Tht Briutish Goverument has isst pbihda new parliamenlarýy bih jsoidn or tht defense ofBrai lgis uture air warfare anid atom- qombattckýs-although il is de àrbe a merely a "rcuinr measur" ,Adthe nrdcinse , ivl states thlat it hs opres;entl aL 1At anthr ar thtenreivia pouitnnWilbe invledi some Iorm fcivil defense, 3se that it is jý1st asvi ti for as mwany of the _vublic as possible tn get acquainle'd wsth tht nsuhject. Pea-,ce-time civil defense organi- sion to5 be on a voluntary basis, Ptinder ful-time paid Instructors. Vohîunteers wiîll have to' take theïr iraining snd service seriously and WÙllbbe hable 10 fines of up to five -eou1-nds for unjustifled absenteeîsm. Four enîleges are ta be esta- lsedfor tht purpose of training5 loistrctors for defense against new for f ý iattack, Meanwhile there 'teiP bbu-!Ilit up fast mobile columns. ofttprofessionai air-defense sys- 5cm, wich wiil operate Wth vol- t hre ý s iS 5bcenun extravag'an-t spendsg' o civil defense. As in liecs f ohe riis earma- aIdent, -tht Pcost wili be huilt Sa Britai-n's capacity to pay without jcopardizing econmic recovery. The bill is sonmewhat vague and1 wilI proabiy be under heavy aS- tack hecause of this when it cornes before1 Parliament, most likely eariy ;ï, tht Newv Year. But in spite of whttht opposition critics wiil say, Ïït must be realized that it is almoat impossible to bc definite regardiog defense measures against atomnic Infac.Tufact t e ovmnr.nt ii defending thtebiay very ýs I quote somec of Winsslon Chuchil'sciil-efeseexperts lu WoridWat1I, who contend that thr ba e no reasonahiy effective iift e gainst the atom bom-b. uughIV sased!-theoreticaïiy-a sstong fîot of surface ships bas xassd feshspeculation as 10 just 'iser Rss;ia stands in tht maltter ef -ndtr-water craft. Lalest1 data in this regard"cornes om'j'ane's Fighting Shipa," long xeouzdas tht real authority on elise erld's navies. A reeentiy pub- Jihe dition of Ibis work states tisas Russas as about 250 subs iu comisin with possibly 100 othes uderconstrucction. Upntht collapse of Gerosan te- intaîe ttht ast vstar tht Soviets gotý a léumber oýf submarints of the me yetogthe.r with prefab7- ascate parts, builing facilities, plans sud expert personnel. This type of sub is of a streamhlined vaitcapable nf dr_, g 1,1 kuots whusubmerged, and becau se 'If ise iSc-hniorkel" or hreathing appar- atu, able tonstay undet watet iu- Vohutht waat unded 'Nazi de- siger -wre working on another typ,.cpable of underwatet- speed cfarun 26 kuots; but il is doubt- fif:tht Russians secured more tiai priïally petfected pians el unialhotc tht, Russiais unu- ouedypossess a moat fntrttd- able, U-boat fleet tht question is woudthey bc able to use it 10 aîaae.Highiy trained .crewts1 are o tht ultmost importance, sud exetopinion differs regarding tht ciilt of Russîan personnel te, adapt ioýsehf to the lticacies of hethere îs tht matter of bases.i InT iesving aud ret 'nng to their as suhmarines have to mun lirug anes chosehy guarded hy eneniu ctft, sud unless such hasts ae.ï advantageousiy localed heavy losses ar bound to resuit, Russia q1lots siot possess bases that would futirareal uuderwater offen- iie h Baltic and Black sh exýý1,tis-nrrow and couid be elose- 1)plr, e, hl Vadivostock in ~îeP~cficand Murman in the Artcart, plagued wilh ice for mnymonïhs lu tht year. If it svas the $64 question. and the genial quizmaster asked you wheth- er, in your opinion, there were more or fewer than a hundred thousand tennis courts in the sxorld, chances are you would answer "more, many more" or words to that effect. If sn, ahl you'd get would be a pack- age of bubble gum, or wbatever tht' sponsor's product was. According to those who should know the ten- nis courts throughout the world nmnber less than one hundred, with almost half of them-43 to beeac -beiig located in Great Brîiti, For tennis. a vastly dif{erent gamne from lawn-tennis-which is probab- ly the pastime you would have been shinking about when you answered. Court tennis, to give it the full title, îs a game that is understood by few and played by eve s few er, to quote onue commentator, It is tht grand-daddy of such diversions as racquets, squash, lawn tenis, pel- ota and even, some dlaim, of hand- ball-although snme of unr Irish frîends would probably be prepared to argue the latter dlaim to tht "A weak head and a strorag back" are supposed to be the requisites of a'middle or inside wing in football; but there are those wl-m say that the muscular effort required to play court tennis is greater than that needed for any other game, football and hockey included. And speed, brawn and staying power aren't ail that are necessary. You need pienty of dough, as weil, the expense of playing tennis confining it aimost entirely to the wealthy. The constant aeivity and the wielding of the extra-heavy racquet -the ball is an iron-hard affair stuffed with compressed flannel- imeans that it is a sport for the strongest. The ball gots whizzing over the net,, stretched across the middle of the court, then cornes flashing off thé' surrounding walls to be driven linto hazards bearing such namnes the dedans, the grille anid the galleries. (That bail, by the way, la.. liàble to knock out an eye if you forgest t duck quickf enough.) Best knowsn of ail champs, in al probabiiity, was Jay Gould, whose nid nman had made so much money STICKER FHAND REQUIRED fo odem@hop in Toronto, masofac- turslng- pettire trames, aleture imoldinge imsd nsl f srnhitre, Main must e ePýrienced andabel ais teommand te Aegs. , LOlng accsommodaiton supild orsingle mass. Write or telePloae in raiiroads and one thîni-g Or ani- other that the kid couId dvoteail his time to the. sport. After iruiing the amateur tennis worlidflor e- eral years, Gould chllngd o the ôpen title-and was thbc rs 510100 pure lever to wîn it. Why w e should brilig1 up the 1[b- ject of tennis at this ieexet of course, for the pupoe ffilin3g ulp some gapîng spce i e fact that James Dbar, ofl>c,,-don, Eg Iand-wili shortiy ajttempt ito do xshat only one thrmanhaa- complished iin lotaCeulry and a quarter. Early i nDeebrea meet s the prsn tti-oer Pierre Eceatr o h ol court ttnis hmposipzh match wiIl bhe 'ld in NeýwYorlk, for the best o 1 st andfor- $2000 a side. And i ero i n' h-e wili behoerowolchmin ships at both tennis and rcquets.' Peter Latham !of Mnceserhed bot illsfo 85t 92 Dear is a pofsinaad Coachets .t th famus, Qeeîî-Clu in London. H1is iebt n bu I$1000 of hisexessaebigpo vided by anme fLno sportsmeni. But even iifhe shuidjc win, the honior ill 1proýbablycs him moneýY, as he -\wil! ofi i i roaching fees idurinig th tw iowiii be spotInýjg Da oe1 enough so tlt the cles ii tht E-ngiihman's favo; ut esal tip is that Plierre i eyke concitior, traiined oth iut, Ithe best advice sve cao, give ýýyou is to get ail youir 'Ciîri«1stspeet bought - ndpidfr-efr hu theyn they 1tach hegoud D. P. se,12 i xr ag tires. 178"S heba11) ato OdetC Res('x - ' 3600 1miles. i o ies.Pi vaï,t. Phonie Baf .O t More Red Tape And Fol-de-Roi mar beo s srmu1dd y qes Sinus oS national piesige1 e gavely coîîntsi;E dlu ai-ianva"- sud le U jyi h et ýîtilcan(ex chalne 0of inoîati otke place at aileite will to vplace lu th md orsemiitpean- ureasucrrated. oe S*-nor 7cour îg u l btthîai hacilio;suddiypoucsn eî ed bva i omm heler cial taher o b aexoeilage oF cables Tt aditioer1tînst bcctîc tht cufe expahiîo dlgain muasrmte pa formi tp sudlu thir nfeetlru of int n semntioai poit n ca N tiîng b hareove Ifesematca ise shoe lhincfas tgh aa n htpep ot Enand avehess frond sud tht IfeopddiofnPtmarie.ncuttiers.y2-i iGoi gethesiasîs and v- tiaist fom htuitpe States ad and bpreut u holdaytensccasrwi, be ab--mil taofferavisitaer whe oni tt bstnie haie urin C Sbxoce Cou ýnt ut lsa cjr modem, ClubHous wih f li ofnryClubtî j,é Faithitie ndcde oo, h W'c o heismre, tht new aforpany courseta eihreenhl>earit ows anaditnot6 e ta takseare of futue n ensonrC',,b ý For th pastocknt ars, Can- vaduian and mean vationists hcnoe h aptt of th t WasachGl Col wth il ide(orCf air. ;fy kEp-ntO greenS ad fOm Hal pila ~VpAilver anavfro Ntw Or- ta ome, il has eamned tht - tadiio 1 tht ord'einar glf 5ing p -,rivgs ttnwcountry swimig oo ad theron 'Midendttpesnzof ore (ighteen 5oes CARARANA. bes ut ail Ibi'ne,12. 8' tresio sutanas,0I 7 t. 120aruttrm 275, TI-1,mIIs\VOn Voufn u ck Ire("fr trt iîcsg o PîL ES meuatou. Oneac cse it lired as mou~~~~~ ~ aImiei' bdoe eruprect Ceaitb Thane agan forrur oefu remelr 'The ew PLTOx trat een <'-W j__LASIFID AVRT iSING AIiRYt 'WANTt» SiuSSALE AGENTS "lILOF~.leeie~, 0 e Coou. re $00se pli Encisem ,,uh or0 n1av otg il GO BE 505f OIN ;OSS! lastri u mw ur 6 ai- eco0Ro 0 20 t -oiawr~ roca l sc Cln'Foict logue à Vn o i tSs 10Covr u l ra dea Is wrie co FAMLEX , 00 Dioimeiarl ce Eecrr. A Gîei>229 Duds t stree. ltntrei, 5 W. totVtitu ou coissio. SedW $100 for Agot's BleonîrSssSatewan SampleflouS aley AtIOrece, et16 PETCE FR 1 19 WE S N X 200 S Lîrruc Rvd. Oc ac var eea Stisacioa, iorly e ak oder fr biks LOerI Buo i Ticoto -o qij eoitia'oi onretoda. ox No 12 STET tsgrcey îninasfo si'wie 122lOb t. Ne Troto.- ououca. de! ecaio Fr ul te-o~ r Idy lu ia pîtIls Ii bue bre o we caalgu T edi Ctk athele Lnst-Fr ecer sd acel. 10 asutemoilO LeFeon,"t arume Sdevtsda 0e faeit avi, i 1 11G P L lT u th olaIuibediRnt a,, ooc W bie Lehoru, Baîod ocks NowHarn- CHPPIN 5IIL copl5t stb gasolbl et i d iatyLvery. A jeboo ilotrs ro bupbicgrae grd1 i -o C kSaeG ueph ntro.Apt B oo,21Otat S. Alsta SENOFOR OPY t ie 'Frir ird oto SAWMLLS -tee> U the Wor , i.s tce ataogu sd ptiry 'tu wrlc rauota Belan 1h1 teuKasil guidATu avePuIlet OaNuTARgee Or *ug sî th R musc ho b tc a l . e - a lo f o t s oc u ou o t rt y u w chirts, ise ouSia erera A"w oi49IEP AŽT WR1LE hea ce hchd e ore w au tacia mahneF' S ember apuarlucIIk, ov Brr I'ley ola toiîtl (e Tbruoss oy Tvlokmo foroiu-teuac kn.Sumlteto AN FFE e veSIuvnorLste uvi- tNussMnkl- usîa Gaeous Fiatusar Ce J leg idetPSeI ï-'. risî . 7 ï YOLN WOME-to _aij asiurse Aides BaO TiociOtAmaj alr $0&0himoRî i oupeton noisusutepouse$4c4-b-mek".Stad DYIOAu. LAI5 iceae o urras 1 Ib-ek I edYîo OPRum eadsu ludrTUl RIV FO autisue teee detîe O den. orua Ctaied ce utchase. Voaly Aa îu? rieteusfr ntraiun W ae io euultve aîk loo, pusou an la useroretoriu Dpîtuis isi snî uoue c~Wtrss wîskk Stret. Troîto, ntare, saI ,ravnhnsr -aal FARM ~0It SLE, LiSAs LEON ftD utaioa0 cce. Brckercte, iNEL' Lvec suferr u Rhnml- Qube, 0 are. Oud oue, nt ir t \ci O c r5Dxo' emuedy HI lWcf-OWERED RIFLES '2iw-1,oecai $. JOIN (,iTA LEDLe.SCOO PURE OOL YRNS toit ppuTorotyLea . j~~~~~~~~~~~~le aimi rte bt r rs i.c 0ltitesn I b s itadayw re Brdu Woisî tis Piaai gufe prfsi ,got aem Coa ayi Badot aiçamhuid ucOtu tr tgauis