nia gio1 b) MUCbetion WUÇ î-' lio f l'S was in ov withm lusb)anl1 anld 1 îlecidled shlat> [ didJ not love hilm the K"ay I th 1h 1 sbud old bon about it am] we were goinig tu sep1,- hurt, but idnî anî Wil eep, meJ ag netmyws But thie mnore 1 hohtabout ii: as limie w\ent onl lis more I intwanit to lcae em aferal, I lad beýen taug3 01Cat enarrage je serios and not ightlY taeso I madýe up) my mind b try, 10 uild al good life wýith him Non \~ I ave g 1wn1n, and through the years ýmy love hias gwn îoo We arec a happy family. 1 wih cou1ld get this douible thlought over to young girls Look befoe y-u Iep aîsd pra3 before yoil leap oulff ussrrige, Marriage tatkes c,-. you faun aei success if youl îy. apymragsdon'it jusiï 3,)p c0y u t ofno er.- r. about my husbasid aSS moy mus- take. Silice hie wats the quiet ty PC, afol givets té îtldenina hiniseif froni3 mnjustaccselath , the matter finally essdedl when- 1 f ed the lawýyers with msjy frutgal savinge and got a di- vo4ýrc4e. After twýNo yèars jIclarnied 41tis r - hie was abisoltltely la'meles. 1 hiotfooted 200 miles to lIse toiený where be'd1 moved, forîgot tre wa-s snicb anl itemi as pride, aedmittedi jny nistýake, and we- were §nsarried& over agatin.r Msl M .H M Iy greateet mistake was mry ang a moan 19 years younger thant I was, 1 deceîed hlm about -Y ege and noie f hav e acn n wor;7y on ns mmld for fear h.( K., wil lean tset t; andf the effot UJ îry tb look youing 0n11Y issakeÉs ,,Is-eK ook lr thpal- 1 really all. So, ail yol, lnely tçidows, take- àt from euet vhoD knows l -ot snarry aý osais' yosuslg4er flien) you, lb inSt won't work I -Vlrs. 31. 1 ýet My bab-y girl standing aor ce beench beside, MnY wst WVhn f1 rktsrnedsh hd, afc tiewCrand w aS almost 1 eheu1d have had wsy e0aw'e! nidl lmbskeàI for Bang", diseastc and t11ber- 4"losis. -I was *triekenl tithý un- doan ever and haesssfferqd for, *bis dîs;ease. - 3p B, Q 1 ignered tise ipot of bad drt *î m orse's- ,col1ar, Aiter 1 had ,Worked the heorse-t couple ofCay I s(oticed ýa tcrlf sûeo his Ottawa Youith Wius Summer Ski Meet Hittîg almost al mile ai miute eAjp, two Ot1àawaý youthe ecent shaed ophonore i îhe ann1Ual #ames L BrepWster meiori ski *ace, at Coluira Icefield- George tirossîan, 20-year-old son of aný Ottawa bilding conitractoi, caP- lssre the trpyby etsrn&nin a imet cf 1.37.1 for dt mile and a halslalomn cors, hile- Ron Cr oadn, astrident of Carleton tIçpl- ikge, secured scondJý placeý with 1.39 ~,.winsues 'for tIse descti, 'l'li týw QutWa lads, boph membrS Af tce Ottawja Ski Clulb, weetriumphant eveïr 19 terconltestants5 frosuc Motral Tronto, CagrEe onoJasýper anld anovrin) obe gruellng ru"s over the rnggecd ecoutrse ow the face of Aâthabaisca Tongue of tise Great Domse Glacietr Tise firî"t huaîf of tIe rn111 was prîC~ tically sheerc ice, while the later baîf was wet, it the snlow surface isi a late stage of finificaton aad wjtb anyi ml cease to b Thelades'secionofthe tvcntss Was o by LosWoodwosn ii *Sd Lorna Pii placd second. Trhe junior boys' section Was cap- ga,, tred by 16-year-old Jack Buce 1,was second, 'Che meet wax witnessed bA mn I 8-oz j pkg. wh lole whetat fae Cilculaledpeaunts Ytcnisp butter or mraie Pour cerea;l anid peanIuts ilc gasdlarge mjixing bocw'l. Coo sugar and syr-up over low hue, strrin-g constaIItly Iun'til sIuar j ruelted and mixture bous (about tiv minie>.Add butter or mnar- garine; moix well. Pour bsot syrIup o)Ver ceea, tirrmig s501tat echl flae is coated. Pres intogrcasedI saowpans. Cnt into lar-ge squares when cool. Yield: 27 3-ineh s quares (ithe 499ich pans), And no'wthat I've startedit, 1I gn'ess I migb aswelcniu aIeng jbc cme unea"d gue >you a, coupile of more recipes 've been nreasuring-both for the sort of cfctosthIat are mighty h-andy tu have aronnd, specialy is the- wrm iAweather, w-hen eso-etb4ing aili nd taisty, £servedl with a "ýup oftee o-r cofeebt oriced, -tîstes Chocoilat. Macarootns, 2 egg white 2-cuip ngar ýstp. v7anilla £2cup ocrn kJ Sculp ciapped rns4nIets Beet qg wsts~nmsti-f but oct' d4ry. FakiI îefgar A.1eflavo4iq, cwan fmaes, atct'dcoo bWt; mix rarndl. Drap by uoon- iato el-rae baking tset. Bake ;in-.modera;te avn 3Sq0eF.) le l20minuites. Remoiýve from pan Yil:2dozen macaroNem (2 lu, indiameter). 1 package (3a.ircan ches -Upngar o tp. leman jécfe I op sifted foi Step. sI r"cue Ovun- popped Ace cereal, iciBlen sotensn, ci,-,and tic ur, bailg powdr adsI h eh, !l be 1 îs ie1d steterl ix ssc1. hap dog'Fin o sm1all hallPUs, roîl in înelyOc shed ovn poppe noi dciasisetkr> To Dfros-lt Thn iavt(OT eHoiteom rezeratmh Wîtb mýiore And moresOtaj faiis isliug home frcethe ing fyncfsts, ame d ice stotei e frostig ma ot be amus,s it le a jobdiffr i auy waysfrom-r atdfroein te ordînarïyauom a followig int tas e 0 te e t netho dor oing t hec powdery frean De soid ice. ù-ýrmï hafiou bsc of frost foht rmezera insiderable arf e frteeer igr- ated surfacmes. ordarl c a yermise pften enouh but in u surronndiug, or if p'tkh freeep sveed dipgtoo hrete yeair. efrost, ifFssibe, whtn rel- ýtely ittfrood the in bc reeer- id1«SpRemove f s-esc unmiUe par'!; 'iç by s rapiu wlth ý the Ifer"-j lu opratin. I Alb. reezr lefdlot. tlie fusil, m aesood pcage erh, tfý'rese- isislirsg the TIME Tu SET BDUSY For Quick, Easq $Svr Results Take Your Choice of CERTO jpee and ly- igneed seot be ae clânre,' 'The ,nel'1 n dsib;e fy&vitei h day without ram, That brue of conte districts, but Halton County, tis. dry ~been mucis longer. Except '~ tien erv brief tliowere. looýseuned îjetfror lectric fpi an h if placed so tIsa a-ir into tise freE Lmn on te floocr ýýthe ,freezer .op fa1n may b1)(!place wal; r the fa hi'e freeZer and til iý1 lieto it. L C lWieiear and he eezrf for ont And cti knlows cxoue7 roi ýe aad I t<i ft he s 1) 1 News cf "The Ex," Heire's best .1 ý3 '10a11og wle for omenwhodo not Sm', but ire smart bulyers when lit cornes tc oMUbftig thmselves and young dauhter. This i ài . , , tAisyear at the C.N.E.,rthecltes for eh. Mother anid Dalightesr "Coýver Girl"' comýpetition need not behm sewn. They muejstt besaruib tu the wemar and as close as Pos,- ible to wat pthe typ-',ia and womn nd anhter %woýu1d wear. Daughter isesotbcaIder than 10 Y September 1i to be in th wnigline-np. First prize will be $50; second, $40: thbird, $ý30, anid fouIrùh, $20.Mothier wVhdaliglter by hand wN l ok their prettistfo tise 2ud'jeS the akfterxoms if Sep- ini Womý-naWF 'sWin tise Coliseinm fthat e aei , teight. Wte tada toKthitken, ws'asdireetrr of tIe CNE., or yor enry rm Anw. o Coso Pzl 'm , y h a v e4 ytt. 'Most, withaur iove, PaTuel;r peisî ove $100 on - clver see4s cf vi in tIe bags. have taken a kcrapzystek The Jlest tee daéy, lt i basieis erond 0,audye , oely ae ekj nme.te keep OurIsota seM St- ebisv-nucomfartably v;11eTrca, vilss Wve did a bit of shopping lWe Tilusnrsdy anÉtI1lahe an l4ea eh sFtores ,weref3at qit. sbLsey »as uýliaI Com-ing bos, oen tisebis, I '%as ,chattii-g wvtisa fxie)d, e presens living 3in To r.nt, vibo e2 me14 tiat dus'7ing ih. lest f'ew v eekeý tisere hvebeen ,quit. à mb~c peddlers going fret- door 1udoor. If bhit us a igm cýf tie tesi't ic onse bmat neo'dy welconzes -- un- employmnt, euthtie Cctfiing shig.h wu eberile Bpwrer- hape tatis4 one iustane leeotf, laterpational Federation of àAgrï- cutrlPr'xluceri ou Q et n WhenIci gat haifne fîou Taant lest Tbuircday, i jueit baeï lne t g-el a tbite ,ta e, n",sudtiben Partuer enti 1INveut off to s es a show.Wel it was "Scott-o 'f the trte Notony a e epin teuon 1 interested lu thjitor o te u peClo ibeae -4CptiosOate- eam fomtetgýr ithorpemai4- Ean, m hueue at'emathel-at maeber he were put on exhib Mhi procede Ibele, webust iamtme m 1 Yrvry muc abt Mt saee<cet and, evaat t cat hË hai0 terrùcle TIs pctuofcourseCfsvaui, ?aste "mrI eLly ike"It Tiet sue Mn n priv atainthat'0Wi Caywholepronwed s e oencfso ec lees-a it jeaeeording týa te dstory w-aee n vïy tingai ta i £ctt uiaiyshat rovedt be ofbeneit t inca rt ss ere nd tied ansd foy wlsat prpceIfanyi)eeknows'f th anseery wM eui blad 5w hea Well, even tpïsg ibot wori C-A1M OUY Tiseit e14 W&<y V'is giie n tls AÀ ýpisg k amoment5 4s leoked up vwthitisaps'ldys, %"çLw odl'1shenumre,"P lWe 20 ycr WALWOP YGU BELOW THIE Î.1?1 ký'iwFoewi.f ï', ndigettîcà strukýue, Sey solaeth A-anrt U Pfed<d b e=tçzi oac 7c -e. ""aaodIg, Ix b0wes.- 'help om "get~iîs iba4 TCmet101U geü tii. knd 0! reiW ieC h fsqyueD1 ballr Ufrinyous-Ied toyoy ovu p as yysr dngismst-0 JAM AND IELLY 4 k'~~F~ /1< veva , ,h yu oheoee. Ye ~usots ~un.~ WIt CRI»T buJ pedi Po VRR tMkISHRTIO,.When yosi me CERTO orx "CERTO" CrY7telu ydu nced, onl 'y fa O-N E- MIIIUTE fIll, ralling bell for, botIs lsms andy jellIes. Sný'cb :e saving of lime and wcen I Il k. ot JNSOR ULY. Very litke inict a tissye 10bi wyS% il dc l od-aiiaid lag-eln.'Ybn gel up 10 50%0morCe juip e,( jetjy frin ie aeamount offri C,. mm-eq- RITAY5E . . . CMOOR. Tise loveîy leste and colour of the freshi fruit tay il, yocmr icama' and jellica Secause tise boil le toe short taý spohl týA Qise ù r iduil tise other. 4. KO GUESSWORK. Wfth échber CRTO or, 'CETQ"Crstas ou get tested reelcpïes - sdf ert u ieor -cfis fruit Follomi IbeIný .saoly ad yo'llbave ~vedvot. et Elesuîot ~etdc tog 'SOF4 ee«IR ODAYfRi WmICHIVUR v *FetitIS IT CRO5<ytl