The Dily Hr !yelt1 ici i So- aisatifacionwith hie nemitn Orsenîe dc-r4aip Do.-tOc Oppo- Sitio bu -îtnreïOsonie questiun tf0 whic noodyas yet Oas corne un vitha rasonbleanswer. If am intsf0 ris-'Assurng -wthauI-fr Churchilldeshp s auty Ct fI poil. 1 ut xtl- appnea leciond theTores akeoohinus hidna mi As atas PSIare he o they woud pefe Chrchli oflead tc rather than nthony Eden. Thy Eden nght gt a lrge sae of tOca Loue hckir OcHouse of Com- 18100, HeOas hd f0endure a- auho n r" wfh Oc ocîiiists ançj a ~uiol 00" if mîuyofhis own aulporrrs; ut n tO!deate on the ~ecod radin 0ftheC Steel BillO, 'wond p fr te on ethect. ter auudoa-cjanto go on tOc dock Cripo, s hof'a dc xveii fui 50sf islcu5 f suoul lav f0resort tf0 som nurevioeîu nethd.If was lia 1ragýui (ripo rfnscl u gis vsy m pointcd the ock. t lce was inginulo.Chrilîs arms o ldý ;vaucou oc hnig w re Bot Speaker infervencel sud m ade e two s douv, Butas soneras th np ikgfwoboxrs r h ce souîud The goîîg Crîpe pobaby dd nr msan ie liig s literby is enon ope lente;but tC orcds.nt w lu-. tloubedlyadelf0 te Gctnrnnf grousin unpopu Arity. Chcil ~on uneel todomînt tOracanHos siex daya id'i suppterswEre mnfetsb luParhinucetranutil sm ote i isuecr ýoînater.tTO bmoîl of t'nancespds ritn bis Mcmor1Iha ancîdubirbly mad lise pl lic ttfue atitgen f- iramn Clu III înch oolcr an ru '<a tw vofr ao cil pîm- e mSthipatld ic- vtuitoîp Staxe unwsigo.ternrp PUDDING BY TI-EFTON: Hotîs ewix,Îes xork ot thelir vecipet Christmas puddirug in em fpudbtFe Cnace tsrco- for the b Canadian Natoa Railways, lbas the aua akopeai thrteetons - o ,00 servinigo - n he traditional Ye ide ds ert. Worng ii arailay iiing car with twco assistants, 1 produltces ii ZI:nn uddng ntiely -. and in the brief space of tuso wees. he speial aa'd proen CNR recipe calls for 675 pound(s oluiar 600 ound of uet,1200 potuds of raisins, 600 pounds o-f curratit, 6 prînuo cfmi-cd pel 0poutnds of bread erunibs, 300 pouuýds o ù ur 0 ouni ofdats,300 poîînds of prunes, 300 pouds of cros 2 po~ndso~ asîrted sices, 78 dozen lemons and 300 dozeîîegs Witha woden spoon, 34.. Conway mixes the ingreiensina:ing eboeplated bowl Iand maursonf the puddingmp 14pon containlers. Thrcee ouiri later theyý arc coolcd, sar n rad ,ed for ditribution tn îîrîîo pr,,ints along tfic235-mtC syicn eidik~ivamets-ai a ay of go- rathr sddenng 0 usok bc over îîndthe faeelint c.oboscurify. Prui 2 ea0oný, for is, ofcore is attOs e Young jockey s, dnirîng herfrtycar of riding ortOc bigý- ge-st part tthereof, haveIt tc dvn aIge oCf their "bug alosauce wich is sal slang for tOc svemai vond u ight advantagc which joceysge during their "appren- fiee pemod.Five pounels or so less mwc,Ï1igh i tht sadelle often means tOc d(.ifferenice betvscen a mu muer andl an also-ran, sud .helps greatly f0 ioffseot the supcrior knosv:)ledge andl cunnguhich ccoý-imut- wvil ' peri- ence. ...oîf' a littie too early fo try and geSes wefe littie Clarence Picou bas fleic akings of 'a greaf riding tar, or is just another first year "flash in the pan." At al avents 100 pound Clarence has been havîng a great year; ansd aithough betting o-n jockeys is said f0ocb the speed- ietof all racc-track ruin, anybody following bis -mnounts and betfing on everyfhing hie rode migbfn'f have doue f00 badly. Speiking of anorluer sot of hos s- racng-the "barness' variety-old- time.ý loye,,rs of the sport wilbc im,- ereste l arning 10sf Hollywood J., mfaking a filmn baseel on tOc life àof an aniial sho nmany think wai, fOc gre iateof of t80cm al-Dan -e Pat I)n less. W/ho is fo acf as Dan's 'stand-im" for tOc bUncker wc haven't heard as yet; Ont w wouuidn't mmnd making a' (ec s.ilý[1 Oct s that, whocver if ho, lie wou't be able f0 corne througlif the tetthi as fast asthe original, w ho was,ý s'caly, -î,inething f0 vatch ushcu he was "eturning on the heat'" Wrestling fans-as we'vc said'bOc fora-are a breed ail by thernseives, and there doesu'f seem to be any- thing t00 rasc for the promofers f0 offer fhem. They have, "man agaînst alligator" 'matches andl thc folîks est if up. They have wresfling between tb'uoman teams and s0 forth. But when a Toronto prornofet annourinc- cd a match with no lcss than ix o;-, f tfIas. heheuoths in the ring weý thon_1tght he'd gone tf ameven ,fur xvcfigbugs. '110 reuf wo-îtUîig hk 5fteeu îhousand r teebut î ~IA s-amofuerspot whcre tOch, gruî aneli(--groan boys go o'ner iii a -ue -ayone of tIse ncwpaer lisîs ncw\s oft1ltOc matches, oIo h sports pagea, uti0tOýc da~ sîsîîuî-which is ufaotw et And yct, whn alk get-sarndf athîctes h hwd usadn wctikof as tO1c gamest Of fhem'L- ail, i aewsGus Sonnenbe-1g, who had ma , abig name for hm self as a collegefotblerDaf mouf b,..,wc hikprncpll'.b cause fcthe ounescf lis" yn tache"- ai cfhd f bini 1,a laterouaed j Sonnenberg ýwas ndced lyfO offcî- of hleamontùf folding money-fo cash in oblis fobl rep by bccoming awrslrOe of the principal ï,ns rcfc mnust lcarn ils howf0prfef imcl -how ftakapcnî,aral tcrrific-iookin-g ndsonig me to tOccae aand stîll fltbra any boucs. Mttrof îfacf mosf top wrcsflers arc morre-. umLersan s l - U 11 - for a wrstler, bîn firy hot n stcy uddad iearocd but fewno Ithc rudiments of -tOceganse, seil ly in thîs matterofslprerain Duc f0 his greennesa , O elyto aiianaftonding anont o pish:Ï1- î muufentecy time O ýc cibe ho thae ropes;buz O away gveth promoter anlfcusme-fi salun( foL citii suîd a ifl ib extra. athîctes, use dont wind casting a vot e lunfavor f GsSneeg evenili e svs awr TIC Heoly Ilasteel a couýple f jj sns asu ucmcmbif, Aylogr u h' have ndntdyOoe i ek iamouitit have enwe ol say that Gos tOc fyn-ake carucd every Is eto t 1 -red ofiCatt Wo. aPast 13 ioneEng ish tobil mai sas il)r arc) IpsodLuh toy b ec i fuer lorT cr le t b~~~ ioRiua c i about 2 (1 I l lti wr I l scvc he d uleîd lîts :; hn a elauocs aîîdaremenionedseveal rms rit l ier ' elat ee Trp, oi)iu bat'k, n u, th alt cme ca1.u ç il,- jewhnite-ex llce pîceeltogthe 10 hitorians1 G !fi appeartha1tthcýe aurochs , k ILs oter Ilorcd creaures Dr idîCrel igioni develper', th thlese î go i1) 1 1t1 ,not i tl'scr ghe uttose h1) weme not -L on uti utc il lhitc stri becam vBy flue-- ; u rne TO c Ro Ci aLixe bred, kief smeofthsew uj ino ltda 1) er d" copd-(s ly n OcConinnt 0fhymgthv eon aIe ad n ruteo sret hat es ,doretiaon, hcr dirappear 1 Yfron Brth3ain i-i ANeyoe veylamteuv eaeinctreasl'iîîglMy eî,an e Ather morflk ethn 2,000 yeîa the infuees ofe btheir wii bae ore- You've a date each TUESDÀY'ý NEWS PERSONALITIES 1!JSTSNGRa j "CANADIAN CAVALCADEel CLASIil i) IL15 'Lni KI 1L o, re cv o o altîa 1iu oc mli b I Lrin HorI Lare es ï TIC îoîh t i la he e ni tia eu te op e (ar"n PouGs ils SSi , Soî) ise frs acaogsn, TI erl iii .iio laina d Eedy -loy te ou ai ca a Orors. Iloulîto l'orIiiy tains floi to OnmrÏ DO"iti as &borc Milt n 09 pim erOdrue fr- ou 1Pm, blk un i Ir lc sryenli Es îbaws hci I arr ai relu ste mort - poialei- brie thil"cdiaîuaaîd mu-o iy olifsfo j m neiîame ru rr To N -i b hic Saes Gmieipi Ont PROiIT DEIVEE on ayin CilRe>, 1eLa RoIiersMAIteLeehRnoDEflRr Pik. r Bmahrs içt use. lis f-, K, ha-ile io cdI, uc an gv drPiim a,-onhly!,uily. Btcik o Jpnu'î ebru y riivr'isf000 Oe erere mmm.PrayPatter~,120 obu , MTnA t ol Ontr aUIES l IR'AnTIs! ,~'OI"EP te Sryi-uu ia f " IjOitSQA RFF3 ' S ,'iE SCNYrN.G ilACH , , iý. PA _Talu St , o8 'a l lo i - jion làe L oorpy 18 b. 0u o vri15 O <1 ~ ~ j "re Mî a, I, -ifio F i-a ut CIGR VALU iidmae T, ioa" rs tor 004. anteis &Corna prraî S otbx Cu:nna .ge e,20 B~~~~~~ aîetIýil -01 Mnrel . 'AlEIO Il- 1 Su Il PROMkET 1l LII ER 5 CENTSATSQARET OO pli MORec SN - IA.8j Phn UrIîil Orers creTed. SEWNGMAHIN PRT Fo ilMSs eCnri ocl01 Teal loto Eleetrir. A G I,îr, 20 Dna 8 Jusi, For -Fun lIe ucani of tOc Ooîîîc ap- roacheel tht. youîng mail. 'Look herei Oc saiel 'ydn ve bîcu callîng Ocre b sec my claughter for a long finie now. Mas I a~k wbat arc our boten lions c 'XVell," asiel tOc suitor, '~I bani liopeel to become an adtlifiou 10 our famiiy ~ilef me teil yon," ssas tOc îe plî, 'tbetc's rsotbing doiîmg in ad- mltuoi - Youu'll have 10 subrrari