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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Dec 1948, p. 9

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wi.ll do provdn, fcure giîvenanopotuit."Dliat lahink soM"h mle l adn'tbeen gý,-ihvenain utprtnn She bad lceesgone nwfc'ýtw yeara, Miss Harrlnigton, Miss biai my huIsband, for Instailce," Pul ~ lifed aneyebrow. MW hIfssimple.Th indge gav, me prisin akçe my maîàden nieback.Thtswt watt 'evable the, tinigs htpol o gatin ad a a"vlos î!soa- mysose, "Arch wa-, drwntown ucne daîy doing some shopping for mH. was waiting for- his -package aînd whtdo yotsupse? Paul book i ead, hlm rovedon and lIeftbepue pus.Now Ariiacdgod a edcveytingnic bt theýre I pure-te oporuniy.The ep taton as oo nuacbi,Arch fice helaid hertork down and wrung hm rbudse"Natualy I begged hM i.4ak ibaký pleadeduni wa bIne ii t. fceFllPetyou suan't agie pbnt heYd?".1a soo tue wuln'magî îb eu course,a 'Vudb; oul nb tbb purse bck. Heboug Jht e lovlisb dresn gwuyouveev seen." 1creys loed. "I ooke br-e'au itilira l, 10e'. But itvý s II Pals il e l. aà. t "Thinga go ru adb wr rcv ws iorbuib olclu With1AlShne Has esI oudysugs withserio un, Lauasir miigirl wha, w 10 n pretenc at 'eig ailady"or àakig lion ofpeoi veywec y e inmtb e prsoluaity admx h(aus-tble italit, Ta l b Grace Ummearde bcaaud accuDon bbc sage. But what isnseun kAc bcaring n a adio studio; h works bard, ne e qucains bbc pro- due'Jecision, sinIgs ccbsoug as mauy biea aes be wanes loMut compLIitand acceptacouso singa xracorss vibhIout Sa word of proteat. Wben the I,ý-orches- tra isrebar'an aoe b st qit !y reating, sometîrnes pouig ber bud brougb ber blonde curîs, o pferbp Ying a A dbbebiak beret che ofien as. But when aise ge0atheb mco phucth fnbegjIns. ShIe w'ill1pro- ably go up bac fnwstuirs tobbc ,aage ,ýbeut almiosatdouble, lfigber- egs wibb ber bauds austsueMes awfn clr~hng nise tosymlboize bbc crcaking of bê ageiuig joints, the CEl siug a-serioneS ong and, backof er, ilIstick ouI berfootý an ]bphIn; £lie will flin,gonbe arma in~ a gracefulgnseeAn SI-e ;gets-,t , hiýe LeC',f a popular anumber and a iment aftcrwarda sway nromn sde 0aidue unkea noma"bv ing a Mie MagucmentwiW ber buthr. Sbe cûnuometgung a waring it at sornopeculiar Mu moat enubdxangesud, %Lettn beseit go atlf iliilt, seps back frouathi mcoponIadacean I 'aeu't >as? Irmeitel flr warda as sue la inging a real i sra bert uer ernoseàand pul bde- runsfc ycz, su oeflisbrcn crs; and one Cor bwo other, tatn I FRON- ,T You j ust Cut Themn Out antd BoThei forCandato import ewideas -ii .ci1 of tlhe brerbtthstrn-, dfe Disn~y caracer oys flot oly sheowvcl scissors caefullybt lSa lso urnsh te thrughutthe Domn one laughs, although she la looking Guyiug her songs ià Pautof her personity and flot t put on for teoccasioný, forwenGaiba o,P.she ireacts to it ljike afowrt t, uný. At rehIeara' salise doesn t. bother to PutonanY gianorouis s;tuf; there she is, the trppng big-bone(d Lancashire lassi nging away liEa lrk-or a jay. Audi- ences ýin h ete or on h ar can eiher tae ber or beave ber; Just For Fuxi y)ng upl tat tbeerb a round, asked quesions to bCvn out berpont "eran" it ple itl erman. '1W1y not?" asked tbehe acher-. now meto lavWbC O back yu&".' "No," the yngtrrpid "but1 ave two brothers and they baveasiUster" unten sh joflvadded, "Anid 1,'t lner P WitIi the Movie and Radio FolksJ _________ - By GaeSharp wbicb be Id dthatscreaningly funny burlesque of "Suptopbc uic mrb onlmetbihg te bccffce'.ha wbl htsort of tb 0,wsOK. la ba'd bigin mrhniig beniding t bckfr" nya n show buisess. yes"mayaNdon is isuauceà paof bile tbey're-tuued d nCt i-bc Allen bo\v-efAilnd 'ops lstu becuse fom be ay IokaI it eemade. No daimsforsc n leasbonul legitin ues.a Moe hn tated'.OPtnt ba s't fftu edb iaau sbos oularibc bicb And nw the say hat 'tbb compie faid b s onkes B MAllen pubs ,onbbcarnaesoe but a asifhoarie oud e better bu trv nd ab the iringes." paoiugs of IPracblyevry faous e' perouae, ,frouÈJsae Brga'b A Lamons horse-theonreantcertDa Pabcb. Ctharlotte GrDanwood ill b1aaveea big c eyroedbbNfc- mneais-Dan -Patce!s, o sbme stbe.And ii said that hre wasï that boed im ohrieta -aig sbrigb't î it b aea seeme 10 snse bc pesnc o carcra-an11s dtby s bhey migb to> catch im sîdwaysbefoe bbshû aor-the iia aioug-lege iawfu i li "selng"thanv scee rmbbnacer.ýP Irun-O n à?Ack to tise thre n Ier -au ab- sencaefsyebascoresAnallMayýt yore. Sbe'lI'be app ave luau opus uitle Annmat"ayoandwit Brian Donl- rpevnd Ehmrnes. eatiwb onlfoi ý- in Chaveifonia ifrj * * sV UflTLE REG~E too n-1 too ru jrcz qite numiber of e n.vlgbut ae' itoesn, syt Sot eo noa sort of hýash. act inwibtewaiter tig tbe otm an, ownm-cto te cook. n re bsb -"lean up ithe- r oe!"yeled ithe witer- vu uipj TUtaCtY es as -iotland fjacr thaut the insecta gera, èand could w ,,ar ou flues ,was the Job of ne1jl J. rtsrnbine ,iureidT o pbinc- btbexetwb ad r;ed tbr( gb1 beSpaishA in)g tbe ýmen-ace of'e iet advcated blouse arenand edl on-rcipes for makiulg ly À Slogan Borna 11cn :tuc wa runiecalîs "iimost produtctive day oýf my Àif." 11,wsvatcbîug bbWest- er egebasebaîlcubsopenýýing ofite seasonýý. With neman out fan yelled "Sacifce fly!" Wben-, "Suat tat baol An ide bega to nerge ira, !oted own tue sloganthatcwas bu sweeup Ille cuty~dbecome wpart of the .Arnrcau ocbulr Cruimbinýe wsbornilu 1862 -in a log cabin. 1e orkd is way tbý,rngb1t \%o ï,arso l m.edical actcoland then bung cont his shîngle in thecu-cunrycapital, D)odge City, Kansas. Always A Crusader utoedaIys tbe WeStî astheI bae ftuberclar Eastecrners, Tbe trveled croasSKasail trains or wagons, bearug jugs of "rock "rye," te o00ymedicine bie ssecetary Oftbýebcnord of caue d tsisin fthe_ Wbt lague. Conebt day in197,Whime riding wet ubb ater cmioler for rik Aedof hbîm was a ta, t in ýrnan witb rackug cogb, and a tow,- bede 5ycr-ldgiri.l. Te an, filled bcbau' nydrinkýing cup witb wacr and drank, Then tbe litle girl cagely salwdfromn vestîate smalp~ç pidelnic, býut bbc ceneou te train mae tat tifliug There sbuud be a ?aw for- bidin ubcLin cuip. abtacbcd ic, chatiný, iu vr ab The doctor wenb u work.TherarodsOb- jected, I t bok wo easbut in arb1909 Kna passed a law probibitng bbc commuon dritnin cup. Soon aLler that bCeroller wbo wlo Methaitsd aud pece,ý' oiws bbc shillings trying dt o n nt bo 0fstoýring aplpes an-d ohe erut, swcillas pptfatoe(s, using riaywoln --în s stock hesuiï luiUnil ext p3acked Iis wy a an expecrirnent ar ucoerdh nt be kuown wh-etber the s -ystem is suited to BiihCim11atic conditions - but tbeyý'reboiu ivilli 'prea1d their niue-rnutbs peiod ste-ad of six, Ths systern of mi-oss stora ge was ago by, aSwiss ngnrwho want- cd bu, get some r ýare orcbidi ho, ba !oudin the fHimal-ayas home alive. F11ie led.awooden box with darnpmos gatbered at ran-dom, then piaced tbe orcbids inside, and boped for tbe best. Wben be opened tbe box in Swýtzer1and, the orchida were ini perfect condition So next be eprmetdwith fruits, au d foutbýa tîitbe mcus- according to its degree cf dampnesr, -bad the powerof reJcasiug moîsb- ure, or of absorbiug it froua the- atmosphere, bberebyj maiutaining a constant bumidity. Furtbermore, because of tbe 'ývaporatiori wbich too k place, it bad a ',udency to iower the ternperature and hold it steady. In addition, it purifies and regenerates tbe -atmospbere,be cause tbe moss "breabes"--or ab- sorbs air. Now, on tecobn.prala trncks -are eupe ihtems ssenof soaeadit btas even been usiied scesflyas a metbord of keeýping cheese fresb,. TheSws engîneer bas developed it on a comý- mercial basis and' h meeting with, great succes Sounds likesm- bing wortb giviug a trial. Th "public opinion poli" boys are still at it-or max be tbis crie took place before ùibe1',rnrna-Dwey tbiug knocked tiem for aiop Any- way, svlhu-ndred farmriers were askd tllis qiu stioni-H-ow do you de- cide wbetber a man is ýa "succeas- ful farme'r?"ý A good sbare of bbern replîed, "He's tI- mn .,wbo dues really good job l scosra tien." Men who gt igy aid - o wbo made a lot of money-,Ida' rank neariy as bigh in the opiýnlos4. of their fellow-far-mers, Which brings up tetaeof tii. .man wbo was driving throiigh sowîS very steep hilly couutry, and, notie- ing cate grazing, asked farmera ýlix the neîgbborbood just how the. stock did on sncb "pasture." "Tht,' don't get. any feed," one mati jokingly replied, "but they sure d get a lot of exercise." But lettting stock graze on suck land is just about the worst thEàig that could be doue, The cattie czcsý the grass short; then the 'watet sides off the slopes as if the hlM- aides were greased. That wate cornes rusbing down to gouge ont new gullies on the good farmland below. The same man drove alittie f urther along and came to, soine huis4 that really bfad a lot of gra5ss ou îhem, 1He asked'a Soul Coriserv-atiott expert "How corne?" Thos.y farmers fenced the stock off aud L the nativ e grasses do a edome-back,'> was the answer. "NoW they pastur. those hilîs only about two- menthu every other year." This migbt be a good time for s reminder thàt water pipes lesa thas, tbree feet deep in the ground shoulý4 be covered witb straw or spoiled biay te prevent danger offreezing, ls that sparrows, in poultry bouses arz, parasite and disease carriers,. Tii. bigber openings in the poultry houses sbonld bave screens. There have been many warningU in the past about the dange feeding treated seed oats te live- stock. But tbere are always a few farmers who tbink tbey, can get away with using just a few bushels as feed. WTfell, recentlya an Arnericaaý University a tstwa iade, Eigbït pigs were divided mbnt fourlos Two were fed untreated oats an wa ter. Tbe otbers were fed oatae treated with one baîf ounce of,ï Ceresan M per bushel for periuds of 10, 20 and 30 days. What bappeued? The pigs that ate tbe treated oats for 1o days lived tbrougb the test'. Pigs in the 20-day trial lived tbrougb tbe test period, but died later. The 30-day test ecouldn't be completed as ý-the 'Pigs died before the lime was up, Wbicb ehould be Jusi about enough ba sb, I imagine, forone-, serving. C TM WEEK BEDTIME 5CiGLUYAS wiLLs rAi OOD-NICiHT TO WIFE IS ,luiT PRýI4ýN&OeF MUT TERS9 TO RÉMINÉ> AND SETTLE5 FOR 5LEEP, WHEN W-F~ MURMURS 11 WTEMRI4 VERY TiRED FROM MHIM IR E 6W! AN CLOES E ENs CHRSTAS P~N~ MoKORM ~AMENTs FOR FIRMLV, THE TRE!, MO0F LAST YgAZS CýOT BROKEN WIF ASS 5 R Wfle&AS ANAVCg T 1 S POINT WF ASLEP VE, $H'S BOUT GIVN& A PRESENT BRtN&S HlMWp ' TR'<iN& TO PECIDE IF TO MRS. MeLLNce WHO AWAKE BY~OAI A CAPD is ENOUG'H To SOMETIMES MîES AND THAT Sl1E'S FRiT SEND ÏTHE WIMPLIS SOMETIMES DOOS'T COUSIN EFFtE 5TUL1TO &ET TO AT LAST 8V TUJRNIM$» COME WIDE AWAKE OLEEP WItE WIFE OVER AND PEEWIêWITM THE TH0UGHT Me CHECKS OVER LIST OF TO Det-,oumD LEEP MAS NOTHIN& FOR~ POSSIBLE <&IFT5 FOk imourCEs WIFP TO ONCLE JOHN. GElS NO COUSIN EFFIE, KEEP QIJtET I4ELP FROM WIFE WHO a by1hlU,1yfeion5ndt DMA ROMPED OFF 14GITOERS AWN Tm IR SNOT , AO I s' WP,

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