AlfredRek -Pies. J T t'are deit -- rS. tC. ML jolies. Vice -Pre G-M< eo. Xii bil eary Ms Frank Ghnr 'Surler -M&Arth'urRdka worlk of llî* ocerty krh- ar hast 'een very gratIfying. and a woci hour iirought the g to a Close. W. 'M. S. Elect Officers ,nniial .iieetit-g of lihe W.M.S. tiie pa;r n:age on iWecbiesdaY j )o', .1ith imt. Mrs. Rayxmond i nad ch-arge ýof the study book. 'els s. (À"' ~~ . oip res.- Mrs. G eo. Mc Christmas is the Ltime of the year when we can ail best express our thanks for a year of plenlty. Let us ail open our hearts and help our not so fortunate nihos Orono Coal & Lumber D %ECEMBIPEr. is here and with àt lurks the "common cold>5t, On-arîo cidziz&s IJ are reminded now of a few simple helpfui rules to safeguard their health, and that of others. Prevention of the common cold is the responsibility of al, and if everyonte plays his part much unnecessary iilness, expense and discomfortmavbe avoided With the holiday season looming ahead, when so imuch happilles,- epends qon everyone feeling fit, why run the ,risk of 4 catching cold "-or leting ipembers ~ of your fatpily face that danger? In the interest of parents and familles, the Ontario- e D mient of Health recommends every Ontario citizen to study the commai-sense precautions suggested below and act upon them, !Talke ptenfy .of rest. Avoid becotning eunduly ired. Endeavour te f~ow a weiI-balanced diet. ZAvoid becoming wef, chilled or ovor- e.heoted. If clothing becomes wef, if should be changed as q uic s P-oSsibIe.' 4 I a cold overtt§k.s you, go to becl untfl it e mproves. If it doos nof clear op rapidly, do flot hesitafe toseek medical advice. Be thoughtfful of others. Mf suffering front a coUd, do flot spreaid germs hy couching or sneeziflg -penly, ir Avoid crowds ats far cos possible, fW DiEPARIMleENT 0F HI FOR THE PROVINCE OF ONTAI Secrotary- Mt-l\1s. Ceeu -Rcinison. C. Buley. 9?epelaee Serc. - Mrs. J. T. Oon~mnity Frienishiýp - Mi s,. Bahy and -Mrs.Chaat. Morris. Assýisant - ýMis. Edgpar HIasrcmort, eleveC-il * Bru avlrs. Mr. yens. il 'l ter arn w 1HI * e 147muei 'y j 6 1 1 0 &