EA' U D A LWAY S PFR 6 WEST 0F THE SUN ASerial Story by cantec rather Aft< r-.-... r 1ber. Steve Barron; sees, btghler fron, Tus- x mnonthel ago. and gavse tmild awyund Vir- asi more. Shie knew ut ana orrey. Thse rto mny en . .But ~of tlsem gave be h she wvas we-aring on fier yv drees. EAPTEP VIL. and uri -c-i'ved took "I've I Steve srrncan mea mie. Ph!! La.wIrence lal IÎ- saut,'iVIs, Wrtiel ht t Ciser blou4t Pl Lawrenc that Yniaises SaOAli Ward-nshokbe ga aise saisld nsl,"1d ltko "Bjut you bave eard omîin? "f have hetard osl tat12he had troulble wftb tî eveBa-ý rlroin-srnd were, ras a drkgirl, pretty andý ýVirgin-iia. u hrewsa ablout lber, and lier .wd yesd .e1 ktiosledge tii ësng to do wth hPr yen-, Wasden turnied 'fiotn heric iing. "Corne in,bay, .Tisedark girl serelgave ilin1g Inod iThen Saras Wa- le and àt seemed to Vir ïîne2CeSary. Ames lbas -Oceto vi;it b'er Shle is to imarry Ph1ilLa takalbly, surprise pra nya's pretty ac.She look- irginia ,witb widened eyes, 'plisd er lips, thýen a r srnilng. ery glad to knC' you, Mis se said. Then to Sa'rahi "i ms hiiry. l'Ilcon a saw ~ Sbe lishes. as de- good She t mati n~adb ~as at t rulcd WsQ i YOUNG WOMEN Jil-, trodeý up to the m manadYON ME said sîharfSb!"4. r: a'iaenscl n c inee ON E hmaït tuyned sowy.Far 45 O heeIan4. itt a day or w0. Q. iseý",th'1vu What mount as a tip shoufd aretn ?ace.lu . Pear2. Âpï8ioa. pan alv nbseete va- 47 Ali f 1iock ofe, oýte. ,doh-pl rjý n ised Ieroitne is -lips, then ¶. ours ;î-( --, be gQIventG a porter whio L b a r a. Qaus Teae ati oter at rut y) a C -Accommodation in "Wel, sodier" ' îvrrîve A.Tnyve to fifty cents, a- Farnm Service Force Camps "Youre nde arest Saa."Pit1erii8 tcordin)g to the aum1ber aidweight Ait 'WaWhat for?" Se. gg Stan ugust l3th to rsovember 1t S 7-. eu eftewofhe lgapr-ge. VeCampr nxust bring "Frhodngu teLanaa SaeeWn T-2-- - .Sol rsetv mlyr blankets, sheet- & pillo,' cases sa ge. Cornle a¶ongIj, 'ritakig yn, S.mÂricl to Frt infeld" 5. A e~ia~ - -or a a~pllantfora psiton~ake For further injfornmatiyn vwrite:, Jimwathedhin shrpl. H TIOWNthefirt m~'eto hak hadsOntaro ýFarrùi Service Force saw a hit f esi -fceihe bak 1 okui 5W--A h myrbstIS 0privil- 9 iôbdnd Street East eyswihwarned him of wha . ilclirdgs - ---- ge. Toznto 1, Ontario. (Contiti~ted Nex Week) .Aniswer elsewhere In this issue4SE 1-comt To m ake AM Sandj E L LIE S 1k.a EVEN E<nNNKiRS make jam and jelly like experts withthe elpof CrtoFrui Petitor Certo" Crystals. Jt's the efficient mand truly natural way ., because bath Certo and '4Certo"C/'rystais are nothing but fruit pecÉini - tise natural substance in fruit that makes jams "jam" and jellies "jell", extracted and- çoncentrated for easier, quieker, PE1TER jamn and jelly-ma-king. It doesn't matter whether you. choose thse liquid or the crystals. Bath end guesswork and tedious long- boiling. Both will give SURE rests- if you foliow thse instructions exactl3T. boil for hoth jamns anid tu use Certo or "Certo"* ,ay, yoil gect ani tromn the saine the fr7esh-lfrnit 'Y stay righit iný Produdae of G grece t i del)a