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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Nov 1948, p. 7

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Seo, LOUIS CÏJNNINOHAMr "I e mugo to hM aniePa- Mrs. (Gerad eig oefo six mroli iii EnEtrope, had eacle liad caldlirlsbn le mad held îde youwfeeby uthesrmsa they went up tue steps. u le hallé pack, Paris 'Ilcn i n w very cesl .. ,jusi as if years ofdar-kness u ain "Biîdnestmad& yunols loveiy, mdm"said Pr~h 'n wau! to lir husand'sstudy, G (rald I eri n ove,ýd ihas tîly awlay fo ttwoa!wosaee side hlie puli-, ige 0 e 1 ue would fu 'ou; acoue Have you ti ben ery leesmafr mie, GrdWlat di-ynde-l Iwas away?", "It ia non been eapx witbont "Yen ee cared forayîî u me, Guréd 1dId men? perse womn?" "ButIre aKty..aya lier aîýsud Cteddt rr o me. 1 u"S iji-i a yeulawyr ten "o cease o l)f1 ove1er Ii, coure. Dd ye ne' erste 1er "Teil nue AVat ià mîu jli 1. hiap)s, wihhic air sdee n djeaii for a mian to love?'" difler-ent- cr-inusoi from hiushc deckelierceeS floe lier fore îleinsoulea.She was Utrue to île man iocli irwfe iei strenjg unj an houentloeSecan te m agaîî ad Triedtewum were myl protection t nterwau test e aau T T woa loke1 t l wt Th ii'fiîgers ra ne ier ho ilis uden' uepiuedt ce i, ai, I illge i, lit, Wfa i hî?Am niiglu; ahosnt .A 1 Cii are!" w;)ad te L a peilsu Pt Myîî '~~~u' sighut dai.Th t wa Cw'I yrenc v in honest 3 of ouloeu l -- Hielifu1 nt For Busy Folkes! A -mite-height mirror n hA lat rvarn is Cueiu q ralcl Fruit juica iusîead o wtpi n i orange mnjnuiceeth mustolapi DU dciâh quili paernaowun icwea or tar hkepaperpaersnrryI Hike ce1 Add water tepie cruat iuxtr A smail pad of ivr usopw Wbc î orneo-ne in h aiila codpu swîdie, fiat birbu areun lis rinkig gassetcp le glss-sud îln cold-Onled t Psnm-,pkrin Pies, C;too< quickly ësud cle pue sMIL Cnt biscuIits wiî l eaiiecb sqcues are arin nue ep rn ei cidaseiîrulenadet lelgnIan old higI lar u sei a tiesied. Cotlling a Freîieesyanut- oni t muse is aywe,îl eIlt Overaes go on anily tu- berlelsifspiece ol paper is Ied over îebc fîelt! Belote puttinig pumrpkin rcutr in annnbakd pi selI, rad Happ'y Thoughta Now) Mlean Happy Kida At Christmas 3Crssdbyte eDesngdllr'ay fn da fe oïfhe(ýiplulid-easlrra A neede, cacradscisorsembroidery cotton wooirsme craps o suats ineceail to make a rety litiegui for the mauy chlden oci Youg Susan wouid b:happ àifler favou (pdil ,CeiUe agy perut Ile tInEvenaittlpouwine jacket," mde fcouan oidquis, Ideas for Knitting, Too,, h yo preer nitite s'y wIcvm uie sweater s itcas0 matchmay lie quickly madeup. Chidren lovehciem Wmen cehemwadrbe yîeMy,à inisa KPrett n idea Packopthes iin a doll tink, tougli anattractve box mel beibboned afidecorate Very smal boys wdeomasweaters in gay coion, unise loea inade stufed toyn, animals pereda, aru asac ceptble b mailboys. sie et of iglîamcamiosud oîhi maieral eftOvur froithe famui ;nwiu :are ut aside inàtje draner that might be marous"ifts" b cit.,phactddogs, sud demuere kWtens-. ïinodm enaI'br r thei p n îe ewngmachne avigng a openin i0oa«on, w hou~hoidsewng, lus:flis nerwear, e longev r ne 10wCaprfrap- nts of iandrkerchifs, sd flimsy wldow draperteies. emots bA si ww oswiîthe scisasrsbut tont rau beqpaînis fyors do so tr endciy a u W okegua. e i«Au m& ïu a Before1long,Stlie gif emara u e dînesalcucde.very m e<uc nie as I1grmw."p: 'Takawlat youa end i4yce vinlces. r W I TUIE,.L&ÂM FRON La n'ek av%oe 1sonlis bostig von tee uclil h.f wrii about adiferentsortnI sleiy farmnow o, wil ht ros al donu fo1 7w seson-a to ef my i'yg-a dfa 100 manua l careessuss ay mean abad acci- deut, or even a fataliy, So litre gots for morne o tetlinsevr gusnu secsould know feueMsd poned on toc ground be- a a eude i ec, ima al downi No weapoîu shloti d ee n d oi uni want ,o kii". Excepl he acu Iyslooting il s10o11dlie kepn pl littcam bc01rclp l slide fradjs eloesgtu A smart ihuiter- LIay uw iCg fied gosnses, asnmny bi lan i--as tresaeln muî npj losc eUogl1iufr -preidn- sud rgreited îdiu-g selo<îe al ance ol i Ie Cf Sioults lutingecc Au botgmlu mistad' teho in any ral crja t i athe casdoize il ht rc emidt A cdman Ch-wusbell ofa 12 su 2gnegu s olde evelgi adanger ous, hghy eplsv 'b Wmb over 50 canadian and riýrs miur'eS, liinrýg in hast- erected aliacls and tenua, ve already stakes daims. n hunierswiihout knocw io so. jali île end oftle are e diri. Iew'henîle wea- ficredal àblows up. Agood - cou look tîrougli île bar- ouite ýâî îl slnd, nI course yonice vin hLatemake itni cogged. less p'owderz bheilsil ocd guns hav- ing titàelo aacsbar- tht days eof1;black poýwderan i ghte a untion-buý(t ntw mnodem lUadî,TIe'reap i- te ex.. poea'i any un-s"f yen w-n eue)f toe"itmr"put ilt wlereit belngs. T h, i luthe rack over île imanteLLeave i f don't need 10 liii you Iai auy firearm will give)lretter eri cei kepL'i den ndprpely oied sheldhae odCgong ver' liaviug guh cekeob gn nith du!ýIiriig îe"ff esi la saved manly ase Imobie Shnoing frei a oar s net Oiy -vilegal ii mo- 1ý 7si a ces, i' 5 highy daugeous M0. Always lie caefoulnteshoot atail a n srnoth or iard src~Tht sheot 1Uay glnoff and l"rt some biody. senlse ,;TIemawthagnsol neyer orget mlatle lias a killer ini lisîands-nd slod keep lIa gul, -an1(lils proper 1une, pems in iis mmdevrymiut. nd remiemb 1)e r lIit's far betier te misut.oniockgoffader duck-, pleasanIt Or-ralbU thiaîn te liav1,aian accident. Hmn Iîi a tee precious t-riskfor any sort of game. So ilose o enwh ligood nutn-wilmeans For Better Letters JFroIfniime tius luer a bii nf nesOrrea oetigwa know willî ntîîett a friîeud wiih wlem w 'e corr-espondf. Wesay te, our-elv'es, Whu rie ust teIl lier lIai write our ien, ewne lti waa emenit eic ieora èeast wç arentsuew lv e memberd al îe5tes !h sbimplîiisîl îleb'>îs aid naes imneifwekepnel tra1 mrnes efthe rews an'd %l îhings wý'e wantI, iear t a slýippe ii aso Sax Stuif nemod R Bon H1r% WILII Lii ways or7"( tnu, saine v; wasý ai- day teaa r(ememiber Lakce' 3yvîlt waytley say tlose radie MateÀo Ceremenies are lfaving a teuýgli im raisîiug those,' same stuidio audiences te tle proper pitdli of. enthusiasm at monst programa'. Tht peuple wear a look of heavy gloorn ou their faces, sud "sit on their lands" as- the stage aciers phrase it. Tht reason is lfIai they're oniy ai surh shows becauise tley ind Radio FolksI ofcoln' et icet fr om q chnce of i g, ettig a wasing same matter ,of studio adecs "Flow can, a, handful of()i1-ea ing people huddled- into a radie theatre spoil a dramatic performi- ance?" lie writes, "Easily, There wiiillinaiably be present a healthy, continigent of ilie younger elemeut knowný for its devotion to biýbble gum. Thecre is nothing more dis- tressing, wlien you're tryÎing te concentrate on your part, thau te catch from tlie corner of your eye the impassive face of some bobbyý- soxer framed against a constantly.- growing balloon that you know wiII pop right during that pregnantz pause you mean to' leave ;-i vyou next speech. And sure entough, ït does." "Ietoo, tlhere is the diape set, brouglit along by parents h prefer not to lr a baby'ste, he continues. "Onre night we wo acting out thie touchinýïg stcDry o0, an aging couiple whosechdes marriage was tie nmain, stem of Is.ý plot. Someliw they hiad gotten inte the, toilÊ of the 1-w under suspicioe of be'ing imposters, As theypeae their innocence and spoke of their /barren lit e, a small child in tse audience began to cry loudly aP4 clearly. Tliat must have msie millions of listecners." "It seemis icei liebe wte» again, "but I have- seen f'olks brý-ÏIng portable radios to a br 1cat can understand the fascinatiàýron f tuning in on the broadca(s titi're ,watching; but II nceer ro-m-pre 1- hadthe maliciousness that pr-ompt. some of. themn to tune in on anotber program-and loudly! Whicli wiIl have to bc ali for thîs week, folks, and thanks te Staats Coatsworth for the assist. NIO Contest a, second-rate aârenathtaiedte entertain, the bloodtirsty pctv tors. The twoconetnt ce more- like 1rhumIba acesth pugilists; liycircled eacîli t warily, exchaliging practically e punclies. After a deep sýilence, & voice rang out fromi the barlc: "Ilit him now. yah. big bum. ahgot the wind wit' yl! s-' N s,. s-', N N N N 'j., Ns 5 N e N tht rai.And tliey're as godas ever-whdli men siuabout toýps -aihouliit idSeem rat1erquer, te har île oundof applause froni Put in te ay Df iheir 15- mnt pogas - ttieqdays wl en novie theaters wUlddarken their cresand tuu onuthiradios lie. càause teyklew'ifolks preferred AmoDs 'rt' Aiidy teauy film - the beyswold'tallowý even the-ir pro- ducer, or Bih lay teranucr telepeett iehtstudio wlen Lhey wredoïing thir stufï: And made tings f r orereaL, (Rt- vas np]-ins and î needies over wheter ubyTaylor was going to dit, orif Ainoswuld manage te beat thatirder rap?) Butwlu mos 'W Andy decided te expan-d their show int a hall- hour affair tiley lad to agree teaI tle "fixn's"-otler- people on tIe show, an orchestra instead of the organ moauing ta old theme of tlîeirs, (wlat wa ît, now? Oh, yes, "The Perfect Song.") aud an audience ail preýpared 10 laugli snd rlap at îlewav of an MC.'s land. It stems to be workîng ont O.K. -that is judgi, ng liy tle couple of shows I'e lred caugît - and probably wil, soc long as tley stick, strictly te ome But I doulit if thé'Ili ever beable'10 create îlec dram--atie upes of those tw ri- cidents T juzt imentioned, so lon-g as- îlepresenice ofi 'le audience in itht studio de l' et tle air audience forge't la tsoily acting, not re-al tif uesage Golf LCountry Club LIdL Wasaga Beach - Ontario Capitalization ,- 2000 5 % Non-Cumulatýive Preferenïce hre.Par value of $ 100 andýJ 10,000 Coimmn Shares, no par value- Puý.blicr Offering of 5 %/-,Non-Cumnaulative Preferred Stock $100 per share,. Wasaga Golf, & Country Club LtId., proposes 10 erect modem, Club House and to provide full coruntry club al- ties, includïl)iall,,rivileges, etc. It is further proposed v b- enlarge theý presenit course to '18 holes, Old stockholders; have received 45%5'oin dividends with a furt.her 155% duec and original $100 shares have appreciated as mucli as 250%. Those intertstd ini becon-itng owner-niembers of, the riew Country Club ,are asked to write for pariculars. *WESLEY T. DVDO & CO. Ro-m 908 - 330 Bay St. Toronto, Ontario. Plaefo rward me, without qobuigattî,6n an Inform ationm 1ode uWasaga Golf & Country Cl, Ld NAMD- ..................... * t/esiy T flaidsn &Go,(Wesey Daidso Soe On lm N k,. N N N 'N N s. N 'j. 's N s.' N N N 's N k, N N N N N s. "'j k, N N 's N s' j- j.5 N N N N N N N N 'NI N 'j. N N 'j. j. i N 'ns N 's j,., j., N 'N. N

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