Directo AL rdy mn: YS mq' >NO ~ dvoli doing w-ere demand being guson, the 6tl The Busy ce, Every )a tD per- d be ar- kniown to upon the at aIl il, wihbis or ber' up a quality of of the pale of villiagres;s. They a feavor for you, Fey arec not bus-y j- POR" HOPI .-acre lits wests A'de v il. Apply to c ereAve9 Shorkey, ýekiq(a4l-8-P of tle foflo' Forestry ..0 getunew w t te A and Solicitor iNILLE, ONT. office 688 *m 5 W. F.WA RDTE BÂRRISTJER SOLICITOP NOTARY Phones: Office 825 Rfec'4 BOWMANVILLE, ONT, INSURANCE .. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobile and Liability ORONO ONTARIO ORQNO'S INSIJRANCE Mt Manuactrer Lie lsurne.Cmw. Dominion orf Canada Gerteral Har"tford Fire Insurance Wateroê MtualFire linaurance Wawane-sa lMutual linsurance is Yir eaednthis district by Bt' a trial. P st"Sory, wit! IOWELL G -ilsG JOE PALOOKi 0 * 0 0 IRANCE cationalPlien vings Plans fo3r ts; Mcbrtgage lI, CETT Phone 20 r lïê UTNIOR IT'ht'Orno Expansion o0 Wed., May June 1 build up n Aucioneer, reward. o 5 O e clearing Upll Our Pýark and >spital I are gradually bingiing our pa :1n1 rooup o)f other yvear, afeter the lonýg winer onth&. .ark is buzzing wt ctvtbot asto wr it Orono is a, great ast to our Village. ht miber of People fronti . other tow-ns and cities, ly in adlvertising our vlag.Tbis is watwe à,dise, Every TED JACKSON- Au<ionerand Valuator Conducts Auction Sale. of ail âalm and at reaonabie raten Coeîmuicate -eith hlm at Pm1 Perry, Ontario, or see hi. CIerk, A. E. Morton, at Orono, fer date. Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consult me for tenus and dates Free Estim'ates will b)e Given, Cheerfully on Rock WooI Home Insulation 3y Biower SysteM, Four inchles thir3%, GILPIN & CO,._ I InuainContractors, 57 Blo*or St Durhânm County GEORGE WADDELL Phono 23. r 22 BEHN STAFFORD BROS Mlommrfeital Works i Plioneî Whitby 552 318 Dundas St, E., Wblitby FINE QTJÂLITY MONUMENTS ANfý idsome, dig-. ýver- the reatsl- loved n. And sen wili give i g-oesaa -lot of fi.