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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jun 1949, p. 1

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- Prfessor C. B. ASiy ,accoemopau- Mr W"' ma 410ý ___ied hy Mrs. Sisson, whle returnui- g tl f fme und _______montbe I li e eoluin~g Federal éeetion P L 1o)e from Halifax wheýre lie gave ae 1I fýiiy, 'fl tede on3~ona, un 7~li hes il e .ooper-i ennant îutiu aper at a maetigof Fflhws of the Y Js.K, i, a&7 ,n-À til I o èýle)en polliing si-ivis;ioiis in the hReyafl Societyh a th 1 mor~ Vte & Ï11 a ed t h OSn hWci ¶'ownhip f Clrke. u th Ciake iark Street unied Chlurdh, OIl ocity, lad the grest. pleasure wiiiilar fvnyvewle ean ri izwnship) Voters' Lists for Mignici- on Jun 4th, was the setting for the1 passing through the Stnte of Main e tlleield.eonarites wei'e fnume t pal Affa'rs, jhere are oi, nl pol edding -,fYiJoyce Betty, yiingest came to thetown iof Orono, a nanme- n The cause esfound ta 1,0frm o k afkr thedifAeat, dparilnts DecoraHon D0 ]ing suib-divis'ioms. Numrber five lhas daughitefr ofMr.and dire.Carl R. srke of Our own feir %lige. 0Oroo paint anwhchhcihe ' tiipedtht ...n,-e ,ided e niake a streetas usual os <~been split, and for the Federal ele -~eialt oetCrason of lis situated abiout eigt iles north loNag tue roadside anid orWil - pu 1a 2 1i anla1y ai26th ait rono to thpoiwl every eil r.1NV.and Mrs. F. , Cooper. Rev. A. 1cf Bangor, ani is a Uiertytown, Mlie fied. -Mr. rnur Iso hasî oneaofargiterni ieuee ý nîstead of being large in formeûr !Mntaeofdae.te State University of f MîoIebeing iMSaninial jeth -an iweitha t was dc,-dtýd tce lald l sefair on t ~~de eclectionîs. Given ina merriage býy her fathý1er stucei~îs short disDtance -treQl been for t»wo Neeks, ,uffering frorri ie rtailn ateetluOronon with the ftfr ea A heprset mewear uabethe bride wore an original gc wn Of the 'towil Pm he lead poisoning which it received lte beinlge for ,4îèeay ïU WJ commence a ~llez 1iekin~ the~ hie 0f the oant ,,ew 'l lce Lez adanceOxooaxdwl to give the po.lingplaces for Clarke<ac tlle attngd at m ,týin, d wt rf. isn lu escrhb',Orne de dce Nom or ur e el har Inter on ilu te vng wtthmui.Sv lut we here pricit the lots and con:-gtyftîn oiewthsadU ai ia tlas one c-hefines ite nial w I aiîvvior zuat. Two the pavgd roàd asa dcceflo.of Ouv loac lorî cessonstake inby ncipoling amiandcap tieeme .The akirqi resdaial sbresathro.ugh which nL-doiý t ninvisiot ol-,n col e of tulle over satn tbi ha higfrway passes. The reccdeuces oster cattle ae dig nif-ae d by Th re iU Iso- be a 4da w 1leid;with 1flowed out into a SsnAlItrain She airelarge With seacious lawns, The the a proira P09 f t e 1 With ilarrý ucte~ Clarke Poling Division No. y1wa lace lmtens ançd lier filgertip noinali population je aroundri etcia'l ia a~ f4~pae Compviing Lots 1 to 12 indcive vé! of tulle illusio-n I s ;held i Place ho four thousand. At the p cresnJohnm LIryerman ip a Ssses iho rrai il-h',neigba o4~fiv ,fro the front cf the TownsipWto by a mealoped collet of lace. She car- te ahuthse University there avez *cÀn.1, d dollars <Whthese tii tgii eof the 3iýd Conicession iii-, ied a bouquet cf M ~ Mis 5,(0(l eni-olled, tliughi in normal 'er igh~way Accient able prîzèa bein'g offeredthe ticketsSae , t'.ngte vllaîge cf Nwon l physhllis 11 played thewedn yeave there are avoui,nd 2,Tud e ey edl. The pr Glising fthte prnzes as left to)t1ec ertiy in conect mulycand bMrsW A. KDnrriond 1penoýbsýcot river fiows hy tle toin Aftlaciechpedo o eau g A fivsitn l.asaci"AU tylBcTppeldeld he lad drawiWycomitittaeaY afha H:gika- ,lat nll dide, o. o a etlw Cmak oln iso o2"AlJyD 1le ungg th au imued tey2c6it e avav at ygh aminTuesday, June l4th,1 ilnig,;i fComra heint of t ow 6incluj)tsiv <giiing of the register. Mvs. Leslietactive golf course, ,vben Jolin Lawreýnce Gyd oa1 f;juAt thet puis wil h e teChSS maorbezaugahw frinth f'ovtcfhi TWf5hP ~Darch, sis 4er of blie bride, and Miss R ý4 t1ha midffle of tue 3IdCofleesin, Au,&,y BU&,ig wretho brids, prof, Sisson sad he has benau a- 1R4 ow v lps awa teu Atbietic - sclation y1 s c omrnïted k except the Village cf Newcastile. mluids. They wore gownn of wite Mways curions as toth- e engin of Inhe BowmanéHle Hospital aller1 eyb yinedofanytacrylaXh ou being klivcred hadly1lus NeOieel by ClakePoiin Diison o.~.crepe with nmatching cnownless bon,- 00ono, esPeciatlly enice Prof. Squalr gkece rubswel~ on their actiltiteonte rryahile, out Cua kPols ing ots viio 8 n clusve ets and th'ey carrled red r se . 1r. does not say ,an y thlng about ii-it in oecar and 1ru1aover bF a scrond car ent tii e t isorganiaton tsat wavs fren hefrpu 'f te ow'siptoJack Kennedy wus hast imandPAthe hebook.lie ýws woniderin Vih a vlng close 1hiad. nizeà a f ew years ugo, Draw be hin l iia nlidde fonf the rd Coacesiup tuhro wr .sie ach rt-Wehrsema of env early settiare >Mr. Cryderan was travelling awneflwckaun h l-streat Fair aid eptiag teraof the 3 Villna fimsex~- i -inu -%,, f th bide, aud Mvr. a- i net have bronglit the 'anmýje 1) t gcinîg tothe far cf M r ' Gar- d -ec G ar~ Townhip, i nci g Fred Lyett- catiLos11 o 5inlsiela~ orih cuino, ie romilhei foi h Saes ean-In~et Rickard where lie mwas eply-bckey for wiicil tliey wmon thie Jun-' tecnital hai o te 81 oneeîio ld Reeivngahth hoe f heqlred of tue. petaster snd one ci- ed. VWhcn oppaosite the ianawnay lead- 1ion 'Cltaimpio'ship of ontarlu be am-n0lod ie morth hl fteSdcno ir nd Rcvn a ehreo h two ethers wht tliey knew cf th e !il,- te the farn he et crosstth.-en paet wlnter. Tley hey avi OOt- prizes with the tesflutli iao f tlhe I44hGofiessiorl. bride's parents, her mother wore naine. t seissueta be taken for I pavenent 3without givin'g aa'y waral-ball teanai nw that cal, ?o 1iFthir t1ie nîeîghliooed GiakePollg ivsin . 1. iîtea bine crepe %thi uavy acces-igranted thGere that i1h-,as given tliefig as te hie hitentloua, ami 568m-Ii 1ince' ththe Lest ilu the Darlinîg- The fowiain Comprising Lots 1- ho 163inclusive sl eun a osaewsof iknae ya nna hef oleligly net iocking behid toseifton and Clarke Foccîhall langue. Thethnaoned carnations. The groom-î's mother as- Joseph Oron. Prof. issen was iu- florea wS nay cemniug traffe. lAso ,aîli as Iadvauoed figure Draw - Fredi the Gl Concession, Lots 1 ho 14 la- isted ia blnish grey crepe with ac- elîjsive iithe 7th sud Stb. Conees- asoist î thaihrc rsae raied that a certain judga now vliv- R8ye West cf -Oronoj, V11 asal skating for the glirls, yug boyse Harry Davey, Go and lots i ho 12 -inl th llSing lu Bauiger lad gine1lO thle mast tivelliiig test ah the time, s ,-tng otftha l1 i au hrbal jniafootball, O oi~ aiilwas of psCsh sof swet peaSte nd ' the left t ieCyetanubutyhd ,,mtheAszeeciatiorai i eoklngBoha- ane aud l10 h concessious. and carnatons. sae e n enpre.tha wliaeîwas caught but the righît for,,-;èo iieotes te f rei jaïes O W IpCa For ler ýeddiig- rip, le bide in ii- enterean muildgnard cf the car, throwlnig 1yýaug - deniorgauigm.zedsport_. Witer a i A. E. Carke -PollîiangDivision No.e 5e-1di rn, h bie aanycae M.Si s soar.s a Comnilu L t, e26 Icuiedoned a liglit green s il(!dfiow- tliat Orcein the State cf Marna sM.Cyeyinh L avmn,1u ~aialo ct n- Advertisilagyaa i thî e neuth hltf of te 6th <oces- ered bat 'oatc wth goid aceceoenacethe dst t lte twwns -ho b mlin beramietaagled ,ula inthe whiel. pe{ing, andriz l'e'expected Mat thel roy THamiltonC hesouth 'haifa h lîiCaeso ured roses. O 'thre re uru we cuis our auceshtr tkiwe have nro, rd, Colin., driver ocf> tir a Xelea"la fir, douteandl dravw, an~d nakit1hal Pc li. amiLot tlta 6 icluiveluthe t-hey -will reside ah 219 Ariingtoa reason te ha ashaîmed. car, who was travelling close bebind rà ues e-tn heo!az- Dtcz-W Wel[cdr ses 1,7 ta2e , iclusone itio sp mii e at the, oig ani a-v ance.W.Buh tiS5h~in- Ave., Torente.h aIsen heia rrtet la filth ohaîf af Concession, Mer Orone -ut u thens. Qoopofr seducated ar O. L iy~o~~ mee ~ ~ at rîdsap ~ te6 Y i ý_7or_1 nithofc tre SGret ý1ying -adiï&4s baen eredite cefd in ai effor w -n givea he.tha natan therain. ~Scales &'Roberts, Toron1to, wev- noew w.l-a pledz fteb FbI' aan sihe will resnae bar wcrk . ilsilisaineielaan't-her edatloandf ýtuaately t on ga asd-oa thf Ieeeet aIb nn y1PDt, ce btht ioA. f heEn esl la e.pll r' Dvyqi lsd dha .S. irsgled 1,1) under them car'. On Wedaýesday7, Augue tfhh. cf thle'diffenent CounsigLots 27 te8o Te is _mn___rshl t avy lhe nanhh bhaif citire 6thliCone.ýes- car a anuipe as an InsuraTeijrdui n uhdh tusmvdb ar aetidlDn sio, Lots 27 ho 35 inclusive lai he b ceT101o.'I oner're'ntoth, Boumaynvilic. irosp:iihal. wliere il 1seconded hy Rtýy Winter, sta thon asd W. E. Al nati 'al c ta il Conesiaan , Tornto. uns fouid that !liee s sfferingi 'rots 25 te 35 irlusive lu the nrl By Park Street W M.S presiomfratured ,eta-i d ase b1f offth r5h ocession, iuluidinVg Kuow Yeur r.-i.CandidatepesoSo î~aahadpes any part of the Vllage of Onenlio ly-- wynfwbneItr'.N, mgthrlf nnitc CnteStee. Chaiia8S1eeha-scunwhro was ce'The W. M, SI Od Tiuae concert' Constale Kitclig of 1,eumrian- f OlairsPoling iviio Na lagainli onen tue Durbain Cnuty whhus given Tuesday evening nin ville, lvsîghdthe accideýnt, and iel udr-*# hIt e t , Ware pillng !ivs--iclusoý7-ive rgreseive Conseeclve candidate Park St, ChurcIli býasemrenlt, Oreno, i1h wns fond that no iliciriest wouid Codpdisng Lots 31 te 35 ulsvet the convention raly in Orone, uns thornagbly anjoed by the fair- be necesýsavy, thc, cause,, o deatir La- lu thre ncth lhalifof the 6iCou ses-May 17hhneeda Ildittn utha way on izeW audienice. The ladies takîning m cIdnaOUTI FOR A DRIVE ? sien an - Lts 58 incluIsive laformial i iatreuctior, te hie contit- part ia t-'h prfrmne wavdransed The late Mr. C sntcue471 sk'ilFamdlLest25Dti , î8 tl ,h, th asud ifth Ceaces- et.Elce .P o uhnwi ldtm onius eaie varyears a£ agez, amidlîaves tei 1î"Uznu Trealthe a lyt Di quaItadsie(hieeaoae is, losiiswfAbaowli ud SERVED EVERY IDAY 9.00 A. M. TO lI>(l Clauk Peling iviSin No S- ~The stage oae d ltwaaiddaugtr An, bath ahome; twvo cerprisiag Lots 1!5 ho '24 iniclusiv7e i laimngweladHhedh ryado Clic oid-faehi9iisd lmp eunavlIand tesishars, MrS. Lots 18 aud 14 inclusive lithe ta 1h y .' The programmeo op en e d wththe Hrry Jose, oFf Neuicashie, and MnS.HO -M DEP SR sudlOtCnesos. ~'~a ruWs thema sa ng 'WLong,1Long pr a p.rkMason of Oshawa. 1110AEPTI) cIark Pal iug 1DivisiorL No.9Ao. n.W.arr n s;av i i~ -un intevaesting accouit QF Cf condition i OonipalicIu Loits ipeiielveiluClarke Tausliip 125 yenrs mgo, IufUU t mn s ro1nj tle midlle 'cf the >Sd ocs Car '.wIb n nltin yVlte MniNEyCSTEONTIw R (A e s u1 elota, to the nantit end of tui-e StCon- E HllsdMh nAt jToJ NWCATLEi(JNFiel(AdThDSY caessin povS ieno hie di vIt. uiip QlrePoling fiIiuN.10 eaa ldUr og escuiig la Fofliwng la the Ilet of wnnevs la Conupisiu'Lots 7 te 6 luusieensa. MissGe Chatterton the boys revends ah the annual field lutenoslithaif cf nie d40 Conces- "n enRi agAn id'Spin- day Of the schoale cf CareToua- si a, sd Le I26ipcluivîslu:ng Whel - ~uthe Paroa~"'.Mrs. hehld iu Orono Coml-muniyPakDulat ed aioiofA thé - scihtheaf oFfotaèSUv Pouces 2mihlacudugamypa cftheVlPtrL nggveahmrons lrend- ou, Wadnesday at vnoou f c e P, cfOlooin hri sni g- uhicir gave a comlote depscrip- useir, uiden the auspicesofheN - Ige f Govol'e, thieii suttiefncf1hathe ppy"hrldegrvoomi". cashle Lieus Club: Street.unyLynli ava a",n ejo)yab, le Stan-ding Broad Jumnp - Boys aun- (Mae 4Poiling D'visn is N il"1- piano a o; ýJack Wlonnadîgder r3, let, Wayne e iley, 0Orono; F A R X IiE B i Lot -2 ho~' inlusveA humerons siit wae gàienby seýv- 2nd, Peter Loncks, Orone; 9rd, Gary in~ nrh rîfc tae4tTh Cenes-eavallade epcigtirseldfsi cnuh clo , nd ot s 7 h of 3 in clu s ta cLares E , te h s n .M P. ionsd sewing cimrcla u ih s gcsslp- Running Broad . aip - -B y s 'un- ialsoug s byfpart c he ilg pepla la titis caunty ulti afitfi ngpat e e s.ESDean, M1rS. h1 0onoalyln-g therein sontllicentra coympetenolu -( itire Hause ).f Gem- PLaing, cMus. N.Ccbbiedicýk, Mrs e1:2, nlc ari n.Boywcstl-undou'0CO M TIIY A IDL) pgeMMMrsy v so'ig as oches asd Noden,-Neucastie; Jackle Williinus, Mf,ý Wrti Arsttorgas ostsses.Ovono. Boys lundar !7, Jack Watsoen, JmkWIsn ek h pr fMrs . Ocone; Jim Creamer, Naucastle;ý ato ed ay , J n S wood sanig a soie "The -Roseuod Bruce Myles, Oronio. IIiC ON(D.S ï, Spne;aquartet-h, consistiug of Higlu j1nrauu - Boys under 8, Robr- 1.0OCOKNO .S . -1ev. A. E sacl1s. C Wood, art 11inlach, Port Granby; Gary Mc- Sekr i~ u c .A .EsaesdM.M t- -Cullough, Bi' Neupeaker, _ f Park horet5 United -an Yr.M.St pies. IRTMis,,pber us enmomdsav- 0ona. Boys ude 10, Daid Mc- - aval tiaes. Mns. avvy Rcwe, ahn uluir, N as'ie-Ev-rtt Lk,'CH ARLES M eOINI usurl ,splencdid inanr gave an eau- N.ewcasùtle; Waitev Shaplahaut, Clakýe OnJue2th 182,Ua ore 14, l ciigeetoî ia ecdd oabereadig. h- g5iaeUin es idn1,Eaeî oi~Presîleut of the Oitaýïrio Hog Pri atoneoFf ira boya hur useweilte restera ,ýThits fine edfica tects for- uscapee y igvgvrinir nîo il HneiAtoh sud trlly laid, and ou Dacember i14;, mer e%ïdd by ongatihrougb f'avov'te hyne. ' Bi Bunt, Nwate osuder la hiscouctin. nu a. ita tunedtit1tiet-cdc-orVhsnewv-, SaftbMi mnliru BoysueRoy0,

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