ilg wvas supplied bý and lis 6-piece dai Tiie big ovn f t'he draw liefld airoui five tuLkeys, fi chic'kea'ns, aIso for ;- il ReU Esywith ,he 1lar is ýattached, ,)Lit cf' the dravw ew one2doli- widely R. Deanm, 198 ?ercy Sltreet, aro); -\Jr. A. Merýe, 'tih Fest e'ict Street,Osaa ville, Eowmaiia11e; T. J. il Leacl, 96SteWaUt S., Peterl_ HIi OrstonBownianvil, Dawson, 2-17 Pjitazon o il Joan 1llutchings, 98 Raeval Toronto; Lloyd Ranîsberry,, ?md judy Brown. N'ewcastle. Chickens Mrs. Wesý. Wood, Oirco; Raney, o:ro; C. E iCrrn Queen St,, sa ;A'pvlla1 Tyrne Pan aldbe1 Nicio'l> The d'raiw for 'Miss Beýty cý greait deial of exbeorn ticket lcle beingý Stanley C BLESS U.ý ,RY ONE" \\ 0 T ed Woodyard HwQ ILL December 3l1st ýs of the Iýoard of Management PQN'S 6-pieee DANCE BAND- rto, will be lin attendance. Lucky S,'pot Dances and Lucky Chair Prizes .TS - HORNS -STREAIMERS evEhIg~piruce A very fine etertairient ad CIihristmas Tree awratd nalîoý capacity auîdiic I to ISt. Svor Pa rish Hall las:tModaer ng fr. Georg "e fiichell at&a hamnan~d in his affable ailcd ef- ficienitrimanner oarried theoi~ h fohJowiu prgrame: pening hmprayer by Relv. D. R. Dewi- ney, vocal soo by M'Artihixr Bell of Bowbnlýanrvjlle, recitfation~s 1)y lDî;l phlasly, Joyce HnTn iehl Bilky Toniih oI, -ll ars dl and MrgaretYork. wvere suitablly itrpl p out thile lis.nem, a n-ian, Diane PaeJ~ nld 'a carlol clicins nne4op of tbcae Sunda S(hocg Mrs. E. JT. Brown,gtaios11~~ ored -%vith pimio iu . c er lier played a uch a'opfi r c ia ted f *p)al, Ciuect.- A vcl ooby Mi. C. ayo aind a VOca- lcluet h1,MVs\r. W.C. IL Mitceill and C. Taylorhipdror out a prganm -greatIy enjoý- by 01l. Rerc. D .D<de~ loc od w ,er-e timiely,anid inkeepi-ng wi lic spiîrit of ICiistmas. Th J'e arri-uaI of Santa aOlus hroruht ileliglitand gifts ta loiinzg and old. A echoice lunv as served at 1,h1e eose cf the PARK STREET CHIJRCJL HOLD SPEGIAL1 XMAS SERVICES Much kîily coamriment w,,as ocens- sïhyned by thre CnstsSuipdy soir-ý vices Of Park St. cihureh. Fq'om bie Procssivaal jirymn to',)he org1an post- Inde 1ýt 'the close, the nrorning ser viereso1ved itself into -a jynsex- reio f pra1se andtlakgvig Two anthens, a m1ixed quarteitte sectoand a heautif-m.iloo b y 1Mrs. A. A. Druimoïid were ma tile choral cnrbtos The pulpit area >vrs suitairly de- coratDed withi two lighted trees. At' trctvyp rep ared Il ~rof ser- vice', progranis were pjrovîded for- ai! eyolmun lcan1ts, aid th11e sao spirit pnet1-1 e lentille Scelle. r'esPomciVe readings lnttheir ]part,l ia in hawill l)e aieino-raýuble daiy ati tUhe c4 hurocl. Thie evnin srvice wuvs giv cn Over Vo caroil s ig and thie s mca hby Rev. A. E. Eustaqcebi oe' evidence cf that careful preparation lwhich enablesý the minister t im-l part' to bils people a msaewîl will fie carnied1 along, even into tAieý hu îary c pe~h1trssek Muci cl f thie icesof biheseer- ces~os V Ms.W. E. C. Wes'ai the or'anist, anid to Mr.Woma, whou was ilstrumenltal in bhe tan in'- cf iUe dioir. IMERRY CHRISTMAS An abundance of good wish-. es, good health and pros- perity forý the com-ýiing NewI Year. We wish to thank you ail for your patronageý and co-operat-ion in thesel times of shortages, anad ex-1 ltend to you a pledge of bet- ter service in the mo t corne. MERCER'S.GA RAGE May Year good) C anld the com-ing New bestow tupon you hýeah, happiness fr-iendship - the most im1-portcant pos- sessions in . life that, monmey alone can't buy! M4any thanks for your valued patronage in the past year. MNay wTe have the pleasure of serving you again in 1949., LUNN HARDWARE.j ONTARIO Jimc TOLL SElIOS Cnut/en orged TO ail MOTORISTS and PEDESTRIANS This is anl urgent appeal to ail citizens, motorists and pedestrians alike to co-operate earnestiy in keeping down the deýath and accident toit on' Ontario streets and highiways. Gare and caution in driving and ýwalking are necessary at al drues- but particuiariy so in the holiday seasôn. Decemrber is a dangerous month, with more hours of darkness and changeable weather conditions. Preoccupied shoppers, young and oid, are abroadl in great niumbers. In the excitement of Christfiias time, people sometim--es tend to forget their castomnary caution. As the end tif 1948 approaches, let us ail join together in determining that for the %vhole Province we wilîi make it a saje as weli as a' happy Christmas and New Year. WHETHER WALKING OR DRIVING Be Courteous Be Alert Be Careful (Ë IT EASY-DON'T TAKE CHANCES DIPARTMENT 0F HIGIIWAYS GEO. H. DOUCETT i i s N s N N 'N 'N "N N N 'N N ifs N s s N j> 'N NI S 'N N q 's N N N -'i N N 'N 'N "N N s of.Torc '-:$1.50 Per Person .rom 10.00 p.m. te 2.30 a.m. %! 'l Ceý M Le-&-à.