~ST 0F SALL FAIRS à Tenrse oeta h RylWue ai-h ug a lw-c Vvake Wilrners atIRoylWirF aix ChamionhipRibbns BakgrundSmies n Font-ingprzsrd hnp'; i ?s o et o t e n t d U e at n F ri i xlso , O ta vd n e yt e ds l y o b bons alo te Prmie BrederandJ' mierExhbitr sheld sen inthepicure. Sene c th Ail Ready to Siw the C'ty ok oehngfi okhr Boar, aeen atteRya itrPar slestn9motao but is Fi-OPep eedng g-ce hîr thestndy apeaancerf, muni older an~imlGereA VluouoAlitnOt.th 1943 Fail FuirSerai loiue thoe vvàs t ne cey 0 de os anding aiIar"e and u tel par thouht soud bcni î tics th mtonthose whRate d\e e tothose w ho eeuid not bej t mie A K. Tally Some ofthose bair, ru i i- b Congraulate a Winneýr-Disappointed, no doub% ch ss shae ans with the winne,.een in the center of the ~ ttkr V h -R, ý "I ut r F~stPrzeWnnrsûAl fTh-emi-Tbe Rabbýit, WeMean--Se, -tthé abo e nicture pare tw Cccerd int eh'itd yMr. Pri cceo onral n tso e ealand X itsown- ~~ b Gaston firril cf St. C2p de 1a~ ~/iadeIin e, Qee- 1 erwr il ~csa oa o)f a Grand Champion-Lloyd Maek, o Roekwïood, Outarîo. ils scen lie juadgîng ring at the, Royal Winter Yair after exhibiting bis Grand nhpAberdeen-Angus erFlOPpfd fcl ourse. N N N N N N N N y N N N N N s s 's N N y y' N y N y 'N N y N y * y y y y y y N y y N y N. y s 't y y y y y y y y s 't y s. 't 't 't a 't 't 't y, y: 't,