VESLEY VILLE and Mrs. William Tuffordý 1ini S.nI rind. end IMIS. William Sioane ofi Woodland, spentf the we-n VIrand Mrs. Bruce Dinnýerl. W., T. NillIlJs and ?Mris. VEthel of Podt Hope, ihelped wt iltingg t Mrs.Hod ays and Mis. Russell Jerivi s of . ýspe-nt ndywith Mr. aiù eral of the lde of the cm ttended ffhe Libera-,l Rally Mark's Parish Hiall at Port, Dei iead daughters iandi Sitl of Port Hope. spentth end ihtheir pajrentfs, -Mr1 Lrs. A. Hale. itit an tten duceiof t! ïiÉy. C hiuc fohowed Cth Dr. Oko preaching a E K R vory good sermon. The Leskard chi M.aind Mrs. AnodThor!4dyke services arY e Vh ed t' ind daýughý1ters. VctrThorad!ýyke atp7130 là thoevAnngS 1n MoisusmeFs velynLaraanslen sic AU behofuruîsied byt Binstedand Rus-tit Pae attended ctoh wthitbMn.Work family pi.cnic aI Cobourg Bah rn.Ail friends ,f t A quitinig was held at te home ti r cr yiuvited. of Mur L. Hlloldy on TouMsdayWaf-Tho eWom"'en's Asc ter'mnoo. h quiit contributed byl had to change theirpn Trs. Thorudy-ke -was for the gardef'n trawerýry s cî n Wei pa'lrty'. 201th. Owinhg Vo the shortz MýAr. and Mrsý. Erne(st Park ainî ries, we have Phanged to, daugitters of Kenneore, accompanlied cold mntssns, homel Mmr. E. FBarrowýClough home fte and cakes wihl h the nieri atending a family r-unio nat Se- entotnronn t WClb brig% Mt.ý MVeet-ings of thereýf-resithrcent aWdNicholis and Mr% adAms Programme coommiteas were hield1 planning for. the gard-n Yt the home of Mr.a and Mis. Carroil hed on Ve 20h of July. nan at the vcry Satifaotory. OUr a'pologies t'o ~comnunl- the cnasrfor bigremi1ssaand aIso Our Conigra-tula tion1s for a j ob iainha-velweil done. ans forfthe;Auwwoenbig pns th lnsdy hécreek in t'he villag-e. It's not nearly ;age of ber- as satisfactory as thie old oie- local a upe-cars eau slip ;in a4t ailhôuirs ocf the nmade tartsnight now ithout vwaking the 1rc esi- nu nw The d enits, The 'vilg -ads aumd lass tlhe play driving oý)ver the oold b"ridge manrde _________ public thehur they kept1. SEarl Inch, Thie Leskard poillin.tivisionheldI pary o ea raýllyon Firiday ighti . Although uýt rwas avery an ih hr a Expéerience bli Service GEORGE DRMW A 1d e moen, Ma yor, P -,bvin u q PryLeader, The Tme in The Bouse of Comions- No otherrnafioned leaider car. match this record of Pubic se-rvice on AIL LEVELS 0F George Drew, more thana any other nrationial lea-der knows that gvrnett remain DEMOCRATIC, -must remain ini deeliandIs of thec peopie. As an aldermni e conçernedlihjmnseif witl the probleýms of lis ward. As mayor, lie worked for a botter co-mmunity. As provinciail legisiator, lie the interes-s of the people of his constitue ncy. As Premier of Onîtario lie gave lis n-ative provincete finest admiistration in its histoy . George -Drew ias siceeda n adeniistrator because lie believes in TAWR and C-OCPERATION on ail leveis As PREMIER 0F OINTARIO ie lield more cabinet mr-eetings and witli greater frequéncy tlian any gov;erment in ontario's liistory. Aýs leader of the ojfficiai ppsiinat 9twa, lie brouglit new life cand ienergy into îte House of Goammons, COUNTS and ý aeewed resp2ct for tlie principIe of ala mentary Government. PROGRESSIVE CONrýSER'VATIVE CANDIDAT-'-ESl give wlioleliearted support toGeoçrge Drew because rliey wijl be Members of' Pariament. in FACT as wvell as in NAIME. No longer wil. embers le forced to yieid ail power tio bureaucratic cabinet ministers anud centralizers and fail to give fuII rersettinTO THEIR COýýNSTITU-ENCIES,,, Compare the recc-rdls of Geo-rge rc and 'YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSE--%VýATlV-l canfdidate with those of other party leaersandadats Your vo3te on Junàe 27tli for your PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE C'A-NDIDùATE wilimeaanhtat yau wii lerepresened inPriaetby a supporter -)f A PROGRESSIVE CONSERVAT'ýIV-E GOVER1N- IMENT under cïthe ieadershipSof Gege EDrw. VOTE FOR 8TEPH ENSON TE catorra, pvvîmIaaJn tiuet YOuuCýnE ruai mythin, -wititout the itop Of thýei COVIÂNVILLE r.and Ms.T. Gaiutt, of Toi- 1 nto, 4at b. Reid's on Sunday, Mr. aýnd Mrs. Ularry CowauP visi'ted, Mr, and Mrs. ililliard Simp.)srn on, Sunday. Congriatulations to Mv. ,Iyd MrIs. Jam-es Sinipson on the birth cof a son at omavleHospital rou June- j5th. The pie social at Clarke on June' 10th wvas a success. Thte pa ie by Newcýastle young people 'was ve"'îry .muchtejyd Ch[arke'W. A. are planning V ohod1 their anniversaýýry seriices On.July noxt week. Father's Day servýice atrClAýrke was well attendod. Four cude woro citristened, naïreiy Btty Au diaughter of Mr. -and MrS. W, Fox Nancy Ruith, augliter of M1 n Mrvs. Sidney Hal 1ow elh, and May and Albert, d3hildîea of Mis,ý L. Reid. CLARKE UNION HOMlE AND SCHOOL CLUB The hast metig f the~so of Glarke Union Home and S(hooh1 Cluý3b -was iteld on Fii veigo ast week. After the sia,-îggf "O0aad" bheý Lord's Prayver and the transac-_ thon of te businieýIssesincago progrmme ohhoed wîch as in chrg ) f the4coulveonerï, M.Ni Mr. C. R'. qarvetit showed some' lnteresýtîng -films cof localitee f the Mayý Day 'at Kendal, patigofI threes lu the niorýti'hornlPart of the two-ý TownshýIDvelop-,eent and Treat- meut of the Warblie Fly", o'fJse Parkl and Westerni scenes. Ms Raymond Chapreanma favourIed wt Robert Chaters gzave Vwo hmoou rec ita tio0n s. Mv, Nil ain e-7 mov-i cd a vc-e o f thauks t tosFtaiu par't'on CVieporme Tit enigwas brought to ax close byVithe evig flucada CHASECO ACT CAC L'INES A12.01a.aThusaJn -1fi49, teCooiloa Lines Ltd._ t0eoit over cnomphý-eecnri h lCollac'utt Uoah ins and KawarthaUil'i alhyý in a prîutIed ïs4taeont issued'J C"oloil CoaciLin nldstite eaiîty ast wekas botit an gec nld n Epaielbletn Garton's Cact ins owan vile 'gents, o ooilGai continueduti futernic a- Acrngto courentinomtn te Colonial Cait ines, aftor pro- hoge egotiatio)ns, puvcita-sed Vit 1e Co11llut interest, hýock, stock, t'Ld carrel, icuigalfrainchises, atia fiuesaid to rmn over a million-dol lar's. Somie yasago-, ieColcu. purdhaý,sod by Gray Concit LUnes l- terests ai $000 The Gollactt jrotes aen oe by 'Coloniial, ilud1-e (1) Trnot K'intgston t o Gananoque; (2j Newà- castle fVoOrno to ')Poatyýpo'o;(3) intrnaionl Bundry Gananojque,: to igtn (4) Toronto to Witijtby VoPot Perry to Lindsay, and() 'Toronto Vo) Port 'Ho-pe to Peterboro. PacaldÏirectiories -indicate Oa Notice to Creditors [IN THE ESTATE 0F' R BURGESS, LaVe 9F the Village ut4 OroýnoD, lu the Cou-,nty o uhm Retir'ed Fimier,Deesd Ail persons bvn am gis theý Estate of the Said Rocb.ert Br gess,wh died ongr about the Fiinst day ofNvme,1948, are erby notifed to send toethe undersine Solicîior, on or efore the tdy of Tu1y, 1049 their nes and A. dresses and fuli particulars of Pher lair1s, and t'he- naturne of theseui mies (if any> held by them, duly Verified hy ý,st.atutory dcaain hmêdatlyafter the sý-aid GthMk day of 1uy 949, th-e assets ofth said dýýceased ill ho distributed(' -imong the pesos ntitled 'thereto, V, hiavin-grgr only to) theý claires of which the Eect r rthe under- signed Scitkor sham then have na- Datedat Oono tis 9h day of MR.GEORGE F. HENDERSON, JOHN BURGESS, 53DearbourneAv, Torontco, nt I. R. -WADDELL, K.C., - Orono, Ont, Siiorfor the Exocutors. Notices te)Crei LTrS IN THE ESTATE 0-F ELIZA JANUE EAGLESON, late f theVilg o'f Crimaý in the- County of Dur- heesa o of te aid E liza Janre Eaglsonwhoaiedno botVt li7th day of N7veniber, 1948, are horebynotffid Vo cud tothie dr :siged ohiito onor beforo the 9thý!- dayof July, 1W49,their aes oadc secunit o if nyhLn bythdalY day f Juy, 149, the ssets oth wsig ni onha, hnhv oie Dtat Oronlàe itis 91hdaye o"- juncesAiD., 1949. d uscrns Sohicit0nd orfo book over stk inrsV ot $00le inu Cooilé aciLnsLV, hc t~ctor u titis eas ng bus /rans me, Pt systeir. BOWMANVILLE ARY FAIR ,GROUNDS ,Ju 29 ~, ~ONTO ';4 OOTBALL TEAMV CAL TARS au I