~- ~- fs Men ed!' A ny man on yoiir list preciate Somrethinig lhe caIL îChristmaýs to Christmas -A lAL GIFT. Ihters Tobacciý (1,12 lb. tins) * Ciaretj~(Fiat NTCE ORONO TOWN HALL, Wednesday Deceinber 22 DONALD and his Orchestra> Admissiîon res, '.JtioItSI S, Lime, Cherry, for ........ ý1-2 lb pkg. ity, 2 20-oz tins, . 'E, 12ozja 'TS, in sheil, lb) .. LE, 2 large bottles Canada Dry 29c 29c 19C 28e 12e 25c ready Prepared, lb -... 45e Cherry 'Wafer, box....20e 0F FAMIILY .- Flat 50's, of 1-2 lb tins o f Pipe and .17e 16 'oz jar 25ec »'LAS NAVýlIEL, ORANGES ri44'ý, doiZei MAPLE LEAF Minceemeat 2 lb tin Chocoates Gooti Assortment l b box $1.00 Mr. land ~MrS. Carnet To'wns spen~t ISUn)day wl'-th Mr. and -Mr1s. W. Sta4n, ton. MijssLr AllVn of 'Oshawia, spent Mo)nd!ay in towin, reiewing oid ac- quaimJaces. _Mr. and Mrs. 'Warren Cory'eill, of Leskard, bleaves (today) ThLirsciay tù spenti't it er a't Hig4and Creek. Mir. r i 'Mr. Janmes Lciwýýery wisi te, convey théeir itbanîks. to the Oronýo Footba,),id OluUlb for the pmrsefmny don'ted to t(he i kst week. Mlr. ani Mrs. W.V B. [Hoar visitedJ xith thei-r rnophew ýand neice, mr. andM. Frank Hoar at NewcstL1eý last Sunday. TSii Sat.urday the chiltien of rooanti distràict %wilï he visitet b y Santa Claus andi -iven a treat of T!o roioJudr hokey t~ pract¶ced i Lindlsay on Tusstiay' unir 1. tanEDmne As the play- ers hwiv great advanemiyent i Trp~v F th- wea;t'heoe wiI1 onl~y s-ay ýoId, the team shetult'i le aide - n raice in Orono hy the enti of next week, The new drtessingronnsAmsthitme hing erctet where the oid ee wePe, are n.arîng C'omplet4on, anti will bce far uer'. in comnfort thlan flie former ones. The eý onimlnttee ouliuse fa littie moe oney as there was n'tenoui free gratis la- bor.A'nYoue wiehing to douate seime extra mnoney are asked tA get int'ouch miLh the commnLttee. Mr. ArIthu1r Bell was eo4lois't last iSund14ay on t 11 "S rce" ra c o broadcas. Thfis hroadcaý-ila heard -'et 8 o' 11 c on Sunlday imoi.nrgi-; 1 th ougý,h thie facilities of Station OKEY, Torouto. Rev. A. L. S' ader- s'o. o 'Du{oiaPark uited Chureb 1 stesponsor. Organ ti lpianco ne- co'mparlnertts are playeti p y Je ýJonfStLacey ef Toronto.. 'Mr. and IMrs' roai.1afesu fromn the provinî-ce of 'a tl~are Visitîingi:,s this distri,' renewiiag titi acqunaintances. lt le s'ore thiry-I three years since MrPiatters6u iha.s vis4ited fiere, anti received a warmn welcomne from bhis fi-Jentls. He seený manii-y cine in 'Orono ini tat s.pace of thn, ýantiregrefteti that 'se rnany of hie frieuikl ati pass'etior.. *We'hope -ou ia ven't fongo0t te- the X5th Annual O050S.donce on Decm"er 22"4. We feel tilat tW, y-ear it wilil be )i gg e r andi hetter thiever liefore. Rumoupnir lhas it ihat Donal,,d 1l{ammi andi bis boys have the nemw his rght doîwu pat. WRe expîect to, bave a leig surprise fo-r you in the vocal depar-iient. All ini Ail i roIsbes tobe têhe bgge,-t event of theyar See you thlere. Cougrau1tio'sto 'Mms. Nina Bax- ter, -Il eid Oroneo girl, whO wasý in- saetirecenty as WospflM- tron of Su a Chapter of tlee Or- ierý of the E'astern Star amîian as- sebyof 200 rneiler a tgests of theé'Ordver. Thle chapter nmeets n the first Thiuretba:y of each mthiiiý th eIMsoc Temple. When a tn 2-irl shewi one of tihe fifnest s1kat-ý ers ýin tle iistrict. TPhe kindly inifluence of Christimas tide assertetiÏ itsý;elif i n nmisie an-lid mesae tPark St. ChuLi h las, Sunday. Numerous carols were use t attheevenig servie in mWdi 'io'n to the regular hymuns, providilgi a song service enjoyeti by ant. The beautiFul basiket of fWers grac ing the pulpit ar a cae istihe gift of Dr. andi <rs.FloydtiCu tati of De- troit, in lo'ving Pmemory of bis par- ents, the late MAr. anti Mnm. S t- tellwh were so long and dtevoted -i iy, econueciteti with Parik St. Church. Sorne io-nieminer ffBee- huv.RebekialiLtgBw'nhvl were the guesltsof ,Hea'therRdesek2 Lodýig'e last Thestiay evernin. The Rebekaih Degree ma s hauifuliyï coniferri b y tule Degree Staff of the form-er Badge, utirthe'CcOptaiiiy of Sis-er H'adkney Ihitiigreet- ing ra Grand Lo)tige and Ou1tario, Reibekali As.seinblîy officers r*eereati by Sister Miliret Riney,1Recordingl ece aryof eethier Latige. The entire-eveuing pro'veti moat enjoy- 1 able 'o visitoirws anti local Rebekab.:is School Concert at KIRBY 'CRURCH For1 practiý AN inter you th a char- shinies its ghout the ; r: iiULii~iiI~ LUU~ r ' ~ )nly at Morris Nlemorial Chapel are you offered ail 'of these facilities ait no extra cost '~Modem, air-condition, sudpofbuildling. *Commotlious chapel, 'Seating oever 100, with adjoiniing Faniily Roms. SDurbam's largest funerail merchand;se tiispla]zy rxoms. *Sanitary preparation roomrs (inspected ai approveti by the Provincial D)epairtmenit of Health). * Rch toned Minshall orgýan and staff organist. *Radfiant staieti glass windows, indirect lighting. *Church atmosphere, tasteful and comfortable furitlure. * Cmpeeatstaff, serving every neeti with sincerity ani In- business in Orono over 50 years. and lup ARMSTRONG'SI Row To Take The The mi i t a Christmas Xmnas Lights ia new look plete line of FIXTURES ing GIFT for he hlouse w-5-'ý Orc1 rie NO~ C Il SUNDAYI. 11.0a.m Special Carol Service. 0r ýlC. l9th inshop P 0 ??.oàut 0f Cwhr']Istnas Shopping FOR THIE MWOMEN Giv~ i Chamois, Kidi, WoolI ali Fur, piet..$1.25-$5.00 Headi Scarfs.,iin WVoel Plaid, Flowered Sheers, Spun R a- yon1, priced $1.2r,-$2.50 Neck Scarfs, i Plin anti Flowered Sheers --- $1--- Nylon Hose, ail sizes, priceti at .........- -,0 to $1.85 Hland Bags, fiom $3.954$7.00 Blouses, in White ai- Col- opred Sheer -. $4.50 te $5.95 Sisin Satin ati Crepes, Hemistitched ant i Lae, al, sîzes. - 2.95to $4.95 White Flannelette Nighties, for..........$g.00 Silk Nighties, ini White, Blue anti Pink, priced -- $5.00 Flannelette Pjms $3-$3,95 Silk Vests wýith Panties to match .... ---- ....e %2.75 AIl WooI Cardigan, Wine, black. Navv _$5.00 Hanuse Coats in Quilteti Satin, Spun Rayon atiloj(wer-ed EitiertIYiow-- $4.5- $187 Alsn Pillow Cases. Table Cloths in L4Inen anti Cotton; also Lace Grapes, 2 lb .......... Wax Turnips, lb. .. in different sizes; Flannielette Sheets; Cotton Sheets; A-il Mo04 Blankets Ax.Minster Mats; Towvels; Tea Towvels;. Sets of Dishies ai Faucy Dihes. * FOR THE MEN Shirts in White anti colors, pricedl.......... $3.50 to $4.95 Ties-------"......$1.00 to $2.95 Socks in Plain anti Diantis priceti........ ..$1.50 to $2.95 Kidi «loves............$ 3.00 Weol Gioves ............-- ý2.0û Ail Wool Sport Shirts.. $7.95 Ail Wool Sport Jackets, rti anti green ......... . $13.00 Romeo Slippers, Suits;' Over-. Coats, Pyjamas. FOR, THE CHRILDREN Ski Suits, Sweaters, D'resse-s, Gloves, Mitts, Stockings, 3- piece Coat Sets, Heati Scarfs, Vests, Panties, KmnaIanti- kerchiefs, Plastic Ramn Capes ant i Cns -with ilootis, Stocký- înýgs, Hlouse Slippers. Sec- our Baby Counter every- thing yau'-can think of. 27e 5c for ....... ...........27e Potatoes, bag ...........2 Seedless Raisins, 2 lb.- Seeded Raisins, pkg .... Dates, lb... .... 33e 28c 20e McLaren-'s Tea, 1-2 lb ..... 45e Tiii-Top Choice Toinatoes, 28 oz tin........... 22c- York Brand Ketchup , bottie 25c NEW NAVEL ORANGES 150's .... doz 98e 176's .... doz 79e 201)'s .... doz 69e 220's .... doz 59e Good PURE Cranberry SAUCE bottie 2c TIP - TOP CHOICE GOLDEN CORN tmlient of Grand 0 feast ering, bricks; drinks a & à 16 AJ-Xe APP] PUR] TOB bo: s N N s N