Great Brilain 1tOi Londonit is bgeing-i iseri 'qg D ca alng in favar of the Prý:i cess iz àaeth-andsuthat HIs serious han e as at firs giennnt Tihe isa re leang i 1i lsn cae-aleil trmbogiii-h tig ar ktr is Oanobsrue he blaod K'ýýidg wasfirat afflictËý1ed ufr-ac îadinghc at, Irvn the anth llndthathe oldthe noy.nstin Buthe elyedletinhis doctors ;nw but it ), adissedo snaings svraltiri'ng blichpear ance lat in cts be isIat uch appearan cice was hIn oher weors -"dîflelilýs, t FrmEninern J-ý ut efe om anhe ryn albrt, lcasw vstheg himefreqent- -Inthcowsegntersped oneth j-Plat c iag cinin that tey epfre ther tase hern ecaln i E y effort s bengmadketta !nake Kingsergeth apeny af Ct' said he ba deve refsta gie wasmkig.Frmtime ta tiReore lia arsied e al baby, and o he ncbacauyscaiî an vnninal sate paprs ethe gnîng snthem. th Jusi -ýt he itxii il cmenout no- bod-eentherphyiias-cn do ore thanfgue mer But milinir aIl artsai te cwnorlhen nwon- the sig "od avethe King," wîll SOwîb ore fhaeo and minqing ethCian ihepstge mnne manim «'ie most ou's'anding thing about Canadian - ioalod borses," s;poke up a tramner of Hibernian auccest'i'y, is 'hat 'cbey do continu- ably aP.-beating of one another." Somietintes, wben on a Monday mrigwe seau tbe National Hockýeyý League weekend resuits, we cannaot help tinkînýiig af that opi'- nion. Tht boyýs "doc contiuually be a-be)ating aI ont anoher"sd no mistake-, and thiort revrsas- sometintei oerigb - wudbe higbly sokigif they ccnrdon, the race 'rack. But, ai course, in hockey nabody pays any attonian ta sncb things. Witb the scramble stuiff'cbey eall hovckey nawadays, ainy'chingma happen-and usually do.TIsewa thse sbusare arrange-sa as, R n.o' ta mniss any aif'hose bighlyý. lucrative ';'aturday and Sna crowds-isn"c wha'c you migh'c cal conducive ta f ormini playing, And wben, recently, the Maple Leafs had ta play no less tItan four gantes in thse space ai five days - we!l, what eoubd you expeet? Those, samne Maple Leafs still seem tot be-at tbis 'ime aif wri'ing' -ta be suffering sigbtly front'cao stuci s sccoss in thse past. Tbey can't seem totaget autaif'hit ntinds'te faet 'hat 'hey woro world champions. for two years in a row, and 'hat 'hoir mere reputations sbould be enough ta make snte aif'hose "Jabnny- came la'cely'" outflts tbrow up bauds and jay "Uncle." pitcb of c-eitenent-sa long a i can sound ais thougb the Leafs bv a chance, even ii four gls e- bind and witb four seconds ta g-, ail is Vý eh wit:h thaseoobeii that big-'ime hockey is an exc ivoly Saturday night afait, There are plenity of t oa> more power f0 therin1.fc e were asked what jndivl4ltlhr 'e ercised the greatestI ,~le u Canatlian hockey dttring the Paît couple* of decades, h wouidn-ýt be a star- playe-r sncb as Syl Apps we'd' riante; t wo.uIdn't be an owiter sucb as Conny. Sntytbe; it wouldni't beý, a coach sncb as Dick 'Ir-win or Jazk Adants. It wýould hc Faster Heitt- tbe voice ai hackey-whose -àrd pictures aif the gainte nmaýy ean sligbtly ta JIhesesio abt whoý lias blît up for tise LeaÎ3fs ollow- ing 'hat is probablIy unique 'n ail tIse world oi sport', witb tise exceptioni ai 'te Notre Dame Football Teant, Doing ta nweewudb real achevens.ç ~ ".butiding î' for' teant tepreseuiiIg %,hat is poal the nîscdsie itylnCnaa Hogtowni-well, it's ro wondAerau vote svouldgo for Foser-. asb ouitstauding hce igure aij the year-any yearôWe p ';ver-beard bini broadesot ;a cheso gane; bt we'd bot he coufld mkeit soud a tlîough tht igieswcclagn on the rope wt 'hitobos SALLIY'S SILlIES Fater f ailays CLSSIWD ADVERTI8ING' aIl overth1_ orl9have bep influ encd b 'cte ueant wok' f~à ~~ ' ~ ~ S'1W1NG MlýACH .INE PARTÎS ~arm depn rI o I tw nulins-h "~~Po a Malle, W, ovetgur0f ra No'cum erad i'-by, Gore oulr ndlie ln f mant,ênc ore uS 2EtCtric. 2", lÈtr.229Dnia de'hwsclbae hsya.te adteOkri cl eeit na SNOW FENCE DuedTE onsti,Trot vennol of i l steam l mie a , lgu. wdde hiS Iath.eries LmtdfPesDs Hro1 oirs nw1l the Rocke', frtt ite',1i g, 1 lrai egs na~ yele Tree ai eie ne~,n loco oties f 'oda. RASOA}3Y prmptehimeo onchike, Wrie P.J, I7e & onmauyLimtCd Hi frs noeywa eredby Bu htciu-o-rdrw avie o~~ Yus Sret TrotLfrEuADaERclae day en~esandusel emlck or Oncs fr i i eslen0 t-Il aahLgi orthe 7üntealn1 lat enîlete fo immediate deIIery.Fres atiPiso Nurte boltr Dîe bJis iigaas cn icd iiacctlgu o ec chics lsI, Gï. -,f et ur ru tr, 21 B te ne o bte aci: n- Otre.Qaa Pepi 111 hYCHC UTR-odrtoua9 1 IlP Eeyeffrre lhuiti 'l cbu euie adhw-abidaî dt lcbe tneeie ilorbedr Mno rs Sor 3 ii, ottaw are severooment bndanded ou aollom r -etd Petel 5 t6 .... impove'chm. tehenon 58 ~it Wrte er 949caloguIe anid nce 1 sDis 'erbt eiuaild patentamfeyPutr an;rMuo, nai BE A HAIEDRESSER BOOKS14.N AE f1 G C1- DL ans p its, Teeis a sttueaIS1uep- Bird ienPuty arig "rmn lid en er enani Nwcs l and 'S 'Second 1Snt iwrFebn.lnte. Ctlgu inatdgildeoeeogn ae 44 fowBai S r l, Ota f- l-,& i7i Rideau --St iiee, Ottawa. î Geodie Stpheso dege i 1"ARM5 ,,cnn r one ud cuar lmiiEiS INE'ATh. frthe pulic', n i aii asiby b- D 24 lnge saI'ýI le , H lncr eie, ossoîe. Cresodnecus. N Ste o l i Ilt 1 1onalintiueet o nfcnr e'. D tom a teponon usent - YI----- CEÂ1U'TOCrinierNO , ox 12 , ortreal Qu. StepbensouLf ',1WCceýstN-OdIr-tand eleeliasmers, orneo ed ttt hose ai 'che fathetr- or Stet ru ,Otai.OP TU TIS fr ensd w eî I nraarrdr cure t cvilsevIe earin geiu ls. Bu' j ýt n n v e, ir carid bnne 0 ieirinOtw: 10 0broulte 1.Sit SilO ACRES o goed buel t l Daîboue1, rate ecei, e Twi * Laari$'cenIl.l.noufnsrcrnes su conent. Cmps wei boît,!sudi0,fgon £ould You Blame Him? -r.r uldns 2x0~ u 2x0, sd iTNT stbeaccornuedtis12 ore Agnd- 'BHRSàAUB -emen Ptnt 'W ha o iou meail by bong Il "p"r o t aa. A bui t a ,50,0 lctr Btblbd150 4Ksa W away fe asatrbîggatd Cs -etr r~erty. A,,y t aTrno olltfif n no eus C.0 ae rie, l",t. Ja iln e arrir, 247A "I sîd n m bav paer soenIP W R D R F E L nfed Die u i, 1. Ji oS Wrniteî p 'FeIllist71 p trrtY ' CHAIRS SPCALESVPROM 11'29 WE SEND2 rnony rtuned (eoarel Sal'Oaur u _M;e Careton Ala ýl SAWIL 29.OU l1m ,ord fumusBelam Aiil noiea 7al. eamubuîes admaebi po le Wrt 243Frot S, l,, ema S l, EstablibehoiD HANES& OLAS Famtoteto osl your neares Haunî Sa aout Stc Haus Supi. Wesilar ad' u¶ cbog yau 1 'loa Sao Lahe Good deaer. TI'egoad"au rigtM Ud so RE EutO.,ices Wý\ay Downr South Ir, The Land of t'Shootinl' "--t ri s soutij of er,Iu 110t Virg'inny or A*1amyor,1!) ch lae