white, sauce VA CU = 1uarm sossast nave wrtteu i, tat brin îù yau ta m'ne." "Tha wa ' is motve,"she a'd >.mpaticlly "11 wol hve Lcamle eButwbwory ? Y-ou ivill se set y n ta bisl's ranch? t tare ta have Lt. Raudail e. I thiuk I shaîl bave my aranyfori- omt, fyau doP me ne go wàtb yo. f1shass utk At Svec r mcb." She coud stet tat A emeant1, tuS nd hiec ng for JimtRp lu tepn.ga Idawn, th ofndaaIhocj Wwteed outaide, tht ous. Vrgiia ssiklyflu-ishIed 4resissgfertht ide nd over, ený shalted i awm tha tis ,ý 1fis "G'od oring" wscheecr. f1ttlut sh1e cculd nrot anlswrbi ai al.He Came thtceborssbead, MWel es Even dtmhou yo c"How dIid rauc'l kuow?' i1g "Stee Baroucamie sdtl ta von lxu'bs. Wen hleft vanll, ý he bogbt hors.'puecidedslrt could-vautau exra munt ouv fo angr1 about lat mi,)ht's ivsad-" AYon illbe -ad ailee Llf I ae alu o jt ttsaiî he caulild se b bis mod tat iimaunt tht grav malre be ba putbi fotjuta sti;rrup anýd !his bada! e ebwlifted ber uip. Tie lve mj1-(1iesthreub ht blos sNsir.sg Moriug tooktheitrass thtetlarlads ita tht Carico Hl scended hiuta a valey !bCd that Vas al drsst suaïd cactuls. They foiund a ps utop osite hit ilIragsu tle land. Stretcbîuig far-tber tIssu ýthe t old sec, ijucta thepaleibluie aM spce. Far off across tunemsUAof unh-gasa, grazd a berm aico t tî.Tbey tulrn-ed wy rm h hedceadug sauthwest. Tbey spoke Otatai l, and Vur- glatiswaudldave it bat ap. SA wss à ontent ta bce with bler 1 .S i 1 k as 44. Tr "6MI i S- swhere jas this Issue Q.What is a firat aid reredy orsunstroke? patint, exiîve hm inolte abade atrt ise head. Q. What'can 1 do witýh jelly thate r'efuse-sta "jiel ?" \. Wben prepasn1ug jlysd r efuses ta jl. s1aJice of calrcot will uribtbe uccssry ectin ýand produe a cearflrm elly w traIces ai tht cal-lotfaor Q .How tan I remove ink statuaý from lineni, sitks and cortons?~ A By oakugthtsaieepr ilu canneid tmaoJui'ce forabout 10 mrinulilses, thein %washýIlin g as;ulsuaL. Q. How cao 1 remnedy perspiring haiids wheu playing tennis or golf. ta ensure a better grip oni the htandles? A. Rub soime miagnaesi-umcarbo nate lin the ipalîiof ieh baus. and this trouble will bceoe-cue Q. Hou' can I1 refieve the bite of- a mnosquitù? .Tr rbbing tht affectedti ar 'a15 omnuon audc soap), dip)ped in ýwlitr tamoîtei 15. A Smart Trk Which Worked At a lparty back fili'33, MoyMc- Clean, a NwYork nwppra wýith a lpiddgrin suad a trick, immry !or triviaq, felII in lovc with- a phtogauhe's odel namned Jan Mrio.jan wVas off to Holly- wodin a f ew dlays, hut Roy car- ried the torch until hern«rturn> Yeair later. Jn owv was stil.l playui1g the fied, wie llyRo0se. 1I could have ad fretdate evey ghitfor six /me ths," sh tofld Ro at thIle tra#/ 1 dbtit," smifedRy.Tee since u lef; y()loici dpiaynates hiave alot f ewteepon nm "Bu vI roe baome ýof thtboy l wvas gettiuig ils oday. j'Il bet imy phione rin gýs a dozen tîmes tonight" Youi're oan," said Ray, "b)ut et% maýke the bet iuteresiu!g, \VjItly adate bI mdngh? "Dou," lughe Jap Rayleft ad she tared ta upak.lu a fewv mliniutes ithe pholle rang -a-d Jin skpenver tn answer it. "Is Ms.Tailnuenbaumthler?" 'a raýspiuig voice asked. "rQug numer,"snaped Uan. iy ev i, oting had lhappieiid. "'Sii time for a theatre date" an de2cided,ý thul took offher gowu ta kep ltfresh anld puit onl'auld bathralae. "Still time for fthe Stork Club11," >;sh-e dcidled thrCýe I boucslat- )lt, btier lheart wasu't il-, t. She sawiheself waàiîg cndles iiglitq for thte phonie ta ring; shietout aotRoy adiohQe nwchicke be hiad mentiouied, Wbat if 1HE- At 12 a bell rang sapy She r ditehtponthnrealzed 't w a Stht door. She opCjed it aud feiu lictaMO y'"";armns, bathirobe, t eaFrs splce tat nigllit. 1 sometCimes; sOndeC1 rif RO Y meertold Jan this ýinterestiiug bit of tri-via: Thiat back iil 1934-, if yori dialed a tLCepho0ne lu ew ackand thien kLep)t yoiur Se ceciv riof t Hc bak -, fter the, 0other pe ýrsan had b 11unq1g 111, the other p!elso'sphioutwas comlplete- W eataincam-iingcîs thlis tfli iuajleg Of lber iîre' Thiere wasnas ste l -ni, anld Ilie kep lte lborses tL)aa br wlk Tecloppiuig 0'hof au(;ti th .cr-eaking of Saddieleate ne lýInd against tht vast qîuimt Fi lyhe said, "Tbfire Sa- Hepointed towav.rd 'a, distant ire4 butte. It rose aitont fCte yellow- gî'ay heat îhaZeý. .Virginiia C'old see nothncjmre at flrst. Bult theïî, att- er anothe hîfmiesh swà jciump f catof oos nd tht -white wvails a)f aidobe bouise aud near the bose Is- le gayfr'àxue otbuýiild- They rode)u tathe oue.Thre JdooCri tOod p vcly pen,'11irgni Eoa'lled ouct, ber voice exciteti "hi! Her -volte strude agai-ist niti- ns.Sht glaqnced at jint a ;nd foulid hlm rowingand lookiugshapl abu. bydismloutlIc e and rail, îd talteoot. Jim puisbiled i sý eggs stoE~ "DEAR one tiSe but my tht man macried. "I liv tWa yea~ bis wif i fotc we'e bth hiad famýIlytoul 'We neyer quarrel, and 3f have fouind ma)re apusal e wltithh la]1 n eer ne n ma- shw- im ore knus hnhis "oyou tinjk f sbould i p tIse ouly haýppIneUsaI'e evL'ilnown? Plessehel me *FOR avec 20 *the griefs of a *severyUMAtt *neas" at whai i'llflcnt peop * hemselves tha *have pou any *hnsband of su, q ifpou wone n \% Yo 1 ay an- *between hlmý lase hrougv *e meas I was *humt entane: 4fretta give Io *long as yon * htfuture lie befone shiamiefl gossip es'y> bye snatched atid eujayed. I-,4 astate taelbe earned. Th'ere ean be eutpe happinýesthat l, b-ougýht at",s cost of reputto:n su dceey If yuaxe conYý- fissed teI AneHirat about it. Address her at 123 Elghteentl st., NewTrotO, igMitk A friend of Ine ben d a faslat ing Conversation by twe 't-ee-age girl Sitting Do) tht frcont pcb ýiof thet adjoDin'ing hne.Otoft& began ontling tbe edepis ofhec big date hdeeng belote. "~He kepttcyingta kisane," au s a i ret 11s3, ad IktSay- iig to!-bc he didi. Sa aflier sý wile i caugbi toni, 1ud I quîtsay hg it." Mut am, ibeef, stinlg basa g g S. Comnbi-ne im"iS ta rd,'tomat sauip, wbite sace sd seasoli;ps and l add ta ham ixtr.Pae à roled bsutduh evs6 I aw apia i somepaerut cenitly wicisitat iïf everybody, o1d and yaung, wouLld tat a deoze4 est gspeu zyear, tb]ey'd !K01, oîtt fui betetbutalso briug epro - i4tjt tthe entire egg-raisig lM iHw rue 0thi sJdn' uw utIdo ko ha tis' ard &../ get yaur f inîlyta'pt awa'ýY ScO'As extra --cifut hi e ev somIleth-lig lkethis 1 EGG SUPPER DISH Shard-cooked eggbi i eup crushed patato, chiýps 3 tablespoons butter 2 tabiespoons lr ~teaspoon dry muLstai'd Y4teaspý)ûn celery saIt' I cups mlk Steaspean sait ý/ teaspoan pepp. Sluce eggs. MeIt buttc' stiTrî4 tCe four, dry iîustbacd.andi ceery saIt. Add milk gradualf, stoudea uus lsauec ssmootK Adtt sCl4 and pepper. Reserve K',uri cup. ocf ccutsbied chips fur tOp' ef ea~SSetoie. In a on '--sU;rt greased casserole place ailayer ef slice eggs, aud top with alayer of crntshied Chips. Cont-iniue lyr ývnding with a layer ->f eggs. Peau white sauIce over t02 and spinkît wih remnaiuing ccushefid patate chps.akeý at 325 degree foDr 20 aënutes. Perlaps you thin yov kioe fio hae tlied, aIl tht inds et pie theeare. Well maybesea And; 2naybe ag ai, tt"Isight be îIewý OTH BERRY PIE ine-inch pie shell creain cheese esh beriies osf coasta pst stielî. Wsl~rs~ huIl. andtdrain well. Place &al f berns u à pue sel.Mauh and strain relnaiing bernes until th jul-ic lewC11 tate. rigjuice tao boiliug point ard slowiy stir ýfl sugar sud corustarcb, wiceh have b-cu lede tgehe. oûteslow- ly for aboout 10 minutes. CoolCn pour~vernncoked ern;es lu pie shlelI. Place pýie uco place tilt wppdcream. BPAtR KERP.* 81 *1tl il --W'mt lsIl hat e * bathwear yur pais * eact itb mlutu; niau hat S, as *kua-w theti tuthi. T *C no ampetehapinl 4' o ou had, You kn11 ~LST st-Aciing Dry Yo NO Refrlgr#onI, sof womn vsyw.I mi he h. w Y.ahsen igiljg DreyY.oW k..ps Le- w4wpt pboagl Pulocg nuIs h