'li;e Orono Week1l Tie ng Rates on request Subseription $1,50 every Thursday mrI~ at the Timnes of cfice- Estblshe Jnuay,1937. ~eet Fair oid town boa ted a St cet ix. takinge in any ?locaiity. Time, cf- 'cd in getting ene underway Stili illenge preseats itecif, and a gala guat l7th. Pastý custom has cniistd the servicesiofThe varonsbusines opl. oot brkigend gane cauctig requie pLny of h14p s. Possilore fpeople w',il be required thanobve already beeni !ite.In this case, eacof us rmayshow ailoyalty toward muiyeffort by asseninpg willngly n doing tde job WAlte us. Co-perain»M é ekyoeatr I etut htagol nbrcf fiends o omnil a te erycnrswl t ed. Orono -ýisédcserving of support, because euxlpeople bve ver beensloW in gon~g tc e n id of them and us vose a bi$g utr a beeaan £àe Wisýth aâtie(tice aS, the gathisStretFaxsbui ppalt e youngor fry. O1detA fok ispport it, becansue tbeyregne it place of sportS in our idst, Oon fanal an benored ,niche mougb iÎts hceytsur f lIt WueaItefnne o rae deavors cn be suitntbly beliped t ai tmo ()ok- ne lbas ire n ëd enrt er t'I dayseh tei baclk te ,Vork SïIeep, Ucthe tmi y clipped hortet oth ndeby set-uap. i sw oma esagep irce w im ray ,sMn t work la trie SforèiOst cncrowih Ui-sses etpitwe will neot retreet fron e(,Ux'rvin oýrf Us',are bappier et iwo 'rk e ae. br b oks as thugb wrmleplay aud iiply le * * * * Radianit Hea-t Ra ien eiang appears it e he he OmIÉÀr"thin-g -in the ln ùf homnes. Nexito, food end clthiag, wve hasýard tbe gu)eSe ha ing us ýthe hushldrshggeet rob0euu 0fcrse, July end ust -m-riy ~eby thje boardTh-esee ntj'he havýe a way of tk Of theislvs.H awve, qod eiç4menheontofth -v bing wtber tlIret iscol ces. Forepeee, wood ranges, coal bhens,cceai or Wood fur- s, oil bumcere andi bot wter rivatinai ave ped their s in the general eche o-f1thiag. Radieit heeingeembodie è!i burnerad bot waier principle, oaly Ashet theswtr pesuare cale hi he loor orwllsof tebue.Ased nsue heai is tIras nintainleti b emoecmaalet une - dos etstrike vhmetyas oe e-u ntres deliï, u pare te be preseteeyradet a ail ures.With a puuen-ýtf ceperpipe, thue installationJis sidtce hovery drabl e and mrehonmes vwîll du tetura te ain ea stn a o *a Haliburton ter sa ht quite-e perctague of oar local PeopS ccd tce jey of a jouney thrnugb the Halibuten àr or Autmu. This landocf sn)jma l ake-s, ug d aesis redily so close et haud, h le revelatn olds -inber bouty -of naturel ,jgifis, A Lso, h le &rig effot of mnan. Ai l elng the ighways axe ri cottages addt to the accossbillty ,of these emaîl bc ýornes, One g ibis groat -resort is the desire tc e rmin awbilc ide Nvorld te, take care cf îtseolf, le, it muert ,ho tien and reet for body and sjr rltwbn individel :et out ind livse hepp y ed wth suczh freedokn dtoor te bo5ýili a lot Coun- seing S iiaker's aa 'a puy.Go eeasily net, ton Sceeue. POSTER .- In Bo ay, July 9th, ron Foster, belc Editl- Feardon yeaxs Funexal f residence, S H July i2th. Interi Cemetery. ; shes. o x to tho W. A. oct, on tsras r~ uaavill~ stay in The Twefth Purca=Couny Cm- Wales etrnOron, Po Tusday, tex itms oFrmrsnot -0 eacbgl ewlh nbletoa- FURNITURE SALES c ave bt. atoie to siiby publicauctio by Httie A. Msn At ben resideae, George street, aut 1.0 .mbe etrehoshod1f mrsý-. George C. Fotetose,,y pub- licaucio onS~urdyAuguet2, atbeGenLar hom,!e, 26,4 in'Ig1 Stroeet ' st, Jo> mn" ile, !her eir-le householýd effc-ts. Term_-_- -s-cah. No resrv. 1Sletocomenrce at 1*2.0 pmshRpi,JA ck edActoAcr FiORW, Sar metper i\i$ will i be prescnte "Everoe a ti 1 expect #sro'rTS PARK CEDL Juniors vs Oreno echns GirlS 5'ofba ofM'thbook sy Saura, ail 89thfu ýrs TucdeAugust d irby vs Forcsty. Wednesdaýy, August 3ý Married "wouen -vs girls Intermediate' ThusdayA uguet?4th the mî'ýdgets. Real Estate i150 acrýes, 8Sr workable, balance pusture anid bush. Good stzÈeel'- rofe arns.Frame hbouse lu barnr, well at bue cýlose to vilage of Kenda, noCrthwest of Port Hopie, cornetr lroperty oný2 the th Conesý- sion. Good land. Wide year roundi streamf. Steel rootfed barn and garage i good re- pair. C ity style home of e zoom hispotesscondiin, eletl-cit Okirandah, an eýx- ceilent procpelrt, $,6.Farm, 160 acres noýrth ofKndal, -5 workable, bl ancepastukre anId bush. .Barns' 50 x30and 2 x 5, steel ofe, 2 storey fraine - ý roopmed bouse, Gooýd vle*a HAMITONand SMITH Phonos: Office 3g-i~~ Res. 1-16 and - Orono, Ontarie 39-2 INSURANCE Plate Glass, Burglary 0. B. A. Ha The Orono Midi lei thue first gani, bein'g defee-ted by gamne wasý playuid on Mdocday night. bst 'the gaine àa when Bwauil forý thonseleves. In ra up a soeof 1 tobe content w-,ibl will bave to win tb) YWIl be played in they desire to rei offe.-This round îs the biezt two o ý,ut Courtice -W The Ooo gi r ~nmber of eors loei thi econd offs againt Courti ruais scoredi by Cc ee for the Oror gamces are not woq 7, The Orono grswere;ise knôock - ing f iy als sud anây dr-opped ktco he ande of the centre ffeldor.1 WVe coldn'(hlp uoicirig the eeg- ern]-esS of tho Courtice girls wea they arrived et thie prfor, thev, wer.e right on the diamoa4 te warinm up. Hlowever, the Or-ono girls w1-er e quite atisfied te sit oi the beach anrd play wbente un-fp called the gene. Me-ny emsare won or lest on. tbe wînr. The rono gins trael 'to Courtice On Tuesdue,î night te Ppy the thirgne oitheplayoff s,. Maple Groi-ve at Ooofoughiti oi te -a tie on $e sturdeay nfig-hi et t o lcai panrk. HPw0ver, 'onda igttheOronc ladJs defeated ibe MapleGrovoteeinbyasoeo2- te 1, 1,NoG doubt ýthis entry f ro miil Orn bil olatepiayoffs, givirjg an ac ona -,tenevs ueo growlng. iSihu, 1940. net acces- Leanen, R. - If ~p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 P.M - sadWedniesdays by 47r! RN LECAil nce C. fiason, B.A., ster and Solicitor vI'MAN VILLE. O GNT.ý 6Ë9 Home 553, V. F. WARD ZISTER SOLICITOR' N OTARY Phonle S825 Regidene, 4Ot ~OWMNVILEONT. MO'S INSURANCE MAN etuîroy MfeIff. bu-rauwee 0. miniLm of Can;aa Gouerai lartfoïd Pire IssUranf,ý ýrlooý 'uu FirInnuuamo* DANE FOUND ù ~PhonueS9r 1 Insuanco gie Dne a ttdaL- E INSURANCE k Plas; Eduicational oiis ion and aig Plan's f i and Adtuts; Mortgage In- If You Have *Anino-unce Then, use the, C1as Coiumn of the Ti Phtne tod ay 91 nedy evening the Kilibyicn of a numbDer was the chief The mejrity ID gie leatd over Orono Fortuna-te! Foýr an cee f years the childreni Fortunately, w aej of th'dstith vebeen givýen the a prsnwh asgîe ýp port unýty ttake an active pairt tii1 of his tinie for, the org;ýan-i n orgnzed sports prograime. Tlhe reation -in the f orm 0 o oraie.prograxe bLas as its found-1 sports for the younger set. er a number of the older peope of lof tire and pleasure se the ooxmmunity woippromimatey such efforts is often ov six years ago formed the Orono ýa commiyuniit,, AmriateLuj Athietia Assocation.Un- 1For s=eh oran4zing as der it's s Iviio ockey, fancy donre in Orono Cthis ycýar. 8ýkating, otal hardball and soicr ille has a paid staff of bave emnrd hino the Mie of any of 1visor and six assistants oui ,yourgsters. s ubstaýntial s'ax is paidf Suaimer, sports, horwever, have vices renderedi by such an been somrewh"at lax' for the younger tion which we rnw rer sDet until this year. The o)rganizing Bowanvilesva orw saf sehedues and tmams iM a large Lhirds of thie salaries wi sýtep in; a successful sports prograxe. tario PoinilGover!rmer Hoeerw feel t-hat thbis obstacle up thieother third. ba e vecmetiis year for the Taking e r-verýytbàing into yo îstr f our -disç,tict take part tion we Cer-tinly are, fortj i a number of difent types rof re- we a debt of gratitude1 cre-ation, The park is inow ahub cof ,ho Sso wiligy gives Of activity 4,herf, youth ean expensd for theo bett-drment -f oir their eirilun awhiolesome nms-pecialy whien Ot4er cornuc ier for Suach a -servieor do aý w,,ý 1I i- me 20 r 1fr .nd Valuia ,-m Salem ofta&H dagodable lratS with hlm aM or s. hi. Ce, r0o ofr date, Auctioneer anld Valuator Specialize iFarm and. Furnitutre Sales 'Consuit? me for terue and dates Rock Wooi Homge Insullatioa Sy Blw2 ystemf, Four ilnce thlc GILPIN & Ce. WeVemt, Torouto Djbtrlert Represenative for Durham couUty GEO(JRGE WADDELL Phono 23 r ?22 BETHANT The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phonce 01 - p.O& Box 623 Port Hope, Ontalo iMonumnents, Gravemarkers, ;TAFIFORD BROS Monume_ a W rk FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AXNý ne, dig- the reksi- ed ones. i Directo ~ ý - .1.