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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Dec 1948, p. 1

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-r r ,r r ýubscripticn $ 1,50 per Year December 4 Vol. 12 I Silver Medal Cootest lsan a-tntaspent ay of0 Gadell11 Rutili Paye- 3isted'spent Sn a, Reevse, arrowcolchspn aunt', Mrs. Ega a-g 1jx -tii-e :es Go To Cky Ticket iinees Enter Election ,ce In Clarke Township On Fri4ay,, Novonifer StIlver Medal 'Contes t, s the Woman's ChristLian Union was held in thea r Park Sireet United Chu Consdered one of tho nuibrof 'years, th lI ancre s'howed that tle these cneaais goir Rev. MVr. Eus'ace -,,w and i in Eis opening reîaa the uJntiring efforts of il la te tellnperancee cause. The iudIees oftha )rie v'yme ai La1ies,;of Vhe ~auoyfirst of the aInd irst eft yril arke ev. Eustace to -attenid 1Vo Vhe two Mrs. Baýn- te one a 1 n.o eresÉntd hoc Pans Ver(,in the, Prov; seriiceiiDoMLra , JvceSttr monù or.-g50 and'CIMr. aus5pi- Clarke Ilcwnshiýp Mnti was Street held in VIe Tow~nship Hall-, Onno, (,Il A.E SaVurýd'ay afternoon, Novemher 2Itli, e -wil îi i{ifraround onea hundred of I ýe t, ,~êayn of the townlship in atteni- "'~heur freini 1Voe2 p ,v. as ap Te omntion of candiates for s $iedifferent pae on the cýounciL. ,,~~o were clhosan for the position Sof Reeve, V-wu for Deiputy Reaka'( and i ~efive for 'Couacilýlors,., andC two sehoeol ig -to, trustees ware niomiaiatad for Clarke en Twshi SchoIiol Area. 1with o1oigare tVhosýe i n-ina o ap pe the different offices of couincîl from For Ree-ve ba,,rge -Edwr,,rd 'R oss Woodyard - pro- idren. pos3ed by W. J. Pattori, seconded by is for C. S. MeLaren. have Charlas MaNville Jonies - Propos- Haýll adiby RunsselU Oshornie, seconded 'by fteJ. J. W. Stringer. horne- For Deputy Reeve (farun J. Hartwell Lowery- - Proposed uidy); by Are-hie -Lunnr, ïacon.d.ecl by E. J. 00oli, C. Ma Joe nes. 01 for For Councillors Arthur ,MleýKay - Pr-o>osead by G. W. Hawke, seode by W. J. Pat- Iton. 1J. Henry Da-vey- Proposéd by desR. R. Wadtdell, 'eo Dby E. B. Deu- J. Wilfred' ilawke -Propos-ed lby ulE.- J. 1-Hammi, seconded by S. J. Lani- sn ater. )auca Sidnjey J. Lancaester --Proposed thec by C. T. Miller, saconded, Iy Aison Sandilroy~. ýening Ja ne,,<T. Brown -- Proposed -by F. B~sconid dby -Russ-ellOs- 3'1')-z-w ~anutdto $1,794,42. The Reeve f elt that this money was \vell ipen. Construction costs of $1200, Wi'th anc tual coat Vto the taxpayen of $91G.'00 was spent on the Towîn Line,. 'Pisamounit bruisled aiong -the -rond- side and warranted som-ie _ipairsý. The Bell' Telaphone unidergr1-iounid m inefrswith extensive wdain of his ro adC, thus thetonhi woulhve to bear the coit of mov- mgtIsse lins. t is the intentioni of Vhe Conicil to fiegin worik on lie Stapleitoni Road in19. The Reeve eIain,,Iad thaf the council iis. inagree- metw'th sorai iprovamle-t 0on townýýh!ip roads and inoV Justpae wvo rk1. Fifty-eigh'lt culver's' were in- tetalled during Vhe year with a total cost of $5,352.0. _As VIte goverameat pays 80(>% of al culverts, this cost to 'the taxpayers: was red'uced Výo a littIe ever $1,000. Thle o'verbiend' shovel was claimn- Ead by Reeve WvVoodyaýrd as paying for itself in four or five years. Hee raid thffat this year ilt has beeni rented out- and -hld' raiSed a sum oiýf $4,G93, aad Lhe cost of operating had Fbeei-1$9l60. MVr. HU. Lowery tIen addressed the mPeetlný-, clainiing- that the Reeve hlad touI'ce on al the projects of VIe- towship, -leaving litai-e te lie said. The -pLrcing of facts and ifra tion 'in the hands of tIe slec'Iors waqS thouht iy Mr.. Lewery teli e ss'en- tial as hismennsof hanidling the townlship uins as pleasing to the public. Mr. Lowvery sated tý1hat Výe Councieil voilked uGider diffîculties Vths yean n's a debt oif w7a00 ws l-1ut - standing frin VIe year of 1947. Tha counclil, lie said, li:d>( prehased a puantity of snow f ence whiol cos>ýtq $800a mlo - &lnn he a nr Deloo,.oAi i eng 'clo 0s-ad1w it ht -enandi then ail ing Vo Vhe eveni ag-s Trustees Return Acclamationl mi-eeting c- f Via ees waàs hldidnl rono, on Fridnoy 26th, _1948, wut- iligle three 'd at elgî pm Ons, and atin lad en ,iciiin-. noponsed l'y C. T. ropsdbyý R. E. R. A. Fori-ester'. mvas apt dV Iabusiness part loos.ia sne fin btiii-oý hesoe Ti-s iVe3n The miueof V-he previeus ani- aai m1eetLing wrrend, and on0i,-e- on cf R, E, Logana, s'eoonded- by C. Milanworn adqptd as rend. 'CoI. «amey tien called upou 0Mn. iJ. [0deI ogive anm acco)uat el V h worf. cf the tnnsees -dunin ýei. Har. e rend tIe finanoial fthe year, shewiag exp anses Vo b-l L,725.0,I ec-vng a baane on lid hs nd- of, October -f $11~87141 lie reniot ias adoptedi on motoin It wlV a'very raepY'ers la riaetialgs. H-a I for fiene pro-i fade can. use îeLr for vinter s 'mlupossib1e oe en-eek dur- IV is cbelamer lan Vo buy ex- VIe commumn- pays off on insurance rates. GO(e Ah-, C T. Mileir wa caled upon ley; no give an accoupt of the Oro1, OSh Hydro CoinimIs'sion, 'lie sai.d tha t the of Tý coummisin ,,,as bidiga new 1iasJ'y0 to the north end of the village of h copper vire. Thjere haaso een Fias somee newv nnsfornjers; pr¾seRt of a hieavier tYPe, 1to re-plrce s'one of u the 'ld tafn' rad MhaS âe rooaSt' assets' of the yse at the pr'esientrousti tie as worth around ici 0'. ., o f T'he comsso as 5O' in bon4s Oron( aln ib ah inrthe bank cof of, around =0,0O. The oh] transformners Bron =n ba sold bw atnte Ontaro 1y Ode dro Electri-c 'Co'mrnssion. When ,we, Don aireconte with the new -,station el of 'tihat is en buit, wa - will -not hv 2 d'oz rnan poer iteruptionýs. It S b ag man 0%id'the nes-v une Vo the northen o of the village, along wih the new Chefl transdformer. This ta neducig cr'Hi. 10 bank balance. Darl MNr. R. E. Logan wasý1; called ,ip(il apple "C' tel!ilihs sicle of 'the story. Ho said dOZ h that lie was gover-ced by the,,( twol cMUHaIm o f the different depailt- fils meints, and seeimg 5hat they lad ceov- ered VIe piîctareýt'horougihlY, I chre was nhngleft for 1hini ',creport. iCon, iwhat hld een donec Ariing out of the inutes, àMr. ~.R. 1Hall wairts'd tVokniow whn Vh commlittee land Vo report on the gar-i garbjage ecolection que1istiiOn a1]d aj'reilff idsu Mv. Ridàdl answered the first 1reuep ques on. Heaaid that Che1Fumie 1$419 Tr-UsLees wa-re ailt o introdùca1 ý, ý4 (C I garcage co1ection 'just ase con as! brAm- ndborne. ii OU- 1ýý' t Thera will le an e-gctiO-n Vo f11 VIe ed ;hiý oiton cf Reeve sud thrae for Via -position Of 'CouacIlion. C.IM.Jones 1VM res un againat E. R. Woodyard, the z'h~t pressa-t- Recea;J 1H. Lo-)ery is ne- aw 'in-turned by aeai~lo for Vie poi- t ion of DAiy4'v, hl o h '04-li fleel Vhefild sIo? -od -'~ illnsArt NcKn,, r an d James T. Brown, il H-ieC awkean izyan -ie-miIly. 1 1 e a aso standing.adSinyL- y prizess o reporsthVe activies- for the year apps, A. 1948. -Mr. Woo'dyard flrstelbotd C. K. Bar- on ah actiIties of 'County Cjunci, Rendeli cf touching on count ronds, county; s- A. Dusbarrcy sassor an-d Vhe Ccunty 'homes. IV s, A. He-, was stated Htît ClarkaTownship lis ipples, Dan la the past b)een negelctad by Vhe Its, H. Wor- couatly la regar-ds Vo couaTy ronds. an, Marie Crae o i-nsip is Vhe third laprga-Os t duck,MS,,!aqsess-d VcwnAhp tanthe twi n coun- ;buhlof!Ves and an amnounlt cf $17,000 i,, co- cf Onono; tributad Vo the county by 'Clank foi ,apon; ;Viae maintenanc.e and contuto f )rono;bs- coufltY ronds. The counny, however,, Lowary cf Vhjýyenn sentapproxiumIateîy $22, Jasr Purdy 800 on -hi ronds la Clarke Toun-, k, varttslip. 0f VMsarnount $13,010 mwn ieggs, John spent on1 VIe impnVr-ing of VItch n li. One-y, ty ratrmNwti'il o Cnrson's alti bush-Corners. The rnmaînîing amounwWINs of Onono; ud la0 briges and other rond of Orono; wovrik. of Orono; The Rveve inforrned Viose pesent onof Bow- tînat on sdh1emIe ira nd-erway wic E. MN. John- Would bnn ito existence a county k, M-ns.M- assessor. The presant systein7îcf 'dozen ags ases in- h a 'aim-ýd-, irufalir Éern, pSTL and did noV give anu aiizad assess- wuhel cfrment througlicut t-haco-unti-es. E' 'rno; 2 >l wiroidi tkasnoins Vin-ae yens for a 2f jrno county asessor Vobcoa familiar Duffla f I wiVh Via muincpalitiesof Vha coun- -o f appilsVie, bt wben and if this scheme is iOno il puit mto practica, IV mlgvean -~ ~ aquahized ssasea hIrouighout Vha 1(oun1tias. Reeve Wood'yard also ,ottrIu- lahediVthat larke -would likaly hana1ýfit i L sud adeal. Orea FundA In renakimsg on Vhe CNuayRi la fo)r the arw-e n'd Hnt Pngrant nurnlber ar'e Agncuiur1wntigForadmittane. - hs assaI as the imatter te 'Coun'y Coundeil' are e- 1 'Up to -hs deavoring Vo arrie at a planVote- oVi amount hava Vtis un-ememasate 'jp)seswas Thii- lnprovenent of tha Sint -L- lî~ast week m'as-,dîsuesediThCIsReeva 0 in'ned i.sMtei 'litîntbtis iroad improvenentt on - 1~-the Sixti -vnanxfetîiht nI -iVr. AtM~nrthyî tini liýs asfimation lie eonisqd'ered lie f641 liaprojeet by the toVw'nsfldp w"a 9 superior tot-hatc-f IVhe Couinties' m provemYent on the road freinNe-wton- ville north aind that Vhe ownslî-ip l'a( speat less 1nio-ay on their plae cLf rond (. Ileregards' Vo the shoval M. Mý,cKay, said that 'ha was n favor of AIis-'pn s'ing of it at t ha first cf hs- year end ci-Van a trucki aM grave', loadar with thaeafad.He fait that sucliaqnimenV oul'nbuof a grea-l' ha iaf-orned -those present, that àt wnsimosibe t trntl' h -vel in %and IMe the Inonèy rafunded for. they nhad 'te Iuy o',therquiîpîent -to the fuIî value c-f Vihe refund. la hs mnatter le chied te te outvoted. -e sýaid tînt as-1o; nas tIiaccn s;ent wv- ehtainad frorn i he lailway Bo~dthe to-wn siip would bei woken t'he La-ke sbe r0rond. Wt w ýs it'opinion t'VînthVe rnssotI of No.2 Higiway vwen awo-rsa r e- pair rthan thiosa n-ortlh of thie Higli- MJ. T. Bi rw -irs o f t h e opin - ion that aproimtey 0%of Vhe ronads a Clrion hpsliul'd le do s-oIn viuewn iero dmlie suc, tînt ma (y'Lf Vne bige wera weak0 and roas la poor conivion. Major roads ara Vo 'le AUxePAndimprvad first, and that VIesa improvenns wol'le extensivýe whan îlnishadC. lie sndthat 'brushli-ng d cutting c;f wead nlog terndiside lad ee started!)Y Ie Vws'i.Haelioped t1h îtinVhe- future tVils'praËtis WOUld ha uphald in tie township. IV wnti- 1nirad by 'Mn. Brwn otaMVs prac!tise would neduca hs amlount of STnow trn1pped onIltIe ronds. Mn.ý Davey reporýîted that dnnin:g' theyenir 'ielia advilve-ii lis unibiased! dcisln on al -Iaitars pertaing 'zteý the admiinistr-ation cf VIetoni. [t wa fl' is opiion that Vthe mloney Vnthad beaeprathtronli- out the #ealadbeen 5s hndla nsV give 'the hast resuits. He si tînt thle work c-f tha couincillad bean Vinoronghly (iscnssed byVI pecedng nea'b-r'hlvIng ittia for hmm Vo say. The oin,epp i-i- r -nhn th.oe Ai Thne gceýe supidby

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