-HORSE TownPark, Port Hfope T hursday, JUta. 23 at 6.00 p.rn. Gate prize of a $100.00 wiIl be drawu for after the last race lst PRIZE, $5.0; 2nid, $35.00; 3rd, $C5,00 COME ANI) BRING A FRTEND Tickets Î 50 Cents their g-o< is ground and repaired bhy experienced ope delivery service is free,. Al Our work ic ur, money theýerflly refunded. Weý aim te te our customrers. Bring youir grinlding pi SCUEDULE O.BA. MIDGET HARDBALL LEAGUE 10-Newcaistle vs Bwavle Il-~ownanvl1evs Oronio, 2.30 138-PoCrt Hope Vs Newcastle, 6.30 16-Newcastle -,s Port Hope, &8tCý -i-Ôoovs Bowgmanville, 6.30ý 260-iBowmnrville vs Newcýastle '2-Orono v's port Hope 2-4Port 'Hope vs Oroino, 6.,'W ýus repairs and parts nd up, Plus repairs and parts repairs Company !eiephone 630-W July 4-iBwm~nilievs Port iLpe, 4 6l--Prt Hope v-, Bewmnviile AGENTS e, Orono; Phone 70 r 2 ieral ý,Mercbant, Potnfypoïo4 phone Maj*or Detail ..The Progre Cv onservative Party's Decuration of Policy and. Approved by Canadions from every Provi nce -Representing Every walk, of Life Sinoe Parliamient dissotved a feiv weeks ago, Progressive Conservative Leader George rwla iie i e rne.le and the Party he leads, as a resuit of this tour, are co nvinced of one thing: It's Tl'iie for a Change!' The im-portant thing is for ail Canadians to decide between now and Aine 27th i3 what that change wil lie. WiVth this thouglitin m the Progressive Conservative Party takesl this oppor- tunity to present sorne of the major items of its Declaration of Policy. This is no hastily-drafted election rnanifesto, nor is it the opinion of one man. It expresses the unazimeus opinion of dele gates from every province who metini Ottawa from Septern- George 0mrw ber 3th to October 2nd Iast year. The importance of many of our statemnents of pollcy lias been geatly emphasized by the conduct; of the, goveriient during the recent session, but the poficies themrselves remain unchanged. ThLey were prepared «In the. belief that they will serve the bestinterests of ail the people of Canada. It is one statem.-ent of policy for the whole ofCada The purpose of the un-dertakinig we give to Canadians can be broken down iunder th-ree- Iieadings: Opportunity, &Security and Freedom.C Anierican pany axai irance Coi Arizona. Ho adds tirese co0 n 'tarLai furn- I -~ - oy tuIle1 tives in( e an.d Any person usirg or atteýmptin use such for-ma in the sale ocf in ance woffld lie acting as an iînsu: agent wtnthe meaning o>f thc suraixce Act sud %woulilecot ing the Provisions ùf the Açt, s to render thevseives lable to pi cutiOn, Tlie Ainerican Farrners finsur Onpany Iras persisted for the two yearýs, in trausacting insur iM Oxt ario thrnugh ulone OPPORTIINITY 1 (k)' Dea e-ffcetiveýly tAhe epecial transportation problem of1 Tha. e orsieCn vtv rneEdWard i ilandô, Newl'ound- rý Fl asureopportniuty toail l land, Cape Breton and Vancou-ve-r *Ur 1peaple hy a bold and 1progre-s- 1Islan'l yig ationa]i deveclop-ment program. ;(1> Ta1ke tihe necerssaîry steps to, Canada st-ands on the threshokid proceed ,wi.th the deveDpmreto ef hier greatest period of deel- tiý, re ýer aud water-vays project m-ent. A vigorous Prýgressrý4 Con- on 0 St1 Lwre11Rier wervative governmient with faàitir inj Expansion of Trade tir fuurewil brng ntoproucton Tire.- Progressive Coniservative tire ~ ~ ~ e iVene'eouce Iih eParty ill adopt every practical posesin e-vry part Of Canada. means te expand o-u exter'nl trade There la nto part of Canada where with thre U~, sud ail other nations. thecre are niot new. oppotun-ities of' SpecifSi-aily we will. developmnent if w provide thre ()romote and expanid overseas electric energy and other sources of1 traýde through reciprocal trade power toy encourage new idstisagrpeements. and newýç types of agricultural pr-i (b) Rernove ail aboormal 'trade duction1., barriers împosed by way of licesse, The ýProg-ressive Coniservative iquota co rnbargo. national develment progjram will (c) Remove tire ar'bitra-ry provi- co.ver dJevelopmnent of power, oiL:, sions ef the Foreigri Exchange ceai miner.ai resources and the! CoutLrol Act, trnpottinfacilities o their! (d) Re-valdue the Canadian dollaýr fil use. ithétr limits permaitted by thre We ýVl Bretto)n Woopds agr^eemenrt to ass (a)Estblih aNatona DFq-eý o>ur external trade. (a) stalis a Ntioal eop- 1 (e) Open negotiatio ns t- m-ake t1re ment Advisory Coundcil in eo-opera-1 dollar and tl_ on onetbe itien with tire provinces, te regain aur markets in thie sterling (b) Establisi a Nationmal Po-wer ares Authority te co-operate with thei Redoction of Toxe" provinces in thie technical examnina- tient of posible power develoip-1Sepigreýforms in Our taxation monts and in thre actual develop- sýyste-m and reducction of taxes are ment of oloctric power at cost. necessary to encourage iniiative an4ý- reward hard work. (c) Undertake the comnmencemenit The Progressive Conkservative cfi a joint conrservationr, irrigation ' .,t andpowr rojct n he askt- (a) Increase exemiptions ta at chewan River. least $2,500 for married peo3ple sand (d) Enîcou-rage- the dovelopment of $1,250 for single porsonks. power in the Maritime Provinces, . (b) Increaso tire exempftion for fom as as well as oither mneans. dependent childreni by $200. (e) Prometse the de-veîlpment of(c) L1e the general rate of 0tr great iraný ore resources of personal incone tax. Canada sud thre establish-menît of (d) ALlOW ddutinst farmers greatly expasded steel idust-ry. for work dos>e on, the farm by meni- (fi Stimulate the- devlopmest of eso ir anl petroleu-m and other minerai re- (eý End tire persecutic o a our Sources In co-operation with the ýpeople by ta-cllctisatisng provmrces, by tax7ation and i 1 under arbitrary pawers., policies te encourage the invesgtment', (f) Encourage development cf of risk cýapital. Ma11l business opprated by tire (g) Institute a vigorous program own0-er, by allocwing. proper exemnp- of wator conservatiojiý,roforstatios tion011for nmoney r-ivntd uthe flood control, irrigation and dan business anmd not paid out in profits. age sciremes t1irougirout Canada, for (g) provide for a graduated redu- the roclamnation of improductive tien ïin taxes on other smnail busi - land andi the preservation of aur nese upen tire portion of the sai.incamne left in the business-, for (ir) Establishi a positive programý further, developmnent. c)fmarshland roclamnation and devel- (h) 1Abolish nuisance taxes sud opm«ent. mnake subs;tan.tial reductions in (i) Taire effective steps as sean gnoi aessd xise taxes on asPossible ta o-apeate ith the irecessities provinces in building the T'i'ý- SICURITY ýCan.ada highway and feeder ronds,1 tenot only greatly' increase our; Sec ority of Emplcyment -,ot-;nfacilities, but aise The Progressive GConservativel dovelop Canada's tourist business.-iPartyeassures security ta IlCa- J) Remove the discrimination inicians by thre floigDelaration fright rates betwees diffe-rent areas. of Policy. iIn co-operatiosâ with the varlous; provincial goveraments we wifll explore, every poss;ib-ilit;y cf expanid-1 inýg tire Ipportulnitiesý for wark byý encouraging new types of produc- tion, We ee vo that the greatest security for employmnent in) Canada, is basedi upon ,tire fullest develop- ment cf aur resources wich bwil create new employmont aud inâcrease clemestic markets. Contributory Soc-ial Security This plan wiil provide tire foilow-, ing benerits. (1) Old-age pensions at 65 without s means test. ()Unemrployment Insurance benefits te be extended ta includ e payineunts for lime lest due te) acci- dent-or sicIrneSs. (31.dqut medical an-d hespi- tal cars ta be previded under al national iroalth proram which will inlude the most rextensive pro- votativje healtir services. (4) Tire sarae famuily allowanco' fe-r every chid, regardless o-f the number cf chidren ;n the famaily. T'hese and tirer Provisions ln Our lprograin will be workedi out inI coooration with the provinces. An Effective Programrr for the Consrucionof Houses 1, Loanýs and priorities, wiII bel made available te those who desire te build their own homes 2, Low-cast housIng wllho pro-1 vided Lunder plans 'jeint-ly-approved by tr Domiinion, Provýincial and Municipa,-lgvrmet.These plans wàI be admiaîistered by the mnunkcipalities.H 3. Nrew types et conistruction wii be enuagd areduce bildin-g cOsts, 4, Restrictions on building s ýup- plies will be removsdi. Secrity for Farniers TirePrgeseCosraiv undertaire-s te: 1:. Enset flor price legisiationi based on the followin-g princÏies.'ý (a) A definite2 formula in the IFanm Prices SupportL Act for a~v ling at flee-r prices. (b), Thefoma 1wll i alrlw fer variations 5u produc- lion, and demraad. (c) Fleer prices' wiil' hoe announicsd welIl in advance of the production perioçi. (l) Floor prices wi be arrived at in consulta- lion with repr-esenitatives of the producers. ý2. W favour thre resteration of the Canadian Wilea-t Board Act of 1935 ta serve as a miarketing agencý-y for whsat, producers. Coarse grains as well as .heat wi be handied onz a voluntary basis by ttire, Whetoard. The producers themnselves will decide t he nme'thod 'Dy whiceh their whei(at wili be handloed andi sold. Marketing boards and repres*entaý-1 tives cf ire produacer organizations should and will deterinine tiroir own, motirod of marketing,i 3.' We wvill establishi a boa rd ofi 4. We will extenid the acii 1e of tire Federsi Farn Loan Bear-d, 50! tirat farmers can taire advantage of long-terni, low-interest rates. 5. We wiHi icrease tire facilities fer agricultural researcir ta find new ulses for agricultural products. We wil l cooperatien with Pro-1 vincial Departinents of Agriculture, eondýucÈt tiorougir etudies of con-1 tagieus animal and plant diseases. ta reduce the iheavy annuai loss froni these causes. 6. In de-terïniningý agricultuiral poli'cy, we 1wil enlist the coopera- ,lion of farmners' organizations, througheout Canada. Tlire beat interests ef agriculture can be served under tire guidance of! tfirse witb practîcal knowledge cf each phase cf agriculture Security for Laibour Good workinig conditions for o ur people and fiendrly relations ho- tween workers and maýnagemenýt, are not only in tire best interestq of tire worksrs, but also in the bestj interests of tire country. Thre security sudlirappiness cof aIl aur worirers rnust be protected hy legislation providing for effective collective bargaining, the doeter- inaàtio)n ;of mutual rîglits, as weli as conciliation and settiement of difficulties which mnay arise. (a) We will estabblïsh a Ntoa Labour Council with equal repre-. sentatien from labouizr asudrnanage- ment. Tis ceundcil wiil examine causes of labour disputes sud pro- pose solutions. Ut will conduct researchr te;mi- prove labou-r relatijons. -(b) We will provide for greater1 labour representation an goven-ru- ment boards, om isinssd! agencies. (c) We wil'encourage profit- shariug plans,, through adjustmne-ts In taxationi. ()We will improve legisiation providing for compulaory collective bargaining; certification of labeur organizatieus after a majeiity vote;1 m-achin[ery for conciliation cf dis-. putes; fair and adequate wýages;. standard heurs of work, keeping iin mmid tire datycencerned; beli- days with psy. Security for Vtergns (a), We will estab(isir s standing caniinittee of tire Iouse of Cannions, onI Veterans A JFfairste regularly reiwveterans problenis; ()c rotais and constantly inlprove ahi veterën legislation, (c) to ehini.natc ail ulxnecessary dolays ini deealings with veterans sud ta sirnpify pra- cediure; (d) toeoxtend penision be- fits te tire nembois eof tire morclkinti navY; (e) te accept theire meilal catogory reoîded onl enl.istmnest; (f te stabilise pensionis of Pirst World War veterans, providîng fer upward revision where tire disabilty iras incireased; (g) ta increase aind extend provisiegr of war vote-raus'3 allowanees - with aran increase lun the amiount tirat a vteras nay a above tire allowimce paid. FREEDOM Tire Progressive Coniservative Party pledges itaelf te terîninate bure-aucratic action by govérn-ment- erdoer-in-coumncil, rmisterial -pro- clamation sud departirenta] regu.- lation. (a) We Mwill restare responsible gevernment answerable ta thie ele- ied rpresetaie oftire people, te W eaieve in tire widest possiblemue of personal fiee- demn consistent with laew, erder udà tire generai welfare. ()We are opposed tao powers, whicir give thre gevernment control over tire rigirts if tire individ ual. (d) We will restoro tire fil supreuxacy cf tire law and thre e-quality of every citizen under tire law. (e) We xil], conser've tire author- îty cf tire provincial sud mu-nicipal3, governiments over local affaire. (fü On assumning office vie, wifl cenvene a Dmne-rvnihcen- ference. r.(g) We believe tirat ntoa unity dopends upon respecý,t for ti federal constituîtion antd tire clear definition of tire responsibilities cf tire Domiînion, Provincial and Muni- cipal governuents, witir assurance of adequate fisaincial resources te carry eut thiese responsiblities. (hx) We undertaire ta restore fie-. dom cf speech over tire radio aid t place tire suipervisïin f l Cna dian broadcasting under an inde- pendent adminisqtrative- body. (i ') We ill. abolisirtire license- fee an radio rpeeiving sets, ()We give our unqpalifled sup- pý)rtto tire Nortir Atlantic Securlty I believe thils state-ment will provide couviucing rossons wYhy you sirold cast your ballot onJune 27tir f'or tirhe Progressive Conservativeý candidate lu your own ce-stituency sO, 0hat tir-e puiblic business of tins great country wili be handled by a strong, vigorous sud progressive) go:vernient ;in tire years airesd. George Drew Victoiriu, B.(, Me-3 30,Lff ITEf'S:TIME FOR:A C HANGE - 14 YERS iS TOO LONG j VOTE FOR TOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVI CANDIDATE PWMUSHED BY iTFE PR0GRE55IV! ON RATV , PRTY Qi' CAJNADA, 141 LAURER AVF. W., OflAWA 1 ni ed to using plinaeinvelopes lto get Lh their formsa nd advertiaiirg îera laVa( Canada, Another ruse used ila the setting ", p of numnerous ihiing addos'es -sie of which are outsida. tire State of Arizona, witirout arty indication- bat. Vhey are tire address of a insurance Comrpany. Thfese suibterfu-ges as well as a certaini amourit of adIvertisiirg creeping int- the Press ihave induced persans ta act as isrne age nts yi theut authocrity, whici l an offen-ce un-der tire Insurance Act. Tire Raulers National Insurane Comj-pauy l1,s olgsiia -a- tics lu spit'e of warniîrgs by tire De- partnent of In2surac. Pierrons wbho are approached Me purcirase insuranc fromn coinpauiea suclir as these should first ascertala fror tire Departiýnnt of Insuranea, Parliamnt Buildings, Tloo-onto,, tlrat tire Companry ta wiricir tirey ,are ap- plyiîrg la i1rcensed and that tire Per- soun oiIlr the insuruiice la 11-. censed as an insurance agent.13By talting theseprcatinsthey eau ho assured of tire protection provided by tire Inemrance Act in ta any rolicy ohta-ined wiIl be secured by de-posits Iposted by tire e ipnl Canada for Viire protection of Canadianr police iradevs. C. E, STEPHENSON goureraI appro)val of Iris constituents Mr. Stephiensoin s content tA .1et tirat record speak for itelf on pollipg day, Monrday, June 27tlir 1949. Ha mIiii coîxdrct -iis canipaign as tire geirtleran lireiras always hsowu rn . self taobire ual his eor intslubusi-. ness and public- life. His succes s ý a youti startiug ire.-ided te- mnare iris owýn eway, iris character anrd cIpacity' foýr sër'viiceiras irescete d iup- on durinrg his terrni at Ottawaq by ebeaof everv pohiticai partir -hroy~ghout tire ridlrg. vote of Thans 1ITtiras nt et lissaunconimnn t tire nny pubic gaireing wiere Char.- Hle Stephrenson iras spoken un Ëtire county duénig roldays wira thre tfue no t sittiug, te have- ladies and suiideelare b uway of a o of tiranlca. "Cirarie Stepheunson irap ïdope r,-.ima-gnîificent jolb fo)r tire pteo- pIe afDifani uxCount,'y iIhtis work uat Ottawa' 'fs a1b i diig sz>cer