they support, cost an averag $8000Q Per mile. A 39-ft.r-ail 0of1100 pounld w' (100 poun)ds for every three costs $5000. Thus, orse ile bii thIe price Up, to $18,55100, The which support the rils,cst \& piece anid there are approxii? Z,850 ties u3 one miire of t Spik-es, hihare use'd for f*i 'iug thie rails 10 the ies, a3re W four centseacli.There are13 Spikes uised for eve'rY m-il'e. These items alone bringtbe per mi-iile to $23,770-00 without !Inguito 'conc1ider-ation, grading, jasting, bri4gessatons,. si sitches, ie plates and(',Otltei peirditures which b)ring Étiee Sch ihger. Nor does it inc tle cost of labour, upkeep, noi ariginal price of the land. The( 'adian National Railways oiper ,14,179 miles of flrst line track The upkeep of trains is also iarge. For exantpIe, the CN R [atmIl, >and e a rc ýin1 a ecessaý,ry i rsSot- ton toiou Lihyou cal, rbbl d lis ith less eupet h ig item"s lmake s oldeîiing ea- g coper scrperfile, in- ar solder ad wresoler simple jobs ly011vcaoilge %ith a lne -q uart !blowtorci. fu'1el chamlber, abot tw 1f slder doeslot stick toth coppr, ehahiti oder -on a tin pate and rub eud of capner o"n tin plate vitli force, Altern-ate mli- bting oný solder n dippinýg in fu ill igive th"e copper 9e coating '3f solder forabou an iinchor morýe Srom en".Wipe copper wMt a piecr odmpwaste just as soon asit istinned. To he'at iasolderinron with> blwtor-ch, placeoe el-d of io in f lamei. Ass)oon asHiron isht e-nOugh, pull it ouýt of fl!e f copper is 1heated 100 hOt tinniiing wýil me(fit off. If copper is to col!, solder -ill flot flow ,smoiothily. ight heat for th copervaie ith fthe \ork Vev litîe heat is ineedccd far lead or- zinc. Mcdimih heat l' bes-t frir-on or ini. A hot cpe cm lýe, And, z rced dbisrci "SAmewat reaoy tu -1 ï wvorth w-,yI last of hisc chiair and sà "] 'd 1 bookr ot poemas tiiat motner ttW- lishied '20 ïeFrýS ago, andi tl è to) brag abouIt that." "cw' oo crne out?" Tom asked. "WatiitIAýime saY?" Toi, i ookd puz7led 'Wfiia's wO'ïng wth thati? 1'l sav a'iote vFv,,tç t stories o Fdsçra 'Limited" whiých operates daily be- Ywee Vacouver an4Tootoo tweenl Molntreal arnd 'Vancouve~r and ýToronito andl VancoUVer-. 1Irhe w~in insu conist cff thistri i:I locomolitive; 1 express; 1 bag- zage car;- .9 day coaches; 1 ilr tourist car; 2 sleepig cars; .1 ob- servation ear. Sixteen trains are Meeed A amaintai mbs dosl Ser>- vice 'and the cuet of one sucr train is $1,481,800. Thus to operate n' 4his one of ilý r-nany repgu3Lrs vices, the C.NJR. basý tokepa leaî 2370880 ted up lu 2quiy- Mhler bCecauste looo ive Rhve to ý'e ohiangped at Stated intervals a"J' dthe lfengtb Pf tlie trainl ofteni la.- *reass as gars are taken on te peï- form oa r oncig evcs Nêw The Hors,,e4 ~-Are Wearing Nylýons illykick'nig 1o011or' At Êthe world-fam]ous agt tnpd ii wvear nylon bfldIles anld Ltheirsad (îttetI wïih fiylon girthis. bi ewscre f rom High Rvr 'Alberta, wheore an strrsn 'ou1pke- M. an;d Mrs. H!opeý lanter have gone 0% the business af ~ laid-ra4itgwestern rý,ýiig ýqUïip- alent of nylon - the uame stuif that biose deaddby mdm Cnda TheHners tokitrd l- 1lde ariat roiles, lidies,' hIaters, tle-downts, lireastcolsribet and addle cinch'as. Teeitemsi are ou in a varity, ~ oulr wtbbothi Americýan atnd anoadin rodeo ropers end are, Olaimed t'g le tCe strongest rope i existence, yet much rasiert haeRItan ropes of, gr-ass or nan 01l, Tust have lhown nylon rIg eqiaetut .rsctn gi iiavages cf wetewear,! and te af ranige wkaniA the ceia actio of hrse weat. !igIît. g ai,,e in i e gCii-atou>icur) As scion as -lie gasoline f ire ge :)ut, o needle valve and igniite the gasolinie vapor. Adjust needle valve t0 give a biluish flamie about fouriches long. Fleat solderiag cýopper by puitting ilonithle solder lng copper tbolder. wit thbe Couppe part iiite flame. Aplaninbrick vwýihai oehl lowed out in onle face can lbe used fOr ining copper. -Meit some sol- der and resin iin the gov.Te oppr sould lieubedio gr'.oove. A w -ud (four pounds peXi pair) solderimcpper willle about the r-î-it weight for most jolis. -A1 igbîsr Çoppter leeasier to bandle but lbsc heat too fast. Ascae wonotfile, bn iitAt rib ïinch frqsn the -id, and thn har con hsbent evd. b.mOst cooinsolderý, calletI part of leadI and tdn.t cmcs in barssolid mir<, holow WireWith flu co., nd ibbon. Brsolder- wnLâP ualymore ecomïic-al, bu for smrall lîobs a( ci or pacte or sodris morecnenet OMe ofuthe firsttins1don oleigis to danpa(rts luiesol deretI, Ibis you) cen d(o by cçpig 4ïlingj, rbîgwitb steelwolo îs1e_.y cotor byiusinig fluxs You ay have to do aýI four. VWben FoPa'rthat reasn a fluix is usdfore oldering fluxes ca ie had40 iuipowder Or pacte for I'Fstes are sold un Tir variok s tradeq, 1nmes, ss asythan iquid -fluxes. Mri- 9,ic aiddiluited witb qual art ofll v- ateýr Lestisfactory for-iro si zinc;but bc carefulnot b-o ge sny oq your hands or clothes. WiC eh>ordknow~n as "eut acidism another cominon liqud flue. Makeit by disevng piece o icin muiriatie hdoclre au d. - Zinc abuld ue dded alti at a tue îmb a emaîl, wdemouthed botted or porceLla ilWûntl crn of lb). zinc rminondissovled. B- Sure te add thne zinc slowly; if you] Addig -w-oheaingteaspoonfulÀ.s zin chorde oic s ele. or b. in raizea -ly aSong ons part mno'and o1. c P1i wte t mICh-, lr;Qe parts of acid. ?owdered rein makes a aood M-AS Rý ecnte oif,, wlýl.l b hèewophil jiaterizeaA ced, touls the seaml. T md by aipr dered seain lemlgiwise 'ig miore nbeat to ork may be smroth moeflux 10 sol- TO) SOLDEÏR WRS l imsulat ifrmnus of wires 1 lie soldered and scrapemzrds outil brigh 1t. Pla(ce endciS paraIllel 10one'a anoîber. Starling at midIdle 0i c-leaulscet atwaprdeaound eaich thewapigone en;-d t the left antdiluthe other t 1ic the it. HomI bot copperoj under tis-ted ar andC apply fu. hnpick 1up)soi- deýr f rmsolder bar with copper antI app)lly ita twisted part unil eah spacs beweenwires are flmed, Al- ply fluix atIsmot wrkwth hot, copper. iind jouIs w vith ru-ýbbfer tape, then fr1,itintae SOLDERING HLES. Cleau surfce or cme istance back from bo le at.apyflux. Tul hecated Soldering cpe 0sle untfil some olerispicked up býy copr laýce Éis solder-i-a,.ounýd eýdge of boe. eepading solderý untilubleis cloupsedApy more flux and CMOOtb work by passing hut cowpperover csalred blOW, SWE1'ATJNG THE ,JOINT. linl bi 1sur-faýces, ib![m pres tg he and hia nî odewihl coate-tI ver Ibh sufacs, elte aid flowF ouiî from 1)betwmeý,n Iheni.Af- 1erthy hveb"een beated aIo reaos- ed -'ogetheUr, e utlcaoolbfr monO.ý What's Newr At The. 1949 C.N.E,. ifyur club ýor group would 1k. with free admittance ta th? runi Divisin ant a chace b in$00 then i e n.s is fori- u The "How()v Weill-Do Yois Kýnow Canada?" contesî l aepe Septeml'btir9, is pento aDa ety groupe f thr.e as y u bb eu round up. li hs emeiint wll b. akedqetin 1.,"la às thje popul11a tioi of ;ou-r neweet pro- vince ?" "Wbat lelIepulio oyf 1h.Dolnou?"aid am the .3 hast, Governo-nrals." j-ucýgerev will e pne f uthad A" Canadiens. Ahee leno .ntr le .But your,ý DirecîoC.NIToroný2tO by Ag Mct 111h. Serona pram e m$75and third,$5G. wpf isudWien ia ta; l nt Iii y fa streally tell mlebfoe inig!" rote lite s 1 tPoD be oier inaeiael puIsleadv'isîtg mlim anuacurig he book, MAYOR 114 mol N. i . s toi ou-i i-'ows, x sentîi the bo