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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jun 1949, p. 4

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"~Gmec4a- Q41 akopoe i cyctal Lons Stam 9 mhlrsreglar75c., for.............9 jice~~~~~~~~~~t, Giserglr6cfr...........9 rwelar 61wc". fer.. ---.. --. ---................9e eam, sugar and Tray, regular $4,85, for.......3.9 Alominu tmareuar$.7ùfo.........29 ofd JesyBy'Sis oprgirls Blouses reduiced te,, APRON -SPEýCIALS SATURDAY itario MODERN EQUIPMENT At Your Service in Tine of Need FOU RTEEN VEARS' EPREC Phone 18i ,or Night) lie a patient at - ORDERS TAKEN Sun Ray Feeds by the Longworth Miling Ce. ýxs Chiicken Starter, Growe, Mash and Fate~i~g e ts. Hog Starter,' ew ad Finiser aise owRe g, Concenitrates ahd inîemals Sait, ;9a eeds, and Chop Pe'e orders te IHOOEY OROINO Phocne No. 71 r12 ~qI ll~ ITU omdo it canadai Make your baII9tcouf fra strong, unitec Caoda undecr the \ eaidersbip of Rt. Hom~. Louis St. Laurent FOUak-ATER SECq lyfor youcl! o ftmy M.L SECURfT -Emplymentif rade, income ie alil at new s. ~es~ae benredueed. N actiories, néw% enJ ofil, minerai andi other jnaturlal resou iCes are 1tre ealthmrejobis. ECWRW'Y-- The Liberals Jhaie put thro ýgh alteesca D1i Ag(, eidsions, Pensions 1forhe Bliihd, Family It(ospital and Realili Granis, Unenq4iloymeiit Floot Pries uder farnm pr-k uctws.' mis nalkimnwide coraibuory dld aAe itd (onîibutory hea1hisrn L SýC URÈTY - Waittic Part? grmssn and war lias hecmplete support prais. %t.HomNLuisSt.Lauwrnt%"e fii-sti and srngsiadvocates. Land-; iniled and ready, in cooperation democratic nations. to doslier par g p'cacie and secmrity.. ýUTURE rds mai Classifi supper te el in 0 FS, Suniday a: 'Yespecia-lly Decora"tion Day w, ill as usýual t]lis year on teiS)eieties are 1pv part ln the decoration cf of th-eir dee,ýeased lbrethe will comminence a,,t 2.300 Oroneo Band wîll be prese the music. service wil" of1 our local clergy. Plan Clarke) District L.OL. vice will be held in K Church on Sunidayv, JulY p.m. The lodges willl school ground at 2.30ý flite band wili lead the A. E. Esaewill ho ti ity N Par k (on le 2pith. Ail present. FOU Ail tenders" mustL be ,(J and ntailed t Ille Vn ra- itedtetkE of tihe graves rrL Service FOR SA] o'clock. The ,e i-nt te supply Mnny articles of f ", ý, ý ie- ttwo lare e xter Note thle change of irne for th'e Gospel Service at the Gospel Ms sion. In the ýool of the day7 (7.00) in a ver'y c-ool place. COMMUNITY SALE The lilth Durham G County Co- miunlity Auiction wil be heid at the Sales Barn, Orono, on the evenring of Tbursday, June 3th, a t 7 shr.As-this is a busy timie of the yeatr for farmiers, there -will bh oI frersales Lunïil July :ý8th. 'Any- mne wish,ýing -to put lire stckL- in this FaIlc, please let the auctionee-r klnowv well in dane as tbis promises toi be oneà of the largest sales yet. Re-1 mebrthe dante, Junie 30. the placel whle-re ail farmers mneet. Timne 7.00 p.m. Terins Cash. SALE REGISTERS I hiave beenthoizdte se-l by public miction from tlhe executor of the estate of the late J. P. Johnston, at Lots 22ý and 23, Con. 4,1 îak To nhi, mle east of Oron'o and ½mille sout'h, oni Tuesday, Jun-re 28,1 at c.30 p.m., nhiey grain and hiay anmd a nmber of pieces of furni- tUre. Terra-os Cash. No Reserre. -akReid, Auctionieer. Ihv eceived ïinstrutction,,s front Mr. Adam Keanle, Lot 22, Con. 6, Carke 1onhp mile north of Ornto seiliby public auction on1 the evenhitg of Jullt, ïat 7.10, standing hay, and somne machinery, 52 acres of m.-ixed grain, 14 acres of including M. H. Dînder, 7ýfoot eut,1 in excelIlent conditin, Terms cash. No Reserre. Jack -Reid, Auction.eer. The.-,ndersigited auctioneer has received instructions fi-rm the exe- cutor of the Estate of the inte Rob- er-t AlUin, te seil by publie auction at Lot 283, Conc-essioný 8, Clarke Town.- slip, i concesqicon- northi of Kiriby, and 12 mile east, at 12.30 p.i.ý on1 FdaJune 24th, a M.-Hl. Tracterý, er,50 liead of Cattie, Swine, Ha, Grain, Wood, Furniture, etc. Ternis Cash. No Resev; ed Ac Real Estate $4,800 Farmof 100 ars close to village of Kendal, northwest of Port HopJe, cOr- nier preperty ïon l7th Conces- sion, good land,. wide year- round steaîn. barn and gar- agela gOod repair, City style hlome Jf 6 rcooma, eleCtricity, veranda, a' eceletproperty. C. C. M. Bi-*cycle, niechanicallIy like -new. Rensonable off er. Phone 72-1 or, 42-7, Orono. a"2c For SALE 7-roomied hlouse and smail barni or gairage on btalf-acre lot o-n the south i side of Centre Street, Oronio; aisc, Ho1cuse nnd Lot' on the ,weFt sie of Main Str-eet, Orm- o. Boffh Vthe prop- eryof tne laite M4rs. E. J. EagIeoýn). Apply Vo Fred j. Br-imacoioe o~r.p R. WaddICell, K.C,, Orono. FOR SALE One- Deer-ing Grain Bleder, 6 foot cut. Phone 6r 16, Orn. C-22-c. FORSALE 1Thýret hme New Perfection ceai11 * tetwo ovens, in perfect Col- dition. Appiy Vo MRsn. P. D. paton FOR SALEF McCrmck- DerngCream SeP. - arator iS 8, in, AI condition. $100,00. Apply to RP. H. Sutcliff e, phonoe 7 r1- l1 WANTED Dead H-orses and Cattie FORt FREE PICK UP Phone: TorouteAd.163 or Cobolurg 48 j We Pay Phono1 Cha-rges 'GORDON YOUNG ltd. Ojrono Electric Ph. ',')àr 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guý,araniteed Repaira to ail makes of Electrieal Eqtipiment and Appliances Suhas Motors, Water fleatera, Rtadios, Stor"es, Irons, -Etc. $3,800. -ro Orono, appr( appies and wvood iheurs, isý an ideal h pond, refores $ 2,5",0 C 8ï loaion storey%,5-I houwse. B shled 15à acres ýin (de, ilear Orano, AnitiquE Se o HIAMILTON and S-MITH BROTKER Office Ph. 3-0 Res. 1-16 oronuon 15tarjos VM 1TT EF [LYSICIAN ýand SURGEON Officàe Hours: t. 4,00,; 6.30 to 8.00 pim, undays andï Wedniesdays hy appointment only ýONE 47r1 RN LEGAL arrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phonea:- office 688 Hoine 553 W. F. WARD, BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOT-ARY Office 825 Redec * BOWMýANVILLF.,ONT. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fîre, Casualty, Automobis, and Liahility ORONO ONTrARla ORONOS INSURANCE VIAN Hartford Pire Inaura4nce Waterloo Mutual Fire Inasurauco Wawaneaa Mutuai nuac lrepreSented n this district hy DANE FOIJND OR>ONO Phone S r 1 LI FE INSURvANCÏoe,-- ~pension Plans; Educationkal oies Protection anid Savingas Pla-na fom 1Chlildrefr and Adullts; 3Mortga-e Il&- ~Surance Plalns. F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - Phocne 20 r i.W AIJCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auttioneer and Valuatox Conducts Auction Sale. of al a1m and at reasona1ble rate. Cênununicate with hlm at Pwt Perry, ontarlo, or se. hM3 Clerk, A. E. Morton, at- Oromo, for date. J AC KÏR E ID Auctioneer andVaate Specialize in Farmn and Fur.iture Sales Coaisult me for ternis and dates Phone ;1pr 1'Q Free Estimates wilI be Given Cheerfully on Rock Wool Home Insulation 87 Biower Systein, Four inchea thick,. GILPIN &Co. Insulation Contractors, 57 Bloor St. West, Toironto DititRepresentative for Durham County GEORGE WADDELL Phano 2,3 r 22 - BET'IANY-~ STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works phone WVhitby 552 318 DndasSt. E., Wýhitby FINE QUTALITY MONUIMENTS ANIP L4et us ereet a hani-dsom,,e, dig-> nifted nmonunmenît ver theret ing jPlace of (r ior ed ones. It's neot expctrsîve. And sen -yziuiendles, eenifort,

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