THE JOHN I MODIEL ."ýW'Ta * The- 'm" isagodIin ra tetue otiwant, blt-."Tu sotoair-cushjored "eatautbl of "ervicing, wido cadaptability fqithk ? 218 to l1, m.pà.h, pDIs avarïe#y .1 .qlpen tat "r. other fan ailtater f> corm n or write for, fi i nformation traotoru amd Afui!Îln of farnf 4SItOLIONTARIO P0-N E CARD OF THANKS latives and friends VhO caul h--im whven sick; asoDr. -Me], CARD 0f, THAýlNKÎS f wish to eýxircess imy thanks and appreciatioýn i friends and nihbusfojr t]- !y fruiï,t, flowers, cards and receive-d during ny stay iii t pital; alsci for the kindaess to my husiband and fainily ait Everqtif e'iou sec, q~u'il saq FENCING A Rope in a ~ê -~ ,~ Yes, Pcantiac'3 ürst ccmpletellY newune in mr tItaa seven years! Iwo its creatian wcnt years and years of researchp, triais, designiug and re- designirig, testing and re-teslilig. And flnally evyeryOne was satisfed... ve,-ryone said, "Thatsî it . . here's a -car that's ino enoùgh in i every way a car that incorporaiea the 14 miajor advcemntaw , 8ought ' and yet reta-ins Ai, thie thorolighbred eaatrsiathat Canaidiant have learned !a expect fro-m ?oitiacY,. 1 a nd P 1RIC E D iGiIeHT t9o! SO yyiu are mn for a thrill when yen visièt yeuýýr Po--ntiacp Dealer. Yuou'll se-e a car of hreathtakinIy beauty - a "car with mo*re -omfogjrt and omiel broader vision, greater sft. tsapowerfui, responisive car, easy te drive -. an a pleasure t~drive. You'll say it's ,a really renuirkable unotor- car value, -whether you coni-pare it ýwith luxury car, mdiu-prcedcars, or othier cars in Pontiae'% own price field. ,. For Pomme is pried witk the Lowt! 'See it t0elay! T77ïIC P R D 0U CT'r 0IF1 GLN LortON Oficrs 1 M.P, the Kingy 0 F Ail KINDS THE MoST, N WHEELS or ~ [con:~ .g -inter'&