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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Dec 1948, p. 2

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fienc.t 'irwcie-atccasuity teai l the1 fabulcuatyý vaiuabtei Sylvester Diamonal from th c0nj, goi a wontan tu, àa Loa Angeles edeparitinent eore. EBer ,tri efltC Joe Dcun, rfalnlthief. t'ei tÇ getli ifroin ber but tipevntdf;ýr cioingeo wti" hagts lu a f igbî lh the m-'ac ah lova, Dn ewster, dare attOrn1ey. she aka aplnefor Sa Fr.anicisco btiilI bcmea baOt 0 je is ad landa iin tIuE-aa uoff aor. shel Vicke'd Lup. Iie oesrvvr y o -LWYer. ArtCrywotie it t cameHoneiii e 1 . b !,O ut'tha aernocon whec afl ie anS Art get he cwaapr er rea) came le listeS à'nong te vci CHAPTTER VII (Cntnud rm last week) ;Ter s a spot near there that j irnust get to right away. Will you drive ,,meee toniigbýt- Please! It 's most uirgent. 1 xas gOin1ýg to t wheti the paecraýshied. 1,don't want toc stayhwee. She did flot lowver fher ees 2.;as he searched them for a cie to lber request. Then l ,ý ie liled dowrn at lier. Togethier. tb v wct frwad t meet Mrs. Rbaa drk anI:d 1lovely miotlier. "This is Ari[',- friend, Ms Riba", said Mrs.Cae and her eyes dý,anc- ed with mrinn that thýeneg- bor did flt e. Mjiss Roe. Sheis visiting usqfor a f ewdas, "Hjow înice to meet -a-frLid of Ar',' codMrs. Riba sweetlier eye aive it animnation, "I cani sLec olpe ie e is at bavicg you hbure, There is týhat love icterestI ýin hlis ees." S, e ,igged a leasing figrat ÀArt. Honeyfeitcolo -crep icto lber face at ùe(: m m orsbt she gladto b 1bee, Ms. Rba. miliar, but Ro ecudfople whe1(re shle hdbe ir befoe,tor ifthyhdmt cisco, Mat," sidArt afer ai. m-o- t a ibite o Lm aî. "WhIýy not take miy coat, der,à instead n; your liglit one?" asked1- Mrs. Carey pointedly, and g-ave She's "da, They Say-We have po-plarity conltestsbased on pretty îîearlyý everythîn,-g these kix-s;iand im cate y()L're inter(-ýete, PatsyMiler, ab0Ve, 5. Ine s , 1.3. Llmb 14. E1ry ; ,,b!ew rabbi3 T : rinose 18, Suddet pul 1 9. Maice CI»Mu ut.rnu nC<tnt 6W( 7. El x "It wi;, iist butr t o. f ndnîmdIwl.Ma In afewmintesthei wee a alolther nr disster Art ginne iiiamusnleît Prs. R yIba jis 7veryLrIniy !, but a itonh cuin, sooin sde ws lti ontere ant si rctetl tone brng ailteav e alng. he' try 10 gel your le iistor betore Art. goci zhe. AB Ma 1wIatai heil ry tShe isafulyacose y abotner 1 ha've neyer seener tbefore."Bu rigctiember it." ak. 1 ony chageti Ilie sbeet by sadin:a Yor' milothe svr: ie I wi t o gexplain ot nycnane and othe ings. IHeaily ebis lîng I ve te r doneil boutfo rBu erigahlifoîs cc'ttAll r h. Mh amls of te b1 her erae said n a ery til ve' h wl i a 1it to g fomtoAt, nid cee terv" Art,"i in"T l!e, cdc ." 1e jclbore bisîp over tbe ýr wd e ws outope-l ensand- I bý-ios candvs.op"Ai- idli." The cajesntteis nterjtheî cloednI oureoutone u hîadý1 anecd dtiat vTire was noreso wlîj she coldi1501 getor he0s'L; thia ilcg1 asttlir "IWhbe.-I'ge îîie, t," s- oheat iiitl he gavie jut eforha e e ni-e ir tote i ail, "sfyoudive arouti fi awiie 5 pndopetiii flot geIlsupiotîs atnisto atîti si qetins . îiadn otie mst knowlta ain I kno.Sbyouxiii lost gîve me awajd. Cîebc i nhor h lie ug ieras he po herdArt. "avtte yo andesdriver orfsore- îing like that iii thtplccr. x n Inil h et rav rd -oe "1 b ad ave H etît bacl.the tue parked crtadnthpetbialuetrun Siithy bigetangaler xi bat he x'tanted anti iec aw beer saey ilo the plceietnigt xi s dar1'and quie wa andtedxitbite tOifia stoti ke setaitincaguaredipgt xi ho int osey biyhrd s re bead Ar 'startteo tther adfdr , eav-r thesirte tse qte aeard, llîobut trccd îîd w, akiabocg Ib ig ivî Csroniucdiîîg te rii roît 32. Public store- bouses M1 Layera 35, Sipknot 36. ecttion 38, Raised 39. Weep 40. fteciiue 41. Airptane tbrottle 42. Centrai AmericSiS tri 43, T'ait 45. 'Tie boy' ýýji.Licr c ijnty c ily gcS c bardid ed wlîeg cunr clîildrec hadet 'b e sepurated cOiI avil te ofotnr tb bersi ad nter Couy"Tle rwn "Thetn o e agalngenaemn wlaeoniredpoe.Bu ygr would hvenn o hat.Seaî u.s i. Weanard 9t-e sai e faf titat W ot Sngaged. m "u * mac to takei oer trage cild suetw h hdbe rairgsuti * difernt iaiies yiiegv *it her 'It Se asfrm utai e ac 1 "Oter lîidrc otourow * o ha l-oot er-ntlon ayu ne gh- " li du e r i rm m îr t *sIheolruhdhilcyg u * tli iad I ga soe xplin o "g 1 1 d, I can t'i"J ou * 'Sot il w t trogh lblicr *lýl -a bapy fail, uied b ,~ * hdry anînusefsidevLc tb * wal. be cidr are rd *need lî~ecIldeoft mn n s Iar pxriý- rou o s hk b *s orld . nsbcv n v *eu wie ustas ler Sinhae dnc is "A 11uil s'rotcn reh l A.nî cbldî wen b ilben.S ieji inomban oer ima's ousetak- tek.oe te cdymd ~my * mean si icig thr tîer i Saýtd gond time b nuth a rnissedor et fhe la ivr sc d toed tinotîcc. cl offer ber thistu telie h palert patspls lc ,rppl liti peplm - e sîoulierseamje Patcrn499 nses iii sizRESS 4 (2E) i RcoinsR(sarnps annt b i~itel t,a NeluTrott ilnt e. -, - ________ CÀ By Rv. R Barlay aDrn- Apoalyticliterature in The Bible te 1:-; 215,1 Golden TextailiKngoîofIs ohe SLord, an til i his;at i Rn veat is11.15. the q a rter 'slso Jp pitl co iclud of tll tîd f pcay' ttc hiterare1.Thwodaclys tb peiacdrm rekwodwbc teAsl tcer atirfea10a Rn nuairîn, at I car aDa- for bati imer." fbi Iai pps xi s 1 ecouag bu pOPenIGt pi itSiorcs.Etnieuei r~-doW\e ~. Cto~ke a1-,;'t -seat mt vbelsoviletget one's neres ani da s There, arc differenit was of exiýpresn wish for one aciother iec ' l --ierl wee ks ago aFiend sied methi qesin-Wb is yu first thougbt Ii onectioiLwb Chriîmas" Itwas one of seveîra oausionnaire w:hich she hatji beeiti ascti to haecopltdTe query iri-guié:me I,-ai I ii tur "Wha is yur irt tîuh icn niec:tion -witb Christusas?-ý" Give jour self an bonecstan]swer aidyoun il toyou. In the Ilmnirne erap yuwolil iketokowsm Oeyugfellow st ia abr 1Chisenîas anid crl eesynon- mu.Caroljs -. ..aloeytugt il wolti e bad -- think uft Chi svithot crnwud' Tbt ovely ittecro sstl sai, s'î-but îvweJabc a1d lite-ndas n eieraoui cOarnerismesAgemin wsg ant "Joy kto IbMLe worti ." anthe Ilt hiov a, Irrebrlyni bcdthetoand lbstng,innylte roon acra he Ariantiewaîng for The ig ock in thec Cburch on the marctsqar wulnsrîe i0 fniiar aros. oîsctie lwu iii hospital; and later ivitls my wif@ and chîldren around me. Yes, Christmas to me is. jus.t that-a family circle as complete as we caîs make it." Possibly that auswer will be te-. peated rîany finies ox er by those who read tbis comme. Perbapa it is the siuiplicîty cff That Clsris.tmas SO rnan~ years ago-of Joseph and Mary and the Inîart .iesus-a com- plete famiiy picture p~rhaps it B that whicl~ seerna 10 tuake a farnuiy gatbering so exactly symbolie to tii of what a Christrnas~ ought to be. Looking back through the years, if we cati remember. Christmas iu our homes a~ a happy time-a time of loving and giving; of considera- tion for the old and understauding for the yonng~ then ste cati be quit.e sure the. Christmaa message ut Peace and Goodwîll definitely bail a place in our hearîs and our homes. If we have such meinories then we bave much for xi hich to thank our parents Yes, it ta surely a wonderful thhig for a gronti person to be a.ble to Iook back to a happy childhooîie symbolized by many happy Christ- mases, eî en thougli there might not be too n ce i of thîs world's goods to do witl. But if yocsr are yonng, witb n~ost of yonr 13f e before you, and wîttt little childeen hi your borne, then whate ce you do, give tbem mem- orles , . . rie riones of Cbristmas to treasure t±rougb tue years. If you are in doubt as to whether you are giying your cbildreîî the right kin~ of Cbristnîas asic yourself this question "W hert rny children are growî up what ix iii their first thought be in connection with C1ristnîa~' 'Ibe ançwer depenils on X OU, And in agaîn-"A 1x~j pv Chris Answer to Th s Week's Puzzle - '1 <w 16. Tavero struinent E20. ot ensOy ,,iw---onFd 22. Lasso orte unit 23. Ortental dlsb Mie 1s24: set out iffening 2M Chairs owe,'ring 29 Taliîdiy nt 30t. Nocturnai ,ies animsal

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