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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jun 1949, p. 5

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ersey and isroad- .-- -- -- $2.149 r $2.50, for $1.911 SIONS ORONG, Ontari. LTRE -BOWI Wý,-EDNESD, and THIJRSDAY -- mu. Ama mmE ELYSE KNOX MARIE WILSON JOHN HUBBAR FRID.AY and SATURDAY -- JUNE 3'rd BAXTER- rk& Bea. 2TINS md Mrs. E. Clý isited at Cie S. W. C, 1H. Mrs. S. A. York, Sanidy Leigh and! Gayle, of Lindsay, ware spendîng the week with Mrs. George York of Orono. Mr. Ed. MillsontonshpCek planted oeut -aconidera ble nme oftre upon his poeryeast of ~ Enterprisýe. Mr. Sain Keanie ae this weeké for- Brighto(-n, where he will help his1 brother, Robert in his business at thaIt place,. Mr. and 3Mrs,. îaulSndrasandi 'on David, f. oceteweewek eInd visitors w ithfiends., and rela-1 E Mr. Milton, Green who has, been ________ ernployed at the Durhami Coutyl 1Co-Op at Orono, has tacceptedcaposi iand 2 tion \\ith Dean's Bakery. The ladies of St. SvorsAgi cnChur-ch beid a successful tea, a5nd sal1e of goods inî the Pars Hl one a-fternonlSt weekç. M1% and Mrs. LeRoy Brown and sons. Jon, nn obez4t, of Lijdsay7, weevistorla,,ust Satur-day, at the h omIe of Mr, and Mrs. J.D.Bo. A. C. 1i Mervyn Harncss left oni * Suinday evening for- Greenlwood, IN. S, nafter spending a moth'S vaca- î oin with bis fainily follow.ý,ing his grdainfromi Ca mp Borden. Thne Oron-oLOOF at their regu- and Ith lar mneeting on Wednesdiay, June l-st, presented Mi. and Ms..C.Fr rester i ith at Iovely smok'ing cabinet iniew of tbhi recent mnarriage. Cor-atul at ions to Miss Jean Tur-j Sj ner, vbo was succ-ssful in secuiring e N Ltions on her year's worki at thbe Peterborough NorI Scol 1Jean bahs secured a poition on "lhe! Bowm-anville tecigStaff connin-i iing duties, ini Septemîber. Mr. und Ms.Hàrold anok sppent the w'e&,1-end visiting relatives in Orono. -Mr. anlld Mr-s. nc baýve noved te Belleville where Mr-, Hancock is ernployed at thie Quinte Breeders' Ascain Smnto Britîsh ~elumbia Eating A~~lesj 6 FOR ;29 ce lymelk, with free eg,ýg clip, 2 kg f>r ...... ..... bby's Pineapple Jic,48 cz tin........ lio Lenion PiePilr2 pksfor.«... ... ..... eft, dushes sparkle, gfiant b9X ...... ...... .... . M * e 0 gasses ini une enl- ~elpe 6flavors. each . iiots, Iarpte 28 4w tîn. . nt 'Jelly, Cro-tsse Blacýk- -l,6 oz jar .......... t-e and Nut Bread:lC, a r-eai tasty trealt, tin . . ,. . ... Juice, Jiatflryn (Graysoii (C(ý14r> Also "CANON CITY" 8.20,i Saturday Only, June 4 "THE GALLANT LEGION' and "UýUBU"' Mon- & Tues., June 6-7 "M&liss Tatlock's Mllions". With John Lunjd, -Wanda Tien- drix, -Mon>ty woolle'y andi flarry Fitzgerald Wed. & Thur. ,June 8-9 "FORCE 0F EVIL" (Adu1jt) Starring John GarfIeld Also "L-OVE STORY" with Stewart Oranger and Maygaret Lockwood 48oz pound, 45c.aAYS AI WITE Portrhose apaese Toilet Tissui Wing, T-bone GenTa 3 ROLLS Steaks uir POUJND poni 9c.95 .2 C We Deliver GO"ý R N I SHÏ Phone 12r Daily MoN1(day Tuîesday anmd Wednesiay -JunOe C6,7, -~a",You iaven't s-eenlOEMAIGutî o seen-. ANNE JOHN MOVIETONE NW MATINEE MNIONDAY, JUNE 6-th, 2 p-m. NSTALL A GAS RANGE Gas Contracts Supplied ILIGIIT FIXTIJIRES LAMPS ml 1 - We notied a nie pîtrait of Mr. Chas4. B. Ty-rreil in an 0smawa Tines of Ilast wceek "haliour Dis- trict DepPuty Grýand Master, 'MLook p2art. in thle ontMasoni Unpited CurhonSnayenng Many 29tb. Ops tiontothe plooegat inig otf a beer license- for- a iond(- bouse, adjcent te the town of Bob- caygeo has rough our ormer in!to the eigt A splendlid pic-, 'ture of Mr. Littlwo perdiný the "Toroto Eenng Telegram"u one day Iast wek. Mr. and Mrs- Bb.Kene4o righton ttalked on the teleph-onle to her pa:rents in Lntn Stokey-n Tr-enýt, Englnd, on Monda-, of lastl week at three o'cock our Urne, ha England. Little Geytwo- yeroddaugbter of -Mr. and Mrs.l Keane, ta-lked te bý er grandpar ents and unces.Mrn Kane says the re- ception was very good)é, in fact it w'as like tlkngte someone next door. During theconversatinte said the weather wsvert godoe ,here, im-ucli the e as we are hav- IlMrs. anid RANGES I RANGETTES I INSTALL VENETIAN BLINDS WASIIING ____________________________________I I MACHINES FISIIING TACKLE weecýk- end Morris, 0ýf Detroit, Mvr.lvasnrai Mr. W.« E. Davýey -spent -thev end -It Janetville. 'Mr1% and Laýwrie amnd fmlanid Mr. Mrs. Hleft und famiiily Ieft onl dyfor- their- bornes in Dtot stopping if off t Oorto ihave- $32.509 Speaker: WilliamSpneJr fi NDAfi JuNE5mb Subject. Love 4 only, $1o.00 Boys' Suiis, '7 oly, zs 28te3, rg 1.0 for..........85 ~ts, 4 only, black, ~s 40 - 44.$8.50 rsted Suifs. PARK SI. 1UNlTED ItURCE faiwy, *rewn, long $50.00 *Sport Sirts, sizes si miedium and large, cq ow ite bue, pried feron colrs, izes doublIe a ed, reýg. ReBverend A. E Bstace Minpter süNDAY, ,l UNIE -5- 110a.m erie 7.00pm.Srce 10.00 am.-.Sunday Scboel mUer - their Or size ........79e chup, bottle ...24 ;, 3 tirs....25c bry Flour-, 24 li ts, 3 tins...25C ity Tom-ato Jiîice, 16 oz tin ... 2 heese, 1lb......50c Foods, 3 tins. . 25c tSoap, bar . .lic w Grapef ruji 96i's 27 Cents one >-782 Costume- Phone 9 r 7 AY

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