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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Dec 1948, p. 5

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MAKEA GIFT "That Last i Lîfetiîme (Maniy Styles te Choose Frein) C. C.M. PRICED FRzom Hockey & Fancy Skates AtPeellthlt ties inth $ 9.95 to $5450 $.tlie $17-5g Add leauty te your -Xmaîs Table - $3.50 to $15,00 Admnirai and Stewart-Warner .RADIOS Rangirn* in Price lromr $ 32.0 oCI$ 315,0 0 ILUVNN HARDWARE Phone 66 r 1 ORONO Li vANVI LLE A Christmnas Gift s, Front "US TO YOU"I IMONDA-Y TO FRIDAY - DECE-MBER 2th - 24th A "TWO For ONE" Show The purcha.ià,se of "one" adluit ticket will admit "t.wo". The purchase of -"onie" chld's ticket will admit "two" children YES! IT'S "TWO"' AD-MISSIONS FOR THE PRICE 0F Wed., Thur., Dec. 15-16 Yvonne DeCARLO Peter LORRE Tolly MARTIN Marta TOREN MARCH 0F TIME TECHNICOLOR CARTOON Fni. & Sat., Dec. 17-18 Dan DURYEA BLAGK BART" EN TECHNICOLOR 3 Stooges Short CARTON -SHORT Mon, Tues., Dec. 20-21 MlacDonald0 CAREY LES ANNOULNCED foi imaportedtm- ry and spinach wr day~s a-gobythie rcHive Noveaaber 1. Announcent Riaving been lasked by 9a umn. ber of our twnand country citizen-s to handie their Real E,ýtate imatters, 1 rece-tly made application ta the Giov- ernment authorities for Oie ,e- cessary license-,te act inthi capacity. 1 have siniice passed 'the required examinati»u aii -my Fcense was, issued. This gives me the right to act for yoin in yfmr realî estate trans- actions. AIready 1 have many buyers for town and counitry, Properties -and yeur listings are invited Leroy Hamilton INSIJRANCE and REAL -gESTATE Main St - Orono), Ont cent te (whles'ale d(iistýribeutosand, Nonieçpoti wholesalers liuyming f rom im ý ihlener ay addi tvp to eight per cent. Rectailer; 'buy- ung from woJealr ay a(id ?25 per cent, Dir-ect imrporting i'etailers na m d30 <par ent. The pro<fit maigin on trnts: Iipoting wio1esaers to retail-i ers, '20 per cent; irnpi-Iorting xholf:- saeate'whoesallers te retaillers, 10l percet bu-yers, 1:l per cýent; non- inmportirùg wholesaalers to retaillers, 10 PacenCLlt; rtailers direct frora ïwioleales,3» per cen ,; direct imi-1 por<Ting rtalrs 5Per cen. ~For A. these consmodties the an- nounmenttopaid weaaler Mamy aud four Per cent onC'rales o! brOken cese lots. 1'When tcmatnes are maeked i * 57,ficjoint uetig fa' a .A, aid W.CIM.Sý ware held ou Wacies- day'- afvernon,'Da-ce Dbe i . Th4 W' A atig asopcened Ïy eu sîngng f hma 56,"TIake mnv 1;1f-e andla ibh", olowd yprayeî, The sc-iptur takenfrom t.Mak g'iean, Ms R. Alaraaal a paparU aedon vre3of 4e sciptu re. Phie elctîoýn of ofcr autda president -lr.W.Ala Vice-pres.- MI.s. O. Ch'i tn .Recording and orrasponiding - Sec- reay-Mis. S. Chapimian. ,ssi§tîaîdt -Mrs. Yuian, Press Sec. - Mws. Wmy-. Wannan. Fina1 Sec. - Mrs. R. Allin. Treasirer- Mrs. J. H. Lowery. Organat - rs. Wm-. Wanan. Assitant -Mrns,, E. ýR. Bryson. Floral Ciomittee - Lrs. Wmn. Rutherford, iMrs. Jas. Wainn,,,zand lmrIs. J. il.. LoWery. Visiting artd iSck Çmite-Ms R. Allin, Mas. 0. Chapia, Mrs. Fer.. ri-n. Dev(tioIIal Comittee are officers, in mrder ;inmad. ba er f cilACtivitieýs for The officers e4ectd for thie WM reiklet 'MsL E.aolns Vice-Pi-as,. - Mrs. 1Eï. Biyson. Sati-y -C Mrs. Wi. Alia Oiigalst- Mrs. J. H. -Lo-wery. Stea~<slipSec. - Mrs O. Chap-. TtempJCanC'e Sac. -MIs.ý J. H.. LowLaiy. As his \vas the Olritana ieet- ing of thse W.M.,S, Mils. Youillanis, thaý Presiden,ýt, had decor,ýate-d foi, the oa o.The an.eting wq; eèd I lýth sulent tnusJc and pnaiyk. Mter ail the busineuss was fiaÙalcSè4e, ail joined in caýrol singing lb iy -M . Wm'. . Wn an. î,ci-id'in g were akun I om 1st. iEuke, e 2 sud flSt. Matthew, chapteèr .Z M;s amndCliapman sg t'-, a1< ely solo- as a dedication !or fle jffeI'rg.> candleliîght service iiin h several mn!eier lit candels inrcleto Gf oua feillow dhri tianîs; Mrs. Bryv- son for oui f llow lstasc North Aiica; Ms Wm. Ruther- fond for our f eIow cht'istians la Sout<h Amxerica; L-Mrs. Wm. Alýlin ,XQy thien iiEurcpe; M .O.Cami foi- them of Asia, a.nd Miis. Raymondi Chapnian in Africa. Bn'ci one iii her part g'ave u-ýsorsema otýwfhiil biso i ta u-t this oyful season. <Ma. Youanatheiq led in a litanry la W4hic.h prayers -were off ered for Ht-ie Uhristilans ofal i e word.L Af ter tl-e cloing of thaetingMrc. You- m-aris getysurprised the ýladies by treatting thÉlem to a very lîoVely lundh consa ng Of hm-al 1 andyl, sancwidhes, cookies and! tea. Mr. an'd Mrs. RosPaitearsôin -A Le~Biiere iVinitoiMVr. and! Mrs. Rolieit Piabttesioyn, O)ronol , M rad Mrs. R. R. Patersion, Forest 111, -Mfr. and Mrs. Everett Stapletonnd Iieoward viisted at the huime of1Dfr. aàüd lMrs. <Wi. Wannan on Mna M Yiss Elizalbeth 'Burgess, of Ooo is visVngler sister, Mr i-s. Wm.û ~Mis,s Kathlieen Ard stpent Ilhe w-veek-end -'wih fier prns 1We- welcomie VMr. and 'M1s. Jhn'i Tam<iblyn -sùnd faiily fr heirs- Jourra here. Mr. asnd Mrs. -Alex. Wa1Vïker visiled wlth Mri. andi Mrs.J. Thotnbpson. Tne îSunwl.ay Sho ii- g a WteGielt Serice on Cbristnms Stiay Everyoie tr-y to corne ot sund maka 'this s:ervice a -noted coné. OPEN SESSION AT SU.NDAkY SCHTOOL CHRISTMAS SUNDA,%Y This Sunday, Decaniber l9th, is 01risimacs Sundnay, and Park Strepet Suinday School îs havîn.- an open sesio Lsrvice, to wmhich il aduits a.s vvel as childmren are invitedl. A sp Cia1orer of wrh ' sarà' e in wvhich lithe classes are t 1aking part. TeewilII;lie candi 1 singing !zand euri niinister, Rev. Eustace, wUlit dlret,:ss thie school with a iCihristmias soy Evaryone is invitedi te lie on hand at 10 --i..ito enjoy a9,profitable hour with t-he dirn than twvo pounds, an extra e, ne ocenit a paý5ckage may be added to ïhe liroken-case-lolt price. The reailers' mailk-up (marg-in of prot) çn tee consuml.1er-style ýackages. lalirie o25ercentd. Such packages a-nst 1>pie -iarlaed with the net 'weigh'". The )Ioard said that, to, determne averzlge e ii-'a cst, wholesalers musat avearge the costt of shipniei4s and report in advance tù, the nearest food"s offiens of the board. 4,'- M MARK' S rercmmends Canada's FINlýEST 'WATCH VALUE 'T, - li 1: WATC H n, Dixie Veri-Thin Cencerto $4 250 Curvex Caprice $550 a > 4, imond Bidgt$ef $28.00 Mans Diamond Onyx ing $13.00 Roinson Table UgMlbi AeR R'8' VIlle - Phone 463 -- (if Yileu DeCAJRLO Veri-Thiin Deerfleld $89'50 ?4. kt. gold, 2 dianionds 52 Pc. Commuriîy SiIverplcte i

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