ORONOT., Îi ~mnn I rs.A, R fi~ str -,vih as hel.d last Ftiday aft, inteCouncil hmbr 'ieaffair. ThePreidetMrs. J. C. Tat opened the im-eei4ig with thre Orde, feollowed by the Lord's P MrH. Barlow,Seeay~t er edthe minutes oif th, moihy eeting, also, the fi Mrs. ýýEd. Dean, W111olad dia3 -di rrme, called on Johnr b51lyn Jr.',for' a pia-no slfol a .piazo solo10 by irlene I R fhtes, (nibers w,îere ver-y A dmostatonof ftable setting 1mrs. Grah-manind da ~wS -taed by three girls, Misses ~nospn e a enTabyArlene Ra-iney ia 2nd Mrs. Toïppin.II AueMariè eSherwi.Ja any ,alThuh on M er, nwe- lr. and Mrs, Svlea -cnylow à breakfast table ihouldj',)f Montreal, called at Mr. !(-, setfora ttie gi rl. Ale Richard fleS-t'son id. Eainey gae a dmosraioff he Ms. YW. 1T.Nicholîs L prprway 'forahotn to set the of Port Ho"-pe,, are sen rekattable for- ber guensts and days wiuh Iir. and Mr- -rne Mprie Shie\ringave na demon. ihls nttopof settinig the dinnrer tabIle. 'Snnday School vwas ha!i The next nu-ndIer o)n the prga ith Mis uriel AiUstin, -wasgi-an b Mr Atknsflorst f enicr of Miss Murýel Mas ~BomavileHe showe h ladis a rait ~hw loerirom theýir own back yars could hlie arrrangedaritaly MsE.abeeund oand 3t the sanie tm not needing trïcomaid-by Mr. too mahi flowersto w~rk i~ii. P.Snell, h. ilrmi -Mi, Atkins cho)se for groýund o f biis bouquets, -Jesan cedar forw greens -a eatflbouquet fog t'r to ut of dnhpFýt 4.in LIE and family are. J.a J tl, f or ided the! Prlouse oe o~o wit Mrs. Aeane Rterford genni Macken passed aray home of ier dauglte z cs.n arrutfherin Bwmnvile 4uglits!or he pas te ear aa ter of John and Jennie MleKeý nteso os S'hire, Scotlarid. ' roe o Hliadtwsi ealuge and l fw eas aterý farm wert- of Cioneweeshe ceived lier education. ________________ _________________________ t Subscripùrn $I.5Ô p~ I Durham Junior Farniers prelec to Roches- and Mrs.~ there for Tkioýrndyke had th 11 uipon a sbarp-oh ~roofoflermut rstths KenLagaan to, ->penttewek of -Mr . a nd M is. fren~~Iaeno~-;i"4ng, a 7e-ry Tli lieeingdo with as wuo salad plate 1unchserved "b ld-' f Mrs. Dean'scauimt vxwe daný,gbters of IJxbridge, Mn. THollnswothof Tooi no, ,ver cent visitirs at- Rlcad 1Ho] Conratlatonsto Rex'. andi 'Pattaso on t-bie bint-li f a sen ofat(nee BnieAndrews t-eurva of a baby boy J4~leCoronand Bob"by- Han spn ast week wý\ith their aunt, WliP. Reki, while thleir parentý an~Mrs. Percy Hmltn f imèk were vésiâbg laNew Yo -A cochtbIaUtima was spent i durc-,ci on Thursday evanuing unnycanerý-s at, ivr. and ivirs,' kinn-.Mis Le IMartinadgilfre stittit reidets f Waslay-ville, and0 Mi. tc. ad Mi. MWes.Barowclough uef ih A garden part-y wsVe v a e- mber levîll Chrdlion ednesday even- to-mg with a veîy succesful turniont. dL A comhcokngtalfsb pond and 1aiedswing tab, cecraam anl'-nd soft an Wdins onbutd te an air oA eWCi rump - sflo'lb lnh by the îng, wa e, Sweet- peas and holocks wera Ethe !satting at tha home- of Mr- 4a.0 Mrs. Un Petý4er Ancerson,Wste-h for"-ie m arriage (o'LDora An An John dersonteA receRo)y Nioîs ere Rex. .Srnthoflc;te wih Miss Lln'-The bride e a st,ýreet lnth~w Mr.der blue di-svit-h a corsage fyc- f. We lw oses aîihes, erattenant Jonwas NMiss Gr'ace Auderson who wore on n rose silk d ress withi a corsage of cream roses and sweetpes Mi Mito BilI Valant wa the groomsmca. Af- te-r t-he 1reception t-ho couple left on a2" j~ f mtor tp th -e IJnlitedSats n the turcs. The comnmnti Clubwns re- wbe Iorgnized and lunch se rved. Motorist POli S Cutting -in, -dns'e knwsabout- avolding t-ra ffi c scodens, -beDaprtmnt-of 11gbi- "we-,ps l bauIcodcing a ubli -~iiîonpoIlamog drivers. C~efact-stands ont: î it-hMpubic ~dtlaexperts ana agraed ý!t-ae- -essijve SpPeeadl tainoat da.ngerouýs actin tht d ivesindulge in. il e pIasst-be qu7estion: 5' (dbofhe foliowug baddrivlng rcie, reslt, ExcssveSpeed' headedý t-haea of six ýbad Wrvn ids ith41% ofdt-ha votes, 7%n, t-ajny et-ber singlet- fau; 'I l-- di ls wi-h o vr 'iih show "s-reel c accom moda tions le hset.c. are asat ty Boya'adGrl'Sie lbmm Priday, July 210d» The tour, in charge of E. A. Sum- mers and his assitant Sydney Mac- Donal, incudedtity-Slx o -f theý £er~4ute nber~.Thia w c -ea sîda-red a ecetot boimyng sle hatvs'ttg w inusfuli swng. Mr.Acron 1Mashal ofsthe Can- to have the group inspect thli Quaker an excelent lunrheon by t-lieCarna Packrs Pant heretheopruit was aforded o seýe the ata dl ing of le pigs.Theprcssngo Lhe varlo us ct-of meats er1sfol- lowed througl tote he ssnolid pre4d- u~t, te cttig ad rappingjoi &debaotemnacuefsa- ages and weaners, etc. The -grou was surrsed te learia -ltis ctom- pany ilso landes a substanata amutef fresh frI"t andyveget"ablMs Eac mebeis odigand car- ing for, apair e uebrad York sire sew pigs-thatvi'lhashown -ail -Po-rt 'Hope 4for theEas- Cub aid B-lackstock Pair for t-ha Wýest Greup.ý T he ahove tnp is ge of t-he many eduec~onai featurs of the somme r club ,voýrk. During August eacb.r g oup wvi be g§=en judging juge- ticedrngeeigvst to saeveral breaders. lOOthYerAnerry t Hand Fûr Tfin Cýonnuesi notice the~ eteo h toi wsupitw headlands wretl Thfie 1 Baeuvii Hall iat -.1.5 and4 Ialy ivitinrg ah Associati fogar som, The ca Oshawar montb-o?ý an-d Mvis ev-en of Onaro's a 1inIopIum J -nUnit-dCute o ithe hands nackt-hen lOtI ani-vr- ay of Terento first to1 sta-ge a clba at -s outwes-er it Pre'.h or îts o -bserx'anlauat ai -t- The wr - othDders hveyet te an- uClinri, Oronto, l ethar thnwl aespa- ly, iand luprove ofi t-ha close, of their fist lut-o shape. Tbere der t-be present systam of of work right now iovarment. I y voluInteer b1bc itieswih aetbi x sulat-ln to put e n passage f haBldinad a lotof rod<'j cparliAment of thle Ptel- TIfs la nice worlç [ada àu 1849 Are: CanetonC for a few heurs t, Frontenac, Lenne.cx and m udi, and save ti 'ew, Leeds and Gravll,ît-erestedçl get ir mbtonHaldmaadlWel- Roîplior Perc. ( lesax, Norfolk, Northium- necaasary equipus d Durham, Oxford, Peter- - D :Precott and Russell, AIl Hereford cý vard, Smco, Wtereofrom oreaCow Tlefi, Halea Yrkand teBrti s a lega int-ls of Stout u BnamnTonin anuganry imal 'aS tie only a- at was passed, i adr.fat-er. ~He llxed cunt-es have bea cete& ypa uow knjUown£7 cies have elnit-v-cun - rt nntný-, T-I Durham indicate are nme con six p. servic Irom S vt -il -, l 11ni ) r. cial-or. t-l!iougih t-lie n-ent includirý rs a'go, wio ara you ode-v suncay se) anula