-- QFÉQNO ONYTHY , T 1»ý,AîvN 7t$, i~4 Mcrpo $1.Ope Year - a rono0 JWU ue'e'o à~Uy Are J 28 Hav ý;ý it.Savi*? Annu3l Vesr ~de Or BaLrter? etiseI tedd ~té crday thé _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Thers are vardin san vatio -mi fo tb rin -';: b- Mri ui ' ig nyreeCorT Gn - ç~:~fi rt Nuia o c r gt 0f 'e1,!l i te new yiear, t ily~' icle ar the -ja o ýýA Fi "'i Lir h ana 44 ~ ~ ~ ~ Temper, 14 4444d te 3W4ê eadng 44lt1e W ni-' 14 d of~ 28-i. ýSv ý,1ron~ Unbe'~a~ maisès 4 Idd on Tuesday, stron ýwa>s ieautlifu i 'dli 4 44q-îl Hal~ lCa> et wi1ono on Tueas a , t, tu 1~p Sl. uai ry t 18c, wR h n presidoeril~It chowed miy rn n ,th flulhiiý il gieli a4 Wýnur 1 '. by ~ M~ . BDe1ie When bait w int0r se e s at th -oe - th ý h _ d ritd M m :o epod i*ttethe tirade,< MoeJan 2m l Smi 41p mol 4nor i coneas w etertahnment is for the 'Bridig FuI Paré sc a& s he g ng of ' Me~ c fl-hurch, and te chairha-4 m -,;ins an s -Vc tO <God - ii t' iett ho=e Uur 0.nr ig1r e to charter m lu:a UPut A *'the " ainds of Anli ofrii l 1 ,î'i ýerrlihn prayer, theïr expense adfurish teenter- ean ~'et ~ _ 44' >" "4"'e~ ' b d e rotain eat'as a otibto te tbN,~ a tý'1tue w2 'id ~ ibe - unc -yant Ya 1 My Cri tre M4 WieCn anouce tU - hoit e' týwh e 4,&44 ibd h>i s4, liVe and-oTý-, în r e bedli -h îlnvnbn ým 1a ici4 t~ the tr 1e a nd red h nnu 1nUt,etýý t--, litern's h ýsadfutseM re Baance forward fronxi 1948 -.e $ 18 h head tir gond alivetage. ?1an 'y the creen~t1y 1foried Ji1O Da y" wa 44o -u the Mitr t» tepae emar. e1 this date 4i~ ir d a nd a&t1he Alt#r 3Guild. It ,vas The cinD W M mniyb doi you eefs we-r takeii rvic Go! Ouai, rgi a4 â" ~ O 51y and 25e. ou " U th' aýlou no lueI went'e Fol ~5O says AL Ise nsp, ! jent Provinc ofn Onario inu1l ~P1otgi h '~a e been h eanducted froen the In4 dýo- licirg "Oan ~v ?~e ~ a e Da in' Ontario i4vestoc4k - rnh _----- ------ 170'.4 WFétfljhe' is~~ thr yprý; aiai ta 'n -ar the-e'h -bee ûrýe AL~a sot. ~ ays;,'ail right, O',' he' Onai B.d an W.~rs Bre-es Assocatio ..... 100.00' i-tiw ~three hptisa. A' npir I ca& ngas~ I.> d - e vn njwrs -m : At ita), )by ue ist V Immdr,' Ge tn S Wa- pi '0 aii ot an $li an G.aeday. i sevr tb peebla- Durham Coulity B. and>'W , Assoi tiu>1 ------4444a, b ispp et a , Hen ý 'ak w, Nenoý 'the runts am yours," 'Rh --ou to'-de- ly 4,1 ared?) 4Province of 'Ontario, *Jfuior lr,ý - 48 .......bWa , Nemxtr My od T c un~ das 4UmLe gemmpy uni '<44 liver ard piec, lip. Aýjgrd. D < Idre{41 cmrn- 1 on 51M)~4a Jw&CM 97~ . Gladys Morton, ly Dud'ýe -i", Md chi e'Up, AI. smaid he t;ried to'>envine "hia n« ~o given by <God ta the Jews> Uànted Go-Untie of . an~d D., b474 ---- ,.~ 4Teror sle<, Spri Y~ Gad, Wmtam f 'A3hi1 "naLgn-4CloÉiý u wife - '> me of the gous had t.ibes,Y ont . u giv'en nt iGreotion aae Tommsip 'of Cak ------ 1 4 ..... 20M Oure Ey e idiaer ' ï(w ww Wtpi f~4 but not&n 110n.:N ran go~at h )a'tor estab1t4ed the physica TownshIip of Darlington- ----* Qurq E y iry' Uifaar'ecie; La4don, swei a om 'Arolth ch a ni came h'ýc- N pronjpta 'wihn its Onta.r, !S ~ - ~ - - - - ete Anlais Ever Eight ani joes.ywtk yo a "" aloa n~ad" wated oine of2 J1e gX>ats~- un autbd t hat refular per.-~ $ 201244 Fl â EbiOe1; lK~ale 'G1w, u n, * l ý4 cl ~ res n~aa0 ?t are ileceayy to p refrt S,, iSnirit,4, -v Mrh 'ifl by triiionalfard AL o P -tsIo aÎ n gaec nt, re ld d' îo on inW i ccaionaH pinreaW tV e -MpeLefFieî -... ........- -- - ---0Bcn by Yak1îte, Ba oe- solo-,~ gcat eliveed an f0ke ap a , ;- nàs his phmip' 'Ys he n Nhoe1mh M d"me e Co.1010 he Lot -hod, y'nes W Jkatt' - foie. Ta su $ùh's' aà U tavo nuy A ~ qt v £- een observe-d hi Mo'd- Os -& -----n ----.44,4 -4. . . 1010 [SGWn Car, Love Divine (Welsh 1P of pgy and"a nack fo iwasg coiditins?Y. R j ELai. Wn---- ----- 00 10hurie> by rdaea ran P oa rnro.ç eers'canW possiN'y bc '1- 'olo, iCa4pDe Due, GeorgeI3 _Lf o- lc n dcal'fea44I(}~X U Ridddeil Orono, donations 4 w4 -ý5-44 ")- - ~ fi~ d et sfl'a ~ ~ ctes #i-ni ~thiJy tadÙ i Dr. MIK ni .............. ....... 44 ------44*4444t NiJi e' r 31 o rý m~antest i whsta a T' C trona sfl-l-,, L44tLý ------- ----------ýq 44' " Urcu iw jj was g; d,- a se p2leIhiy Iai B1b4,I Sera-ou C .~ _ Pure choir hUg.a On 0 jhe GYTs al l, ý -\Or ,.; - 'r'<s" dby m ns 'hai m fe s'r and Flat Co -------------- -44 - 109 1 Ctsh o r - ý1r g - e~ 7 i . , foi, p i e enatre r vee........................ . 4 ---------_- -- --- r no l d s M o t n on a pM ~V~Oa e . r'ii'1 'Ciae ai!QA pi-un dUn. Ti PJc Dm~~~~aa ',eu-g -geàg ynmmr 1i1 Chic Lauen Yv one e' ns nheiL 'na eic } a t u fr. i e pt-nseer ad Grlah»erand iremay .........44 .... 4444.. 444444 ..... 1-19.3 il]gu ]~ e tp ~ ~ ' a t e -w r os t ri-4a t' sk . 0 -Y ( o w iFry sth e a w - k s n! n-ecatsi yv l o ne - --------- --- 76 M v ol L Ex s e ilit il. 1__ _ _ _ _ _ _a_ _ Aan~ 4 r -4l'e e sna sprativ, tisa l0 z list ad erri4n Hâ-i nnf k. î'r i a-cie!a.lg i a y r gevs.A ci ut' i 'wý it'ý Therfov th i i1u'cn ec;- - - ie 44'f î ' 4- f -- ne g o* -ai t a- th c a" 14 '4'ip' h t h de s touer e w or nu ni e x- D n col ect on H eavye diersas 'r htgre ' B IEe fl -4nc A " ch è ce V , à nd s id c a_1 I excet44 ma an d h e u 2ep -v~ ' n u e t r .oi 'Aenr in s deeme Light Hersesi Da 188134 Ai e 'l'?'Ohe arei~4 at 44" b ý M w 44s"" 4 ,,hr hdf e t' ront -a 'Vier Tot i a metii Io d fl M i Ti iliensh hn tc an W a o l'li tw) prem lad-i ha She eapcr r S ýr ,T af rz *444444i44l44 194 Fair44 hc 4i t l hE ada'ý"r1 ef af ldgii Ay >~ large ruqiiber ,vec, vùiii per744441n '771.'as c44 - Eveniu an il Te ~ - ni-i PouItye 44f 4444 CbUe4 --------- -ei 5 ») Ila;1 r et e m~ - e ew pir ?'-ct, ei sun s -dy an Fawr and lnts llc an -Whit t- - ----- e' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i cean-cur rTa- edceat.*..~4444.442 ~n f cr - ' 4 4444~ctrs fa~ Tivt hi e're la some gaad-.c...... ......p.rte.... . . ............ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . u h r ------~ - 4 4 < S-we Ul C r T ylorn led i. t e W ai p -i Gru 1} V C -Il ----- --- ----.-- - --------- - 'i. -ý ký" k. ixa if vr s ' d44i in tef " Sup.a ilbl tn's we e - Bee Gand Cetlub............. 44444 - ------------ ----C V 44 b' ýw 1WOi Es.YBl he 'e 'i i N.4,"ro W -Feldt O t4-'...... ............444~4, 4 7, -or] 1 n~~ ex 'nday ev ing tlveaT 2 à1e rots The>0~4 'T le' em ýip ont.--- ----------- '-------- le at --- t-- ------- ---------,r.Js -a oi i ae cx -ci1s.qa Fee,'d tatal Alavetif a~.. . . . .~ ' Mk n T. i~ r-I S 5-.0 - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D i --if sce-É Jugs4...- --- - ------- - 444444444444444 . . 44444------ _ NVira H e l triO-.4-4444444444444.4.4444444-4..4.44"4~~ ýf1e -turcr- - pttn ptt y M in e t h e i n tin e rie - il-1 14r4t. ..t44444'i a --G r--- --------- Ross , a o Rl, rs J. W L iXtorshl Mujite 144«44en44e"