Carat.rin uteens, edig crs re ale t mak ithe22-caat-m tpdonlyif thy have nidbgonze tîi is' stockC wenties tbough o]the acn- Grcck andRomas preerre iro aTiheary hrsan brne Cotho !ve, veromg heti tneithr f hset 'etus it 1'hrehs ena eivlreet Themos fathiright posyee rhe wedding riAn s a sbla otfr1ity becas if hs no bein-i indig Tftl we"osscdo arn whcbws paeio h oa' Wight béaaniors' therebuti t:nsere t he arig c many ta theinit.Te br, ie wa Ybonyétderusbanped, d thbu intlgoa hen pti n, the'ringeo achof te ingers of hIer if than zin i aturn.ey ecs faPhe bituiefat h ex peentde. one f his auyighten'sthoe s. Witii ;àe bead sdaosignand taen thaty athom i ove er whas ow ransfi- feedtah im. UTheadirfgthose îe ayse oa allowei hlmta adinister Morpogagemntbmnt obigif, !t ao as %etiber ta ea ve li he faýIlti bbi athtatrathu Tonicopîcte the m'n arriage cre- psayacotin a theaawsOf Î,h-urc7h a rt-i i ahoitiy neces b< ide iiat aîn erst e fermai ancirthe w'îii d ian merey. Alt a iv le cbne a be gotte thering Thtwedtinga a iv te on. Thrnwgs f a bgueYss C4 fet5ba i edn g ing. Te What wasttabe dnTevr acbuich om ey lundnd. .aipro- poset the ey asa susiteo fi.Orth"ado edigrng h lUs' the ~e Mitcheti, hefts the whi~e sand pbotog~apher a t¾e natitin xviii - aa @~. 'l, ai g1ilrahe ,!Wfo wncta a n bot vn wthm e dlicct pr~titçdf us the heea toughit gTeyp(t eycacn a i! cat lu our o S11e-t "riile-ot- thuilmb " m Ifilur. \Li ýterfthat, 'x e cMoImi-apiUmvenMArite l tter t stui is noeot Sa, atihe riskof repeatig an efe-oltale, I'm goinlg tea quaýte patof A letterrceietif rom the. enkesaiCrto, whc 1 bin)k is es'ýpecialiy timnely with the jam ati jely-akngseaýsn cmigor. "Iisimotn toeazeht the recipes wic accompany the, pectn of z reputale manufatue ar ocarefinllybaact as to, be iabinost formuvlas, filthse case- of aur est-nownbranti ai pecýtin, ye-rs ai testing ani re esting bave perfecteti thaerSs Do not alter those kit -.ptef recipesi Pectin recipes - fU â"-aalargesf aniaunt a of uar er cup af fruit or juice thiuAietlong-bail miethtid of<lims and 5ellies kni conlservers. Buit at mal, re is naoreWsugar per pound ai finishieti protiuct. short boit pectin naeitbQod retain's ail tfise preciolis fruit jue-oauSeï lieta 5 30 tet.more os jelly from e-be same âamaunt ai frit". Do trust thos eset rcie ans!ioillov:thnt xaciyeveni thou-,Igb tLise ainount '-a i1sg-ar may smen g"eerns teil ymi th)at i il ýEj-amt or jeily Iecp'e's resui1ts are bettes f'o av r lu1s1n1il batches - mkn 11p tht Same recipe a 1nu11ler ai tirnes if ncssr rather 1than douhbig or Ssplg amounts.TA; By Rev. RBareiay Warren JESUS DEATI-1AND BURIAIL Luire 23:33-38: Mark 1S3ý34;Lî.ske 23:46-47; Mt.27,57-60. GOLDEN ýTEXT.--1amn tht gooti sh 1epherd: the. gooti abepherd giveth hua hfe fartbtht aeep. John lOtil. f 'bcatcrishv disptei.H aipopmi. Afte s. 1 haurs ian1 tht A cross ter1tbrseamntias antiiou4 hm dad.The pirce and a Vater usheti ont li o ariuysigulý mt ian t are(" the Maards Jeusspoke ram tbe cs A mans tru charactýgfiler bruib Thç superoicia anirbypocitiéal i clumu y tIi better 4 a , pan o 15 con~ sponge ade t e d have ave au giving investi have b-en s aijsttit do ilotst > vl utlpur a maetender, dehea'm L te aý rno Ani uaw, afteJI ailtat gond ati vic-wicIhoe o aius xiii speciai." les for ,DATE DELIGHTS i/ cp brawn tugar 2 tiespoonsmm 2 talepon ranige juice Mix dates witb suIgar, watts. o)rangýe juice an ini oak Siow1y, stirring ta prevýent bumrning, notil thcce.Cool before usiiug. 3/4 cp brownsua i gg icnp b ranï 2 cup s ied flattt i teaspoon baag-poudter la teaspoati soda< W esWon saI Y4 cup susanl'jübnteïri Bnti hesateig id.Sugir thr-ngly ait gg anti he'at velu. Addtibran. Sîf t flous ith îùbaking powdes, soda ant sait; atitialte- Zsstely ta flrst inue ih uk Sprad nt-allof th)e donigh i0 a greset shiia babngpan. Drap) ftilng by teaspoonsini on top ai douh nti sPreRadevenly Caver lling SAvitsemainîng dougb. Balte b mtiratlyhot aen100, . inches sou=re, bblithysn"anitthb- &Mvtidiscip,"Behold thy mut Hte gave bis mothe, into Johs MA'cocche criti,-My Go!, uy1 ota why bas uthm o forsken e?"oh Son sof. tI so ýLffereti, bIed, ai (Liedi, alonle. OnImI ItInins a flot copeet i gonly ai biore oaur aus liie liter lie cieti, "I ' I tbrst" B t H tOrfuseti ausnss.The thre vasthse shjoot aitriumphi, "Itifnsht."H 01 tY bnt1I-11int y 1 spirit." [ f- s gmbejesuIs Ri o iT-etaof4 gii Rt od wc tke fauts cros atihden îe tms me.joe ohas vesy eguaand dels mlite abtsVirst thing iii the1 mo1c îng hle is watinig atih back door ta cme i. So, whe.n theien go ta thebharn, mres ioenHi then fhas -ilthe milk he w -,ilFdinkii -bu't it bas to hav-:e hehili off- mrilk straigi t fromi tht erigera.- por ip not siish. Then be bas aottwo l suces a bow)bfa (rLn jua nai iecsad ae WbeCn leis ifei 'lie _walk pli stuiffei ch-fair, and sles.ote ln- til well oninta the àw fteicîýo.We bc Maes be bas another feedand ootsidc. Hl we arc woskiçiing ïin the gardert ihe plays araupd (liwitth K Hanoy; il not bie gocs to tbe hbarn and buntcs mice. Aiter supper bh. cornes baci.s ta- the hanse aind Staýys wbrvraepe n ta beu iitiil heý is pult on-t for the n-ight. SeA, lIday long, arountith aose anti in the garden, tha b ids miate, sig antibuti thleir nests3 uniuoles M heoly tirne tdey arewore is whien Jûa walks doavo liee ittle lpatatthe b ln'lTen the robins stast np a choruis ai pro- testawhicb J)oe pays absolneY noattention at ail. WVhy ahouidliEý --mice are muinch casier tacah anvwayl ODf course 1 i nust adit ther are cats anti cats-and the anly way ta bave a cat that you caoî rell eï ana ffectionforài ta) train it from akitteïî Yotu can't 'each an aid cat ntw tricksany more than you can a tiog. sa, if you have a eat wt ipoal habits thlt aMy vySis o Ib-e itispceSset of pa1nessIy--anti tihen start off wiîtb a lice, wee itteli. Look after it, niake a, pet ai it. andi give it hos-om I a cat gsowsý uip witb a sý nlse aif secusity, atitb tht kno' edge that hie Car, anat ta the bouse for rest andisis'in tien yeu can bave birds anti cabs troo. Cats lvecofos-!ne cami- fart a a soit Cbair or a box behint the kitchien stove, wbIesr~e wili septhec greater part 'of th~e dayo -if yon kltem. But a butet ca ùoOO becomies a hnniltiing ct-so treat youLr cat according ta thte tpe yau avant lhlm ta lie. A nt inow ,ta 'eek I sitarted wor' on aM hi; d-i roon.h bas a clnyinite base o)f wicbis jus: below t he cn neybae in tthis saure rooni. aweer te cime, a s scb, bas flot ben setI for se-vesi ycas su the bale iia tbe wavali wavS papered. oves- and was nised only as the heaitquarers for alil cbnny swifs bî the nigborhod hen we stalpped uin hbimlney wec siionitihav hai t cappeti ..mbt ve didni't wltb every beay sain diuteti eeosoterantI,_,v )tbo avl, heni- 1stippeti off thte bson sreaetipapes ýitha jFasver tht cbhnney hale Iavas sinpiy anaemia, acodng taflnlicg1o 2uhmss tteUivri~c ing 1 came- quiett we e my n be b Life is a costntpocsso keep- on the bDaIl, your nose on hf rid sne, yaur uar oIe rudyu tonigue i;ou hek Adenel dadeip àand ptou, Dr bt owa Answer ta rewrdPa! SORE FEET: THI 1s WAY Rub la Miniard'es Liniment generously. and feel the relief teal over the, aching muscles and ~it.Fore ail imomie ant loint painis, aïches anti tiffneas, apraine4 ankies, tmisted lmaM adsha. been fains for Oves W yearFj. Good for daindruff Prdn d i dîrdere. oo Get a bottie tOday; keep 1V SLINIMENT le oui t ~artnewfrock you .11 ia the mgain... youl easily ke the youtgselýf t' bout one-third the xeady.. prie! u c atialter 'es that are "out of styleit it the latelet fashionis! Yoil 1." r WUYI VV U5QlOitiý you mage ame fin qulit, qeeleutvalue ai xÈ #Le ;betifofae. 4-UP-70-DATI rppACTICAL OUSI *compete iem ln an Designing Ad ie same per8onlprivtepr ùut1 nstton ie avallable for FOODS AND COOKERY This LfC.S. Home St,,dy Course 8hoxws yuhowlt, extcInd yurpresent food budget iff these' days of b, igh food lt.. hw te ~,(J chooe ani pre-Pare deli. ir cousfoods, la isalsou 'UJ xcelenttrailngfor pro. fessional okanihe. 117 MouwKtn trmw Nom................... (Plat apriy w~s~r it. ....r. trough ail I.C.S, WA,ýN TED .TO BUY INCHILLAS Hige~tPTices Paid KINGSTON ONTARlEO