Professional Directory t MEDICAL ey -re. 11,foýr.9e reg, 9cfr sa-Rg.9c., for.6 (,-rg,$~fo.. s' rodclthSuits, reg. $.& o.......... s m Coto ants, reg. $.9 or......... s'Codroy Panýts, reg. $.20i foýr.......... Suit.....................$.25and 'ph UnshrinkLabie adNlnYrs e,, e e e ORDERS TAKEN Sun ]Ray Feeds h'y theLngotMilgC. Chickeii Starter, Grower, Mash and Ftten'iing pelleta, HOg, starter, Grower andFnshr also SwFes oestae anld Minlerais Sait, Dairy Feedsý and Chop Phone o-ders to at thle îïoikee t on Mond(ay aftelî !nte-rmenlt Park1 by -August 15tf, 914flI 5upl mray be seen a1t MirrýOr-Repont-er o'f- fiee, M71illbrooýli. Lowest cwr-an,yv tenrder not necesi- sa l'ly -aC-eied. Ail ten'ders muost be clearly mark- ed and ialdt 7 ~LEONARD PORTER'. rceat chi at 2 0,C] celelter-y. IN MEMORuiAM DEA-N -h oigeoyo u jdearéîfather, Ewr . Dean h passed aayJun-e 13, 1947.ý Nhigcan ever take a-way' ý Thie love a heuart hol)dý; dear, Fond nienrories inger evezry day, ReImemIbranýe keeps hlm Inear. Awasremeinberred by daugli- he Em , ir husbaard A1býrt an fmyaud oson HaroId ancî is wf Ghffie, Henýper, ilUlda Lui, en, Bessie- and Fanmily. t - S1' Iteward, Finder Gordon, Kendal, th in g, eut. A4 17-8, C( Oh bathi mow- rg order, beth Neil Rainey, a-21.-p. anid Lot o street I)Oron, ft-he late M ...AND CANADA'S e are workhg thon ? Aiber CI[,, you heve a fomily ta think abot, . and r future..e a cnd w.orldng for your fazmils fuure tco. mg-, tlhLiberols ore doing: Or gake empl.ymnt. Liberal measures are help. in-g to intaini employinent ini Canlada, at record levels, and at Ille same time unem4--ra ploy menl t isra nce rese-rves hlave been buidýjjjý(in up.FThc go en [ ft ias e.ncouraged entlerprise and bigh production. Plants have exanc , ncw ndustrieastýýarted up. NAw opportun iare Ïbeing creatcd evcry day. OI Ae eniosanld pnio for the bind have been steadAimnrased bY the Liberal goveragment. But it isn'l stoppikig there. hsft aixn is anao-wd plan of contibutry pensions whichwll helf, everyone to enjo-y a comforablc and sectire oid age- auto- matically and as a riglt. provnces Tlhese are ail part of the Liberal program eof socialI U.Alad betterment... a progron to wince to chiave a "nationalâ standard Butlthe cf sociailsecurity and human strihutory elfare which assures the I end, for greatc-st possible measure ste heahh1 of social justice b il 1hines. Cunadians5". MAKE SUR£E 1H! WORK 1$CARRIED ON ýERALI(R INeoER-il-D by UAI~ M BALCOMMMTEtE Shia-ii neyer Inde away, We mnourn for hlm in Slilejce, No eyes can see us wecp.j But maniasu-ent tea~r is Shied WhLie cothers are aldeep. .-Ever remembe-red by' hisv Gladyýs and daughter Ethel, Mr> Oswald ý7ish to expre orflnmally ence extenided, n1eighbors duir and dea)th of mothier. SALI Thie unkiersfi recei-ved inistri cutor. of the E -crt Alli*ý a, Vo Lot 23, Conceý slAp onc,ýes a-nd / mile eý Frniday, Jun Tractor Equij e-ry, 50 heado Grain, Wood, Cash, No Rený tioneer,. tif lot 50~ x o. and mantel. pille floors, tresses, buiffe ice box and tci yards- to good Lake, jear Ne -store. Iime or wiii rent ai Rent to app prie. AlsO a numbl fooýt lots at S a stiones thiroiw LEROY]1 A. F.McKENIE, MD. 20wt 4.00 p.m.; 6i.30 to8,00 pm Sundays and Wdnsdyb LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMlANVILLIE, ONT. Phones: W. F. W ARD BOWMNV1LE~ONT. ISURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobjj and Liability ORCOÔ ONTÀMRIO ORONO'S INSIRANCE MAN ManuactueraLIfe Ingmranes * . Dom-inion ef Canada General Hartford Pire Infuaurainc WateiooMutai ire Insurance WaaeaMutual Ineurance is epesete n hi ditretby )ne 20O r le JACKSON ieer and Valuator ei'ftiorn Salces of al stag ýt reaffonabie rates ate wjth hini %t Pgf rie, or Met hlm Clark, A. t eronem for date. JACK REID Oroýno'i, Licenised AuctiOneer and V'aluator Specialize in Farm and Furnituire Sales Consuit nie for termu and dates phoPne 5 r P Free Estimates wil be Given ý heerfu11y on Rock WooI Home Insulation Uy Biower Systemi, Fourjy inchtesthick, GILPIN & Go. asulâtion Contracters, 57 Blooýr st. Went, Toronto District Rpeenaifor Durham âCoanty GEORGE WADDELL STAFFORD BROS -Monumivental Works 319IludasSt.E., Whitby 1-16 Need W, Dec. Foury aOb 9 *> E j: Or (hT a se r vices i.wd c Office rd onesg ~- .~ ৠr 'à iý,ea
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