VIA C.U MI pj AT s FI Rms m A set- ead ol cucnirn Levues cowboy bosits, ~ne aravers seat 't<oI- , driver, I won't b~ -n tO bis herse ansi put t-be stirrup. Stephen si down frorn the botel le rninnte." pj. Bel-, uttered sombrero~ a fadesi gray shirt. tuclird uit-o veora gon àga eon cplInungcoisCe tuons. e rFy two sers bere, a lan from hich b m etowrtbi daîl re bacse tac irglis cr nagtýtge 'it horeïÈia atered au sducsk Campwas roade b trzes. t "was biuoaucfor tesl diersbut Dr, RandaUL ad a e% eectedfor Visgnia, TAeY2a~my food ine, love of the eanpfire anith iht sify loes does soaned tinted bail. VignawleSion -lesrer' andlherd 1 hi e ir giwndrnnthe ev1yIlve'g, ýt'hile Ilhe:wîes , -hi le dagte n beu bsago g o pry r h should e ablefo taisethe ,] ireO "I squite a job tw kep bufes aul te Itimeafier your Own are grown. ianid youl're out oîf ptc Evtr niht fter mvdauhte tas er cidrnhomne. I1rnd nrrVouts wreck. i love the ch1ýidren (dearly, and lhatemyeforqae- ing with rmy1 dangh'ter. Bu>It shýe neyer do'es nyigfor mSheý neyer muakes a bed atrtech1iI- dren's îapsor 4oes terdseo pÀiýCk rUp aterthle'rn. "My lhusband and ry elatives, andlciS0ilrenine s ber owï n hnsband feel thati iarn bing impoics-ed uo Their homre Ï la otfa of, butshe aibler ba bies pra,-cticajlyivea my hose-1Ido love the girlvr mnch, ;and Iws w udgcý alog etertogthr, *park thlerni with ber imot-ber. andý * expeet fber !C. boisaliter th1ern *every ngoihl sead Ier: *husband eCjY03 emWelves i us * rnaifeal nfair. Not ïonly is she1 * robg hersel of the comipanon - * lîip oflbler eui oen uti q u * tkig advanage of oir mcfthe's * kndnss.And shiowirig, b thi *csPrFcious litle appreciàtio1n 'of al tle service bermoneiu *giving. * ~ ~ ~ zl Thsi tetre for tba * mot-ber " taC, e er san.Sh-e * nust be reIîev-ed c o!îome(J *t teerponisihilities vwit dr1alin *lier strenigth. For ber aghe' *saise, too, the girl must b-e rnade *to behav lie a imoter suld. * ad not bur-den býer inohe wtt *h tledulies, w1licb anrlv r * br own; * , t-tI ail ter elor àa rad *mot-er Io be au oceasional baby- ~'Sitter.Bu t ssmete nî- * arc of even ore child ever da', *is unjusi Ilt depives ber and ic berhsand of any socs!iadie oM *tiheir w whc hi oa * surely needa) and timoer- * snilitifes upon bÎer Wbicb. a * ber aPge, are outrageous. 'lli The eway that tis girliu * orne te respect ler mother (Wrt *so, get abon)ïg tb erme * peaanîy)i, for that oîhet * ake a fiirm s ad ad efu!se,ý *longer-to he rnlosedapn. A mother cati do tes -mucli for, lier children. When they carne tci take fher for grited, trouble -starts. Anne 1hirst's long obsed-vation af famniiy trouIbleS s i. t, yqlfsxervice. Write berýatBOx 1, L23 Eighteeuith St., New Tora'ntco, Ontavfo 11. Boette 1.8. Reeeuitty D r?. Mana nasse 20. Raids 22 Expiuatoa <nieS.) 24. lus gond U1IS* 25. Receptinli halls 2tesu's 25. Fîstu 30. PaSSIe 33, Engliutu iaw> dysasty s 34. Iusitaicr 36. Dtn 3.ConIHetatnrr 41. Teuti 4 NF, t-verbotn 54 Gidàiyub, . tip in Po> ZHT that et year and wiser FOOD GROUPIS Leaf grenanid yello eeabv Potates, t 'tpotatoes thier vgtalaand ri Dry banpes nint Flor, erelsbaked goaLhI grain, enriched, tored>i Fats, oila, suga'r, syrup',peo e Ever get alnoiolt-3a1you'dl isd be a nîsW4 v g t' e i mou BAKED BANANý!AS WITH FQMYGANGE SAUCE.r 3 rg, sight1y re bana 3cups cori lae M 11H0D: 1Peefbnaa p in halves lntîwîeadcr1-sçwuse.ý WVarm oe. i]aansut have ibeen crusbý!ed intfille rb. Ba, iuiimdrt vn~7 ea. Serv wih FamyOranige Sau"'ce, Yied': 6 evoa SAUCE 2egg yoilS, sligbtly beat tcup sugar c/ up orange juice iteasPOuu grated oruinge rindC 2 tab1eaporus lemon fuice 2 ègg whites, Ptffly beatesi wj'th sugar bru to of)id.ouble bue' a dd oranige jui'Ce, orange rin-d an lemlon juàice. (ooS mixttulre fr o miatsr until sulihty bciened, stir rinig costnfl. eove from hfeat;r coo. Fld ii tiflybearenel,ýgg Perhaps ywi n tinduve served rhuarb ài yerypossDilestyle or manner-and maybe you're rigbt Butt üusi n the off lchanice ti tî Will le newcta l~ot, eere's RHUBARB CRUNCH IC. shfed foetur a/4c.oatniesAm acook.d> ic- bro-wn atgar firm-,iy pcl 1jr mpuetedbeur 1 tsp,. cininailon 4 C. diced rhuhbarfý a c.sugar 2tblsp, conm tae 1 tsp. vanilla a greased 94W 'rbakingpar ams com b ie jt e cos tc li, s a, HOW C A N 1 C 100 fatigue îng th0 ni years oea ~and thoug ~î oday t'd gise yuo, ~ reminder, a ittie chart whieh s, in handy forni~ tlve different group§ and the aumber of~ ngs each person should get. SERVIAGS, PER PERSON 10, to 12a e 7 te» 9 awe 7 Ît,- 9 a we 10 to 12 aee Adlta: 3 cupýa a day 7eggs a weeký, Asnedd Butteror arrne aiy water ansi vanilîa ansi cook tuatil Thic'ls and elear. Pour over the rhu~ barb, and top with the remaining crunîbs~ Baise iii moderate even (350 degs,.. FI for eue bour,. Cut uts squares ansi serve w arun, rither plain or with topping ef vi Isippesi creani. Serves ~. She: 'I was a foot wher i niar- rie'd yoit!" He: "Wel1~ don't blarne me, F. diçtn't kno-w et the urne." Gets Promtion-A'ýna Pauker, Iminîsterv of R&rnania, moved upo poin'tî7ent t tbe poýt of second '~rceprerier Tiï-Aaces herý and~ttup rosldtaner otionè asi uSe f h most e importn KiVseyf; odld5 ls e ay 4Npege Whui urknesa u u acI b&ckMtihv and, that "tir d-aftetm4 &haling' hy treatng t1ie> di1;neY:ý. AeL any dnaggiat for iiMd!gKi-Iney Pille, iloL efiot eheï Mue> boxý wiffi thetraJlld. 1i; bodè KdnY P!lis Our Paddotck RcoiI rn ofh ki cctâ >$qfftht wîiflbrg myazï ak ag.ýal and3 gaîrn Lot i5u make youe atay j« ' To ati>Jyat ROELMET ROPOLE King & VarIe Ste. Trel, 'WA. S9 Onuder th. P«.#& aa gOstala . oi Mw M., I e' uean aeItesou mua ntifSin %icklI ~ with i enyle I.i au' Roya Fau ~iing ry eat. fouDIea in bustk. unch, lough ansD diiide in,o 2, pron;forim ,inte bala. ol eu>»pie", POblongboand ftjt pail 0 11t 7 tp;cOvusr endi let ri2a loubled ini bulk. leee it foýrlçandibut»wt spoons n»eited u eror. u»ug, Cduubjne ý i euP auiï'4r (ihtyprest-e ýý cuP flour, j cP fn ae or breai rAusband. K)ou cilnnon;- ruib in 4 nonsj buttelr or shor- sprmjke lruble or, top es. Let rfa Obout ýae in bot qve, 4 New FtAfn tury Y**tt Naoàdz fsullsrrenthonyOue weeklHee'sailYom do:- d) of kdaowuedi. forý sai enlveo4 ya T.orotito, Ot