r v j; 'Q t, t, a' ê g' 4 1' <t, 4', 4 4 Itay The Vaticn bas ofeedYtoRom- between t te et odeh Catoli 1aohad the doctines of Mara Sacrfed ,Coigr eg atý;,InÀfcite oy Of fice b ýas given ý11irs 1cate go rca puliations. gregatin was ssueA in hion eglfor Romn Ctlcst ji auppart? - il it lgal forRo n Catolis o mkepropa,ýganoda-tfor Commii-uist doctrinesadatiie? -Cncommun1-itcants', if tîehae Ureely and i wigydonc cte es these two thingsbc admittd ta the sacrmets dfte Ochc Thýe swrtotestrequ- tips s m-"No!" Nub oS ithe whole mttrho- a-erS in Dte f«outhqwetinMqAr 0hosef Romlan) Catholics whio defend thie ati-Ch>ristian d(octrinles of CommuInists hy that foct apostates; from ithe Chuchand lhable to cx beevdh h y Sec f or un- faihîi mmbrsof the Cu Tl'le answer to thlis question was give ast',-"Ye!- the Ullitedl States rona tur oofbýI- seIrvatiýon, weFe aston1ishet Pat,,>"baet thysuwin ain Obio pIant. Tby ai aazerent t arglrge- anlce comrn!(Iittee me3eting b.twcený, uIocn officiIs andthle mpgm of a big mach -ompany. 'C "Toseyour unio leaersitting aronnd a tabe oenly diescnssin Ibeir differncescWtbmanagentý is anmrkbethIing," they Said, "c prson kei1re talkes hbis own poit f vwand ticks 1 t, to Over inGemny, the wud bc cssditiniction, and wc wouldbe he big nom? -~ mtsibe lour nen agreti at Mausia" as cheetomeil oSI% tbmg tht Geianworkinig po are smekng." yc;ntsMIlOne." '~Y011 c-," h ecaie,"h banmkers a-nd telarge lnh'dr sud llcavy industrererepf- ile frunrlaksItwusars." A Graîn. of SaIt Of ail '1twoendûutiLJybi The sailor's vwife's th hapiest And kit and and ndlet 'i 0fî il t1hirhshada n The eth The -sailor bas Vt'liefine(st berth, For iii iscabir ne e an mit AntI~ai' su ssI-anI l erknit. D 1= ISN 1-- 1B1-l BY ÂUGUST FIRST T SUPERVISOR 00. board alnd sigero ,~DUTY NURSES s whhie Ligbt I - mncerers i if1 s'ou hve't trled pyllons Treoltot. ft, epeeelal IBaisseu, tnat in" lir troQbIe, e. Iltels 3Work- se. our lUnI baffl Ibis or ils prie tc- reliint, 1.75, Four Maw, No Wing-If o're ike stpeople ,who go i fried cheebut leave the wýýingsfoth next guýy, hert'S ýews' for yu Peter Bauman shows one of the new breed 'less chlickexxs he'sdelod in thý)e basemlent of hieU homle. hiemasays Baum.-an, as he compaires the njewtype rig~t, wth te ol-fa:Shioned varieiy, teft. I park ,you haod to go i il the wa7"y sn-ff6ering csoesthat thene ha:s neyer been anytifai;ntIY rs bigapassionate lve affair lie- tWeen ouýrS5elf, on'the anc ide, aIrd thsaCh oSsport k ýil(owt,-Ias Track and FkSl on theothe. mot thait w ve reýalïy a ra isse of et or go aound bracs-- ing e, te orlt, aTack an % in Ythat reýgar-d iînhs ilar bx the ace hold tovwaýrd-cles say for eape nihks ad ieýs antIcoortuasopr-anos5 Thatle o So.y w hve s throgh essonsof Lily Ponsc and thsofhe-r kasprteno Sapnd soley on Our pefeoalý patronage ail bbc artichoke breeders lng 10 death and Mliss Pn ol be living on henc High C's. Lay ît"hat ýpistot d 0n, ell came So henwerear back and pre- Pare b fine a fw iglhardonjes e kthe genera direction oS Track and FMcltI(Canadin Vars&!y)it shoitid bc clearly undcl4îrstood tha -wc os mr iiaslrto sr ~uesnle sid tahaveto hLave wp copios ter of jy wenPcrcy Wiliam scrcdbisdoule rium-lph aI te Olmpîc; gd well-knowing the intcnesPJ.tok in sncb maS- tranti thLe 3veh1 gent -he wasý, we havenno dombttCa he did. But, for ourselIf ,-evvould soe kiïbýtz n ayback-all.ey horse.shoeý- pilcýhing conte.sî thian have ,a front- row Pew at the grecaet Tack and Ielti extavaganza ever put on any- *where, Whilïich einsnstatafin cftours bas for a long ime been askngïS why we don't write sýome- thing abot, HorSee 0,PitctJigan whaî a grand !sport it se; and s.ome day, when-we Sel ýup 'to dain-g js tie nb aboa ube tw iiited dog so. As amattr oSfartwe cnsider fatetsendeavo-r ever netd wftÈh juist one exception, That c- cepios s Fsecalvariety io5 basbal a ot f gyswhoshl ,Mbe i~ùornngs wen th sho l prb- lu îhis kind DoS basebaîl tIhey LAd eAgkci oS oda-pop or some other harmess everge arKrd'jusb t ý LUt. aseý; and inorden ta Dgeýt a i 'aittif. such bve age unrhad tu reaclitoprdbyfaiàmn s R foui <We nay " ota ="ptin dis ~~~~" pat, w.ny r kew oSfbers- t pr&ying t ;, h a t, ý fai bit b'al g ý _r hefence .or ifynu-scked one ont oSfIt t SUE31, -- 19 THE BELT? Ifn a W Fer The Kiri C# iMals. Tou Rarin' Ti) Go on in the toaeAND aeed le Carter'e Littie Live id belP tO ihAt "forgottsA Uut to get backr on th hIighwaýy 'à aferths enth iadp abyun- neesry detour. hîw trc ont 10 say is this; teCnda amaïteut" at'hIetic uho Pie re pr- and a ic eas ,ty Pa" wgeOn sen-dirg a slw ofaur 72 younIg Tra ci, 'a 11Fiel de r-wih ,îa ger ad adIsýes-to an-S fNe trials r,ýecntly heidh looeas If n a said Canaiantcmwilbost ua about oneahcepvobsaresn TE bang n orthý- or fiftWIrdr '1' * * f 'at oam vcy bust frientis arc connetd fiilte iailwvay nd tanh ractkets (ýpassea.gcer dvsos)Bu in thre name af naiotal pnide wIt nlot jutaise the îon-ey adlelth byanigirls have tht nce long tnp Down Undo er;b witcht rpro- vis() that if any cone oS îhem . tke part in ay or f thle'ticsnt while therze, h rshe willbetolti to' SWim home, Penh-fap2e we pe-a' wîn atrace 0f b ftresil this matter; bue ed hero Cnd Cnding offa reprr- set to b fakepart in Itra mundaFiel5Singhand now, ater masm% it'£=as"nHocey-t'ein str; niealboxegh by o eacn a falaperwe jus rhate p secthe thtD alo-rans. "pïz ha e at an It-bpld bancote .lIst for- atchaInge, teo fiýd ontifî coPdbeagooti gaie winr" was hît nelb n lwudle nMc- bsoa, if' we kept onat ofIneatol somthig tat can rpally conspete. Signlua ByshreLonjg Ilsand, drygootis stre window: CUAlte- lion eue -- parîners ephtbg up"' ARCHIE CATTLE COLLIeS, ' nise 6 t oae & hChS. Br-ick btiiidlg lb S ro e mediate pseso.Wite llsobrBo heai4ng. Lrge lot, innedIiate ssston. W.S.Poia e Pel Estate Broker, New WIV LO THtESHR lxtOA-1 hp asi bets Johncy-itle, Misoe MO~E D Jhu-eereTrator.newradiator adfepders, on ýteeI.sial ortrsig chapfo tý1k sale Fak chl. R.R. 3, Bell The C'f Wenthecre are Ibby bird., nxia yorgarden, ftheptcat hold e ke-pt ,weîj fi-d ini oreler to protect thei.Itis blfni o,vc1hav," fonto tie a sma1)(!11ll)nto. a ru-Lbtebhand and ft tconifortably arond hecat's nekotagivec the bù-rds warînIing tbnftshe isaprc- -pet ter ta a str: like 2a string -lia scrat;ch or)i-chew. oSl hariun ta bler, c mi'g'hb caitchi in fenee. s- MO~ ~ 7-Il ~ ITCH E eý?î Pofi frmthI ckedboeeu idnd of relef Ibsi 1yýiir hend t b l he gwdeisrter g. 'semisel 5~65c Smolclng imeasure e"-ue " -t' t 4 t 't 't t, c, 4 4 't t 4 'f 4 4; t t -'t-, 't,'-' 't c? <~~5 't -'c, 't t- t t, t- 't t,- t- 't. I 't t- 'f t' t t,- t- t,-' t 't c, 't I 1'~ I f I i f I ~IATGOES ON~ ~A> INTRIE EN ~POUND 7TINS by NMontana :U, j DIDNT kNOýW ~SON THAT 1E 'y-' Mx===