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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Dec 1948, p. 6

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Course î0coteescbo -,men,îY ar1ýS coodtdd eo ire ' tne Y GoOd ie pu Grade e.en iid f theCa'5' radats w~I jeCe mgr1 hiO pacea e'~C h re ~ 0ie. Ap e, e eIWAA~oowt of !4uW, DWI5'~'X~%lS par1IW~erIt B PN548 NE WTON VILLE (Tou a fr4s ek Mr.Goru Petlhisok anud 'ad Tompsnon Sanilay. Aand Mrs. (eo. Griffin, MIr. and 'Mr. Urrt Giffn a!& Mr. and r, Donl:d Gr1fu, f OieeevisitU0 Mr n '. îGeorge SmIl, of Ne'caslevist ir. aund AIs. eo Thie lho)nqiold efcei~s of tle latel MAIra. John ipaeden îwere odoAon day fernoon. Althouçgli thewe-a- ther was flot very -good, it wS quite succesislutl. ~Mncplelectione 'are over for anothier yeaýr 'wilhail the odl council 40'ig returned. The pastor held 'a Baptismn service on Sunday 'veing 1wto little boys and oeeMA leone heing Daptized, M 3arorie Jane Stacey, daugihitar of MAr. -anld Ar.Sdd Stacey, Gary Doug- las iLesvterson of AIr. and Irs. Doug. Leser, aMrdDeamnisHMdson of 'AI. and IVirS. Harold 'Bu7rýLey,. Bert Bl3u t was houme froni Queeni's for t'he 'week-.end. 31rs. A. Jackson and grandd'angh- ter Mhr1y 1Ho1ney, of Milliliken, visitedi AIrs. TonleLagtfas dlao AIrs. hohellawva y adgad daugiter Bonnie Austin, ol Wes4ey- Thie figlit for unI agaùsst tihe uman- afuuendl sale ofoeomagre jn Qanada msemG'o bave coSne toau enid ntetM.Thre Supraeme Court 0,L clanada th-at ries trying the case, ga-ve theýir vedono 'uesany last, thu!rs uaigit legal to ran1vFk'dt,ý"1re and Seli Oo in thre Dominien of can- ada, c A New Page in Co-oper ative History A-f fer 35 '3éors of servýie tofarersandotes Ontrios povicia coopeatie hS been reorgan- ize as a 1 FS c raton, officially owned nd controlled by ove r undedlocailc-oeavs ih400 Mu-mbe-',r-,m les During the yecîr ended Se_-ptember 30, 1l94, the ~ ~ ~ ~~~- Cnalatieanereod aF volume at 38 millilon dolrcnd nett-ed 350,hC sn dollars oDi ca-rninos. value b, Brand1 f ing Co-.op and as o of major The End of the Power Cutofs Does MOT Mean The End of the Power Shortago Ail Consumers must coninue their efforts to cut down on electriuity. While improved water conditions resulting from recent rainfail in the rîght places, have enabled The Hydro-Electric Po wer Commission of Ontario ta increase quotas ta mnunicipalities, water q;b-w condîtions are stili flot normal. Therefore, it is vitally important that ail con- sumrers-industrial, commercial, domestic and rurc1-be constantiy on the alert ta avoid ail unnecessary use of elecfri4ty. Your co-operotion in the past has hleped. Herre are a few sugges- tions as ta how you can coninue ta help. * Tun off ail unnecessarylghs Do flot leave lights burning in empty rooum-s hallýs, baseàment, attic, porch and garage. * At the evening study or. reading hours, group the fiamily airound the rednJamp and turn off other ights. * Replace large light bulbs with smaller ones. * %Where water is electrically heaited, use hot water sparingly, * Watch t he Switches on your range, your iron and othier appliances. Turnthemoff ais ickly as possible. Often thea stored heaf wil finish the jobýs. Use "ih heat for as short a timne as pos-sible for cooking or foir boiling w ýater. * Do't le motors on motor-driven equipmnent run needflessly in home o factory. * In fa;ctory, store or office, don't Iiht a row or cluster of overhead lihs whena single light niearby wifl do. N- sin-on Oatdls qreed 'd hv AIrs. Rl thleirr 1 ýhave cers wre e eieé: OFFICERS Mýe4'et-Arz. . Ald'in. agofl'the V'c&Pre'. - Airs. arn a bi on Scetr -Ars. -R. Ch~rin rý,eet UII - - MTesrr-Ars. L,.Aid&re'ad. The sachool >reSs -Sec. -iHr.II.Coi1dik oiatelriltir ins - Ar' e eil' rî'o te Xrnas Greup Leader ýý- AIrs. E. Ra ine l ytjý duet 'was recif-iec) a--d AIrs. Duncani, sud '-agave the hi- LfiC ris ewcved and ýa, receive*1 f roui Mr. Stanley Smithi t(e si ulcarino SATURDAY, Dec. 18 at 1.00 p.m.« Rear of Lunn's Hdwe. his efftire Heuisehiold Effeets. Tihis furniture wAi pur- chased new llve ,mentits aga nad is in erfc codition, TERMS CASH No ,ReServe Jack Reid, Autionçjeer Motet Eq4ipmeht plintin~g ialu oa wnl as a ithrei 0' cap- Ldrertiste- rk, PniX J ils !mprove 'riras been added ie 'plant to attable uas te kýee~p in n-h ie marcih of tintie. We e iý -keaVtage of tisad- -Inï,!d ar el eu urnged' te d'oS). Private Ambullan< Northcutt and S5mith FnrlDirecterz &AndFurniture Dealeri KINDNESS cut dowu on electricity aund keep THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER. C 0F ONTARIO COURTESY Equipped t*te tk.cve et the resnbecharge au we weat c2il' Telophoune.: OMce SES - SERVICE fqanerai at the fimt h* larxeQt and fuil. ORE

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