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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Dec 1948, p. 4

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The Oronô Weekly TU Â,dvertisinig Rates on request' Subsi Try our up-to-date Job Plant. Our sure to please, and our work ip of ?ublished every Thursday moûrning at t -Authorrized as Second Class M4ail, Po st Office Depa -1 R. A. Forres Established Ja.nuarýy, 1937. THIANKS TO POSTAL STAFF Once ag,a word of tribnrte is due Ihe staffr of tihe Post OGfficýe for a spleýIndid job cone during tbie exacting draJYSý and weekS cof ipre-Chr-istmas. Ail of us are giad f'ing àadltters and'ý parcels.. Few of us, posiiy ae fulryarware Of the 'work naie n ilhe handliig ofsïLuh an extra 'vol'urm0 f mrai as,(IGhris'tm-as bringe. in a rural oiuntrlike our ovwn, thie men of rarral ser- virces should O Iemenbe ,d,îth gaitd.TUe ne 'okof a mrad convir is oftenfime-lu difflout sdunrpleasant. Thieseppeope' serv e us fait' fidly tbroLglout tlie year. At Chrstmilas, they flnd th]eir wnr geety increased, hiii eingwit t oart ftre afnt 1ecentr'al p)ostofie Trains are clelayed, and the mnail is fre- quenrtlly quitte late in rnl igfor. sýorthf'g. Insteaill of hvn a huad strtfr the bigÏ(ger iih aitart ad,th couriers are cbliged Vo lbave eta laite huir, aud run riScihalzard ,of comlliin !--lae ie out- goMIngMabil. Puwhl iaterrs i itseif intuo ne (of 1hustie and bus- Vie. Thaýt is thle reason1 we d 1w1ch atetO f ourredesto the de~iab1ia f patienc, and cniertoltoward tilpeo llu the p stai sevicer'Ititslm of ya.- They fil'a bi place in the or- dee lvswe foilow. They iso, have thieir own ives to live *A Mery Criînaasis madc lininri(ly ùhemerr by the services cf the po-,s' 4 office. Here *is *ur public expression of thanks. * a 0a MERRY GHRSTMAS The "Tlimes" as an aotive and smoethiy funotiýonding (weekdy, je dependont upon its rmnrny correspondonts for u steady influx of nowms. We woid 'k1e Vo lake tdais 'opportunity of expressing Our thsnkS to ail, wtho in anly ay, have mad'e this paper the surcess we krnQw -it Vo Ibe. A home town paper bas an appeai al] ,5 ewn. it se often akes the Wor of "a letter frnm home" teutdae large ýcïrcle of readef s ouLý -ftown. LocaI folleiook for The Times midi the return o ' Thurs- ~duy, ald business me1n c se lt as thdeir logicéaland effecive umessie of avertiCi.peiriodkcnhy, we aie elbltPiged to run extra pages, thfat, we nm irale areof aIl the nareat our dispai. TIn short, "The' Times" ools out upon.the com'unaiy, and thae tomamiy ooks in upon "The Times", and thiiej a spienid i utuai understndinga aresuit. N;ow that 'Chfrielmnas is argain w\ith us;, we stop for a momerrnt cf rtrospeot, ascee anew the cordiaity of thýe people wsïth wh -ce dea1.iWe pause l'o' sy "Merry Chrha mas". likewise, we gaze suao the comlNg year with hope and zetW e M ii g on doing a .good job .The reasen tis A s s je because wve fed il tat the ioy-aIty of our staf and public wHIi extend into that c'oming year. The newsy quit~of nau bIettererd'eveaa yKt To you wiho have .,erýve(i usz, we say "tbank pou". To pou wbo nay asist us duisg1949, we say t i advance ",than'k you". *We wouddl ibre to niake the Ne-w Year a banner year for the "Tî'mes", raad witrih your support rwo ill acconmpish just that. « 1 * . a a 'The uniiversai ppa of 'Cristmas shiould prove a sùurc.e of nomfort Vto a lot of uus whio see thins ,ntEïs old; world going frorm bard to, worse. Wlhen We S'ay -'i;id toWOrre", ned'o not wish Vo infer that sus our ewi-vew Quite the opposite. Tliilngs have been iii a badxway at vari*os peri'ds, aI:l tbrough the two thousand yea'rs sinice the Star of Betieierhem ïst appeared'. There have heen wars end rumeunýqrs of wr.Thiere have been InJusticesr, rivairries, hates, and dýlissenisionis ail the wray d'o'wn the line. Yet, Chrisitmas lias sur- Vive, Men of goord- %villIi ave ke2p thte season alive because goed- 'ilI stili dlorinated t'heir ivs The thimg we have o ften poyndere~d is' tlIiis - juat whlat LMnd of a--i idcoulirwe devellop if we cnit ant'iy an ' loyaij1Y %were to pran ie ,e pirit of Ohristmas through- ont4 thaenutire year. ReumemI4iýe, ithe true sprit of Cthrist'mas is nt rapedup iii aiy mere feaýstînig, v.Isting, gift exchanging or al dhose xena feaQ'ur-es rwthi h so frequenaly rob uas of thle sühs ta e, and leave rou tihe sbiadowv. Clhri ' meanis sJneply tle Toiorwng oef!the biblical ïijuii- tion to "g-oee un1o Btihe I.tV nieans b'rotherrly love, ýa regard for the rights of others, 'a readty response u the cry; of the poor 'and fhe needy. To say thiat we have f'orgc.tten aid of (these bligatioýnsi is to iplace tihe oird wor-l ido the lUcetstatI'e possNe. 'But It is rot so. Qhri'tmos'iswhus yet. UChriisÉmas wiii ever be weith'us. Ouruliaterazato of its als'i'gswill cone When we can go handc in hand wi- thie Crs a spirit rIght -on own through the year. AVERAE CAAIANCATCHIES COLD 3 TI1MES YEARLY Staisics lreveaIillatCadas un the average have Ibres coidesa year. Very fe'w erpe i Acom- m1-on mlenlace to health. Unlfo0rtun- 11tely snfar sece bas noIbee-, able te pin Odovsen thle coid (virus. Tt cannot be seen un'der a mir-sepe arid nt im'ucb lis kowa about it. With iera1-t"y mli f c ts , sody cl the beet guide 1A preventing tnerm seeme V- o be in faily simpivlle eewomismion srsne peatin Th- pria-1 cipal thingý is Vo keep the tody'e re- 3. Eat Ligehtly, drinkç pianty of mwater, 'brorth or càl'trus juices. 4. "iSwealt ouI" the cold. Take hot lemonaJde anýd a hot bath laefore going' tol bed. Puit extra coverýs on1 the blaed. 5. Kýeep ýîAwarlY fromy other people. 'Coug¾ 'or sneeze inllo a paper handkerihief t ati be'býurned. School Board Meeting The arnnua! meeting o lS.ý S. No. 1'2 will be held in the 'Schocl FHouse, Oron-o, ioni Wednresday. December 29th, at 8.00 o'clock.. :iuIb mil] ng Mac-i 's nrot onjy an teadg y treat, but lt wili also ha the o)pening of the imiprùved rinýk, diheti Asoeditin hould 'b tled'on tbce woiderful i- hient-Wfhich they bave raade on ren ia. The p'eople of this dis- can nrow- rerserrve a 'seat ina ad- by calling bt Goopers Barber wdihere a stpian~ will be for The Ti leyý Years.A Oïs.e pair od pînsi lin leathier case. ~ rt Timnea office. SwxeetP orat ing, Glav'ke 281 -ry us. VOur 'FLatt, R. R. 7 r 1:3. -Daly çek P ORT H Fri. & Sat. - D, "1DEEP WAl Withi Dans Anii( Peerisd Deani "NIGUHT TIME IN Starring 1l Roy1 Mon., Tues., Dec.-27-28 IIEN YMY BABY SMILES AT MW'9y WihDan Diiey eiý4 d 'tty Grable (Iii- Elecinico . r) Wed., Tur, ec. 29-30f Introducing oisCllier "WINGS 0F TUE MORNING," With lenry Fonda and, Aneabelia (lu Tech.) Real Estate 93,500 - Farm, Cavan Town- ehip 20 aces,100 workale, balance good pasture, frame house, 94 foot eeiroe barn, wefl and ove-rflowing -- 50 acres, ip, good land. Clarke s110 70 a c res>, Clarke i:ýî, 20' acres gooid bc lanid, balance timber, )s1ein N, , "35. A good eispotuui ) taseccure< a choice '65 foott, lo,tfor $prhtkg use. Prosectie biyec's will do weli to) imvesItigate some ut the properties 1 have privateiy listed. EEROY IAMILTON BROK TER Office Ph.ý 32-10; Res. 1-16 . Orono, Ontario ~F. WARD RîSTER ,sOLIcI1TO()Pl NOTAR 825 eeid~c.409 Pari 0, Trn R. R. non., of lk 140 ".4(omec4qQ4 S pIe" Our Wish for Yoýu is a B3RIGHIT, HIAPPY and, JOYOUS CIIRIST-MAS SEASON *MRS. L. REID Phone 9 r 7 O ONOQnarie BabyChicks :ý Order your Baby Chicks NOW GET THEM E ARLY! EARLY CHIICRKS ARE TIE NMOST PROFITABLE Chicks liatched early f ast Spring cashied ini on the goo1 prices fr eggs and pc,-ultry mneat this late Summer and Early Fal.j Our breeders are selected, blood testedt and especialiy f ed to ensure huskier chicks STARTED CIIICKS A SPECIALTY Barred Rocks, f ast featherinig SWhite Rocks, excellent laying strain SHybrids, N. IIamps and B. Rocks. SWhite Leghorns, R.O.P. sired. U Lght Sussex, from Euls Bros. (fam- ous for Light Sussex), Nova Scotia. w' vatir Chicks with confidence from Our DAIRY l. Insi ram 2,Marvere, fo, steer. 0O'ner (cý provinrg bis 2 ar, GereSe!( t and awa. IO AniusBýu-ght and Soid SleêOur lice of Dra-pery Mlaterial Kitclsern Uvits madç e to rder C- F. Duncan Phoano 916 -ORONO Free Estimates will bE Given UCheerfully on. ROC.k Wool Home Insthia By Blowe>r system, Four inches t Insulation District1 Du] re for IR. R. Waddell, Sec. SEND US THE NAMNE 0F YOUTR CHRI'STMAS VISITORS Wekncsv t tbere wiIbe-i n-r« theiofe ;6.3Olept.r 8.00pM. Wednesdays by aent 0131Y - ORCNO ait yourI. t same-

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