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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Dec 1948, p. 7

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By "pertC nteuw-omn h gr o wvIe dHrrmn th cie omet iThepulsiig pessta hoktebiling gettinýg onitth Wasteditien brught th4 tilr sense of rest afterhard ork elCA done. It was ihe acptbetime-I for airig theomis Wd giovuxc "AsIwa saig cotnd and men u drssmIakng renu aid the sme.Now f rikly edïior, hiad shnw an snse w wowud'tbe having ths ALNaDeA no rnund-i nuaking tL ewrn a p lac hr o a' u a n Buat Daleý had kuownida Delanoý long anough ta be inlove wiý('th hwr Furhe dscsson f liiawa pustpù1,ed by the ublntetyn the city eîoBike.Hsde- chaLva yeswptte fcroýwd.! WI Myry n;mwoo,"he erd.Ex t'end ynuLr cnbw-ebbed er oti~ Tl'le Pr-ince Brhli elh Roahas arive LutoisciY n situ. He iLa seIiug his daugbte, a 9octd to her ath'sideka sia husbaud. The ald boy offers t0, odeat scomunif Siftchusnd o the nulie who f1iid-, is àtti Mrina Wve'e going to get per for sthe greater gory nifthc CometsIfsa genleral alarm11. Hr'sapitre tie renegadelý "What do >ou think of ita Alicia? asked Dalediscorin-g s love whiiatL a il qabot. "Fifty thOus-and olar 1'ha igh- îd. "Just imagine, Alicia, -what conle ewild do with that WhNly . , . Lamtrwhan - A had ber Aveon i you. , z. marr mc The, giràî ldau asdh the lJovel muhfrmd y a raddish aeE ht'aetepl Iloeyou, Dale," sidAlicia, siolemcnily. --trac behi nd ce erdea mdrial befo's r al'sdramngey i loýv lapeso, Dle sad Aciac joient3av;5 . Dut ary yo. it sa uvay." nesE à Dae ia l Icînweîmari1 flpglmaceithe cmom detied She pfllad is eaar taasingly. tDon't wqoiiyý Thinga wiýll ook, dýifferaut Intheia îrnn. Aîicia w ýas a pohts- D t the foot nI thle bed. fThe mnîu sunigh vs unmre gqoldet,, an âQar hi.Rr~~ aedwt rnsha. BganSapsCntStoý,p This One-Ame',.rican Marines-L haedvlped- cae eic frtir ees.Abet froad mtigrn ne h hest flu to, rovdin aconinuusporabe rad uracelieevrItlle ep ina o can b drien though~ amp, bos, sot bechesandundebrs Severpand oduhecbgtirculationk magazines have a been publir frghenn ;aticle! bu, hw e Dorld won! be fcdwt train aands No doubt you've seen sone tought that ct h ouitrUmmst7no whattheywere talkiig aot lîetejitteyoldld wown toalecture by a fmu cets anrigltinthe middeofàtStood np an iterrnpýited thespae.Oh you sMy t would be befor the wurl beomes so Cold mat nothing wi heaw abetoSie nLt?""One0BIL- LIONyeas,"was h epy O tnkoones," sai thlady.," coq co eibly worrie-I thought You said a MILLION!) But!ayway îifs niLce, for a change, to, fiud ' aianwhcthnks that thse strtinsoon" jprophe-ts are aIl eHsoinion should be wprts whiletop, aus EhD. Charlesa.1 Keogg, chief of the Soi Survy D 0isonofth-e ,US. Dp.fAgr- cutrand haýSs stuiedthsoso thý worldat 1firît ha d ndatth ruetof mnyforiglu gove1rn- mecntsiPrhpsyoll becnerse insreof !the things Dr.elog h s ay-so hr os 1 lt chas. becne olar o ayha among the peole of 0naCina DON'T BLEEIT' "Conideingnewtec-hnology I arn confident fod could be po ducedi for TW CE the world's pr- sen ppultin.-lu the past few yersIhave had! the c.hance to stuidy arclueanid its problems in mnany rparts of tehe( w,,orld-iii onue famiiartemerae rgiosin the fau neut, aundtetroics. arn convncedthatwe h,-ave the soui!n tha kowlege(t raise more than enoDugh fýood for thýe \world." "0f gretes imortnceare the argaeas ni tropical sous. GTreajt areas iLu Africa anid South ýAm-?crica, arndlesusr areas iàCentral Ameria stii licau i nuws thehaiedyé M 1aiaa AiciaDeitlnodi ,Bartholdi . , . MrsDale Hrs wor-th. My mthrw e n Amerý- Ican.So o n1't mid if you te on m iuw, Dlebut ha sureau get .he oney from u ýddbfr youmenionthat 'm orwfe Waneed t foc ruhnem n. ald nd uSevrcal ni, the ,Tropical islandsz Mie New Gui'ea, Mdagascr an Ifss cui ount o bu 0par- add aron ilo ce.B sn- the 1new i J lan eslUld neIl doule rewr sppliesCof cereLs, and ilk.WTewould more ta - doublemots ad tubers sugar at acresto met thegoal? Durin-gth earlypart0nithe w'ar siatswr made f wha iuceasedprodction Lt uld be pr 1.a Ctic alcfor tC crae aot22 prcetL ltepr- etupopr cenlt peýr aia nt Farm i nu',Dttptut per wre rae 40 prcent.1The wrdcudo suga r by 15parcentl utnd e talsb 5pecenclt,cmots adtb era by 50net «enýt iand cothar items- b 20per cenit. TiS WOULD -* BE EXYTRýA PRO0DUCCTfION) FRO M LA ND W E'RE-F, A'L- "Modem sc>ýience Will chageth trpc saplace to !ive; ayo th iesaare beingbrutude dangesytm and air couldtini - c- *,ttî l îlgth, but i min- ,lll-lïg the mtt up ha ays, i e realy ANuo shoul ha tken at once. . cesefertilizerprdcin ese iayi regions of fniesc as nia. 2,.%Make wid -er distributiion niý seeda an plantsofimoed highe-yielding varieties nicropa. 3.Expud irriaion n oU wvhich 'are suited for it. 4. Develop hydro-eetric. pow.zer sources, especially Lu the tropics, where lack ni power is nnw the lmiting factor in food production. 5. Control diseases and ises Even though such controls ara' kuown, tbey are not appied in fârgae areas ni the world. 6. Distribute farm machinery where t is' badly needed. 7. Educate foraigu farmars witb simple, easytn-understand pamn- phlAets.Prgra depende on how,, much the atulman ron the lnt kuows about bis Job, Ifs ha ntet bW luSoth MII-, wakasfigtlold h sbrbo the pasy bLeds 'Lth other 6* ni un- yuu aoc from a -wall, i cup 1 çup 2 eue ippiti id Psu i- e. Sohere adyusng 1.Oie Cr)peard (unbenteu) floue ~,oîu baking powdee -~ saIt unu var~I'c extract. Sift itha dry igedetstgether;' the erambuter ndsugar to- geter;ad th egs;then the flour vmixture and ithie xanilla ',ex- ~tract. Wrap iaxed paper and put n col plce -reirigerator, if 3 ouhaveone-vernghtRoll thin, cutout an baaPt about 400 de- La, rcipes forishes that don't require nybutn stIll are hearty, heautifuj Christmas Gifis your friends wiII treosure No)- is th tlme to make tho)se Ohristmas gîf tE which are so muoh appreciatad àby you-r fnmily au frÀleudsj not only for theiýr uens but also for the axquisite haudwork that makes th.em unique. Lewiscraft t, listad below, enable you to eujoy tihe satisfnction and pleasýurc- of sucessful craftsmauship i Lny field you choose, Encis kit is desigued to give comlet iutmutLostools and materials to produce a perfect exampla oi each craft. Sequin Jowitory-Craft- Stako moti remuai gittO, if pari cao use a noodis ood tbreod, pou -~ con maire o epceliuing eteutetoine toroorb ood monos art wctb thic t..5-j ~P Leoiscraf t sequin jewiiitric kit. Kit cootaino seqoino, beado, mc- ocre,,,, pielsarira choie, conteai aod compter, iooircctiom. Titis te iecyMairotbeooiogivoootoweto tho tateai titios te rootome ,ovet- a Kit postpntd $1 .00 Pottcoaft-W isava kit espes4y for chîitaKitcotisalml- hode ate vinmtuund III' assIs Ne. Paro-t hag t I n ba,,. , cotonod bitSoveos ________________________________ I. _______________________________ Hoseeteroftod Textiles - Oive ~N , plain fabrsco o goy new lueir, Ko natatet four fade-proo, a. es hotu, o1 octondor, ororotedcnrtuintbmktaai mis oed stencil pnpec, ere- -roc atrectis 10 nec yua toit ued complota testruction ShoIlcoofi - You'va odestced tihe dainty sebeirrftevtele so popuior -td",. e a prepýareoSielRrouastieno it and nov Yen tA -L ai Sheticaijeveicy flirtatpro- fessoatoc. a't rodiaine se packaget amreotl-exl accesscrîe&. cerent cMd iveosse -oeogh ta maire 0otilt set vîth aoddtieni sheila te rosi. tissne s a hobby. e KilN4! -oeil ootspaopntd $2.33 1Kil Ne, 5-ShotIcedI Poinsueo, poetpaid $1 .00 iloltcrofi-lteru'o o ocistu ooiutioe 10 tht guI prabient aod a7soud ou, tOp, tise bru, pou moire f Lewiorratt lista odd oonta- thfeg nov and dilterett co ctbe~*?*tO otorie eo somebody, arordoobe And licds! They'rs fuel iho ibise for sistre. brother, moiber, doit. Kit rosotaino irstbrrlieiru ood harkies for otociudp'o und blair or broya, 00e mao'a boit, Simpir, peu- bord munit ten Availobte in Kit No. 7-Lisais Sait, panipnid $1,25 Chsietmas.Cord Cgaft- Olase Cooft - If you 'or rfoiaty..irît utn toolo.inprfcnro. ber ui 1Kit No. 8-Lino Block Prining, taîd $2301 Castolila CroIt-A ne,, un- Giovocrofi-Pur tisai epectel Loosîhoocraf t - Thore'e a osool buodîroli gif t so5geo- clou. cootaitte te n oov iauuid etuatir tisot la self bcrdroiog ned -dote m crystal Articles oucb ut Sovocs cud photo- srapbo rmbrddod le casiolito mu k beactifot oed ocique icoadar-On, bcoorbro, papor xvofghto, etc. I.oviacraf t Unsto- loir kit cootaies lits. cestoluie bauing contpouod. hardesier, eyr-droppm, fuit intiroceieo booli. Nvorycbieg peu nord f er thie de,, huodreaft 001. Kit No, i0-Coslalito, poetpaid $4,00 nuaorOn por tisi, ire &lihe a a no-e-uemde gloves ta #J ,J tucirnu or th Iise btmae troc, W. bave emudo opclii, cnem- piotue witb oven thing. With. tomire;t ct otitsotpir o onsitc iambsirmt for neoà gloves, neediro, thread, pot- tort andrm.oflw t- otrortion bonir. Stuts a"m as4 bir, broyan aed turoe. Kil No. il -rlao.crnft, posipold $2.0c Uouua vaooio helcolis~piic, wocotetokits for ooly 81.00. One kit maie, n l asoodm,, emoocl ad cria tiKi tai 00lag o eoo 00 ena rfeo, pair eur oce,, sfety lop pioback, ronteoto-riioao tt-'i io £ofot i* eSncod kit rootins Rire Seoll, brocli andi orlag diar m o neadt5 1<1 N. 3-4-helcrff dube-eeur2 kit offoe, p 41ol, 100 ndtledat te simplicity 0of these hncat n h .nkn elyoiginal presents in your spare tie. ou s fyou can us.e a pair of scissors, hold a neiwlld a hanucafs sright wlthin your ranch. Justslet he yOïk mo. You' find a Lewlscraft kit tha,: wll enable Eluished articleou'Il be proud to give. Or lfyo hy bs- why notseleou of these splendid ktisa-, r tt 33e, ay sturt a frleund ona a, etîme hobby)ý. NAAS eORgMOST C RAPeT1 tee w~oi!ou5 , 3 ý. Rit Ne..3-Cloygroit eýIwy, pontpold $3OO -fpoe okd l1iotif f otudi.Thtoe Wnt ta0çfl*, Otmetbm4etddiqne, cIt eila,,modogrome ýnOfrdi-1 ",ry ios, vatos, ash Irmpo. Witit lse Lwiscof t kit, il's eca. The coplets promos tairea but a fev esinutt. Rousst, are omemos., Yom r feeasde iîlwonder wheio yen lotie SsucS peroaliteod giftt. Kit contains etcbingrraad. stencfil oI, stencil iret1,sud isoui ofintmerutinne oMd design%. a J Kil No. 9-Glass EtchIteg, postpold $2,00 doubla gift aoggiion Igt ie ethcrft ol kit Thekit brsmopreami-or pou Iei o tn t a nov hab od marbod-toute teioro i fias bitioldu, k"y tm, boà-mvers, book- maks te. I[auded awith lis coplote setof iuolttheco 00 o" yoo cen start righl avcy moir-Q ses t key case oand cbange Kil No. 12-olleercrafi poepold 600 ow 'ie ORDeR a S impleg ' ie c Oda p age. fnp., and10 kit pefc Ose 11'mitta ro EXCellE nTnobce.,OrI) C Dn4g y n ;451 ens.S9c -tc. ci -I '4 '4 ~1 a 'c a a, * 't Si ai '4 c' 'c -'i il ci a 'a 'i 'c 'c 'c a -t 'c 'c 'c 'c 'c 't 'c t' 'c s i.' 'c a -a 'c' "4 'c, 'ci -'e 'a 'Ou 'ci S ~~h- '- a no gshIO aud tmptingar w c ame nda aiLs.Hr' Cook oue chopped onion L u tablespoon lard, or- sausaga fat, la a heavy kettie u-til lightly browned. Add 2 di ed carrots and six ctsps watar. Brîng to a boil and then âtdi three-quarters of a cup of rolla nats. Cook for 30 minutes, ht iox add 2 cups of tomato juice anti seasoniug to taste. Simmer Cor about 10 minute'z before serving. By Certain Standards T'he ynung bride was entertaiti- Lng a visitor at tea. "I cooked my first dinner last night," she confided, "and t wus a great success.' "Reallyl I'm so glad," murmuredï the visitor. "Yes,, my husband La goiug t get me a conk rigbt away.0' -L 1 Kit No» 110-Casiolhe, posipold $4.00 1

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