The Orono Weekly Times AderisngRaesonrequest Subser-iption $1-50 Try3 our up-to-date Job Plant. Our prices are sure to please, and our work i s of' the bes-,t Published every Thursday rnorning at the Times office Auhrdas, Second Class Mail, Po si, office Dprmet Ottawa R. A. Forrester, Publisher Established January, 193'7. Another Medlal Contest Aniher W. C. T. U. medal conite--t passed. inîto iitery Fridy Noveniýber 31st. Fer years a nroi) of eved ;local wo,ý!icirn have ke Ë hese contests alive an'd o hs fore. Apart froen iheir ednea - tienal inifluences along temlrperance Iines, the mýedal coteits afford _ie 'raining- for the beys aind girls mvoo take p rt. Young -folk niowarlays appear se at home uc pon the public plat- forim. Mareover, thie tling Viat initrigues the listenýer k; thve old- fashiened originality è-xhiibited týby so îtman'y ef the speakers. W e are 'to{d thbat the bloy is tlýe tather of tlie man. We quite be!ieve IL - SFome iittle echrip gV p and tell their sto)ry ï al h ofiden-ce : cli' age and experiencne. A ilttie pull ù,pon the buaginiation anfd onIe can ienrvîsion the man of tomorrow discussing poliiics, telliîng %ho woIvVIv te war, ad what they- fouiglt eaclfi other for, aid wýho \vas nwý-,arded Vtve medal at Vtbat contest baek in Vive FaIl cf"4. A i dë shouli the conmbined forwarýdi and bnckward mffarich of Vms ring in flower gatden Iats and dresses jhat reých thegon -wIeil ou,. girls of to-day wifl have, something to relate as weIl. - he viirecal thes styles and Cuilsitenvs' of eur tîme, aili era hab ack to the shortage cf motor cars and ths greatness of the cos' pice. Jin any case, some of these lgdies will remeniber hse medal contiesta wNith a measure cf gratitude. Who knews, the conI-, 'Ltet amy be -geing C. een et, and tivese suvalil folk dirsctiin.gthm Buy The Best We heardi a lot ef newsp per iand radie omevment a few wseeks ago n'itlv regaIrd to cer-tain typesý of anti-ffeeze solutions be- ing placed on ths market. Appr)ently, numerous preparatiens hbave beensolf winh onsstof sait derýivatîves. Waring buas gene unt that the use cfl these products would prove runjlous te anlyrio 1 erlerT'lie corrosive efsct cf sait upon mea'swell knewni. Ufrtnt ione tbis sitha been placed à a noter-, It can neyver hbe thoroug!ily drined eut. The danaging infl'uenIces get lght te ork,irnd the fc-w dellarssavdinioriginal otaiae speedily Vaken, up by lar-ge repair btls t wudseem th'-at 1me1SL O IcI f sn rui-a i i fuda areof Arneiria ni.Our h;est sfeuad uld lie iný the purýchaýse of clythese recegnized brnawhidh are knoýwii to e be cf sely aicehloic cotent', and xhich cary t4maufnturr~sguarantee. Very eften. a traIde m ark anprove a great ceiYnfort te the buyer of anly kiind of uvercmhandisie. Solngais business ehirs reini atleadu ndpeople cntaLioVof orfeit the fe xtradollar7s. Thsy Illsan itI tI the reputaition cof the imakýer uand dealer ailI stand 1 h i ndVh goords hw)olrvedi. StrangiiIeiy etiouigh-,. ie public will fre- cquently buy a preduct cf oùufitful origjýînon Vthe verýy belief 'that it last as go.od a h Nna,;n, ýeand aivertisedibrnd.Tis I*s utprohably the thinii that happenied ini the anti free-ze gaie., huappens every (day iii hs whoe reaim f hsnl as a whlole, and serves as a reminder te Vive public th hschapest is net always Hlow Much Ani1 Offeredi? The otherda we looked li' for a short whýile uipon an auction jsale _of hnshldsffecta Ju in e voigtoiwr. Truly, there was a greVcongeneatio cfgoodAs, as eey hin ad lbeen donaed by vTar.iouws bIu<iniess men andidividuals, anid thes sn total cf th e sale was slated for comniaelflare iund(er th1e direction cf' a s-erviýe cilib. Patho11S anid C'dmsdy markled hs wlIeprocedure for ithe observanit olooker. A lad(y's fui cent sold for tavo dollars. The oiin l pice a likýely narrtwo hundrsdM. A mian wended'his way vhomue weinIg anl eight dlolar overcoat whieh appeared reluc- tanit to ad<:equately cove2r his soeewhatýI portly ýfigure. Lt seenved te say, "You purdhîased eighIft dllars'wrt of Cloth, and non', by hsck,pu can IsUfer the neuecs Soins littienik-adssuiplied ban actuaIRly brougiit more than Vu hsepice askeQd at 'lhe store. Thiere ral is îomeiýthing in the pecwer of cemiipeti;itiad peruason. 1ther fsIlow is neot goîng te have à as long as I want ilt, and lhave he pries, sez you. What kwesed t e us as a pathici note was e presence cf much tinve- hlleoured nn1d usnful furnliture. Its onlly Crime na in being ýout cf date, Materiais used iniVte construtioni of thesýe pieces avers doubt- ies supsior teo those of Vhs epresenýt. Onsc could have slarted up ho(usekeeping1- at a firaction cof presýent day coats aid surroundings Cf iiaheoganly anid solîd *ak. Maphe- our- grantidchildren ill seek to scare up a few dollars frein soins off hs stuif la our home to-day pirovidsd said sm uvivýes that ilong. SU nday What a lot cf divers opiinins cr-op up wiVh regard to the Pro- per keepinig cf Suniday. Oniiy this week we read the oidwg f onýe naavi o seuighV suipport ini the prececbent set up iiu parts cf, Eniiland. Over thiere, we are told, Sunday ends early ini the alter- noon01, while sports, cinlusas rnd agera holiday aspect take over. Net se ornvwy years ýIfgo, aniy inifrinigeýinent upon hs old fa'ýshioned type of Sabbath mwouldl have ine[t with hiarsh snTjecticn. o-apeopie arednndg a freerxprssorc thought. Tiingas appreniymust hecoeve pen tï o reasoni. Cmed he<resong -i ur way ocf thinkinig, e skto 1preserve Vhsthequiet Sabbaù',tih,-h restful Sabbathb, ini short Vthse abahof our forefathers. We aili co avel!o holId te the quiet Sabhaýl-,th. IV is irnfcil oth o body an eu. Wsnnhe ar c]anouring for aSunday hol day, in- stead o)f a holy day. juat remeber ta a ot cf peopleinust work to maeit Possible for Ghe renainder. Athough these people forced hvo or h an open una wiýl robbloe found another ýoff day Vouhthe aveek, thleir d(ay will niot aifçrdi the rsst a.nd quiet cf a rea odklasiosdSundjay. M osVc us follow a strenueus pace ehc alls for a break once zi weesk. Let us keep Suinday as the- beat iawsrte hat salI. 1 appz'eciate and Tkank' the Voters of Clark11-e Townslhip foi-their interest andi suiPpOrt shlowni in last Mondlay's Electio\i PORT HOPE Fri., & -Sat., Dec. 10-1 "6Four 'Faces West" With Joel' Dee aud ïriesa IETY' "The wp4l With Elean(ýr Greenstreet an Aise "E'MBRAq Wed., Thur., Dec. i1 With Bette Davis, JamesE - and Janis Paig-e Aise "GOLDWYVýN FOLLA I wo( grant M be presentd. Auhi ldies r er iy nvited, Please nrote týhe chan!,g cof cdate. PIeeuse keep le ii-.î,d th C!irstnIas Tues cf StSaviour's &he6i. Thve date ila ýImnday nn',e- 2011i. Consandî enj s oçadhio CARD PARTY AND DIRAW i ln Giono. -Ad- a-457-c )iationi 'o thee vîsitOrs w:ra "htainten-lction of serving lunch at 1.0.Merbers cf Durhan Centrali A1gricutral 1Society, (nd ohr int-teiestLec are lnvitsd Vo be persent, anwy Vine during Vhsb dafly. Mrf. M. Hl. Staples is ln charge of arrangeent-ns for elinterVr 'inling Vhs DNEAND DRAW The O-co dfed-lo's Ser-vice Cluli wili old Vieir dan1ce anid d in Orcueo ToavYn IHall on Frn ida!y, evnnDeenher lIthi. The draw w{li he for, five urkýeys, five gesýse andl'five dhickenls dresseti). Mi1ss Betity, Vhs loývely dcli wiVh tLten nie-wý $100 dlasatah),wiill alo h dilawn for. Ro y Forrester's Or-1 ceaVr ailI suppily hs musiic. d nisol50 cenits. Breaze Wsi Trays, Bookà Ends, llianks aud Oruianents, Rhlinestonie, Pearl antd ChinaJellryERigÏlish Boue- China Ceips and Savicers. Msnt's Glovesansd Linen Handkçerchiefs. Ladies' and Clde' illeves, Mittaý, Scarfs aIHn(j rhifs Aprons (plai and f ancy). Greeting Cardsa-nid tift W-raP. Phone 9 r 7 ORP NO, Otarie Motor Equitipment Priv,%te Ambulanc O Northcutt and Sinitho Q Funeral Directors agnd Furniturea Deolers o KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE j o Equipped te take cars of the modest funeral at the most reasonable charge es Weil as the largeat srud Most e±acting Tele2pihne: - Office 668- Residence: 523 and 726 Telep3hon(- Collect Bwfaill Ont. Defore àYou Duili ADAMS LUMBER î COMPANY Clarke - NEWCASTLE wE f or Brick, Cer Doors (70( Window F Clarke 1213A complete supplies and farm building le, Lumber, of ail kinds (B. C. and Eastern Canada) f roux), Naits, jiroc, Lime (11ic 1. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHiYSICIAN-, and SURGEON office Heurs:- Town.ship of soutýh of hs Thia WMloo Pins and Hec ber, aned Coi-a Maple noV1i To ho reni fontDcm ntay be lhad Weduesdays by Ment only - ORZONO LEGAL Secend Farm, 100 -acres, S - Lo t 24 6, Townsip oîf Clarke- API FOR SALE A qwnnýltity.of cedar 1.AmPlyi te Don E 0-011Oon,-5c FOR SAýLEI One ~tiei e ,ieter, iurnfswodr cceal, in g onditioni. App1y Ceo-. Wilon NothWard, Orono. c-47-c. Onie cream ani1d green enamel cook stove wýith Iari closet, ini g noocl condtiti*on, Phcriep 45 r 10, Orono. Hi.,iY OR SA4 White. Aplyi t NMr . . H.Ar ilot. C-l!oGa (l pes52 r 11,7 OrIoIo. Renfrefw iigihcls For -F Bethany FOR SALE xson1r Traic'tor with 2 'n plo -£. p p y o naPont-lel Phone r13c--p LOST ln Okrono, 4air, of h1101Mnvme iiia ses.înpown Iher~ e îd er 'please leene at office.Ar- Ülhur Tlvompsz 2 en7K hdna LOST ANDFON Lest or.takePi by 01.~a e nya r ling. ln pastul'e, Lot , '011, 2, Manvers, ,founi one -earlin-g steér. ~~ a ~~~aeb poùghi. an paing expenises.! George Scàtt nSoi. R. 4, Oesh-j awa. e-47-p. ORONO Furnitore ilospital Reupholstering, Repairing 1RIefinishing Antiques Beuight and Sold See Our lins oýf rDrapery Mateîrial Kitchen Units made 'to order C- F. Duncan Phione 79-16 - ORONO Free Estirnates will be Given Cheerfully on Rock Wool Hlome Insulationi! By Bloýwer Syste2m, Four inches thick, GILPIÎN & Go. InuainContractar8, 57 Bloiér St. West, Toronto District Rpesuaiefor flurham Couïnty GEORGE WADDELL Phoee-W r 22 - B ET ïAIN Y oor andMouet Finish _ _ _ __ _ _ ~flli IThe RUTTER GRA ,NITE1 Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAN VILLE, ONT. Oýffice 6i88 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR Phcnes: Offic'e 825 Residencet 409 BOWMIANVlILLEB, ONTA. YETE R N AR-Y D.W. W. SHERWIN VETERINARY SUJRGEON office Mlain St. Oron, phone 633 r 7, Orono, J. C. GAmEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobil. and Liability ORONO - ONTARIO OROI-NO'S INSURANCE MAN Manufacturers Life Inaurante Os Domnioîn of Canada (.enexa, Hartford Fire Ins-urance Waterloo Mutual Fire In,,urane Wawvanesa AMutual 1Insurance If it's Insurance, glue iRe a1 LEROY HAMILTON INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES l'ire, Automrobile, Liability5 Life, Hlospitalfization, Plate Glass, Burglary, Casualty Representirng the Leading CANADIAN, RITISII iad Office, Main St. - ORONO Phones: Office 32 r 10; Rez. 1 r il Phone me anidI will c-aîl to Gift Yeu. Estimates freely, given, ne ohllgatiom INFORý,,MATION Would you xlike to knawiore aheu ~the folwn? (a) flow to il to ouýr famll7 a thousand dollars thaît you have't lot saved ? (11) How to guarantee a aalar7 cheque te your family efery month for 10-15 or 20 years shouhil Yeu h. taken eout of the pCiture ? (c) HD-ow te have a salary cheque every monmth for yourself azs long &à youi lve, eominenclng at age 55-60- or 65. (d) How te guar-ai-tee that your son or daughter will have the money fer an eduication beyond hligh uchool? Let us have a cha:t aboltit î,seme- t ime. Phone FRED LYCETT AUCTIONEERS TEID JACKS( ', Auctioneer and Valu trý.-e iConducts Aniction Sales of aliI4 aud at- reasouable rates~ D îcd auater mi and rv4 Season Wishirio- all die C 1