subscription $ 1.50 per Year- ncilIntact roved Largest 0 f Recent Elections )f .Feder- ation ýg, Decamlýbar 4lth, iia mf-iber with al tha- read hy thea Reea ciL 011 rcdonthe pro- ýe o! lanii' la orono) Usetiý for du mp in,- inte ose. 'wane ordareti .------ -3 7 7f.63, for- hal 3.30 rasurer, .5.00 190.50 et, naw- 72.90 15.00 10.00 32.00 ot' pa5 o>f tii tenu tlhrou noon wera foyr over the wle 1-iati was the ani Ithe and and practi Ca1 go( kntigandse ,,any-, a bayer 5< their Chisma was one of the (L corne tilme. peoipLeia'e t~oato thasa p thor-ougll'y e-njoyeti the delici clices, siyruP, acaeaT aciice cream.l The poea roealized I bazrnar andi supper wnmuted grandttalof $4Y75.0. The Eyiacufive of thbe W. A iee ho t asflcevcr.ytone contirhuthons, an'd.-bapedr la ý to asake thea ffir suich a Thry ould espacriially like ýt "rh e remp ranti vas of tic Oe tC o., Peies"boo, wo nc made he]ii&ous a Bee-1 hi ensyrupCo. or t! natio o! yrup, andto Ci paicking Go. fortalir dona sausages. *krA- éeal of ceradOk ti hepre-sident o! tiue W. A-.' J. Tarnlyii, for Uer untirniai te- anake thisventura- se rioi fthe year ai cliaef, tu Jâaia huirry ac- chi pvecidents tha. 't der- las distract- ~Ear1ly darknesrs 'er, a4secîally to o ame out op the rppery pavemyents, linake thng Il U~L toaviilie-onumnt.......69,20 Carl Payne, 7 slheepý killec anti shooting dog.........---5---- Cl rance J. Alllia, -2 irsas valuer.............00 ce Federation Holds Annual Convention' nvma o of Durlian1 cee Federation wasl nt, Mr. ýE. H. Broini eafte-rnoon session, H.ýp A. BunIt, wl vemtion, anti lied riýsip )servie. nasasss",on, à C Idrassetithegahr aning of L=cee" ig o! the Interna- ,ains't loh-,, Tec cyofs dy: insusta'nce or total o! continuons edu- 3)The fadings o! anaedicel nas ( a) Ajolels s a diseasa rwhiels cen Li- e rased lhy non l-- tiulganice, but cannait e cureti. (1)' Thle ncsit tfhein ne-1 bablitation through ai ohomlasi anasanynso, YalS, e Sciseel o! Ai- Coholi c Suiers, Mt.i (CS Organization o! doctors Qwo ara alstainers. t)Wre muait dio Our worknai- ausV naie litrnticaiy -e, furtiesr beconie itn ntly inr scoýpeas lielinor itrIrflc1 woiti idain onganlizetiOn Alco' wýle iu-sit ha do ne initerclenoaZ id l usa ofruit juices la ,ust net oz nget it le ro -O anuy h1m te ematie oiliavirlatetil by !aulity early, and rmake thlisChi- .5. Christmas Meeting rFti eeting Of!the Wo iceioflary Sociily ws held edciay, Decmber 7th, la, Pairki Sunday ho with a lange arae. The presideant, Mc preslded1 ad the programpurie1 cýharg-e of îMrcr. Dean's glo.(l) mneeting opa-nati with siag1inlg c -arols, follo<wed hby prayer by Mes. Deai devoytianal, tfise Àsble, ý Stolr0Y. TI, Ir'lahe p sang- a soli "Vhichrwlas quaor ian thfecHome' lRev. IL.A. Buat1 î; dia lig J~qoSulbi)t.,e Ativertisting, Rev. E.; S. ILiasteat; Lquoriami' Ecreatibon, Mes. 11ev. B. K. craalk. Thi's 'ies !llwd Crisi 1by a discussioni perioci l Jed by .M.' H. retpuesThe T've m-utsic w-as povda y Virs. gracsuri C. Ml. Jns ooa, copneiby!which Mns. Cimier. ameatia 1A hbt suppar wes sarveci hy tha ele NiawtnvleWomensAosit The evecing sesSionwas laà harge Senii of Rev. W". W.Pataso ,iýctor of Se Temilperencaedu!aS ch jThe Y1. P. Il. o!f Trinity Unitati Chu-rcli, Bcwmnian 1e, 'Conductedti te Th worshup serice. 5ho 'Tweny lieeiaterçAti ha public Ghurch speeking contat:* Dai 1. Larry Agie AIclo anicass Crime".Paret, niornan 2.RcmayBstc,"A GiBe tr 'au. Amihituon".t tua 3. M'arfilyn fnso,"-Why 1 ans de-caret termineti ta abstain f rom aicoholic bevergs. ti 4. Franchi Brurtn, "A sensible raaway". vice an 5. LiIllian Cole, "Soc,ýial Dnijnldag a grai' among young pepole"'Cri 12 years and underFI 6. ielen Col, "A Magiciani's Hat". 7. Bernard Lynch, "'lalh a Bodry aýdntif iniwifflhoutt liquor". 8. Marjorie White, "Whizz anti Wve 9. J-ack jiion Spoem n î. oê 10. Tomis k "ha srt a!afa i ic c mado. wnt ta fie'he".t e -1 an jfc.Lure, "A iisigl o 1i2. -1Giwen Alstirno r itte'Thae- ~to hear ch. ti "Treasutie eh ,harge of thi aslgsfrali -sperseci ia by g7 roupiý c. ruynion [d Se esu edi, andti th tloi Suncne et Unite Sun daý ;r nlurser- ,e dhurcll n e to0 Vh bieir chiî i 1 oaLt -h wi' iber- la fiv s aiý nt su stw Tlie Clarke Týqwnvslhi1p Ratpayers ftoukel po the ipolli on Monday, Deceiber 6th> i a goodly a, ie toc deidklè ho ould run th siirof ~e fer the townsdhip) for 1949. T1~e .e~ anrevotes polleti tbis 3%ear than that of bast years alec- fie, haimber in his elcection be- l 1,986, giving the dahtte oov-s leC4inke Towiliiip wr n ~etcinwho wverealctd There ws a ru Mfdhe poasIt'iOn of Reeve hetWen E. R. Woodcyrd the ýpersenit Reeve of Onrono, an(l éC. MW. Joues, of Nciwton-ville, the latter being dafeateti, receiving 384 votes as nains 702 MorWhodyard, awho ImdI a coifrthl ajority of 31. The two 0Orono dfivisions (niortb and south) anOifekad rolleti up a majorit-y forWodar of 414 voltes,. which decileti the ele-ction f'ior tlhe For Reeve -a---- 43 Hmawke 47 Lanastr ...'38 frKay ----- 104 KENDA-L cillons, the flhre « the pretseat co-0771 Cil, wiVth iSidney ULeicaster .of Ne-m_. tonville antiWrd Hawkec- f Oronol beýing'he-twvo londkin-g for apac on trie next yeas council. This vote resulted' iJames T.owneading the poIl,with .AitllMcKay ý côn ant Harry I)nveyltak'-ing thiid ani last place oni the counoîli. The rcouncili for 1949 will e -Ree E. R., Woodyard; Deoty-Rêe,ý HaitWell Lowery (returaed h)y a'c- dlfrnation);ICounlcilloa)e, Jas. T. Brown, Art IMRKay andi flairy Davey, which counc4l lth-e VOtars de- cided -cilit goot wo-rk for thle past year anisarw fit togive tlhei tlhe honiour ot lhold'ing office lfor at îeast alithryeax. Folawi!g rathe resuîts olf the allection as raoeivcd fy the assistinrg rPtunýning officer, Col. J. C. Gamlej. ÇD 4.3 415 2l 17 312 41 69 170 f Messrs. Anithiur anti Jakeale n well cJallLad on, Mn. aint'Mrs.Mru Y, Soper onr Saturday. t WMr. -and Mars. M. Scper andM. le S. Pattan mad dinner ooitfh Mr. andi ýd Mrs. IErniarW.hite, Oaýk 11111, on Sun- a. Mr. anti Mrs. Pidhrof! MI- brookl, visiteti wlt:hh Mr. aIndiMs BIlalcae Alexander on l Sunday. e Mua.Aib Jnck-sîon an~d Xrs. HOaey were at th.e foriner's homýe i era for Ir ~ a few tns ~ isMary Taylor -was a visitor hà wttlh 2Mr. anti ýlMrs. Blake Alexinder *drhgthe cweek-end. d Mr. Leonard BuýckIer, rafBow-ai- ville spant the week-end ril n i antiM1rs. John Pattoa. ..Mr. anti Mrc. He,uh. Marnýer, r-1r. andti Mrs. John Patton, Roy Patitopn nnfdf LaQaard BukIder visýiltatiMrs. B. Waiiers (nee Mary Mancer) lai St. :e S Joseph's llsia, P~rhruh anti we are p,)leasedti ta ear that 0-Mary la progressing s'atis!actorrIIy. n ', W. I.Meetigun eThe -W. 1. helti its nmonthly ineat- ing lai the lllbrairy on Wednausday Deýcemlber lst. A nulhlngrgathi- aning :ied bean howeld' for e,,t this nsaieting,. it îla urgeti <that the ladie s will make a seileftouit for lie1, S auar mee,ýting 'wharU .1 laintend et tahavea an intrerestig 1 Pro01,11am. 'Fui- theor details initier. The -blankets Ly ei Y T, h. ilsVwIl y cr Forestry liy Mr. G. nt ocf tIse Vu'IMtflhay ouLit aqiruca 't Unis yeaa trees 4 El 93 Sa 4> 51 l 19-384 41 191t-702 151-661 156-580 60-317 26-365 121,.-.599 WESLEY VILLE MUiss Muliel Austlln spert Suaciay wflhh AMiss baura BinstecL We aýre very sorry to report thatL Mlr, siniinBrrw ufhis very ill. fMr. and Mm. Lag ~ar an.d son of Elizab'behvil1e,- spenit Sunday w~ith Mlr, and, 'Mas. ArnuoltiThorntyke. Mvr. iSch'waTz overturiicd ictiýac- libor Saturday evenig ini (the f08', but lueýkily h-e was unhurt. Mr. Helrner, of Mmaltoai, is spend- ing1 ýa fe'w days wi5hI hic n leice, MNrs& Edsgar Barrowelougjh. Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne spent Sun- day )dLernoo(!n wi'tfMrs. J., Sherry of Port llýpe' DIMrs. Best andi BerniecP.e spe).t, Trhurs4~y wilthm s ~selBest êf Oronfo. Mrs. Reeve jfOund a v'ery ;arge balloon albc&u4 t 4eet in die r which hmi cone daown in tih ir -field. ilsrs Arnold Thoru--dykje and Murray Payne âûLtendied tlhE Mflk Pordaucers imeeting- in _Bwaanvýiue 1on, Wednlesiiay evelng. Anogweek-end lvisitors -,wthMi ait!lls Etigar Blarowcl:ough wv-,e Mr. aitI Mrs. Biîb. 111111 andi Laurel, of Porit Hope, LMr.s. Reg. Bee aIso cof (Continue(! 0on page l'en) a 're 11ow vava'lable a t Mr-S. Wmn. Mer-cer's.ý After the busineýs erioci- "The in-ngof Chrisibtmas"» was (Gtneion page eighit) saint Nicholas Bringrs Joy To TheYoung 0f Orono HOCKEY NEWS Sinare epst areis the Oron Juniors have woaas cssotlhar -OctorT titanoutitiandin'g teansfroni the T.l. rL,.iiaToranto, ani-idlest nlght (Tuesdlay), tlhay jouraeyed to' Liinti- say for anoahen practice. Next Tu.esti!ay a-vening ,t,,Py 'will -be plaigandthar gamin itIs Lindi say lareie. Th&er oppoýsîtin bacn'it heemn -nemati as yet, laut Dfana ebe- lieeas lt wd a a etsaa lagu- banieiaa cii,,se galasnti palS, it wll ha bloot andi thundar. Thew peo-ope o! ron-o w~hG, enjojy gooti sport are certainly gain.g te -,lke' hili isa -farcit placç' The gzrand olti man, -vwhom evary ya r rnngs mln-liittihr-qsinsste thse chiltiren, eciaoureti laVa Oronto on S'atu.rday evanting, Decacmber 4th, art the Coiem-an & Philp Store,. Far iladetane ofiÉa arivaI tis youag cb.iIduen anti parents o! 'tise vilage antidistrict Ibegan a Vigilan3t wrait at the lOcal store. By caven- thidlytrafflc wac being datouratI arounti the main straet for the chu- dren anti onlookeshad übITths time linati up on the rrwati The arrivai aof&.Niek wias' - . Our indlividlual - a- y te tile wblhole *Vol. lars ~arm flic o ana gre s~t wcnk cd 'c tisý sn fxeva", i NO