Honeý lilorn-e sucesfully steals the ab il cus y valua ble Sylvester, Diameuf fro thi had of eta woman tIn a Los It le , .prtinent store. Her friend i, anurne-, erfessionial thief. tries te ,et itfroua ber but ils prevented troin om sewhess 8e sets in a figbt witb te anshe loves, Dan Brewster, district ý2trny he takes a Plane for San rarsohit j becomes lest in a fog and gndcs lu the >sea just off shore. $lie te picker l s, tbe lene survivor, by a Younng lWýyer. At Crey, wbo lives witls liis m'other nearby. 8e gives thetetb sise oriey 1e but that afternoon wber Wbe anl,' At -se teewspaper lier real narre i à, tdgusoethe victires. CHAPTER VI. (Cnine romn labt*veek> 111l sure be glad to et _Lbâc, tt0o," hle added. "Loafing i; fine for a£ctime but thenyou getl ed up* with iî2à Fe ýtcoo out bis pipe anid ýlleicv i." "I'vc iad y say. Now, l's-boar about yýou," be suggested rmd lit bis pipe. 11oney's brow cloudod. "There lan'i,timch to tell," sbe altered. "I aii-, an orphian since my grand- xohrdied sevcral years ago. I livo b-Y myseif and 4do as 1 pleaso Fincibave a very good limeý. Even walkiug itb Art, and 1Ws tenin tolis, soft, intcresting voico couflcinot er:ase Dain from bier mind. Si-o]kept rumembering tbat hei bogtof bens a thief and would haie ber a.rrosted when lie found a'be twas still alive, His love would not interfove with wbat lho deemed justice. *'A penny for your thoughts. They miust be interesting to take you s0 far away," said bier companion, re- calling bier tà the prceon. "J'm- sorry," sho apoictgized. "Tboy areu't for sale.', "Aha ma then. Wheu a girl is srtieabbut ),what sbe is tlink- ing, it's always a maný,." -1 von't :argue tisepoîit," she laughed, "bocause lawyers have a w,ýay ol winning their points." "We sure try bard." 1 Hortey rode mbt the village witb A'ýrt for the mail in-the late atter- îioon. It seemed she bad ,know'n im always and not just since eariy niorniiîg. While hoi assorted and oponed his letters, hee bandod her the paper to read. The headluts, ýýf cours.-e, woere aI' about tbe crash. Th1'ere aml]ong tho lisI o1f victims wass ber ame Hoey M. _ý,onroe o; Los Anigeles.ý She '1iooked 1Up to sec Art Carey -readiug tesainelist cover ltr shouldor. Sýurprise crossed tus face ai-id ho 1lifted blis oyes and met bers square- ly. There was a bint of inquiry in -tedetbs of bisbut hie said noth- jsu g. Honey low ered bier gaze quick- !.y and continued to read the other captions.on the front page while a fluisb of guilt burned lier checks. A momient iter, .sbo caugbt lher brat iad a sob rose to lier tbroat iu br eyes foil or' an item ur'ar the btoiof the page. Manke isesegay ptoîesand nou'annuIs ofbrâiismiscrap. ey ere bkg bazaar or gîft items 100! heav duy! attro 10;trainsfer of 4pothfder nnd2 osen itts. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in oin (snmns cnst ho ýeac- eetd or Iispateu e ox 1, lyPATTERN NUM-BER sn NAIME aiAJDDRESS. CHAPT-ER VII, paercatfy tyig 1 pretend world was about to 11Crb, and "' hnded itbe ktoAr. ha ls atcelîaredwas about Dan ici rwster. H wa i the OC- spile ape ad ovru o tweeu tie bandOdea-s, is a Slt was unowhe ald sd tho r semd 10b be a cloak of mytry surrouw rt tise affai.The pýýolie l and wercfp imcud o ise eldba a X toma was iîiî'olv ed i ebcobedroom. VIscape bad beade by hotsv c- r ise calcunye ad tIkat y xvero not ti et thual~nîs ndb wasa oreshadw ad ter lips treledbt h ol ac "D o sheycoud Eak'zc wihout in- ing herelf .-zaîvay,7 sheaid lîgbtiy wondering wby she had lied about bier naine. "I wonder?" Fier boart cried out in agony t0 go to Dan, but common sonse told bier to slay under covor until be was ve211onougi te talk to ber. That was hoer ony chance of socurîty.e As for joe, sc roasoned, lie would sec ber nanse auîoîg thse crash s-ltus and nvoiild ceaso le look foi-her. She m'as so deep lu ber owîî tisougliss tient sile jumped wlîcu Art spoke te ber,. "Yeu oldn't rare tb explain sonule thinîgs, Houe; ?" "I'd like t10, yes-but 1 ran'î,"i she told Iiim earuestly, feeling tee- rible that ie badl caugistlber ini a falsechood n hon lie and bis. roother bad taken becr lu so gîadly and witluouî ask n uestiolîs. "Pleaso belies-enie, Art,ý" <she iauplored. 'And yooîtnaîie îealiy is Honley Mne? ho kept on v-itlisdetermi- nation seekiîîg tise trots aaývyway. "Ma tiinks s on are oi the'leve,' ho î'eminded ber mu-,ireetîessly, pipe betweu bhis teeth. She flinched .and Iowered lier bead inl shame. Tears stung at lthe back ot ber eyes botiy. "I un, h whispei ed. 't amn awfîuiîv sorry." "Does nôthing escaptet 011 " sho asked ira-'soflY. 1 Ho did net answer lier question, just ignorod ber interruptionu. "You wsat to bide for soine roason. Ail rigist.' There was frai decision in bis voice. Ho pîrked np the paper and tl-renwit out of tise carý "We Tise s-,>.d got i.' "TFaîi vou," stîe said cîokingly, and tise tars spiliod oves tise lasiies Ibis tinte and she did mot trv 10 stop tbem foi a moment. He put a baud ai ci bers gcntly, torufortingisl%'lmi ontten I IYon selIIne onetm al about it, Honey_ and until thon, il is ail righl. Yoo need a friomsd and 1 arn il. Nonw e nl forget troubles tor a s; ile.," He l'ftod bis voice te a nmoroebeerful nopte. "Wý%ouid you like te, go lslîing îorniorrow'?1 "Oh, Art!" si e sasd forcinîg a ghost of a Sn-io."I-'-d loveC 1ego fislîiug. Anî id kis son for bemng su nO He lauglied anîd tiieme i a a bit or amusemeont in it. ,"I ou -ýma-t las-ote o dutI sooued tisy 1 -ou expert," -and ho poiuted up t tise cottage as -ho pulled the car te a stop beforo the garage. "I'bere stands the curions neiglîbor. 1 doui't know wbat story Ma bas told Mrs, Riba, but n e'Illbaivc tustanud by Ilomey stepped ouut tude car and unccdnsciously dropped ber baud in the dress pocket and foît the velvet box. Its presence lIad been for- gotten momentarily, and feeling il niow was a distinct sbock and it brougbt ber beart rught jute ber By LANHE ROERS "Mtoral cou!rage-, luy oye! It takes a stiffer backbone, a wiser bn u a m'ore patient heart 10 AKEIV] STICK. There are more wv, -s wbo want a busbnnd tisamuwp wbo want to gel rid of ono. are probabîy ah oid midsl~ever got a mani, and thbercietod t.free-1y advise a wife te iocelas "Divorce rourîsaeNO"h answer. The auswer î-: DO OME THING TOIMR ETE HUSBANDS WE HV "Drinking Is Illnesýs" "IN THE CAýSE of10ruui lîquot mu luis lite, ry the i robli Anonyrnous sseu.Getbilose bis sickness, anid be ptietiti îs until ho is iv1i Tach te cîjîre bbat il is onlv a icknss ad - list their aid. (Dol Iis-n i s po sence, wb(,ne uhîs oe. Dsie borne lite noversi-e h roims ,P* "I had anunl wo ae t " mîserable forevroees.H * drasîk toomuhbthwa u- " as beasîI ly n he l,, ho ddî't drIitmk;, * -so that couldnl't be bla edjforni- *beisavior. My-u, ludts 'daugbters. 'Ilev ioed ts' *dadrly; tbey hultu iia * isuman beingî,sbet ilter.- *takes of ctheýr !human imm.H *weît t mtruf and- 'a 'cured, ;and f'l, ue a It tie e 'tgethe .. 4' "He 'ie u f Aelï<ma nul only urdof iehbt u *a inmcb oeptinkmui n *uîderstaintg ia-it,10. To' *girls didvoct bui pa er0i *aganmst arae iets soum * î ose parents' !ho celiedd "I luouron tefaiyse 'have no liquor rbentyIu band lias aGotrmnpsiiu * -oun a ptaccmae Sothersorr'erig.Ter -'are tinuo w eIIi-odo-ou n '~getaon *blimug ost tise sceiuîontb1inigs *inig tfomouewo-oertaîk tof telliiulie edr 1 eld *on 1their kesadPA OR * to AKE BETER LFE " out of Îbti tbu. " "And du'csopbiorh( di: s "t theso bo make iesai ffrs * koep tisl ore itattat-e 'spent iii in o, lnuim o t' ~ ~ J (Sgnd)Mr. C oRuS for youi rer. L1o~isawîa of strcn)il aarerad1eetits sals 1 lodhe ojctveo diinsi er cuae to ed o wst yoî,wllsane u * * (,sv-î.ý Anisi babe rare foros-t 2 ars nd1ts snne susad Oto bro PUZZLE ACROSIS 4. Print ,î~ 3, Dîsceru 22. tiset 'tadman 23. Engtiso lLPastry 11, .S'ay agalsu 19. Cous antly ,5. Asserîs 25. Correct ~ 5. Large swallow Z. Husupîs- *1 C'ers'elatlvo et rither 32, Ne malter what 3~ Inactive v 34. Spur iîg 25. Aioeng ~ 6. ire f. Mas de"r 33. Village Oc tiSo itedson 40. tieama* 42. ae inforrialmous 42. D'aise 45. Number 4Z. las nasuao *2. l'a -~ 51. !ularsh tes- *4, Negatl te ~ 5. Touttu 8. Tlp st. înîatuatîus~ DOWN 1. Cea produ r 2. Settît wateu' t aça'îî 4 Plastai' 3. Craggy Mil 4. Fitiplumo 7. Duel speok 5. Avert Il. Bowling seoî'e i i. Apate seed il. 8h11 23J, Cisnese da *4. ~laying pow~ 23. Usîreturnabl* tennIs serve 37. Raishit tati 23. BoIser 41. Peigne 42. Pintait dssok 45. Flop 46. Self 45. Girls name 43. Joshua s fatises 50. Carealoeed 51. Piseasant broed tnswer to This Puzzle WilI Appear Next Wee< Modem Etiqpuette A. Equai parts of paster of Pars, and powdered. sugar m-iake ansex cellent roaci-, powder, Gise oLtthie favorite haunts of roaches îla aound tie sitîk WaîchtAs place for any signs of Iei A. Robs Vase-inr-e jelly izuo tise' scuffed sbods heforo tbey are potl- ished anid the srthswill bareîy be noticeable aller bey bave beon otr eggs froni falling atrwiprg A, Add a pinci, of raiftr tar 10 tthe wbites whilec h-,y are being whippod, 'and Ibis cami bc A. Mix tise crumb11s in inme butter oveý,r a low flamne. This is a mucis casier m1-etbod than atuemlpt- ii t b butter tise crumibs. MrNRD e iînote tise 7tRG ISSUE 51 '- 194Ï *0* No~ ~~ýW moeUah)gdndote snore aithce laS -ai Rsln ry Yeaicistyou can bake any u ýrne- norfierio-esfeh i he cupboard Yom can depend on à fo quick buaking-deliciou baking; restsis. ïF YODU BAKE AT HOM)IE- order ea month's Supply of eï licmn' Roal FaKt';isng Dry Yeast : oday. GOODD NEWS NTHRBIBLE. hild Ibina you god&tdngs of great joy. whic shail bu t gouneus- Foc0 da3aIcet t niared. TiseMisuld brul eiI immsmnger a, nîm.u...Go an asnado nts ieso side amitewrieim sehr Loet Us wing ontborag"e asytew msert rom lti&ie E-tI. The s idep o dyise hecou %msa.Si', Ho~~im reoe lts icîisiv fctrsa irovns ail those who wili Ik-Hl., J*uid bar new 'Disou an ic il reeco lu thi sois, 'GloràY t Furnace hIAtcOitrdtt naic c hats froi theattc or uehrecellar space is nouail ai.Unitmasrng6 t z3 t igh ýplt 48ý0 bs, ibangs rmcel ou forsteeloeMo ages bioardraws air in pauîtis-o Annes forces i i u etinlgunt War air is us itt rouu 1H1.t WatrCotol-Thro tnkas fbostr ui o uc cupl f bot wtr GIRILO WOMVAN WANTED c4 i Ue i li Drie Tote 1, Ont. WNALLOP YOU 8BELO0w T1M1E 8BE Ll? sac usle nieto tiet~sonse