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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Dec 1948, p. 6

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dt'sci acrelt-anyont that just abu h tavîcot loseî s îhite Txnaî,peadeutial upset wera the ainal pblic opiniont poli ouilt asGluRoper. and Croissley- PxeidnfTrmanîs "red-faccd poIl- stas't Frniail sides have cone strug rîlis i o heepulls and !neConresman- aRoeubican lion pulls.ey pc lisepollnglaesuce to mses tgv Dluriloben faukîy wuRore toi ivedown. Ier 'boner" and ~'oi thau qunsbusiness. tsa ame.This as îe Rear oui- fitwhîl des bou uielyperclent >st ls wor un tockmatiekt re Askd wiohie lecxectd ur lse anstomes becaserls noflisge- farge e eîlonfurearelexRpes- part ly aîtse forhthqes.tion bu 110 cn -usvel. erasare sîlas Roper Ment 0fe1 e o cha eîve sîf bs ix clx emamoratclet had indieale hiat i'ds tick wiîh lfi~ ~ c arc frig îo un,"te .'octued, "rectlytng ne sareies ~~Bd ta e jus renwcd ourLa ise" Bii l'n oIdyb aln ulmw iseefcîs oflishe bRahri ey thcy ceeîc on Noaxdcisr nd.o i -g ary y inpa ustfries1cm. tisc -war juu a it to0 cckyapnt ue - foîgctt ingtat ovmen s wf a erner, 'Lî flc pixicueutociisng $gITir i 'jioiiha ar re i zl (,dtcîsn Kui istheinît wsc îtrle idsîtrnil oa e e Loi, adrccnîîy treisereFre im- #nttire-cfev cIomî.îan hc is Frei cpr i R aI.;id, Su te Bitih snf koue Siths MilîaryGovrgenls in ermny wbo atuall conîol iaRira plesntluav recteda dcîsin 1 YojItî tîli hcomne a ' I 'iltel mn"in sport aimost as quik as You eauiiilupolitics - rscoýiber sa chr.ap called Tom Dewey? - and îseenued strange to, sec the nainie of Bill Terry in the sports coltius once aýgain, lthough ît isn't so, long Since he was one of the most prcomîienýit figures appearing il erein. LreWilliam is coming uc f rirm u ludo aàspot of ml 1011xtay c iiachin foris aI-i rtckyW on ofte net Spingdands --aili(, otidllibato surpris egardse clubag oal b -oevetoo o. i basebal, It was an incident Ihai would bc wholly incredible if if hadn't been also lied n w itb the one and only Dizi'y Dean, who had a habit of pulling unbelievable stunts wilhî the grealeot. regularity. if you're alrcady famîliar wiili te -7aro - xxell, lucre isn't nuoicli yeot cao do abot if, axcept skip il. Anyway, there was a veîy im- portant game cornîng up ltat aflter- noon, and ln the morning - or maybe ii. was the previuus even- in& - somebody look Dîzzy out tuo si bunufi of kids at an Orphas' Hoe or souise snch. As lie was leaving Dizzy aslted the youngEters if there was anythiug in particular they wanted. "Suce-lbing, Dix," one of lte kids replied, "Sîrike out that big haro- and-egger Bill Terry for us - and do it t heutabases full." "No sooner sa-id Ihan dune" replied Dizzy; allhouu,.bven ha must havee k-nown that he was really promis- ngsomething bard, as Terry - at that lime - was a very stout flow with the war-club and especi' a lly ýdangerous li apincli. Il asatight, liard-fotight gamuc, and ilie score was. either tîed or the Cardînals were one mun aliead -we'x e forgolten wlsich - in a. la inning. Dizzy, wito w-as pitchu ing for the St, Louis oulfil, seiimed bo weaken slightfy, and lwo of the eneniy guI on base, Hughie Critz was the nexl man up, and drew a h'. usaI dandruif .11'. Only ei'aclier erumbai" il tr SYMe- shen 0 touI t àfth e i % bo tnd 1-eJ'aI (IlC thesay hepîo cicf on r gaîtrxav oîcr IlaCknybor cefedn 'ttî facfp.-c idgnz WBut fa ked aout Il 1 t rt 1h5 bt31po isdsos ld hat- I'd fn youwth te basac'-,aded Th' îs li loyI waliedIitte Huhle> ,mse ornebookses bionTery-woES frnsio n, Whaîealis ally M is- Whoudrocttuido, rih t avh nidl 1t l coun Iwosud olhig," i71 1dhucke aneallg ein- dent. n ue i olhm ax a aîl- s grea k itcher as p. . B-ýT l,- 1ýe î f h tvao't au- orisucs wpet i f oomas for- p1 1e i ,as lt c' atî hase c lri ieî ta acod FOLDINO Sous le lac Rani s, Clubs, R reatl C c O fIsse, Ilsîls, - n - Restau cents - - -, fnl Plions c 1e us-I M LLCONp~HA 'T cAiogEs = - 'l5k~the di ciooserî f th - Iamenî î ~sof secia inîresîlu Cnada a me îîtieHopia frSikCli dieu n Trnt.Hecllbraa ac proecifnacedby l1Rya cep ecoddge opeefcia hub uao5énis liiî.Au îîîittî 'ou wîa appicd 01crtfj ilîir srfce î Cluig e is cotin utls1:1y ite lt dy lt hueil sr facoar pniscfiel sev eanly; rno ask gafig a n( Ceesary. mcîod wnlue: t fursnf-(t"f biedy; a seetua îd gr ti sta-giitedndam lhse t thlird;1%e- rec over 5ne cliu le l K sîîî'fae'e and c od dgi- ce h m' axpi ier t fcCitt. !ln1(ý l1 The k l i faî- aEci airo 1 intrettti s sx î und i bo;itebaer ur c ieloy 1' 0 olive at2t- cx i i o-c nrdbea CLA ~SIFIE D AUD VEý lRT IIN G BABT CRI VKS TRO'.IL WHO BlOc G85T esrly pullers titis year eerlaanly nasissd lii, Dont missout un 1948. 'Sa anc 'icteelli kîtoiva what ega onces MIEl hi 'n 1942 but evero tsar they are highec tho lest et'. menthe et Cite yetr thon îhey are d lOng the lire' six niontha Book yonr ordor nais le, 12411 chîcks and teks delîveri' sarli'. Vîveidie ehiaka have been rnaklusa monsi' foi eottlciytîieii ail over Canada, Also brailer e ucPa sud laynig aed roadi' to-loy pullets foc îmnsodiaea deliveci', Fcoe catalogue. Tweddle * bit-k 5-îoachseisa Lsniited, 9'ergus, Ontario. lihtE ordeî s toc baby chieka llotchery eslab- lished 2 years WOflts 501150 OitS b your acaliti' to taPe ordera toc chlcke. Liherel ornniiseioe Enduire to-day. Box I-On. 12, 122-1816 St,. Neîv Tocante, BAHI'. CHICK BUTENO-ordor yaoc 1848 baby ehieka now sud bo asauced 0f de3lvery Jr ,..le,.. brai sou destrc. An our breedors ste soi erornont haeded end pullorum-tesled, Write for 1949 catalogue and pries heC. Dis.. u.o tnt aven on aIl oacI' ordeca. Monkton Pouuct-y Fans, Hoopton. Ontaria. VOis CAN' GET BRICKS. reasonebli' iscornot shiptitent. But hatchîna 10 ordîr, afivisa leur ordetîîîa xieîl te sdvance... That goos for faruiry-February delîveri' alco. Brai' HaIt-b- oct, 311 John N., Rarnîlton, Ont. ROBLT TIATCHED CHICES catch tho bîg inonci At hi ho conte it îvith a emaîl meagor piofit c', hec ion rau juil as eseili' set in oo the hie inonci' and iha top niarket onces, Eow7 set theni started sari' Agriculture stacîsties prove that sari' hatchea chicits are Irons Il te 8 per ce it mare profitable thon laie ehieke. Thate a lot 0f extra profit. Order yonr 1040 chleki, Cciv, Also broilers iutt. tt-i'lng sud read ta lai' pellîts foc Imniedi- Ste deliveri' iNree catalogue 'liait Notait Chîek Sales Guelph, Ontarîo WR RAI R lavlng ced a'eadi' la Ici' uiullets: W'hlte Leehurna, Bacred Rocks, Noir Ilonia- sbires Liche Susse,, Hebride. Fres catalogua, lweddle Chicu, RoitIserie., LîmilcO, Fergus. Ontacto BUSINESS OPPORTIJNIT3ES 17, OFFRE 10 evers Beventoî-Lisî oS unven- tions ond fouI information aset free. The arisai' Co, Registersd Pateni Altoriiets. 113, ti St Oei, Ottswa OTEINO ARD CLEANINO R TOtI anycitîna needi dycîna ot- dean- igi Write ta us for lnborm~tion, We at-e Cd ta ansîver yoor lOuSetions Departnient i Parlcer's Bye Wonlas Llmtid. 751 Triega tir et, hlorotîto Ontarto LNSPLOT82EN~? WANTED ]OAIt5cî1', t'RB.IIRB, sxperiancod te- geneiCl, j vegeeahîr Ced poulet-y farmîna, sud hîs 'aife' a seaci cook-de, ires smployrnent. No Ici tilt Proienîli' iii tlitgland Trio paO. I Box 30 1~3 îlOt St Ne',v Torento Ont. SIARBIRD COUPLE. Latvîac Dl' 'i 00w te tl.eresany, w ishos o', ct-k on laini, poultri' or ardeoune Botit exporîeeesd te ail Ccci corS S trasîraje 101 lb-s Ave.. Toronlo, FARMIOR SALE LEON SPD. Ontario, 88 cecce. Bceckencidge, Q îîoh"c 100 acres Good bouses out- hullit-isa 35 mite0 fr0 n Ottawa; .53,808 30 osc1. learge Haovith. Beal Relate Brokcr, 111 C 'cighton, tisttawa f O~ it-'~~. ,C sod ticishbot, iii Brimons ~ Iîvp Lacet-k eounly, ineledin' campe and conlenîs (seins oeIl butît, ced of 0000 - lumbea. Buildînge: lîget' 000 Lt gOS, and a stable accommedetîne 13 horees. A 5000 truck cad la catripa, A bu' St 33,500 00, ca h tac scias itioperti'. Appli' lu Val. Weîler Pormesa Oui. __ Bt<IE SALE STEWART CLIPMASTER 4l3..IFFI'S G aveide tontamhnatton, ceduces .setilnienl, lawers bacteeta, maltes it es-eler 10 keso cosys dean. Alda le the control ol lice. tieke, etc., MOitit greatli' offset rtstlk produ'teoo. No erd la Its usetuleese oisceitangeaitie sltesis-sheari se hss.d t siso esallable Chipmaster Only $3250 PROMPT ATTENTION TO MAIL OBORES SENT C.0.D. Electrical Housakeeping Ltd. 311 1GN~E ST. TORONTO, ONT, 11,-ttc le, nous liais enci OtOCes ~jîPOW~~ED RIFLES SCOPF SALES 04) Quser St nîcausa. Ont PURE YARNS f aI nihi ocîres ti hile or arsi'. O pli'. $5 89 1h postpaud ani'whet-s. Brandon WaoIIert Mîlîs Conicrasi', Itrandan. Sîlanlloba. ARMY HUT WINDOWS 4.808 cash, arprox I It s i fI. ussd, aIea nsîo frantei end saab Tarit Wreckîne Ou.., Bu0t'aluoru Ave., Taranto XMAS HOLLY Pet, ted Rît luit Hoîîy, Fer box $000 and 32,50 Imîbo box 03.00 lords euclosod toc Viuc. gît-te Puetpald Kuîper'a Hetaic. B.C, BLOc tOUS Whtt~ (lover Ilonci', 48 Ibe. case $15 III. 8-ne' Ilava ed ambet honey 35 00. titinleel cIe -eltilitueti. Bîg Peck Parus Mlllc Reel' ' Oni. ,vîu'.t 15001' FOR TRAPI EPS cash in ou eho j lit h 'lîteli Pt-tees ard WolI Poonti' lt-sapins i tise crier c I c IVat. o ina Fîshers Caurse anti S ciii riade Item Aî'imals' Glands Write foc Oerli et,. r. to 1'ish r. Box 428. Calacri', Alta. CIN O S lv ritîti itale 'dinE and Hall Bloocl Sercaîse id 'Itto. AI o Broalh 0f cnt-me enlîCretu iiybî ci Mal-e, Standards and hlacdt ci, e liait i I tic t'ai w Bru Fariiham Ou-O e ORGA n Saitab.e lqt- lînreli midI chapel o liane titeshali ueO 1-1 ce rend Cloolco cr'l s cil îîsr s aid nie tannai ceeU organe ulth ait theut rit-t-trie mator and hlower. Dos' i iipttio litetatute titili utricea Cool î'oe Oit coue. t. tic cîblîgatica i-I îîîîr t' e c, I8i l'anse. tata ite CABA0 ARA b' t et afI hr'dkoc. Il . il 130 a'r hunureil mo et- on ceituost, tîowertoe 'e e inotenlate ceh, c 7 Il , Si 15: fruit trees 10' 50 legrees heîow aplile. Ours cserry. Wr'îc for tatalite 's 'i"usîac Nuteectes. Box 270 T ineit 10. Ont Pi ClIPS E COSIEIRAI'lO\ îNCUB VI ORS la' sal . cheap. 1 uit-Set ce nisehuie 2 e ore ir Cehîtie 'l'l rite for ItîlI delals 'tîsecîdie iticl, Hie lie ice Lii ted. 1' et-eus, Oc ,.a ci', I'OBAuCO F ABîI 142 ceres, cenitilelelti stiOllstied 't cenheuse, cepaciti' for 90 acres 6 u~,ya siSe kilOs ceai Delhi R. LI'idsey, titeCI Eie'itc Vitile Nvitilevale. Ont. EIEBBON SALE I'EATî1EE ~f mcii ce ilti, tiich salut or tafiela sub seaedcî-d îîhhan ,AIl calots. 33 yards for 43e tdcal lac crînîm eg, blnding end ail t wropoing ,Asso'ialeel Cenvetters, 4101 St. Laîvrence 1 'ltOStttCl 18 iOR, l i IR______ i E R iil W l, OntarjoR Canern os, l U Alderton. POSTAGEPAIDrLAR1NTEElPARETS ail ov, rIIln. wie....2 >,b .as$S. FIe Wu iteB)oaclot 10 ya 1$,2v. SPETALE FOI 3, WE SEND Wit j;'or VI. Toront euuipsucidea locaion or f ipri 'l- METAJ C GLMMîDSEALS1 Bif St Ral, Tor1nto SAWILIlS 29. U 14,Untarl s!V, T boi -7 I",390 E Slnir, Ssîthillo Ontrlo NEW locet LCai I l: r2i400 fitor po.we fnl'Quletr runinal torn t Ss Serice Dopt 11 7Slneoo StretTornto 'i C--'.

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