Great Britain For ore h -, tiO years en a- srong -actor i n f hle 1doings; cif ~ lon afîe the reat Queeul's deat, NowilIoos s bouh t lias i ae endaloi 1te ai Cigpoît itos ýow5suforni ii1 brtrieol v ha ber belved risorels. nedny shul b prplute, nthat the -as eue wnCitergpts, "around Bucingham Palace0Ii svAbrt rvr rince and posie future rulrof alrVhb isp-of-Canterbur, "Chr Pliilip Arîhu Goge ad le îi offlcally li known oras "Pinc The Pnncessand thçhuban hav bsowlcosieBle oldi s inritrou IC i the Stuant1namCit Averhi had f ollning odisfran ben e lacd iiy, ther namsofer-ei cm A ousawîth whichte B0iisc But the chie f ams as met wrmly elcome anotmeraBonie nîze tht th litle rine shoul Thme theitronke, wumanu beffrlegs1ofbecrowed "Kin FoChrthe Trkd Febwob four nemesand it is far moriel Se'. enh." ooede Andwevertht's ooking aulng Onc ay hedand hke erepoabiy Dïncoetwrd wover, writ n h tit magazine iead Te has wity uIle oem whiche on otion6c hat ea bli awl mae esonmait sti be operaing-i the oýu iid agein Espiaecf iligoveru- met forts 10 t amp luothem n.i goeIles:vrn Tere was uaecro Ondmages Seltîn ulegs f crohe ar 11e"npauaroteofcorperan Atrgd e h crooked bues Uloercgthe rooed sly, n Discovered wha teydid-ten And no the cst ofcroked [s thirty rked quid Ane dichere'sa ftoleitoe oieh eulésraes Chal, posseissu, oheher fitaofsoate paveternalim has been gmew alterrae Co îg apbictlphonfie bot Ms pasl en yer ai a wageai one L Good Shot But Wrong Targ'et -I TonyAam sýtopped \ai Cayfroil)aki"btat toulchdlowiý post. hadnj1jt got iil the wayý. ÀAs itiIs W'Lt id -olli~ home fre" Te e jis from ian-, feso aw ae. a isis Ilie lime of earwet ai ý uno ports %wri ters --atter wh1alth mae ook', like a terr-itie aîomut Lf imenitail labor a-nd distreas.' - give thir readers a thnill by,> of ail tinigF, takinýg abckadgnc aIýýnj whaî liasappeued in thewnl o f sport duin-g he yer jsî past, udalso aittemptin)g 1' forcas whlat is habe lecoule off in Ihat whici lie aheaied, Aclually, we d fo't mimdofes ing, it'S1s jusî bout svs a dow wbtevr appus 0 ticn!,k in thec wleofyour immd regardingý wliat weiit befoe-shoving 1ina suitable intervals, "as exclusîvely', predicted in this zolumun", asyu know darued well nobody ":!l're- member exactly what you saîdorý go to the bother of looking it 11-. Then, as h o the fiture. you js put dowu wh' iat happens to b nobody ,will eveýr pay any attenlioji to your prognustications auywa- or recal ow far off the heam yeni were lwo days after the evenýt lia proved yon ail wet, Weil then, proceeding on that basis, lc's take a peck at some of our personal forecasting triumpbs during tbe year 1948. The Turf- which is the way some of the old- timers still allude to the horse rac- ing racket-is just a f air sample of the way we gol sîrictly on tbe beani and stayed there. We only allcmpted t10 p hpebbl wînner of two horse races - the Kentucky Derby and ouc w King'- Plate. In the Kentucky affair we advsed-sceveral montha in Advance-havîng a nice wager on a horse ,vbose name weý just bappen,> La disremenber ighît now. H(, broke dlown in training, or didn';t show enough forml in bis late works to warranit -spending a starting cee on im; and whentibe starter said "COMMENCE" lie was among those m-issing. And so our clients didn't lose any money on him - except, of course, those who had bet on bim in the future books. In the Kîng's Plate, we vere a trifle inore cagey, flot mcntioning any one horse as our fancy, but dlnging it îmb our trusting clients' cars that betting on a steed that3 had wintercd in Canada was nothing but, financial suicide, sncbh anïimals flot having a Cinîaman,1's &hance against thosàe that had r- ceive the benefit of that mie Fl1oridaý or Californiasuhne So wial iappûedSothislip that liad seli ie winterpeniod basking up to bis earai-ce n- tarie sno-Sim--plyropdbne the faces ofaIl the 1ýSoern se- jouruers wilbout.a btofrube ISSUE i-14 a,,onipar;itively poor iii)-towi 1one of (our1-big races, even 'ifno TontMaple Leaf s along abtosit" Juyatbmould be so firm-ly e1ý lrnhdin thle celiat that not fieven- TNT -onildblast ther ot, Th Leýafs kepl our rcord inta)ct by beigit 4up.there, baýttliiig'foi final weekor so). We m-usl ofs thlwe hïad a ralir aro qua ini the Big Leagues !liavingý'-be'fo)re howver na l tat very in came ho as~-buti-i helastfe days of the 'racethe LBýotn e ox Heaven blesa 'm lpe o.n! mÂvn15 tai ne mfls coLm4 dhe ring for ail ime, uneeaed and the cepy an tepiece ýwas n"ýee aI bad rek or LuS,.For if litl had appeared, swhaî a persoulal rup Me mould buve considrd it-nos- thnt Loui js schauged buismd' cwd thepromles are pîcki aogtheheavywcigh.t debris Io id somehody te shove Co the ring with bim corne nexl junc Thl ould have made a fà.tiuî cliax10our for2castrcodfor 194ý8. SI!, wc uppoe, agulycn have eveythig! bel you can h; "ait! On Book.- Soie cbooks uar ïte b Ilthers te 'bc wlwd ew are lebechewed onlýy in prt;ot!hers te lieb read wolly andwl 4{i, attention Mseiin~ or btheu- imraisine Ottawa. Joi This Is Part 0f The Western Allies EuropeanHadcerneanlir' Britin nd he Uile Sttes, are atloggerheads ov1ý üer vfiat 10 doûw hth ,C aill-powrfulindsrilher o erînay. h' ipcture shocws part oÀ the bg They Doû'T) Steni ~ iced gi In The R0-ete façlt e~luhtieeu oa 1 11llate n Alie isthefamus uhrValey n Grmay. cCe e shovws Loadng cal a Duiberg tle lagesîinlaid prt i Euope. 1 i'uerto lis -y tapes. s'" ide et -2 ~oi~ * bine. 55-4 t, Atlan- ý(on