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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Nov 1948, p. 4

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s- s- ihe best ýe Times office urnient, Ottawa te.r, Publisher Take An Jnterest in Civieý Aff ahrs Pepl aper il te prouje te ailjow thieirintcrost.e,ý whuitcrnste [lte affairs of thoe owshpCounicil or t Police Tuîte.This conii(Mion la ýnet hoci byany mas if ini the larger eittros, suchi as Toronito, -wheeo vters xiii foreit t-eir Noýw Ya eertos and gef eut aund vo'te hoi f representatives on Ile ity Coumcil. twe up oom xviii SILVEII A Silýver 1 orgni, 0c fco- atu, Ad The Orono, Weekly Advertising Rates on request Try our up-to-date Job Plant. sure to please, and our workj Published every Thursday morning AtiwZed as Seconid Class Mail ost OfIEC R.A F Established Janiuary, c ~, M.D. r 6, To Pl. Pl.V 1931 Essî~ tien, two ne ccxv brakes; as gooci as Orono. »0 te 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 te ,8.00 p.. Sundai;ys andl Wed!nesdays by 'HONE 47 r1 . ORONcf o.B.A. Re Oreno est -I Fîrt things du ot a.iways have the opportanitycd comding rSt, yet taxpayers never fôrget to cofpiain if mismaagemlent ho- V)ce apparent among the peivers chat be. We have adniittedlýy uen lot of good, ConiStructive ,Irc)die by th,,e lcalTovnhi Council ths year. Much Ias been acco4ishd in the way of road and brOdge hbilng. When the time rolTharoud for nomination, this cosninig Saturday afteroon, lot us. keep these facts' in mmiid, 01v1gfursuippOlt teoe men vho have served us. On the odier hand, if se"feel the des'rability of changes in personel, now is thie timce to taik tings over Ths saineieodue goes for thec Police Trus- tee's, wo. the Timnes feels, ihave done ja good job. We impfly urge a hetter attendiance at nominations, and a nmreactie puldicyrst in civicaffals., In thiswon, we assure Mier administration. At past nombii tions,ý the metings havebeen., erar eyatede.Iow\ is the council to know what the rate- payos wuldlike toe accompiished duing tbe year if they do not attend trhe noinatiýiion eein.That is Wha, these nomination meetins ar heldi for.LMt's seca -fuli' hall for the Polkco Trustees i~om tonon Fi iday eveing, and the Township Ceuncil on Sat arday afternoon. Chiniatown Torntos Cinaowubasnot always borne the entire hallmark of espctahilty.Tnue inherent gardbýling tendeneces of the Orien- ta]freuony povoed olie iterentonin days gone by. êPer- hasthey do yet. At i ame time, there is Patrait of genius and entrprŽ,ewbibclsforith rasefor the ,oftimes malignied and despisd foreigner. Weare told of nmodemi tea rtýooms and resorts on Elizabeth set whiou aeprenverýy peýpLar l,%th the ity's dite. Chinese food and Chns>urroundings carry thiat appeal ýof "soi-eth4ng dif- feront", aýnd a growing p2 tronage tuiras teward Chinatown as a cesuit. We took a stroîl doncr thissanlie thoreiugihfarR in the early dayls of Mircent war. WVe wanted somie Chinese tea, ie kind with the ltte hinese ontblems secatered ahi ovor the package. Appr- Eatl, Mothershd heen tMere aýhead of us, becauise thiere was ine Cinose.e tea left. The Chinese -peopl(, elwe there, how- ever, and have raned to cater te Candian requrome, beside injcoting the aforesaid touch of Ciniese chlarm wýhich brings simart Terontonians downtown for Npeeccial e time enagagemnents. Doubt- lessee 1 imney in HGe venture, to. At to-day's nifatienary rateC lu te old land. rnauy a TornteQhdese slrnuld rate a miulti- milliontaire nmauy times over. The question arises, doos the Chinamnan 'piovide the initiative for makiug good iu this couintry, or does the country offer Dhe fa- cilitis in the fîret place, wýhich, incidentaliy would neyer be avlail- atle ii ChoinaiLseif ? Perbeos it is a littie c both. Anyway, a lot of 'Canaia Cinese are said te. be retturning 'home in a state of wealthend Difuaece. In short, tbey have fo)rged ahead in a way ià whieh qmany of our Canadanpeouplo have failcd te do, andi deserve ou1r admiiirtioni and r£espect as a result. HOCKEY DANCE (Citl-.inuiisïi froin pc,, v THOMAS McNEIL a!)out Jiinior's x-v orics jusit asc long The(re prssed axvay, suddonly, in as thenoney rellsil,. The PreidenL.iCobouarg, 334 Division Street, on 4 Ptýecy Lumn, just 1canl't kocp his ffimd Fri;day, Novornier 12, 1948, Thocemea on is work any miiore as the ligMNilinbs82dyar even dia~l nor. e ae wndeing Mn. MoNeil. who was in excellent Juit wlbat kinid cf a 1uni e ho xiiihave golhat ufri eeesrk 2,eady f v or Tim iîyVice President go eih ufre eeesrk .Ab). West iswneig just how ail whlcli proved fatal. thie people willi get into lthe hall. Mr. McfNeil was bor aet Cowau- ihe ie could hbring along a few ville, sou of the luto Mr. and ýMrs. sky eia.Th as eaige fo Thomras MNIl.'Ho was unitedi in ttoie Mole Lef Gai;ndeis statedi that T1iynDalyjý, thle traîjner of thie Leafs, mariaiige te the le te IOan L. Osborne, is ookinîg forwer d witih a groaf doal w110 lpre-deceased hir n:ii 1910. Ho «f pleaisuro teo his i frsit vigit te lived on the home farm for ýsome.C Urn.We, the it izeuls of this en- ya then IovId'te No. Section tei rnntare aise looiking forward te Miefaim now oecupied by Mr. Ceci] "fi isto sc n usanigMal'.After 'retirement be residi- potante :this villaige and feel ec inl Oroîp, thon in Bowmaarivilhe lilhlî heoro inhavnigthePrii- W is sister, moVing te Cobourg og entertaininfg r iobaWbly ene of te hebe near hi", grandlchîldren attend- tie potgrae tfreinera (Tim igHatifleildiHall. Dal'y (cf tlihe Toronîto MaIple Leafle 1{ckyChifb He leaves te maýurn his loss, oe ,ut in srliliî'g it ai] up - two -on, Alex. MecN-if of Ottawa, aii ( o~hehrs tiryprizos, fruritpize dalighter. Mrs. Tirieresa Martin, danesp~touafin f is or5e' NwcasMýe,ise 'seven gnanOchil- Jlfyer trepchy, a anad'slre l' Jvn ,Noel and Enid MeNeil, iutooeven ,rixgent alrenl Taoyk-e, Alec, Floyd and Doris aI, wîhther yen ld lnce OrnF 1ý, you "e aeriwaý helJd at the home wii aeone ,f thlri gge_,stigl-1it oef is daîughter. Mis. Gordon Mar- 'cfyeu th prcedisar ila, iSIndav. ov;ember l4tb, 'List of PrizesWV.lnero I Denaed t tbe Oran Junor cai of the servce.Intorment -RekY Cuand *thle (uhwisheîs teIo la Bowm vilie Cemeteny. thank "ail doosrfor Oeir kind jThtlaýe ttndaceand beauti- I Lon. fiforl'ibt test'ifto t t eqo-1 S hanîersappesH'îel Den; ~enîin wich efilw ,as bold. deeneg0', heueaideet S a- pletonj; bgpetetees, XKan. Bil 12RIN FUND DONATIO'NS buh1 a"e and i2 use1ptt> plsC . 'irmig;pair Anora V WTrli . .... 2.00i goo~e. PiI il ,îe<k, ~bushl nowT Gme par,. . 50 Ta i n i ')l uhl tnoathera spies, 1F. TLyce ............ 50; oos'on(fres~~d E melson ... ... 2.00 Dewey Harneýss; : eLyvalLw ;P. Patton..................-.0 2 Jozen ezgsgs, 0rvill Ch1a t t erton .CbbeMk......... 0 2 8-pou1ld pelle hunes", Chariles Knex; J. ttrs--............2.00 -pii T, ei d: î. lhipI M -u I Ste I, Aucetionéeer. oaiiy *" 688 Hoo553 *F. WARD BARRISTER SoE vil,14 With Ray Milla ,Todd (Aduý Also "EXILE">N Fairbanks and N~ mile wes4 o Milr, t 1.0pm 'nl F'-.()0cmbr r, i hr ayaýd a fli lino ouf farn mchn Ttorrns ash. o Reseve.Pr beadhreaenfor .seÏiing. Jc t 'letons foi -Mr D. s. icesio sothof Oronol îahier.Ternis cas;h. Moter Equipm-ent Private Ambulance Northcutt and, Smith BFuneral 9>irec-tors- and Fuepiture Dealer@ o KINDNESS COURTESY sEFIPlVI CE &quipped ta take crare aef tht Modest funeràli ai the mioat reasonlable charge. as well ag the largeêt utid ùxacting Phone 55 r 1, Orono See our INew Selection of Table Lamps, tiAl ail under...................... .95 ',Z Watch our window f or Speci al ' Selecdion of SMALL APPLIAN\CES Are you having trouble with Hlot Water Tanks?, See the New Inglis Glasteel lot Water Tank. It is guaranteed for ten years. Defor To,,Buui se, ADAMS LUMER COMPANY Clarke 1213,A for Brick, Doors (7 Window !ngý and - NEWCASTLE - Clarlie 1213A complete supplies* and farm building ýse fromi), Nails, Sash, Door and ,yproc, Lime (llardwalli, Finish- Iavrwuod Flooring, MUasonite, gles, airs. FOR SAL r". -pý"" -o -p FOR SALE dto.(i, eat) o aa so4b ais --ý 45go drumsit 1fpply\ Gno Ji FOR SALE Thren gond ewodram fui Lo 15 Cocesion8,'laoti ouwean. Newcaste* ,a-4'-e. FOR SALE1 flouise, baruaui sna orchiard,1 and -would Il fro 16,i e215 acr ef laj1d.- Goo0d pï duddive ad il li' cidreinedind, eî,googira an1d n awplo ied in seAbout tfee miles onim OrÔro "Apprly te Box 109, )' noTines. e-44-p. WYILL BUY Up Vel0tiacres of idnonc sayt ogood 1farrning soi!, nin- torostod in ii g.If price i righit vi-ii huýïy i mmnedi atel y. Ail caish. Appiy to, Box 10'i' Orolir Repairing Antiques Bought and Soid SeteOur flle of Drapery -Ma t eda I Kiten riUnitF, made teorder C- F. Duncani Phono 79-16 0- ORONO Given Cheerfully on Rock Wool Home Insulation By Blewer System, Foýur inchea tlieick, GILPIN &C. Inuato ontractors, 57Bor t West, TorOntc Distrct Representative for Durhnsn Co#untyý SOLICITOR NOTARY Phons - Office 825 Resàldeicz 409 BOWMNYILEONT. VETERINARMY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VETEFINARIY SURGEON O ffic e M St. Orao Phore (3 r 7. Oro J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE and Liahility 0ONQ - ONTARJO,1 O RON 0 "à'INSUVR ANC EMN, Mlanufacturers LifeInrac Domnio ofCan-adaGeel HaûodFire insurance WaeloMuftual Pire Insurauce Wawanesa rMuitualInrac le rpresntedn tliis disýtrictb DAN-,E FOIJND ~ 'if it'a Insutance, gîve Dane&, a LEROY HAMILTON INSURANCE UN ALL ITS BIANCHS Fire, .Automnohile, Liability, Life, Ilospitalization, -Plate Glass, Burglary, Ca,,suatty Representing the Leading CANADIAN, BRI3TISHI and AME-RICAIN COMl.ANIESl O0ffice, M1ain St. - ORONUÜ Phonoýs: Office 3Z r 10, fies. 1i-r 14 Phonme nme and 1 will cal tg suit you. Etmtsfroely given-, nu obigatio)m INFOkMATION Would yen like te kneow more abe% the folingf? ('a) BMew te will te yeur fnmilyoe thousand dollars that youi haveu't îOM saved ? (b) iIew te guarante-e a 9aia7 cheque te ou;,r family every month for 10-15 or 20 years shouid yen hoe taken eout of the peiture ? (c) How Io have a salnry cheque every meonith for yourself as are youl livo, commeîWcing at age556 ' or -55. (dl) iow te guarante t hat your, so(n or daughtor wil have the moneye for an edctir eyond high coi 1 Let us have a chaýt about it sit timýe. IPhone FRED LYCETT ORONO 18 r TED JAKC Auctioneer and Valuatý_,t, and at roasonable Comnuictewith hlm at Perry, cOntariçp, Or see hiie Clerk. Eý Morton, at Orono, for date. JACK REI-D ANITE Auctioneer and Valuator .F Specialize in Farm and tx - 622 Furnituire Sales ý7iû Consuit me for tenus rnarkers and dates leafinîr Pbone,5 r 18 - O-" SALE RGSE I eebeen i Ibhorize'd es'0 b auble actio Cet ulnch Str ceet -.5-,

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