BRITAIN nd will leav~o ranteaii C.O 13 't lue in ever prre to olgr-y 'aolý AreCi (erticat on- ï-ry expectecd apd sioetor ta o N TOSONT. WEEKJohn'as aC xery witty mortaliy by having Is name 201J sayngstwoofthem,- iynýcÀvded l Vhàat J eion ofth lsi oe acbsu a se yan faiYic ru- member was flotei fangr o figitrsbeterknwin ,rring irce arond ndanod bck u be ay ract eanlot uier tan tbe lientobu for mme sucnesuoM opnon Somne n wo uil e as il- Yloulrau soonl Il I, . !,prficient ai weûildn iLI ) th tis e -8T b-operate welder anq)"! s-ves urne andimoney. Repaie aredon,~~uîtky. outhe spot. engle. 20 ap Rage -250 amops. "alulil. e lokCrpep luta (Lesepuley1 .......... ...155.00 Ten lymaybal urns 1412 Majin, WinpgM* er regret. - e per J? ?utfon la don. boweis. Ory *omethin~ stcîmscb AND thal "tOr~Ôtten have t ewrng Lîrcle. ~ hi~ mati, and a~sd vent dowr as o'ne of the sl iere~ "everv m~ ISSUE 22 -14 Hcw TG, C 7 ï -Rz (of jo;jn ng ner tsuani s. Long befoy ,rf TODACCO hep ufact, "Go in and kusb a'thr S Lf<EAHOME ANqD HAVI Aý I 7..~g ~ P2 2 ()f titler, ýople ilhitit, country, di mpire,, wot iltier west