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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Dec 1948, p. 4

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ORQOiê WEEKLT TIMES TltRSDYIff ORONOjiPPOLCE lTRuSTEERIS (Cniudfrom page onie) -ýpmu td 1o st lie systeni fom $4,00 O te. $Va1-r00r.g Mn.Wa'kc aso roghs up tise quetio ofspedin, shich wase..- saiiV1r wuys asign near iisiplaCe sttig ie pedlimrit ut 31mile- s fatt ha tise to-wu. ne said bhut 'me- toista oug nrtsa, or-- MaFin L-engths of 1>Iaiï Check aud Houndstooth Fine Wool, 56 juches wile, suitable for dresses. Skirts or mn~Shi.rts, various eolors and prices. Chi1dren's Fine Wool Pull- overs, 2-4-6-10 and 12 years, price $2.,2-5 te $2.98. Tots Dressesý, 6 mionths tçe 3 years. Corduroy Overalis and Shorts, 1-2-4-5 years. Satin Slips anîd G(ownis, 511k Pan'tees and Vestts, Venus Brassieres. MRls.L. REID% pholno t r 7 0110140,Ota RESPECTFULLY' SelÎctting Your Vote And Support Wilfred Hawke 1949 COUNCILLOR - CLARKE TOWNSHIP 'SA'NE ECUNOMY TO PREVENT HIGHER TAXES" TO THE IRATEPAYE11S 0F THE Township of Clarke Ladies an& Gentîmen : I deem it an honiour sud privilege to have had the opportunity of serving as Counilor ferr ur Tewnship duinig the past year. This experience should enable me to deal with mnunicipal uffirs more wisely iii the future. Being one ef the highest taxÊpayors ef the Twsl should placp me ii a position to act judiciously with public fiaances. Therefore 1 solicit your support in the comng, election, and strengly urge thut al ratepayers exorcise their franchise so that we may have a truly representa- tive counciL. Yours ý5fuîthfully, James Tl, Brown Defore You Duîld sec, ADAMS LU BER COMPANY Clarke 1213A -Clarke 1213A Brick, Cernent, Tile, Lumber, of ail kinds (B. C. Ontario anid Easterni Canada-) Doors (700 frorn), Nails, Sash, Door and ,,oc, Lime (Hlardwall, Finîsh- rdwood Flooring, Masonite, ,ds, Asphait and Cedar Shin- lings and, Trim, Plywoods, Street somthis ie-wd'owu uat Raun. Gansby's house, and going soutis speed n-p at tise s ep!pace. [ie Said tisese were too rnany young chibiea ~indpr aixt-een yueaýrs of age drivingl cars, trucks aud tractons, that boys Dcf this age are too youag Vot drive. Mn. Rlddel reported that 'Mn. Pol- lard lias ciseckedi uip on some of tisese oys and wunned Vis-m aguinst neck- basa dn$ing and spceing9. -Mn.IW. E. Arnsnstong was Of tise' opinion Chat tise frenan sLould ne- i-eiva re sýnenunrio for clutishin'g cestroyed or dansaged wilIeattend- in, a fIne. Col, J. C. Gansey- thoug,-ht that Fui ýcoulci e startedi to cover tise 5sof cl'oting s1:fïered by thse fine- It -was sbred -b!,y W. J. Rid0dell. s'econd by R. E. iLgn 'hat-tise Po- lice Trus es s et aside a certain moun011t of nsoney as an emnergenc ' fundî, to n einburse llremen wbo )havce Clothing estroyed or à-&'aged while on duty 'ut a ire. - carried. IMr.Waddel'l congratula-ted' ' he ol ii-Linsteea for tbeîr reports on) ~ k~ùps~ngof Jhe vilage and thse Ihyllýo ystem this year. WVe al kn6w -wlat has- been spen t, anIld w e kniow -what will lie doncri in the future. TJ'ie metinig udjounnied on moýtioni of W. ýE. Arnssterng. CLARKE TOWNSIP NOMINATIOIN S (Continueti freinïý page one) wa s arnýived at ya ifamn inter- praio f the figurtes. Mi,. W. iH- avie rclethat many of tise present mnieers of the pres- enit ceuncýil bad, at tise 194~7 nom-ii. thoni, sLl t t i'i was theit in- tenitionof lowvel.inl'busetax-es. I- even, he --idth5t tis basnPot lbeen done. Tise 13 till rate, 'hosa id, was neccýs-y to conitiniue the wovrkç that ha Vo lie donc lanthe t ou-n shiîp. Local conitr ctons, lie lahimedî,should ie giventi te avor'k of the o-wnisip instead of uýgin g outside contrue- PO(JRT HOq_)P E il Fr. and Sat., Dec. 3-4 WALT DISNEY'S "MELODY TirE Also "BLACK BAGLE", the, Story of a Heors-e 1 Mon. & Tues., Dec. 6-7 "AForein Affair A Funny AIT air, wvith Jean 'Arthur, John LUn'd and NMarlene Dietrich Wed., Thurs., Dec. 8-9 "Dark Passage"y Witis Humphrey Be-gant aud Lauren Bacall (Adu0it> "THIE STORZK CLUB" with BaryF-,itz-er-aldl Motor Equipment Ki COMINIG EVENTS The 'mhe etig~of te È,-eniin,- Au>xiI',ary 'willbe !held on jhuraday, Dec, 9th, a-t the churehl (Linlcos further .nc te). eIcton of eficers, and a oocd C'ismsPro- ýýiam wiM be prùs'ented. AIl t'he Fadies are, 'o-rdially inivitMi. Plýease note t'he change of date. A 3-act comnedy play, "Deroin Cie lark, will' bu presented ini the Town Hall, Orono, o n Wecd ncs Cia y, Decrniber 8 b, by the WihitlbY PlaY- ara, under tCe aus-pices of the Orýonoi Chan-tiber of Commn-erce, commene,ýifg ct 8.3*>pum.Proceeds tb0go toward fîi1nnc4i9g the Ghistmas Tree for the children of Orono andl ditrict, Ad- iv issîîorn Adults, 5e;Chikfren, 3;5c. NNALMEETING Tihe arnnal mneting of District 4 [Assocaton' of AgimMuual &cieties wiI'l ie held iinthe 'range 11ail1, <rono, on F'iday,, Decensber 1Oth. Vie meeting 'wilcmmnc t 10.30 '0 the yi*sitorýs witih tihe intention o0f serving lunchf at 12.3n. Menibiers of Dnharn 'Central' Agnicutural Society and othersinterested are inviteci Vo be pensent, anyr time during the, day. Mr. M. H. Staplies' is iu changWei of arrangemecnts for entertaining tise! visiting delegates. Rer. A. F. 'Eustace dlevotedl his mnorning sermon topic te the cuirrent appeal for srpp)lort in the renovation )f Park Street Chur ch, as Sunday had bee set apart for the pu,,rpose, and1C canjrasscns are at ýwork dùurir1g this week fcllowiing np tiseîninister's initial message. Mn. Euas'tace stre- ml' the fact thaIt any eay of- fering should be regarded as an in- vestmient, not a cnrbto.Foilk colid feelt theniselVes a-s 'haing a definite par, in thse work, both for the present and tise fature, lie said. tors. By Using localcotrctrsit was possible to leep a Coliterabie art ownship mney within! Mr~Sid. Lanicaster said 'that road acl ridges s1houlci ho kept 10goo rpir and coiuld not see this bing at the pesent with a lower siIl AIse it wshis opinion that ceblicé le infonmed on ail town.' idpwork' and dsFsin.lie saaid 'mat ho was in a good' Posbitn thog hs)uines,,,a n d location to -reprcesetitia-'v i (e urea efthne The o ecning of tise Mildson lMud isorth Oronio, csncig Higiway "ýo. 35 IisCobfb .111, wus tPen dis- cussedin.d the e report 'wus'tlitt he roai esgieerwus t-oe ing ini a ne- ooî* atthce esuetof tne year. On thse maHOer of garbage disoasI ýhe Reeve limd that it has been impossible forthem to obtain land t eseias a cone1ymunity dnp IHw aer s 'solln us- and can behobo- 'ained, -the'Couicili would' tkeaction 1 ad purchase, Tise m-eeýtfing cloewth God Save ARENA FUND (Coistinuedi rospage oue) Wlfrcd awke.............--- ,00 Wn----r-in............... Framrond IChapnan......2.00 /Orly Csapisa...........200 Clffrd'Cowan........2.00C Sanley Chapmýran..........5-- T orne oliins..........50 Wmn. Davey ...--------.. M. " -hakey-............500 Leroy H familton........0 0. W. Rolph............1.0 SmKeane........--... ....... 20 E. R. Woodyard.........5.00 $511.50 Private Ambulanci B o ~I fi Q n lu ELECTRUO 5,5 r 1, Orono of Table Lamps, Ow for Special selectilon of APPLIANCES ble with Ilot Water Tani lasteel Ilot Water Tank. It üed for ten years, Are ý Ckusified Get yow-r eke ffo r theLes liek -bell Sý-ersa t t %I Store, 01rono. Co* r 1 nàty Uxt DeemeI .31 A is silon 75.; Stt eut's 5ùeý WOOD SALE BY TENDER Sixteen. acres (more or less) of Wood Lcot, proiperty of Clinton C, Belwin ýLot 11, !C-oncessîon 6, Townvship of D a r'l. g4to n, 1i mile south of theVae of Tyron-e. Thîs Wýood Lo' consiAsts of Elua, Fine anId Heinloc, suitabie for Inni- ber, 'and Cedlar for Ilydro poles (al Mqple nut inechuded in this sale). Toe eni dwithin 4 years from 'eeie h,1948. Inspectiïon luay b had on the prenhises. Wrît- ten tenders for the above addressed te :Mr. Bigeiow, 'R. R. 'No. 5, Bow- inanville, .Onbario, wil e accepted up to and iniuding 'hbe £th Deceni- ber, 1948K Lowest or any~ tender nat neces- sarilîy aCCepted-. FOR RENT Fanlf, 100 acres-, S 1/2 Lot 24, con. M, Township o-f Clarke. Afpplyi to R. Rq. Waddl, Oro0n 0tf FOR SALE Gurney G-ok Stevýe, 6 lida, wani imlg losat, cesýervoir, -hot wtrfront, good oven and tae8-inch loil hu- ers coilt.Stovein good condi- tinoï,. Will sel. reasonaeble. Phione FOR SL Onve creain -a nd gee enamiel cook store xvith wrigciost, in g'ood Condition. Phone 45 r 0, Orono. FOlb $SALE Pair o o' le yskpte-,sizei 1, used one ye -r. Aiply at th~e o Times.a--p Free Estimnates wil be Given Cheerfully or. Rock Wool Home lnsulatioD y ewrSystexa, Four inches thick, GILPIN & Co. InsuilWti t, T 5r Elnt.St Durham Counity GEORGE WADDEIL Phono2 r2 eBTRN The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phope 501 - P.O. ]Bcx 622 Port Rope, Ontarle MELDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. Office Heulrs: Sundays antd Wednesdays by PHONE 47r1VI ORONO ISEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Soicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Pliones : Offic 688 Home553 W. F. WARD liARRSTER SOLICITOR NOTARY phones : Office 825 Re"sidence 4et BOWMANVILLE, ONT. DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VBTERINARY SURGEON Office Main St. Oron. PhEono 63 r 7. eOron. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automblile FRED LYCETT AUCTIONEERS TED JACKç-( Auctionaeer aiüd Valu-.ý' Con.ductm Auctien Sal!es e md et reasonable rat Comimicate with hlm a * qt Pery, Ontarlo, orea hl. Cie",- E. Morton, et Orova% for date. JACK IREID Orono's .Licensed A&uctioneer and Valuator Specialize in FaRm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terme - NEWCASTLE' Northcutt and S3mith Funeral Directers, and Funiture Deatlers INDNESS- COURTESY SERVIC1 Equipped tc takie care et the niodee;t funera aft the nmust reasoriable charge as well as the large&t iand Telephïiee- Office 668 PResidence: -28and 726f 1'..1.nhone Cfllect BowmanVllle. Ontý 1 Cil ý-Y -1

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