>L TALK S Ani~ews sept me o' ftcr lu ch, if i ristutas, J thouî e shopping mig spa i mîgbt ci new or novel- vu I maçaht ex et anci came * You sec tg so fast, lu and ont, * a dive for n entirely. suai crowd tales sbop.. jeave tnt Mofher's elves -flower ne f0 t pacleets, laeke tl !. I - viii l1c ssu itIIberl",e ailý the sl-c lerIs- of up e r atanîîly oit n littl ioffic br'tasspir-it qmndarstig-piace behlind th'- of thei F'iog nd ly1e1as ed wa oasda !ing laid ~ ieveoth-glm f0 sk.TbcyI BeingIll" iysil, h iuetn callingand wbyThe next day. ib secreary titi itht fsv h rCA Ue, Ana hitoodfifeenyeaýrs o1 Tom ick nd HrryAndt t 0i',streef 'gr. rii rapn (1rwea-idgrndugtr by th of--c, GraI-)lino eo "Sean, dear -v roo"ana brnis tkehveybi s xie avrsiaevrcsuut ore for thla l a flic ite lay st the ic î irliburried ta etof Te en oet topi Vcliey 1 (1,[teC rsîas ii5.t O Lî Wby isc bonl thecwndcto onrf h w hdt wlcs couple af blocl'IWp tre ~ again thîsfinieI -nojced man deafhy wbte-ad strp-litigtsg Bv TOM GPFcREGOY WT T E AK 0 WiiHA '57U8BRL RUSTED H4EAýD, TRiY 0FTE SCR EWD RVERP OUTRN T NGAND JARR1CN% ACTIO0N WLLYOO.eNjÉF a mles are er NoGtat 0our-tale clineil is po longer limiitedti ta ,,liclargewif gr'ianidnaQfbe'rscons'idereCd Ithe 1olV îbiltg for 'I lady'stalaite ýsbops arcli o1-11f 'a]sorts ofen fic-ing anid clr Il ho es - oîlies,rnesanid s forth, we îchdof lIondc2rinigif they re o ta reain iIeir oiinlattracivle- \Vhieale l inen xnalïy bec ale jîî,tt a t other wite cfosand Il]etis; tOat isý, fiStoali tem;n iukwar sus, asbthIeut in fresh *]bot suds,. hsoubyrinse thetu nd î dry iii.Ille alIl. For coolueipccs oevr n 1,e-s anc is ostieheclosare7 fas, a litte ente sbould bc taken fa preserve eoriginlal 1ttractivenIes if te maeiail. jnst as for clrd lhankies the sae roedreis faL, ahal types of, colored table linenils in kewarm- or coolsds, ta booghyrinseý thoincear, lkwnmwafe, ýraîl ut aTnrishtowcl ta remove h rol i aîîd bang ta dry at once. Soî i e thinnier materiais ar e r(eady ta iran aIonce.Articles withe emrider-yor a ppljiqucCId desi gnia )looli bafift Ine D on t 11e wVron,11g i di over a sot pad such as sevrai tbcîessof a Turkiai towel. Tits akes the boieystanld ont and loali morg iketî ew- Wben: flic iiotrriat atg froug y d ry, ns if eft dmp ittendsta av pcoerd effct wit Square or oblong round doimis aonl th bedof thel Lie ale math; o crohe etsr mn tb orruect saa Miee Cbn wet, clos,-oete w' ihl( liinen. ran i ih iran and(tilep ithe lithe lace is;quite X lace clofIlie Aig and the very1 sbonid be ý2used Ih awarm waIf was pJLlce table clais hi case!tapreventfear bales slioud be ný tablýclotb is an uhti b aenl adsptswabi water, caffeet saibsBrown gravý buiitter saishould bo0 wlndpourng bY e keti held f a h-i waymr btslthe tain amfer what the sf an ce. pint i wth pInbepine stt of f)aIe)5 shinýg i ýg or plo t1 r it 1, nd f th thne t aller stains ot ineol pc r cratan s %vfreted by n that Ély, anti s is ai( isi lest cnp choppedtesw wltaspoon anilia est e gg yolks. Add sgrgs Pen the nutsdates and vanilia. Lgs, add ellbae g hts Cak ànawveryslowaveUmnmtw 9na-inch sae pnsu ab o have tatfvr finilig wiehyo' Some srt of trerat faput in tPose lunch boxes is a prob"im wimanyý and l'ni sure tht thse snd frts, wviI bý-e warmciy rc 'vd nmle w f Crte lunch-boxes Dinyotir Sanid Tarts I1 cMW brown sogar ¼cttp shortening 1 teaspoon vanila 4 faspeon sai l1 cps four Cinmnand augar sugar Blend àn te egg, saavng out fli vanilla!Ad our, siffed wýi4h thec bakng powder apd ýsaIt, Mix wi. Chili,, PRail ,,int wi hccookie cufferý, brush wif h lightly beaten eýgg Nbite, theti apjrinkle wtithcînaonnn gar -(ane abeponsuigar taone fourt b teaspoon itînaon).Balc iii a 350-degrcetavuî for 10 minutes. Ther are proab.y57 varetes- or mor-af dmognutsmoat of, fliem good, and if you've neyer tied flua kind, yon'vebeen issing somefbing. Just a word of warn- inthongli.lIfyou expee tseml falast ieub kepfhe snder- lock nd kyttis f yonr foîks Cocoa ognt Ip cpSuger 3 tblepoons at or sai rten ingeI i easpdoon baking owr au mte ap o saitég ly usfur(prxiaey Method, c'ius cess ht1m ltmc ofa peFanutbuter "fan» e rsonialy btteeare s ywhlo10ve h for i Àqsau2tceý, t e das a tp Peaut uttr Suer 4ei (tlespons peautute penu ute, hblend wel. bc long f0 them - teis ws t IMrs, Sait, I 4Ridge iiiiD-rive- Toronto !0, Onit. - uoohag ntaDîrtd b. D O . Prreooiption geO O me cm" in. Maut p copic1e s for n cing ac h fauty actio"n of idneys and >livert See how m ýuch btcc;yo 1fel ate taicing Drj. Ch]aseýs Kde-LvrPis, and your kidneyýsan iebohfle That -a -because this tm rvnDr. chase lreniedtretsteocnitosa o!c-cnaisspcalrmdial ige dients for bofit the kîd!ney aiver djisorders whichoffenca1usebalac If ,y\ou're feelinïjg wr-nrd liver, Try Dr.Cae ide-ie iittfc malt, snds rted otiarcd 500 iii are< Is y~ e~t Cita- byt and Ibm 4"This Coming Year" "Thiscoînig yer I'dliketo 1be a, frîend ta vroe Idlike ta- feel each 14ay well speýnt at setting of thel](_ in; A' Jle to kuow that1Ilave dane at Mea coe CKipdly ee Before Ilay ime down to sjeep that I have given heed- Tob sone oue's ry for smahorfisi o r tiat i Have imade ère day seem ighttome chance passer-bly, .And that the trord is better sili in just sorne Hfli vay, Bccause lave ried to live eveybesýt J cold eacl[day "P'd MIkto be a ray of ligltit when skies, ar, xeca A' )ike to help tome one aho failed f0 blot ont ail te pari, To stltaandespite th'e somanjd finýd thfies r l To know th-at in this goo-d oldwrd teeslsth'sfn and tuec, M' like te be the kind of person vro1svl oe A' Mie in ail my deaiigs to be true and just andfar ThtGdwilihelp e do hese hings sham be Myedaily prayer." Sa s'