er-in-aw ye have Keepiiin u lie agrees' with [Iliese ideas, And wrCite me(gi2 teryu bab, caýmes. ThIen 'X iay ind tIaiyou iubald blias grownmor your troubles hai pased.I , iliat wil bclie tue enaugl i t tî of leavin1g 1hcir. needa É-ý10 e eine u sometimes it takes a slioc .t wake 'im up-, tartht dainger lie faces. Tell i Anne Hirst our( trouble, an-d ltbelirgdeyu wvrite ien ai 2t ihlenl StN ewTonoOnai Answer ta Lasi Weeke's Puzzleý Answer to, TItis Puzzle WifI Appear Neiet Week MJodem nEtiquette By -oerî cLe .11,1114, 1- 0 ýt Wliat cao yon do witl?i ca- an curge Jlin h yugfeu- low who lDmde t]iîs lis am of o i for sve e atl r, a isba, lnst Augusi, frît th t(bure th etir ha iansis 0w iaç hoe gaîn. Ht eftAetaaa W ýWedUyuwnî à)t thce ck le, o rot ttie States,bah a coveing boutilire tbusan p.. htflln:wîug Tuesýday. No fIi xctnntof any iud-aid a fel - owwfii Im b sh;are xens A1lso lie iazcmelaclk wîti aà greLat been any w ý,orh for lui nwler arýoinnd. Bt parnlyttr as becauseti; , a onpti-T W es i ý greu c ticr a0. x eaUl tam big onyforailen tilller,"ý- ing ~ ~ ý di1ritsJu1nt bi u TItr r sub moe jbs tan"en ta fill[ý a ue ijo zjusi a fe V ils Ifl"r nosoti ever iecoî d av Ths or x. ue ae gtiinged -tht n achne i upod tocame ten ta ort. V hhluie 1 ryi gladbecase.w e AreandLoe iont neiîbonsa, lihemny farnerbefr hi, w olei P Iie nd lo tie he boraws gain( frmor egour acis tht road tlirosiîed. ng catieruug mani dciadd "ýTît uOwlPe"b nntiWls I aerend iany viewsf !his ndlas u.a a d tht lensr o mee(-tjing Mni. Wll i a galber- ing wiee l iigaar ntrend lýis a.BtIailbv hopes of borro' ï bi Icannai posihy uyail lde b 1k Iwacît tai rend but b etween fiends- and biimnesfget abang DaIlih M.Wells sooke .of tht eweaith i material for wiers ou-,afaîrinî and seie îtha, ie lie adii Ilîly foir acre, of bnd a aw ont oo-r anld afwà uiesyt lieti. ' i eXpeci ta mnC nt aisuli ai leasi ten years. rinhl omentan a an. Even a lenky lilroof ian pr1avide au iehement Sle drunlt iis suimrner ywc goi nîno as mu11cl nainrnsdeas out. And (1ther. wns nr. uvyaio'ï ' where1îlleeak'a s ýould corne-utL il id nalin. Sa InPrne tne iii ir Ille troof b'ut s ur- a le patche"d ont placeîe iexi nrain spot. Anober ati igih lav given Up île joli s ap1e',u Patnr ick t t jàanin thM'id wo loi. Su iiowwA-' tan istet5t tht aterof mut on île roof ai nili uithoult wv> enngif utc -v'tbd gt up and mn nlIl îer th bouse ta colleclpots and pans t saine pots 1ýaîîd pn.Di ay- "vet ro,1 leah1ed A. Thçc si!lver loubdlieplaced ontlie plate, as at theý end o course. A. No; she may leave i' on the back of her chair, if she ;Vishes. Q fa grlkwahtayog h eaildriht :1eforie r by w A. No; this b flot -good Ïfor m and mnost certainly wudnot mgnýkea god impression on ýthe mn Q. l it iigIlt to oda edn A. No; the correctphaigb "Request the honocr of your pre- Q. f a ïrienld lias oîoe book aîd lias cpt it or cvea rnothsý, isit ai ih oakle 510 o i rurn t? A. Yes; aborwe ook shoýuld nlot be kept any Ilgertan thirty 1ýé 1 ,ý1.v6 Q. Shýould th11e fin-gera rc a SDOi_ lc ie nrd for eating A ckia forkk T'nî o peh upyourkitcen? s flt seved with t te hee aypohodes nd A. Use the finigers, unles it je mutt ofbrigit crap. Tiey very sticky. 114e ba1zaar orgifttems ztcOOl Q.Sild aài l a-, ti ha retty potoier ad i'ttsfrca-iic weewre r m îydt!Patteru 51O; transfe pîoeea i otoler ad vei luit,'.No; awllbedmn ilre- ndTWENTY-FIVE CENTS mv j i ht coins staovscannotlie ac kPrintlai-vPA TTE RN d Ml tentigt ih ie NMERP, 1"u N A M"E a nd ihgaceirkreee DRESSLE DOES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELT? Hlp ý Your Forgotteo "8"ForThe KkAsdW, ReifT% hUai HelpaMke You Rarin' Tc Co ,'avltsbit-eyoulit'feote oe th xFLhtip a g s.T ai t e o e be!ow thkeboi hhatou my ne d Z ars 1Lit4Ç> kie, ae ens ar er Li$tie Lrer Pif bof or eaten in Nature pirits wey. Ton es fa es fue nrnrel iftht make yenbe ttemfosi yur ed toye tes Je b ur byenttegnieCro' If ournere"ncmp" t f ViadennoBiser,or oafnd su degyd bow b pirs thsto. m ;eîsergy sny .ahust usted up- -husie Dr. Chase's Nerv Sk food. .Y. anelpbild yruifii soou3 ~eyor ChDrsNerve Foo las bîe A TdeCaadian, b h h j j .5-, . . . . . . . . . . . . latt ":3 4 14-46; Lk 53 G ldTet:P- Neyer cai-spake Wlin ie rea i s aableOi wlioexcllediiithe t fc teing teoms ha e tgîrd at-.ly c agemhiî v'tones ar e cti i iid nd he rut aNd of the ev lute th Grwho h ILdOR.Poma lias begn iWNIiTEait