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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jun 1949, p. 3

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e. ferNoroodon he bi;th o a babyI A Yo u will have a ctin color in mmid, a blend of colora perhapu, when seelect-. img a roof for a new hiomne or a new î'oof for your preenit hoe.,, but, 's~ 18equll imortntthat yucos e rofthat ill lng itstadthe &buse of tinie sud ahr Cure îinnmanufactur ... backed by the *fkilend kniowledge which long years of experienceco ýn- tribute. . ..ivtesic AsphaIt Roofinige a stanidard cf excellence which marks thcm as, superior. Comrptent dealers reco mmend themn. DURABLE FIRE-RESISTING .e ocr ASPIALI ROOFING LONDON ROOFINGS ASPMALT SI4INGLIS IMOMYN ANO MINOAt iuUAUS 10H. ROOFINOS AWt4AL? dl TAIIO IUU.UC moo#i.o SAlifIAIS SHEAIHINGS £ 1(11% DOMINION ALUMINUM A FOIL INSULATION 1001 COATINOS opspent t :e week-enjd witjlorMs! Mr.- and Ms.A'. Stevn am 'imy re vs tin tefrersp- ents inToronto there wil be ale mf fuinitupe on Saturday. Ms.VanYce Allïen andl ±IfznmIly 'ofdOrono, viisfed her prns Mr. aInd Mrs. Wmi-.Mre on S-un- Mr. and MrS. Cy iEseyofO- na, visited Mr. and Ms George Mercer for he week-enýd acýfnd rs. George Mercerreturned withithei for a visit i-n Qs'hawn.a M,4r. and rs.Carmen Belt l Jfamily of Gcd den ill, Mr. and 1rsu Clarence Bell of Bainvle nd the, Rev. ThoninsWaILnce vdsÏteci ivOh Mr.Ln1. DBell and 3Hda over; Mrs. T. Hilditchf spent the w7,eek-1 enrd in Toronto visiting h4r husband wàhols at pr-esent la c'n onvalescent liospital. We are pleased touiear mr. Hilditenh is impoig Mr. und Mrs lier, Reynolds andi Peter Spenit SandaY tOere vis-iing his paîrentCs at t heir smw-nr cottage. mr. Leonard B ucke r spent thIle week-end NiMr. and Mm. Jon Patton andw4-hearthat Mme. Bucek- 1,er and y"onnag son Iare at presen2t on' their way back horme to Ca3na-da fmomY- Mms. MyraBldetMm aml Bloget ad MssNellie Ostrum o IMrs. Gordon M4artinePl during the weken.Kenneth M10a rti!neý il e- tumrnc-d -with tlhe t Warkworùh for n 'uwo, weeks' visiÎt. Mr. and Mms. Wilf-red Roug-hleý,ý Daidnn onieiM Ross ogi ley e'nd OlrneGo axvitd Mme. L<Thorne anid -Mr. and Mrs-. James Sw,ýa-rck for theý week-enid. Mrs. Thoeereume wthtem tc Oshawia wlIere h ilLevstn Mm oy Mercer, Mr. cKuy, Yvrs. CeuTebble, Mr-.Wmne- cer anîdms. F. Steker attndedâth W. Dstict ,Cbnventoinheid t w noesome u -ong-tc e 1 'Anid the ekin of his1 "IBehold ms, nds". W derul hing is the p tuugue, Sou can niow lhen word thqusands «F milesý goyof 1the fate cre s0Ul. May our bauqds -i will butz Thîine, were on Suntday morring. 1It tco listen tc bhte Sundayr inhe mon 7g he dren endered t4e arit feet h cmeuland Mrý Jaýmes Samrkw, leakder and Me wr panýiea a-,t he piano:lIn the subjec o)f t-h,, e semi paent's tmal of thIý chil!d soonjr distingnisin igt and wmong and tak ple from b- is parents.I fle Quartette -fnvoured, theris "Briîgblitly ghIea-mYi er's Mercy", anid "in fti land", lu a delightful nm IAt the W%. LI. meetinrg Sundaychool ocyen on evnnJune B t the r( "Sqtate sorte shetyou taken at one of the n this year", and th!e fil jets were tuentioned:» that we try te get a Iaw oýn thie betof womTeý A~ghts", "A drive lie Ci benutify the vilage alid public buiUdings", "Toý put up te "idenitify thec contact the public lienl the obetof gtePga the nursirig saffte ' givý a tient ch( Chir "1"TRAC 1-5(g " il equlpment ii Verni lu ai Ae T'he Neîý with the oý ur l ïaýt beaa Wva S studieci . and it ofCG, be takre the suggestion g GarnunityEnter-,,'7Ï Disticýt Cneto day. We migit add t SUbjert was adopted , sru tCrm-veuetion, the thme-e to 5ýs u-rda: et n endel for thisi fum ri II it is bhoped will b. in jAuctý witb t' of on attag - I 3uniors sarftba nr wn êi.zme varylnkg frein rate-, Workding li on er b-met. AND SONS PHONEBROLN1- yBail The short cus "Qulits ari Quilting. *$ d for, the sttt for ti $2.OO f,ýor the Camner mieeting cIosed with thie ;od Seve the King". FURNIURE SALE e uidersgnd bas roee tons f rmm . Wm. P, li by pulic leauction ati, ,, Ke-ndal, e at 1.00 p.m. Y, June lMthil.gaod t innings on P è'll off duta he LPerlie.psý the rain ieim bot dbegininig. HANDS -IN: TRAINING.,,, FOR ONTARIO gue duling tue WC the players are sý mnany e 111 Juniors claAsied wit-h Niîp's boysi dowing the. Juniors by a score of 16O to, 12, The Fomstry secumed ten oý-f heruns in Che ffrst ilnngs, as H.Boyý,d deliv7emed four walks dur-j igtlils phase of the- gamne. lTow-l ever, the old balil game settle4d ùown with thie Junliors stendily educinlg th-e edge obtairied by the Forestry -in t!he fimt i-Gnnng. At the. end of thýe ith te jpniors weme one mun abead only to lose tbis wenthie Forestmy-- seven th innings w as 'lieisa ting 1\7only hee bttrsUp o s ade.j Town 10; ý,Kirby9 Lyashed a sging loý w on Tuesda rnrnigfor no othler than [theOroo tamcoaýclied by B.Amu ,tronl-. did defeat hisns ceih îf teamn, th1-,e Kirb flyeiis, The grim prgresedquit. well for LynI ducrinîg the fimst tw ùo innýings, forbs t eam held 'tAIeupr hand. However., BIîI ( bean t dive 'his aes who fipnaily by Ite ead o(dthe seventh î-la- nighad strîetch4ed tlheir led y onel ru Mil11 dim bat h ee watd to ini Lyal by ny morîel t-.,anr, u St the one- mn. Hwvr Lyniwas in favoýur of aven lýtheone Juniors 17; Foresry 141 NpCoopernd b Iis oneinnIirigs to UJfl CC ý p tetItCLbfl ;-,. J"'.!V t Hooper, an-d for îhe least1 but net least, Mr. Softball himeself. At the end of the third inntaigs the Juînioýrs had sýecured the lead by n thme, ru margini. Dane then dronve lis ýýJum.- iors, kýeerpirig hem -)in the fore forý the rest of thegme JUNIOR PFOOTBAi'LL Zion 2; Oroneo0 ball team played ho--st to Zion and wer deeate"d 2 týoi0. The firet haîf proved to, be scoýrelesis witli Zian takiag theedFge thmo)ughoit, The loalenrywns dcef etateduring- tbe jlast fe minrite-, of the ga-me we Zinsecýured (their togoal,1s It was quit. noticeable that thelcl laicked the czip) and drive to obtairi goalS. However, dnigthe eao it is liope'd that this; team wffllcn d ýition thermelveýTs nto iihe gmeami ounot ontop 0O. B. A. -MIDGET Roýwman-.ville 9; Omone f FO.B.A. rnidget baisebalmadeit de'ut t te ocal park o-n SturlJay eafùermo v when 0Omono plaved ho)Ste to Bomnil.Bomnil eing a better ssnîed team lid the up- perfl hanid trulhu However, Lthe Ornoboys put up n mal-exhbiio )f bae ailardidtgie i.gam awV. Mnof the b ona1sproved? theseles aIlPîrv 'sbut lce thrinal polishî[ to br'ing home n -vic.- for neone innin1gs s.vnw mre thain (Ccnt-inred onpaesvn Learning Business Practice ITN Otairie the iwhe 1one of Rus. Otir lai business imachines,e dolars. Thesýe douar ecsieswhich ýcon Every sinigle Oee4of i o)f a steady supIPly of will operate nmacine4 W. shüuld epprecîw inutyand labouri newvý and epeuifi. SUI] F~ge irt-,taDce. Averv )enit of everyesingle wu cmietractons, servic-es which eamn ,di(caI care a-nd other Qsr Wmy of Lte Stear. :r SQuire aod the way they ineke u11e1- * of her-n. That's;always- true e a afrüe. eCOmniv - tiie'sw Ou<ar cern- continue tIo make R1W1Canada gyeat end a, gOvgreet plate in wbich te live to Stan Payne's Famous Orchestra YOU ExpI ROOF TO A LONG Lt

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